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Hello and Happy September! I hope your month is off to a great start. We’re still on summer break around here, but back-to-school season is quickly approaching. It’s been a truly awesome summer - one of the best! I’ve relished the slower pace of the last few weeks at home with the kids. We’ve enjoyed playing at all the parks, going to the beach, visiting the children’s museum, and a really fun day at the Shedd Aquarium. Plus lots of projects, games, and play at home. All the fun without the rush 😅 As timely as it feels to be moving back into a regular routine, I already miss this. It’s such precious time together and I do my best not to take it for granted. I wonder if school has started already where you live and how the transition back is going for you. It’s totally ok (and totally normal!) to feel a mix of emotions about it. I know I sure do! 🥲

Here’s what’s what this week in the WWC:

  1. Early Access for you this Wednesday gives you the first look at my YouTube video this week, which is the third leg of my PNW adventure and my first time visiting Washington State. I drive to the coast for a night at an AirBnb in Ocean Shores and then head back to the wilderness to camp and hike in the Olympic National Forest. Good times 😎
  2. The community exclusive video this Friday will either be a Plan With Me where I share about what planner system I’m using currently or a Day in the Life style vlog (I aim to post one of these monthly). Whichever I don’t post this week will go up next week, so I guess it’s sort of a surprise to us all 😜
  3. Just a head’s up that I am tentatively hosting our September livestream on Thursday, September 15, most likely in the evening. I’ll keep you posted on that as we get closer.

I hope wherever you are that you are well and that September is treating you right. Sending lots of love your way!

❤️, Jen


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