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The one where the bros get some BRO chairs


Password: ttmfgtqqz



(This was so hard to write without giving away spoilers) I’m glad you’re starting to find Monica slightly less irritating, I used to find her annoying too... until I realised that she’s basically the same person as my mum 😅 But I think it’s good for them to keep portraying at least one “friend” as annoying, because it proves that they all still love each other, regardless of their imperfections. Also, Tom Selleck is in a detective series called Blue Bloods, which is really good (if you wanted to watch it off camera). And finally, Joey & Chandler honestly have one of the best bromances on TV ☺️


You know rewatching this with you and you bringing up Phoebe at the end I've realised that there's been a long string of episodes right now where Phoebe hasn't really had a story. The only one she's gotten in the past 5 episodes or so is the one where she was playing music to kids