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Sorry this is a few hours late, internet was terrible last night.


Skam Season 3 Episode 2 Reaction Uncut.wmv



Link is broken


Don't worry, you'll forget about the girl squad very soon ;)


I guess you’ve watched Romeo and Juliet? And you know who James Dean is. And did you listen to the lyrics when Even walked through the school yard? All these details, I love them! The song when Even walks is the same as when Juliet watches Romeo walk by. «I want to, I want to be someone else or I’ll explode!» Look at Emma’s blurry face, the way the music stops when Isak shakes his head. Could you please but away your phone? You missed what Isak did on his way into the class room. How could he suddenly search for his whole name?


"It` s all in the eyes", just you wait and see/feel


I know several other people have addressed it---but you checking your phone during reactions is infuriating. Becoming a patreon for a reactor already feels strange, because we're essentially paying to watch someone watch tv, but we do it because we want that "shared experience" feeling. Every time you pick up that phone, you're breaking that feeling. You're ignoring the show and, by extension, US. Most Skam episodes are less than 40 minutes--surely to God you can make it 40 minutes without checking your phone! If need be, leave it in the other room for that extremely brief period. We give you our attention, and all we're asking for in return is YOUR attention. I want to continue being a supporter-- you're awesome-- so please chill with that fucking phone.


Jeez dude chill, I get my going on my phone a couple of times in 30 mins may be annoying but you're making out I'm constantly on it? I'll address this situation soon but no I won't be 'leaving my phone in another room' I'm afraid, if it bothers you I'd recommend watching the cut down reactions, shorter and you won't have to deal with it :)


Where did you say you put your top 10 moments of season 2?


i love how eva is chill when she likes someone, noora is a bit defensive when she likes someone, and isak is shy when he likes someone. It's like they each have their own personal way of reacting to a crush :)


Evens place is Jonas appartement irl


hello, was trying to watch the video but got an error message? not sure if thats on my end or yours. has anyone else had that issue?


Love your little teasers on Twitter! Can’t wait to watch your reactions to e3 and 4!