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Megan Linart

I’m only on episode 3 right now. I liked this a bit more than episode 1 personally this episode felt a bit more slower in terms of pace though and that chase sequence was ewww 😂 but this was still a fun time I’m actually getting along with a lot of the characters (minus JJ right now) I’m excited to get more with him though. I gave it a 6.3 on trakt myself.

E Lovelock

I think out of them all JJ's character gets the most deep, that's why he's a fan favourite. You get a little insight as to why he's so reckless and doesn't seem to think of consequences. Also these characters are only supposed to be around 16 so makes sense they act stupid and dramatic a lot 😂


I would definitely agree with you JJ and Pope were my least favourite at this point but as you watch more episodes I hope your opinion on them both changes, mine definitely did for sure.


I agree. Sarah and Kiara were my favorite throughout the series.