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Can you react to animated movies you haven’t seen before?

Shana Daddah

Hi, I know you have a lot on your plate but I was wondering if you could please react to ‘the magicians’ series, it’s amazing you won’t regret it!


What shows are you most looking forward to that you havent begun reacting to yet? What are your predictions for Buffy and who do you think you'll change your opinion on over time? (I.e. hating them one season and then they end up your favorite the next)


Hi Joe Love your channel, keep up the good work!! Here are a few questions :) 1) Are you look forward to 3B of Shadowhunters? & what would you like to see in the upcoming final episodes? (eg, would you like to see a Malec wedding? Simon and Issy finally getting together?​​) 2) Do you find it hard waiting for the clips each week for Skam? Have you been tempted to just watch one without reacting ​? And finally, ​3) Is there anything you would change about the OG Skam? (other than it only being 4 seasons) :) Thank you for your hard work! Love you :) x ​


Hi! I'm not sure if you've been asked this before, feel free to ignore if you have. But out of all the Skam remakes you've watched (excluding the OG), if you had to put together an 'ultimate alternate skam cast' with your fave version of each character - what would it look like?

Adam is Magic

Since many shows you've reacted to have already ended and/or you are coming in late too them how to think you would have thought of them have you watched them when they originally aired or not as reactions? Also how do decide which clips of episodes or movies to keep or cut out in you're edited reactions?

Adam is Magic

You should watch and/or react to a group of videos after you finish all of PLL. To get to them just search SimGM Productions and look for a PLL parody playlist on their channel.


Can you react to Scandal?


Would you consider reacting to My So-Called Life, Puberty Blues (the series, not the movie), and/or The Fall? Or perhaps watching the first ep of any (or all - worth a shot, ha), on or off camera, to see if you like? The good thing about all 3 is that they're short (MSCL is 1 season, PB is 2 seasons with 8 and 6 eps, and TF is 3 seasons with 5-6 eps each). Well, that's not the only good thing, but it probably helps motivation-wise. Cheers :)


A non-request question, now: Have you seen the BTVS movie? It was written by Joss and made in 1992, but the production company wasn't on board with Joss' 'vision' of how Buffy should be, and so it ended up being tonally quite different from the way he envisioned, thus spurring his idea for a TV series instead (if I have all my facts straight). Would recommend, even if just for a laugh.

Adam is Magic

Yes if hasn't seen the movie he should watch either before or after he has finished season 1.

Adam is Magic

I dare you to watch The Last Airbender movie we can watch you rip it shreds. And don't worry about spoilers for the show it's only based on Book 1.

Adam is Magic

What do you think your thoughts would be on some of the shows you watched if you read the books some of them are based on? Also where do you get your media from tv shows, movies etc. Sorry, if I ask a lot of questions.

Adam is Magic

He shouldn't because he contains so references/spoilers for Buffy. Even though I love that show.


Hey Joe, 1. What do you like to do outside of reacting to tv shows and movies? 2. What do you think are the elements of a good remake?


Good questions. Maybe 'what makes a good reboot?' as well...Still reeling from the epic disappointment that was Halloween (2018).


Would you ever react to really long shows like Supernatural or Greys Anatomy? (Obviously not right now as you have a lot you're currently watching, but maybe sometime in the future?)

Adam is Magic

I think if did that we would be here for almost as long as they have been on if he did that.


Have you watched Breaking Bad, and if not, do you think you would react to it one day?


And if you have watched it, what are your thoughts on it?

Dub Harding

If you were heading up a Heist, and had to pick 4 TV/Movie characters to ensure the heist was a success, who would you pick. You will need 1. A Driver 2. A Tec Person 3. Big gun muscle person 4. Safe cracker. Good Luck =]


Hi, is there a reason you’ve stopped reacting to S5 HTGAWM and would you consider picking up from where you left off?