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Just a quick update to say sorry for not really sticking to the schedule towards the end of this week. Got super duper ill on Thursday and just been sat in bed pretty much aha. Should have SKAM France uncut up today and I hope to have The Originals S.1.1 up too, but if not I apologise and I'll have it up early next week. 

Love you all, and thank you yet again for the continued support here on Patreon, will have an update early March about a couple of things as we're almost at that $2k a month hype. 

Have a great Sunday <3

- Joe



Get well sooooon!!! 💚


I love you moooore


I can't wait for Reign and The Originals! Get well soon :)


Focus on getting better 💕


Take care of yourself first ❤️

John Lewis

Get well soon man.


There's no need to apologize! Your health always comes first! I hope you've had time to rest and you're feeling better now. Drink lots of water! And I'm so happy you're close to $2k a month! You deserve it! Can't wait to see that celebratory video 😄