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Hi, Wonderers! How’s everyone doing? I hope your week is off to a great start! The kids and I spent most of last week at Disneyland and had an absolute blast. I can’t wait to share more about our trip with you! Now we’re home and in full on Halloween mode. ’Tis the season! 🎃

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. For this week’s YouTube video I’m sharing how I plan my trips while on the road - otherwise known as winging it 😉 Truth is, there is a method to this I’ve come to rely on over the past couple of years as I loosen up how I travel when solo. Check back Wednesday for early access if you’d like to see more! 🚙
  2. There was definitely some interest in a trip recap and I think I took quite a bit of “b-roll” footage on our trip because I was just so excited to be there - so the Disneyland trip recap is coming this Friday for our community exclusive video. Yay! Remember - this isn’t a travel vlog as I try to keep my children out of video footage for the most part these days, but rather a recap style chat where I sit down and walk you through our adventure with aforementioned b-roll of some of what we got up to much like our Alaska cruise recap vid. I hope you enjoy it! ✨
  3. We had our October live yesterday, October 8, and it was SO fun! I’m really sorry that Crowdcast still seems to be glitchy for some of you. I’ve reached out to customer support AGAIN hoping there is a quick and easy solution I can pass along so we don’t have to deal with that anymore. It does seem that the replay is working right now, though, so if you’d like to check it out, you can do so here 😊
  4. We did our monthly charity draw today (I set aside 10% of my previous month’s earnings to donate to a community suggested charity that I pull randomly from a jar) and sent $538 to Maeday Rescue. If you’d like to suggest a charity to add to the jar, feel free to comment below or send me a message here and I’ll make sure it gets in there 💕

I’m so grateful to be able to share this beautiful space with all of you. This community means so very much to me. Thank you for being here and for making the WWC so joy-filled, welcoming, and warm for all of us. You’re simple the best 😌

❤️, Jen




YAY sounds like you had a blast at Disneyland! Glad you all enjoyed. Can we please add Kitty Bungalow to the charity list? I volunteer there and help house fosters (It's how I got stuck with my two permanent residents lol) https://www.kittybungalow.org

Finding Light

Can you add St. Francis CARE - Animal Shelter to the list? My friend unexpectedly passed from a heart attack last month and he volunteered here weekly. https://stfrancis-care.org/