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Justine En

You can see in the beginning that Archie didn´t want to go to the Naval Academy because of Betty and when he rejects him he wants to leave. When Betty says she loves Jughead, Archie just mirrors her. Then they take some time to figure things out and Betty says "you love Veronica, don´t you?" he doesn´t answer. He´s clearly all in with Betty. Betty just seems scared. She clearly still has feelings for him. And what Cheryl says about it all being "the idea of Archie" isn´t right either. Their situation is obviously more complicated than the "perfect relationship" Cheryl calls it. It´s definitely not over but I feel like it´s gonna come up in season 5. I´m personally a die hard Betty and Archie fan and this is our time hahaha. Kind of a spoiler warning for season 5 (idk if u care I feel like you´re bound to find this out anyway) but there´s going to be a time jump of 5 years and I think Betty and ARchie are going to happen after that.


your reaction to when cheryl said that is me, i still have hope for betty and archie

Sarah McKinlay

same it’s exactly like caroline in tvd saying stelena was meant to be and we all know how that turned out