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Salv Mancuso

Hey Joe, do you know when Friends 2x05 will be posted? Thanks!

Megan Linart

Loved this episode! I really enjoyed all the screen tests and loved Archie. seeing his pain about the script really was heartbreaking.

Jordan Harrison

Archie's story was one of my favorite parts of this episode

Ruby Alice

‘Applause, really?’ YES, JOE, ITS ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (also this is one of my favourite eps of the whole show for Archie and loved how you were still routing for Roy! it was so hard to watch his screen testing scene omg)


I have to say this because it makes me so upset. Jack's character is literally a piece of shit. Here's why. Ernie has done NOTHING but help him and he has repeatedly thrown him under the bus (i.e. quitting in the first episode because he had a tantrum about sleeping with men). He says that being with men is crossing a line (but cheating on your wife isn't? Okay). Also, when he went to find Archie so he could go back to this job that Ernie graciously let him into he asked him if he would be okay with sleeping with women. Archie had no hesitation saying he could fake it because that is the damn job. They are sex workers who get paid for their service. The only one that we ever saw have a problem with who it was is Jack. Big surprise. Why should he get to choose his clients when it doesn't seem like anyone else gets this kind of special treatment. He didn't even tell Ernie when he wasn't planning on working the party. His word means nothing. Not to his wife or to him. Then he had the nerve to go on about morality when he said absolutely nothing when he was sleeping with all these women to get to the top which eventually got him into Ace studios. I want to be clear I'm absolutely not saying he should have let Henry do anything because he is a horrible person who exploits people's desires to sexually assault them. However, in the original situation he was supposed to be there for work. His job. That he willingly signed up for when knowing what it entails. I don't like the way he so adamantly draws the line at any homosexual activity when it is clear beforehand that he is willing to do anything else up to that as long as they are women. I'm sure the other men working there aren't all attracted to men either but they don't throw a damn fit like Jack does because he sees himself as being above it all. That's why I sided with Ernie in this whole conversation because he now wants to be a "good person" after everything else and just pretend like any of this didn't exist. He could have at least showed some respect and let Ernie know he was leaving if he was having these supposed "moral" issues internally. He could have gotten another job but he wanted to make a lot of money quickly to follow his dream. I just have issue with this as a Black queer guy who often doesn't get these variety of choices that people like Jack do. Just like Archie said how could he ask him for help when he is barely able to get into the studio at all and is constantly facing racism and homophobia. Yet Jack feels he deserves the world and continuously places that above everyone else's wants, needs, etc. like I don't know his WIFE. Sorry I have been thinking about this a lot and it's really an aspect of his character that rubs me the wrong way.