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Was this meant to be episode 4?

Rachel Egan

No, ep 3 was due yesterday; it was put up early by mistake and taken down, now it’s back


I cried from the moment seasons of love started and then just the entire way through the episode. I’ve seen it several times but i still cry like a baby while watching it

Jonathan Lansana

Such a hard episode to watch, I've only ever watched it in full the first time it aired. Naya's solo hits so much harder now, when you listen to the lyrics. Hard to think we've lost 3 members of the New Directions now.

Marissa Brady

It really was a wonderful tribute to Cory Monteith. When you watch this episode now though, it's like it's almost foreshadowing what will happen with Mark and Naya though. It actually creeped me out a little bit. Naya's performance was magnificent in this episode. Santana and Finn always gave each other a hard time, but you could always tell deep down that they really cared about each other. The only thing that was really missing in this episode was Quinn. It did not feel like a complete send off because she was not there. Glee was never the same without Finn. I actually wish they would have ended it with the graduation. The show probably would have been better off. There were still some good, great and fantastic episodes in seasons 5 and 6 but not very many. This was a hard episode to do a reaction to and you did a great job. Looking forward to seeing the next episode!

Tijasia Lett

Such a hard episode to get through honestly. When I do my rewatching 9f the series every now and then I skip this episode because I don't want to ya know, have my family asking whats wrong for the next entire week. Anyways I watched your reaction and was strong for the first half until Rachel started singing and I completely lost it. Such a sad time. They were previously engaged and the actual description of her and fin was potentially going to be the ending of the the series, but unfortunately it didn't turn out that way. RIP Corey and Nyah