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Mooooooorning! Name that Disney vlogger 😉 I had a bit more time on my hands this past weekend and not only binge watched the entire Ahsoka show (so good!) but also got halfway through another Adam Hattan & Gary C Disney cruise series. What are you watching lately? I’d love to know! 👀

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I’m dropping another bonus video this week and it’s a vlog! I had a self-care day this weekend and my first solo outing in quite some time, so naturally I decided to bring you all with me! Vlog should be up on Wednesday ☕️
  2. For Friday’s community exclusive video I’m going to share Part 2 of my winter Q&A (part one can be found here if you’d like). Lots of hangout time together this week! Let’s chat 😁

I hope the end of January and beginning of February hold some joy, beauty, and peace for you - for all of us. Take good care of yourselves, my friends!

❤️, Jen



Finding Light

Happy Belated Jen and Happy Birthday Donny!


I love Adam and Gary's Disney vlogs! They are so funny together. Happy Birthday! 🥳 Treat yourself!