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I really want to get back into film reactions, I was however thinking of doing some films that I have ALREADY SEEN (keep that in mind) I have seen all the Harry Potter films, The Lord of the Rings films. With the Marvel & Studio Ghibili films however I've only seen a select few. Fifty Shades I've seen the first. I will mix and match with these videos but which should I start with and would you most like to see? 

I also understand it may seem strange doing reactions to the films I have seen but I want to share my thoughts on these films anyway so why not? I know they won't do the best in views as it isn't my 'First Time Watching' but can still have a laugh.



hi joe happy wednesday!!! hope you’re doing well. i’m in a very good mood this morning so i thought i’d send some positivity over! really enjoyed your glee reaction yesterday


Omg marvel yesssssss

C Note

The MCU ended with avengers endgame for me, not too excited for many films in the next phases.

Harry Utton

Which marvel films have you seen, the last two avengers ones?


Harry Potter⚡


Vote GHIBLI you nerds

Ruby Alice

Vote ghibli for good health 🥰


Yeah I've seen about 40% of them I'd say, the avengers films, 1 iron man, 2 cap americas, 1 thor and the spidermen films

yari mandi

Vote Ghibli or get cancelled


vote fifty or ge;t PUNISHED


But seriously it would be funny to see you roast those 👀🤡🍎 or twilight even

Megan Linart

I haven’t seen a marvel movie since iron man 1 😅

Lyns McLaughlin

50 shades just for the pure laugh haha


Have you seen the X-Men movies, Joe? Any chance they'll be included in your Marvel Saga or is it going to be strictly MCU?


I would totally watch them if they were the X-men films. The old and newish ones.


I like videos of reactors doing commentary on things they’ve seen. So it’s not weird for me.

John Lewis

y'all the marvel saga is too long come on now lol


Harry Potter!! <3


same...will be really hard for upcoming actors to fill in those shoes :(


If you’ve already seen a lot of the Marvel movies, please don’t watch them again just because they are winning this poll. The Marvel movies are overdone enough (yes I realize this plea is futile and Marvel will still win).

Clay W

Fifty Shades! We all could use a good laugh right about now.


I voted Ghibli for serious and Fifty Shades for laughs (I have only seen snippets of the 50 Shades movies myself and what I saw was pure shit, but Joe can make them fun)


This is why I hate when people take them on from the beginning. They end up watching nothing but Marvel movies for months, and then it’s DC movies. And I’m so tired of superhero movies. 🤦‍♀️


He’s already watch them so it’ll just be a rewatch 😔


But he’s watch all of the Harry Potter films and the lord of the rings films. He’s only watch 40% of mcu films. I would rather watch him watch something that is new to him then a rewatch.

Alan Guenley

I think you should do both Harry Potter and Marvel. But Harry Potter first because it’s much shorter lol

Emily Spindler

I love LOTR and HP! I love both the books and the movies for them. I would also love to see you do the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.

Hannah Stevens

I mean at least you're honest. I feel like some people react to things they've seen before and pretend they haven't for more views lol