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Video: https://vimeo.com/791616296

Password: ttmhgaqyv



This film is amazing! I hope Joe will react to all of the series.


a broken down explanation for why Cato said he is dead any why and he only realised it no and it doesnt matter: He is from district 2 which makes him a career tribute (tributes from 1, 2 and 4). That means that they grow up believing (being brainwashed) that the capitol is great, these are the richtest districts, and that winning the games is a great honor. Therefore they start a training at an academy at a young age (officially forbidden as every tribute should have the same "chance" but as these are the fave/important districts from the capitol they look away) in combat, different weapons and fitness, they arent malnourished as most other tributes. So what Cato realised during the end of the games is that what they brainwashed him since a child is wrong, that it is horrible what happens and all tributes even the career ones are just puppet and pawns for the capitol for keeping their power. He was dead anyway cause he didnt saw a way how he could win - he was injured and 2 vs 1 plus the wolf mutations and even if he manages to take Peeta out Katniss would kill him and likley if he would manage to take Katniss out first Peeta would at least put up a good fight. If he survived that he would be scared and traumatised for the rest of his life anyway - there is no way of winning cause you loose either way with all the trauma you witnessed. Hope i could make it clear what i wanted to say