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New Season. New Characters. New Glee club being trash


Password: ttmjvsdfz



I really didn't like the way the club treated Unqiue, that was just stupid. I really liked the storyline with Cassie July and Rachel though. I think Rachel always got a bit of a preferential treatment with Will, and I liked that Cassie wasn't gonna take Rachels shit. Yeah she was mean (but at first it wasn't just exclusive to Rachel, but Rachel still saw it like she was out to get her), but Broadway is a though business and not everyone is gonna like you. I also kind of like the chemistry of them (not as a couple or anything, but as screenpartners). And this really puzzled me: why doesn't the club have 12 members now, they need 12 members, so just let in some extra people. I can't imagine that with do many people wanting to get in that no one could dance or sing other than Marley (and Jake). I guess that they didn't want to introduce to many people at once, but still you need 12 people to even compete. I'm looking forward to yor reaction to next ep tho, really curious what you think of that one...

Aaron Lopez

Jakes voice literally feeds my soul.