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Happy April, Wonderers! A new month is upon us, spring has officially sprung here in the Midwest (🌷+☔️), and many folks are celebrating rebirth, renewal, and liberation across different faiths during this special week. I think all of that forward momentum is exactly what is needed right now. While I don’t specifically ascribe to a particular religion, I, too, feel the shift in seasons and sentiments as the days grow longer and signs of new life returns all around me.

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. So…due to the timing of the last runDisney event of the season (hello, Springtime Surprise!) and my desire to a) put a little time between my last non-race trip to when I post and b) not chop up my content, I am left with a 2-week lull in YouTube content. I was planning to take next week off anyway, but I could film another casual “Pack & Chat” video as I prep for Springtime Surprise that would go up this week (early access would be available to you here on Wednesday in that case). I’d love to hear your thoughts. I am happy to share but I don’t feel pressed if it’s not interesting to anyone. Let me know 😊
  2. I’m back home and SO ready to tackle my mudroom. For Friday’s community exclusive video, we’re going to do a thorough clean out and finally organize the space after using it on the daily for almost 3 years 🙈
  3. Our April live is on the docket! I was planning to do it later this week, but I recognize it’s a busy holiday season for many folks. Alternatively I could try to hold it later next week while I’m in Orlando for Springtime Surprise. Thoughts? I’m flexible here. I appreciate your input!

I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge that last week was challenging for many of us here in the states as we absorbed the news of yet another school shooting. I believe acts like this have a ripple effect so that even those most farthest removed from the epicenter of the tragedy still experience its affects. If you feel moved to do something but don’t know where to turn, I’d like to highlight Moms Demand Action as a possible resource. Whether your heart hurts or if you even just don’t know how you feel anymore, I want you to know that my heart is with you. We are better together 💕

❤️, Jen



Ashley Anderson

I love a good pack and chat :) curious what your favorite plane activities are…When I fly I like to do a lot of self care; catch up on videos, audiobooks or podcast, magazine, enjoy my favorite snacks, meditate, “rest my eyes”, people watch 😜