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Hey, Wonderers! I wanted to update you that I decided to postpone my video today. If you saw my update on Monday, you know that my planned video for today  includes my pup, Winnie. I talked about my conflicting feelings on whether or not to post. I want to thank everyone that left a comment on that post sharing your thoughts and personal experiences with aging pups with me. I have read them all and will work on replying today. I do want to put up the YouTube video as its part of my travel story, but my heart is telling me to hold onto it a little longer so I can work on the edit and frame my sweet girl in the best light possible.

I really appreciate your patience and understanding as this is a particularly sensitive topic for me. I want to get it right and I just need more time and space to sort out what that is for me. In the meantime, I look forward to connecting with you in tomorrow's live! Friday's exclusive community video will go up as per usual.

Wishing you all a lovely day. Take good care, friends! ❤️



Jen, I totally understand about the relationship you have with Winnie. My best friend was my Yorkie. He was my everything! The love I had for him was everything. October 2021 he woke us up sick around 5am. Long story short, we took him to the vet and after lots of tests they informed me he was in renal failure. I was angry & in denial. I even requested dialysis. I would have went to the end of the earth for him. We tried for 7 days to reverse it and I couldn’t continue to put him thru it. He was at the vet everyday plus receiving IV’s and he continued to get worse. He was 5 days away from celebrating his 13th birthday. I will never get over losing him. I cry about him almost daily. I miss him more than you can imagine. When our fur babies get older it’s so freaking hard. You love Winnie like I loved my Tiny. Just trust your instincts. I wish they could live to be 100. I’m sorry you are dealing with this. Prayers for you & Winnie. 🐾


Oh Tammy- my heart broke a little for you reading this. Those shock diagnoses for our little fur babes are the absolute worst. Sending you lots of love lady💛💛


I totally understand what you are going through! I had a pup and his name was socks. And he is like one of my babies. He would always sit and wait for me to come home from work. I MISS him SO much. I understand your concerns and wanting to protect Winnie. Y’all are in my warmest thoughts. Remember you are not alone. 💗