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Well, hello there, my friends! Welcome back to another Monday update in which I share more than is absolutely necessary. Would you have it any other way? It’s the only way I know how to be 😆 I’m really hoping the first week of the year held some magic for you ✨

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. I appreciate your patience on the delay of my trip recap of our week split between WDW & DCL as I waited for my voice to return so I could film. That video will drop on Wednesday. It’s actually quite long (😬) - I had way more footage than I thought! 🛳️
  2. I really feel like vlogging this week, so the community exclusive video on Friday will be an around home style vlog. I’m hoping to get my house back in order after the chaos of winter break and start putting Christmas away. Yes, we still have allllllll the twinkle up! But it’s time to go….when you know, you know 🎄
  3. Every month I set aside 10% of my earnings from the previous month to donate to a charity which I draw from a jar of community suggestions. This month we sent $561 to Sea Shepherd. If you have a charity you’d like me to add to the jar, please leave it in a comment below or send me a message 🐬

I’m so happy to be back home and *hanging out* with you all this week. I hope to finally catch up on comments and messages - I appreciate your patience with me during the hubbub of the holidays. Sending you all wishes for beautiful moments in the week ahead 💕

❤️, Jen



Leila Dunn

Can you please add Fisher House to your list of charities! I stayed in one when my husband had open heart surgery a couple of years ago. I hope you feel better. I understand the feeling of needing a break from littles. I remember those days ❤️


I recommended Sea Shepherd! So glad they got drawn, they deserve love for all that they do. I also donate to them personally. Thank you!