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GA 4X13


Clay W

I hope you'll start watching Private Practice soon. They're gonna have some crossovers with Grey's sooner than you think and you won't know what's going on.

ReAle Cornelius

Joe is me whenever Rebecca pops up on the screen. 😩😂😂😂 like why?! I was over this storyline. Although I’m quite curious why is Callie “the best character “ on the show, she’s good but c’mon the best?? Also I know Izzie has annoying moments, I think the most annoying was the Izzie & George storyline that might still leave a bad taste in your mouth. I think a lot of us were glad when that ended. But Izzie is actually a sweet person who has been through a lot but because of her sunny personality people tend to forget that. She’s not malicious or ill-intentioned. A little goofy sometimes, yes. She didn’t do anything this episode, in fact she acknowledged that she had been slacking in her confidence and execution as a doctor lately and stood up for herself this episode by asserting herself more as a doctor. I think the hate she gets is a little unfair at times. All the characters on this show has been annoying at one point.