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Good morning, WWC! How are we all doing today? I really hope you are well. I feel like everyone I know is either sick or has sick kids. Cold & flu season came too soon! What a doozy 🤒 My little family is on the up & up after a long week of us getting slammed with this nasty virus one after the other. I’m hoping we’ll all be right as rain soon. And I’m really hoping you’re all staying healthy out there! If not, I’m sending you wishes for a speedy recovery.

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Yesterday I dropped a special announcement about some special holiday going-ons for the WWC. Check out that post if you missed it. We’re going to be spending extra time together this December and I am very excited about it! 🎄
  2. Wednesday’s early access to my public YouTube video this week features my journey driving the 4Runner eastward with Winnie in tow. I’m feeling extra tender about sharing anything that includes my pup these days considering her current circumstances and the harsh criticism I’ve received from some about her in recent months. I still want to share the footage, because it is so special to me that I was able to travel with her on the road this fall. I’m not sure if I’ll allow comments on YouTube or even post the video there at all. Regardless of what I decide, the video will pop up here on Wednesday and comments are always open in the WWC. I appreciate your support and compassion when it comes to my Winnie so very, very much 🐶
  3. If you watched last week’s vlog, you’ll know I talked about feeling frustrated with pesky piles in my house and certain trouble spots (namely my dining room - does anyone else find they pile stuff up in theirs? I wonder if it’s just me…something about it not being a frequently used room 🤔). I’m happy to report I tackled those piles and came out victorious! Friday’s exclusive community video documents that process. It’s so nice to walk past a clean dining room once again!
  4. I plan on hosting our November live this Thursday, November 17, probably in the late afternoon or early evening. I’ll put up a poll tomorrow, as per usual, with several time options. I hope to see you there! 🤗

I wanted to say a big THANK YOU for all of your wonderfully thoughtful comments on my vlog last week. I’m doing my best to catch up and get back to everyone and appreciate your patience while I do. To clarify - I never meant to intend I would quit posting vlogs, but perhaps stop sharing my purchases if that felt like too much. From the comments it sounds like the majority of you enjoy the hauls and such so I’ll keep on sharing. I just wanted to check in and I so appreciate your feedback. It helps me feel more confident that I’m maintaining a positive space for everyone and sharing content you all enjoy. Please know you are welcome and encouraged to reach out at any time with suggestions, questions, or concerns, either via comments or the private message. I state it at the end of my videos here and I really mean it - we are better together 💞

Sending you all lots of love and wishes for a beautiful week ahead!

❤️, Jen


(No title)


Michelle Rittmeyer

Where is your dog statue from near your computer?

Savannah Olschewske

I can't even imagine what criticism someone could have about how you have cared for Winnie. We don't know everything, but all I have seen is you do everything in your power to get her the care she needs and give her the best quality of life you can. I had a Maltese for 14 years and watching him age was hard. It wasn't pretty. It wasn't Instagram worthy. It was real and heartbreaking and worthwhile. I wouldn't change those years with him for anything. Anyone who can't see how you care for Winnie can go... well, you know where I am going with this.