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Hello, my friends! So, this clearly isn't the WDW/DCL trip recap I had planned for today. We got home Tuesday afternoon and my voice had already gone. It's slowly starting to return, but still froggy. I plan to film/edit/post the trip recap as soon as I can speak more clearly and without coughing! 

I didn't want to leave you hanging today without a video, so the kids helped me film this very belated What's In My Stocking video. On Wednesday morning CC pointed out I hadn't opened my stocking yet. Is that the most Mom thing ever? 😆 It was a bit of a mad dash between the lead-up to Christmas and leaving for our big trip very early the morning after. But yeah...9 days later I opened my stocking for you with the cutest narrators I know helping out 😉

In the last part of this video, I address my latest post on Instagram and the original wording I had used that is causing a kerfuffle at the moment. I have since taken out the text in question and I want to apologize to any of you whom that may have offended or bothered in any way. It's never my intention to upset anyone with any of my content. I hope you know where my heart is in all I choose to share with you. Thank you for not only showing me support through all my ups and downs but also for your respect. 

I hope to have the trip recap up for you early next week. It won't affect the usual content of next week and this little video today is just a bonus. Thank you for your patience with me! I'm sending you all lots of love and big hugs. ❤️, Jen



Erin K

I saw some of the comments for the assholes and honestly, I don't think they were even upset about what you said. They are just looking for anything that they can criticize you for. I hope you removed the comments because they are just hateful. I reported the worst of them to YouTube. ❤️ to you always


Enjoyed very much and kids were adorable. Hope you feel better ❤️