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What a beautiful episode...

Video: https://vimeo.com/856175267

Password: ttmofcaqp



Ugh okay. I'll try not to write essays about these last two eps but it'll be hard. I still remember when these aired and I felt like I was saying goodbye to my actual family hahahah it's rough. I can't believe you got to this episode the same day that Ron Cephas-Jones died. So fucking sad but so beautiful at the same time. I love that they brought back William and Dr. K for this, such amazing relics of the first couple of seasons and such integral parts to what made This Is Us so amazing to begin with. I love how you said "we know so much about each individual character" like it's so true! This whole last season has just felt so earned. With every character development and wrap up, it's all been building since the very beginning and it's so rare to get a show like that. The amount of references to earlier seasons in this episode was so amazing for someone like me who has watched those seasons a million times hahaha, it just shows how much love and care was put in by the people creating it too. I love that Deja and Malik ended up together, after clearly spending time apart after their break up and then finding their way back to each other. And they use Marcus as a red herring for the Deja thing that ends up leading back to the Jack tie in. Another example of this show throwing in seemingly random characters and having it tie in perfectly and be so meaningful. The fact that the butterfly effect was Jack dying and Marcus living - and that we know if Jack had a choice he definitely would have chosen to save Marcus over him. And then Marcus going on to be a key player in a new Alzheimer treatment. And them bringing back the lemons reference with Jack passing it on to another family on the night of his death Ugh I can't with this show. This whole episode I was crying but seeing Kate come in at the end had me sobbing. And then the whole end scene with them saying goodbye and then Jack fucking showing up (we all knew he would) I legit couldn't breathe the first time I watched it hahahaha. What a perfect incredible episode words don't even do this show justice.

Zeph 802

Sobbing, weeping, throwing up... that's it.