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Signe (Seena) Stewart

My favourite episode! And yes, Darren did sing live during teenage dream. He's the only actor on the show who sings live at any point. He will again I love Blaine. He's my favourite character. Forever. But he'd been a bit of a Mary Sue up until this point. He needed to mess up. And it needed to be catastrophic. To further his development as a character. I'm not defending the cheating, but by them breaking up, he's now a character outside of the whole Klaine of it all. And I think that was necessary. Still sucks though Rachel and Finn were doomed to fail. At least at this point in their lives. Completely different trajectories, but gut wrenching just the same.


That was such a good reaction


Blaine would never 😭

Clay W

He wouldn’t that’s why it doesn’t make any sense. Stupid move on the writers part.


I‘m still bitter about it so many years later


i believe that when mercedes sings either and i am telling you or i will always love you (I'm not sure which one) but she was singing live in one of those


i always get so mad in the scene where blaine shows up in ny because kurt has time to go out to a bar with rachel and finn but not enough to call blaine? smh. cheating was too extreme though imo, they couldve been more creative with it. this show really overuses cheating as a plot device in general


Oh yeah... Blaine was always my favourite and I remember how mad I was when they made him cheat. It is SO out of character! It really doesn't make sense! The actora are great and it makes for good drama, but it feels forced. Well, it doesn't stop me for loving Blaine, but it makes me angry at the writers


I feel like I looked at it both ways: Kurt clearly had enough time to be calling Blaine but also if Blaine could show up in NY so easily then he should've done that rather than the cheating. I do feel that the cheating is out of character especially looking back at the Kurt texting that dude in season 3 drama.

Emma Schragel

She sang that live in the room along with the recording but they used a recorded version. Darren does Against All Odds, part of Suddenly Seymour, and part of Not While I’m Around. Other people were given the option to sing live for some stuff but everyone said no except him. Add that to the long list of reasons he's my fave


Emma, I am one of Joe’s mods on Discord. Can you please delete this comment because it spoils several upcoming songs. Joe hasn’t seen these episodes yet. Thanks.


I don't agree with you. His brother was in town that he hadn't seen for MONTHS. I think it's valid for Kurt wanting to hang out with him after not seeing him for so long. Also Kurt only said he was being busy during his workday, he even called Blaine first. I don't know about you but I can't take personal calls during work hours. Blaine probably said he was unavailable for that evening seeing as he was suprising Kurt (aka could not be reached while on the plane). Yes Kurt got a bit swept up in everything, but he still had to find his place in the city.