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Video: https://vimeo.com/547909386

Password: ttmnbfcas



I was honestly with Ross on this one. Like, I get that Rachel was hurt, but she should've taken some responsibility too. Like for the fact that the way she worded it sounded like they were breaking up (she did literally say to Monica the next morning that they'd broken up...) or that immediately after that she had Mark over, or that she didn't take the time to make Ross comfortable with Mark. He made mistakes too, like being so jealous of Mark and her job and sleeping with someone else so soon. But it wasn't all him and it was unfair of Rachel to put that on him. And to KEEP BRINGING IT UP! If you're gonna try again in a relationship with your ex, you can't keep bringing up what broke you up in the first place like that. It's good to take responsibility for your mistakes and grow from them, but the way Rachel just kept mentioning it was so condescending and rude. And the letter! 18 pages?! Front and back?! AT FIVE IN THE MORNING?! She couldn't have let him read it after getting some sleep? Or make it shorter? Or just TALK about their problems like a normal person? That way they could've both said how they felt about certain things and talked about how to fix these things and make them easier on each other. Like, seriously! If they'd just sat down and talked to each other rather than Rachel writing this whole letter all about how Ross screwed up and is the only one to blame for the whole thing and how he needs to take full responsibility for it, then it might've worked. Or even if she just didn't keep talking about it after. If she hadn't kept going on and on about it, he might've been able to work through it and let it go, but the way she just KEPT GOING would get so annoying and kinda manipulative too, that anyone would snap... They BOTH played a part in their breakup, and they both need to acknowledge that before they can ever get back together... The Monica, Chandler and Joey stuff was fun though. Their trauma from the beach, Chandler still trying to see if Monica would ever date him. Haha And Phoebe's storyline is good too. I mean, she finally has a Mother after all these years without one. And I get why she was mad about the whole adoption thing, because she did end up with a pretty awful life in the end. BUT, I do wish shows wouldn't demonise people for giving their kids up for adoption when they're not ready to be a parent. She thought she was giving her a good life with great parents, she had no idea what would happen, she didn't know until Phoebe was already an adult. If you're not ready for kids, then give the kid to someone who is rather than keep the baby and grow to resent it or be a bad parent. That's my opinion anyway. I think giving a baby up for adoption is actually pretty selfless... So I'm glad that she agreed to get to know her... :) (Also, Ursula always confuses me. Like, where was she throughout their childhood? All of Phoebe's stories never involve her, just these random people she met living on the streets... Did Ursula also live on the streets? Did they stay together for a while? Or immediately separate after their Mum died? Did she find some new family willing to take her in? WHAT HAPPENED?! Haha)


Between the last episode and this one I've lost all my sympathy for Rachel. What she did to Bonnie was just mean. However I do agree with her that Ross is to blame for their relationship ending. He was possessive, jealous and acted as though he should be her only priority. Rachel was finally in a job she loved and was excelling and she shouldn't have to give that up because he doesn't trust her. Also his shitty comment after she gets the job saying that the ONLY reason she was hired is because Mark wanted to sleep with her. 1st, Mark isn't the one who hired her, Joanna was! Mark just got her an interview, the rest was ALL Rachel! All in all, Ross and Rachel are my least favorite characters.


I agree, Ross and Rachel are tied for my least favorite friends lol