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I'm just curious if the few times i go on my phone during a reaction bothers you or not?😂 I'm not going to stop using it because let's be honest, most people be checking their phones once or twice during an episode 😉. also, if it bothers you I highly recommend the edited down reactions instead on uncut, I try to edit all that stuff out ☺️ Thank you all!



Sometimes you miss a little important things


Doesn't matter but don't use it on stiles's scenes in 3b you'll miss too much about the story

Signe (Seena) Stewart

It doesn't bother me too much. Admittedly, I have said out loud "eyes on the screen, mate!" A few times. But hell, I do it too, so I really don't mind... you usually pick up on what's going on moving forward, so all's well...


I'm not bothered by it because I do it myself, but I always be afraid incase I miss things and end up rewinding the whole scene 😂


I understand why people might worry you miss out on some of the details in SKAM since they’re so subtle, but remember this concern comes from people who’ve literally watched every single scene hundreds of times (myself included), of course you’ll miss some of the details we know and love 😂 So it doesn’t bother me at all. It does a little, however, when you’re not sticking to your schedule 😉❤️


It's a war crime and should be punishable by death. Or maybe I'm a little overly-sensitive to it because I don't even own one of those things and refuse to ever do so. (Wanna communicate with me---smoke signals, bitch! Pick a windless day and get to flapping that blanket.) Actually I have an old flip phone but only cause work made me have it. And they know I'm only gonna check it three times a day so they don't typically bother texting. LOL


It doesn't really bother me because even if you miss something, we will let you know about what you missed in the comments..so it's all good 😂


I noticed you missed something during the opening titles of the last Teen Wolf episode, but normally it doesn't bother me. You were probably thinking there weren't going to be anything new, but there was a small change. I think you would notice it if you looked for it next time. It isn't much, but it's something


It can be annying sometimes

Kamilla Mari

I’m somewhere in the middle. It bothers me sometimes when you miss out on stuff, but I don’t blame you for it and I wouldn’t ask you to change. But I think it’s fair to point it out as a matter of constructive criticism, as long as they don’t demand you to change. You do you and we’ll take what we get 😊


Yeah, too be clear I can understand why it bothers people. But I think with people demanding I put my phone in another room or something I'm just curious if it pissed people off that much 😂


Watching english I wouldn’t care, but watching Skam I do, cause things are said that you miss since your eyes are not on the subtitles. I think it’s kind of sad y ou ask us to rather watch uncut. We’ve payed on here cause We love your reactions, and cause We wanna see you react to it all and feel it when you feel it. I couldn’t care less about any other shows than Skam, though.


OMG LOVED this question, to be honest I have been esmi-annoyed a few times just because you prob. missed somethig. BUt NO No No.. just be you! That Is why u are the onlu patreon I follow. You should be u and react in your matter, but yeah, if you misss the MOMENT in next episod of SKAM, I will freakin.... ;)


no, it ONLY bothers me in skam because you might miss an important dialogue :) that's why when /i/ watch skam, i have to check social media before or pause it cause i don't wanna miss something. Skam is where you just need to look at the screen the whole time. That's part of why i almost didn't watch it myself, lol. But other than that, i don't care.


And, if im not speakin as an already patreon, and im already okey with it, otherwise I wouldnt pay, you should ALWAYS lisnt to ppls opinions, and I Think its great to ask the question, but you should already know the answear.. nobody LOVES to se a person on their phone...


I also agree that it’s only with Skam. Because it’s not in english and because there are so many subtle details. Like you said yourself you only get to watch it for the first time once. And this is Skam and you love Skam 😏 Saying it out of love ♥️

Henrik Schröder

The worst that can happen is that you miss something because you weren't looking, and then later in the video go "Hey, how did X happen, let me know in the comments?", and then you'll get a whole comment field full of enraged fans writing twenty-five different versions of "you would know if you hadn't been on your phone you %#"&"" "%&!%!" &"&"!%&"!" You'll get lots of engagement, that's for sure, but I'm not sure it's the right kind. :-)


Yes it really annoys me. I'm here for Skam and whenever I see you check your phone, not only are you missing the little details, but it also gives a vibe of indifference towards the show. But hey, I'm the kind of person who kept my friend's phone hostage, when we watched Skam together :-) I'm not going to tell you what to do, though. You do what you want, but since you asked...


I guess you're rewatching things when you're editing anyway, so I doubt you'll miss much important information for the episodes to come. I can imagine it might annoy some people for things like SKAM which has subtitles, so you won't understand the dialogues, but for me personally it's not a big deal. I'm on the phone all the time too when I watch things and I seem to keep up with all the details