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Chapter 20

Tags: Teasing, Edging, Cringe, Pegging, Consensual Infidelity

Peter had suspected Gwen would plan something special for him for her birthday, and though he’d suspected he’d be losing his tiny briefs at some point, not even in a million years would he have guessed the group of beautiful women would be drinking body shots off him among…other things.

It’s kind of hard to complain when she keeps sending stunning women my way to suck my dick…

They finished up in the jacuzzi and had all taken showers after singing happy birthday to Gwen, the cheesecake as incredible as the rest of the catering that evening. Her friends had even finally stopped staring at Gwen in awe, apparently quickly growing used to the idea that she was the famous superhero that they’d grown up idolising.

While Pete was pretty tired, he very much doubted his girlfriend wanted to wrap up her birthday party at midnight.

Following the sounds of chatting and giggling, Pete strolled into the great room - dressed respectably once-again in a Jets hoodie and sweats - to find the others all arrayed around one of the fireplaces and eyeing him with fond amusement.

Unfortunately, they were all similarly dressed to him now too, their sexy swimwear long gone and their hair damp and skin clean from their own showers. The only person who didn’t immediately turn was Gloria, transfixed as she was by the stunning, nighttime view of the Hudson and Brooklyn through the massive glass wall.

‘Uh-oh,’ Peter joked upon seeing the looks the girls were sending him.

Rolling her eyes, Gwen hopped up and danced over to him. He circled his arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck and kissed him. ‘Relax,’ Gwen joked, grinning wide. ‘How’re you feeling?’

Pete’s grin, while tired, matched hers and his cheeks pinked as he eyed the girls still slyly ogling him like a piece of meat. ‘Drained,’ he admitted, the double entendre earning him giggles and speculative looks.

Gwen bit her lip and eyed him up and down. ‘Definitely a downgrade. I’m gonna have to whip out that outfit for you again in the future.’

‘Sure,’ Peter answered, smiling wide. ‘Next year.’

His girlfriend pouted adorably, whined and buried her face in his chest. ‘But I want it noooow.’

Peter chuckled as he rested his chin on Gwen’s head. ‘So…what now? I’ve never been to a girl’s party, do you all just go to a bedroom and paint each other’s nails or something?’

Gwen barked out a laugh and gently shoved him away. ‘That’s more MJ’s thing -’


I was thinking we should finish the tour,’ Gwen continued, talking over MJ’s protestations and eyeing the stairwell behind him with glee dancing in her sparkling, baby-blues.

Oh shit, they still haven’t seen the set-up. This should be fun.

‘Wait, what do you mean?’ Betty asked in confusion. ‘You literally showed us the entire floor, what else is there to see?’

Realising that Gwen wanted him to lead - likely so she could stay in the back and see or record their reactions - Pete clapped his hands and beckoned the girls over as if he were a teacher on a school trip. ‘There’s still one more thing to see children, follow me.’

He politely ignored their petulant eyerolls as the girls moseyed on over and he led them through the elevator lobby and to the stairs.

‘Are you taking us to your Spidey Cave?’ MJ asked with a sly grin, and Peter palmed his face when Gwen answered in amusement.

‘No, that’s upstairs - nothing interesting there.’

From keeping a secret identity her entire life to becoming incapable of keeping a secret…

Shaking his head, he led the girls down the single flight of stairs and through the door to the recording studio he’d ostensibly built for them.

Pete quickly hurried through the door and turned with his arms spread wide, a part of him really wanting to see their reactions too.

‘I figured y’all might find this room interesting,’ he explained with a wide, shit-eating grin. It took them all a second to realise what they were looking at, their eyes first collectively drawn to the ostentatious drum kit before slowly panning out across the room, their jaws - particularly MJ, Betty and Gloria’s - dropping steadily lower.

‘What the fuck?!’ Gloria broke the stunned silence, her normally cool demeanour nowhere to be seen as she gaped at their surroundings.

'Is this what I think it is…?' MJ asked in quiet awe, her usual teasing tone long gone.

Betty remained silent, but her eyes were just as wide as her friends', her hands flying to her mouth to mask her gasp.

'You guys don't really get to hang out much anymore - real life and all that,' Pete explained, sitting on the arm of the nearby couch and shrugging. 'But I know how much music means to Gwen, and by extension all of you. The penthouse came with this huge storage room, so I turned it into a recording studio.'

Pete eyed his girlfriend sneaking in behind the others, her phone held up and recording their reactions as Jane and Cindy followed after her, looking impressed.

The girls had been shocked into a stunned silence so Pete shrugged awkwardly. 'Now, instead of needing to book a room or a studio to practise, you can all just come here. You can even record your own album if you want - oof!'

MJ had been eyeing one of the five guitars hung on the wall as he spoke, the closest to him as Betty eyed the keyboard and Gloria the basses. At the mention of recording their own album though, she spun and flung her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug as her body shook with silent, repressed tears.

As awkward as it was, Pete genuinely understood. As much as MJ loved slutting it up on her OnlyFans, Gwen had told him several times that music was her real passion, even more than the rest of them. Modelling for her had always been a fun, convenient and lucrative backup or side-gig.

'Thank you,' she whispered in his ear, her voice cracking. 'You're the best, Pete…'

His eyes widened in shock and snapped to a highly amused Gwen when MJ pulled back and captured his lips in a searing, passionate kiss, her entire body undulating and grinding against his as she showed her appreciation in the way she knew best.

Rather than being annoyed, Gwen seemed to just find the entire situation hilarious. Even when MJ pulled away and slipped to the floor, her emerald eyes burning with passion as she hooked her fingers in the waistband of his sweats.

'Woah, hold up!' Pete yelped as the others cackled at his blushing features. 'I'm not that kind of music producer!'

That earned more laughs as MJ pouted up at him from her kneeling position, her hand rubbing his growing bulge. Though her eyes were still glistening, that was totally eclipsed by the sheer joy shining in them.

It made the stunning redhead look, for the first time he could remember, truly beautiful. She'd always been sexy and hot, but there was something different about how she looked now, something her genuine smile and glistening eyes added that had never been there before. 'How else am I supposed to thank our generous, sexy sugar daddy?'

Pete blushed hard - which earned more laughs - and backed away awkwardly. 'How about you guys play us something?'

He sank into the nearby couch with Jane and Cindy as MJ's eyes widened with glee and she shot to her feet. Before realising she was being filmed, she started jumping up and down and squealing as if she were a child who’d woken up Christmas morning to a PlayStation under the tree.

When she realised Gwen was filming, she yelped, her face turning redder than her hair.

'Gimme that phone, Gorilla-Bitch!' MJ's squeal was of a different kind as she futilely chased Gwen around the room. Now her identity was no longer a secret, his girlfriend saw no need to play fair. Gwen cackled like a maniac as she ran up the walls and dodged her friend's grasping fingers.

Ignoring the insanity going on around them, Gloria had already picked out a bass from the several on the wall and was tuning it while Betty was familiarising herself with the keyboard that, in his eyes, looked more complicated than a computer.

'I didn't know you knew anything about music M-Peter,' Cindy said, freezing and wincing at her near slip and Jane's narrow-eyed scrutiny.

'I don't,' he answered, avoiding Jane's stare. 'I had a friend organise it for me.'

Her eyes widened in recognition. 'Frost?'

He nodded, squirming under Jane's amused stare. The woman was too smart, too observant for her own good. He let the tension in his shoulders ease when she moved on though, as the girls set up their instruments in the background. 'Are you still dodging her?'

'She freaks me out,' he answered by way of confirmation, shivering at the memory of her mental attacks on his mind - a sensation not too dissimilar to slimy, writhing tentacles brushing over his brain.

'Oh she can't be that bad,' Jane waved him off. 'You make her sound like a supervillain, she's Stark's girlfriend for goodness sake.'

Cindy winced sympathetically. 'He's not wrong,' she confirmed and Pete's eyes widened in surprise at the admission. Nodding when she saw his look, Cindy explained. 'Mister Stark had Miss Frost evaluate me before I was allowed to be Peter's bodyguard. It was…invasive.'

Jane’s eyes widened in surprise right along with him - he hadn't known she'd been put through that.

Cindy hastily added. 'I don't think she's evil. I just think she enjoys making people squirm…'

Pete snorted at the truism. 'I couldn't have put it better myself.'

Jane turned to him, eyebrows raised. 'That's not like you, normally I'd have expected you to create a counter by now.'

Pete chuckled weakly and shrugged. 'I'm trying, but aside from entombing my head in vibranium - something my darling girlfriend expressly forbids.' Gwen and her drum kit weren't far and she was clearly eavesdropping while the others tuned their instruments, sending him a cheeky wink in response to his grouching. Sighing he continued as he sank deeper into the plush couch and crossed his arms. 'I've tried making psychic dampeners, but -'

'It's kind of hard without a handy psychic to test them with,' Jane surmised, cutting across him. Pete nodded in affirmation. Jane smirked at his discomfort and squeezed his shoulder. 'It's kind of nice knowing there's a limit to your genius.'

Pete childishly poked his tongue out at her as Gwen started playing, leading her bandmates into a song.

Pete, Jane and Cindy clapped and cheered along to the impromptu concert as the Mary Janes played through some of their hits. It had been a while since Pete had gone to see them play, but seeing the smile on Gwen's face as she beat her drums made it all worth it.

'Let's do some karaoke,' Betty offered after finishing their fifth song in a row, the whole lot of them sweaty and panting for breath after their exertions.

'Oh please,' Gwen sneered jokingly, pointing her sticks at Betty. 'The last time we went to karaoke, your voice nearly made my ears bleed. I refuse to be subject to that on my birthday.'

As the girls laughed and sniped at each other, Pete raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

Is she really going there?

Figuring that his girlfriend had brought this on herself, birthday girl or no, Pete searched through his phone's library for one of his all-time favourite videos of her.

One of the very few videos of Gwen that was family friendly.

He snorted in amusement.

That's debatable…

Finding the video in question, his grin turned into a smirk as he cast it onto the nearby TV in full, high definition. The girls, who were all cattily sniping and screaming over each other good naturedly stopped when they saw the screen turn on, and a sixteen year-old Gwen Stacy appeared.

MJ was barely holding back her laughter. 'W-what the hell is this?'

Gwen's head instantly shot in his direction, her eyes wide with disbelief and betrayal. Faster than any of them could even track, Gwen launched herself towards him, towards his phone while Cindy preemptively rocketed to intercept her. The end result being a proudly grinning Cindy wrapping a surprised Gwen up from behind in a back mount.

‘Ugh! That super spider sense is such bullshit!’

'Sorry mistress,' she wheezed, struggling to hold the thrashing birthday girl down. Gwen probably could have broken out if she really tried, but as the young Gwen on the screen started to sing, the damage was already done.

The girls all started laughing as kid-Gwen did her best to butcher Whitney Houston's I Have Nothing, a video Pete had recorded over ten years ago as she practised for her big shot on American Idol.

Jane was uninterested in Gwen's humiliation though, turning to him with a raised eyebrow.

'Mistress?' She asked, her voice cracking with her amusement as he facepalmed. 'I'm assuming your cute little bodyguard calls you Master in private? I didn't know you were such a deviant Peter.'

His face grew progressively redder as he averted his gaze. ‘You can thank Gwen for that. Cindy’s, err, um -’

‘A bit of a freak?’ Jane surmised as she sidled up to him, her tone highly amused. Turning to see her beautiful, twinkling eyes and wide smile as she pressed herself against his side, her scent intoxicating, he was at a loss for words. ‘The girl clearly has a crush on you. Do you both take care of her?’

His face felt like it was radiating heat. Under his breath, he confirmed it out of the corner of his mouth, seeing no need to hide it from his friend.

We’ve broken down those boundaries between us a while ago…

‘Gwen calls her out pet,’ Pete confirmed with a shy grin. ‘And instead of being offended, Cindy asks for a choker.’

Jane barked out a laugh and Pete, his embarrassment fading, couldn’t help but grin.

‘Oi, something funny Judas?!’ Gwen barked as she slowly rose to her feet, her cheeks dusted pink from her own embarrassment. Her friends were still laughing at her and giving her shit, but the video had, thankfully, stopped playing.

‘No, I was just -’

Gwen held up her hand to forestall any explanations. Her face was stern but her eyes twinkled and her lips quirked in a way that instantly had his gut plummeting.

I know that look…

‘I am a pretty terrible singer,’ she conceded with all the dignity of a diplomat, her back going ramrod straight and her shit-eating grin only growing wider as she turned to her friends. ‘Do you guys know who isn’t a terrible singer though?’

Oh… oh no!

Seeing everyone’s looks of confusion, Gwen slowly turned back to him, her smile now so wide it was splitting her face in two, her features now reminding him of a playful kitsune.

As everyone followed Gwen’s gaze and stared at him in confusion, Pete audibly swallowed. ‘I would rather you get your biggest strap-on and you can all run a train on me.’

Gwen’s laughter was borderline hysterical as the others’ confusion only grew.

‘What’s going on?’ MJ asked, her lips twitching at his comment but looking no less confused as she fiddled with the dials on her guitar.

‘Go on babe,’ Gwen prompted, grabbing one of the nearby mics and tossing it underarm at him. It hit his chest and fell in his lap, uncaught. ‘You think you can embarrass me on my birthday and get away with it? Be a good boy and sing for us.’

‘I…I’d really rather not…’

Their safe word was on the tip of his tongue, but the absurdity of using it in this situation had him holding back. He wasn’t joking about getting the strap on - at least he’d enjoy that.

‘You can sing?’ Jane asked from beside him in a soothing, encouraging tone as she rubbed his bicep comfortingly.

MJ raised her hand, her grin wide. ‘As amusing as making Pete sing would be, can I just say I vote for the strap-on over some cringe karaoke?’

Pete blushed when he saw most of the girls nodding or looking intrigued by the idea, especially Cindy. Even Gloria looked interested this time, eyeing him from behind her base with an amused smirk like he was a piece of meat.

‘Come on, from the chorus,’ Gwen ordered, not paying her perpetually horny friends any heed. ‘Don’t give me your doofus voice either. Give it your all. You owe it to me.’

Why couldn’t I just shut up and let them rag on each other?!

Feeling himself breaking out into a nervous sweat as everyone continued to eye him with confusion and impatience, he licked his suddenly dry lips and snatched the mic, turning so his back was facing the girls so he wouldn’t have to look at them.

FUCK! Just get it over with Pete!

Screwing his eyes shut, he put the mic to his lips and sang.

‘Don’t make me close one more door, I don’t wanna hurt anymore. Stay in my arms if you dare, or must I imagine you there. Don’t walk away from me. I have nothing, nothing, nothing, if I don’t have you.’

Pete blindly threw the mic back at Gwen - which she easily caught - before collapsing back into the couch, his eyes glued to the carpeted floor. He couldn’t remember a time he’d ever felt so embarrassed, not since high-school anyway. He could feel the metaphorical steam shooting out of his ears.

Unable to take the deafening silence anymore, Pete hesitantly looked up. His eyes immediately went to Gwen to see she was smiling widely, proudly at him, her hand over her heart.

As his eyes slowly panned across the room, he was surprised to be met with varying levels of shock and disbelief. Then MJ shattered the silence.

‘What the fuck was that?!’

Everyone but Cindy started in surprise at her furious outburst,

‘Err…I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston?’ Pete ventured, at a loss for why she looked so annoyed.

‘I know the song, dumbass!’ She barked, before turning her furiously smouldering eyes to a madly cackling Gwen. ‘The fuck was that Gwen? Since when has Pete had a voice like Freddy fucking Mercury?!’


Gwen was wiping tears from her eyes as she pointed at Pete. ‘Babe, tell her what you told me - when I snuck up on you singing in the shower.’

Frowning in confusion, Pete cast his mind back to when Gwen had pulled her little trick - one he’d since found a way around so it wouldn’t happen again.

‘Oh, you mean when I said singing isn’t hard and I'm just copying the pitch and tone the singers are using?’

More deafening silence met his proclamation, silence that was swiftly interrupted by his guffawing girlfriend. The others were all looking at him in disbelief but that paled in comparison to the look MJ was giving him as she unstrapped her guitar.

‘I’m gonna kill him.’

Laughing so hard she was clutching her sides in pain, Pete cuffed his girlfriend upside the head as he danced out of range of MJ’s clawing, grasping fingers.

I can’t be that good a singer…right? I don’t even practise!

As he dodged under another furious swipe from MJ, the others both laughing at her and cheering her on, his eyes widened in realisation.

Wait, that’s why she’s so pissed off?!

Sometimes, he really was that clueless.

After MJ had finally calmed down when Pete magnanimously allowed himself to be put in a headlock and noogied - his face pressed deep and gloriously into her pillowy tit - the redhead went back to her new guitar, her face flushed and panting heavily.

‘Soooo…’ Jane ventured as he retook his seat next to her, ‘Know any Bon Jovi?’

He shot the beautiful woman a look of disbelief as Gwen stuck the boot in. ‘Imagine what a woman in her forties would have on a mixtape labelled Greatest Hits - that’s the only music he knows.’

Pete shot his grinning girlfriend a deadpan look. He couldn’t even argue, she was completely right when it came to his musical knowledge - the only songs he knew by heart were the ones Aunt May had always blasted around the house.

‘I’m not even mad,’ MJ said through gritted teeth, clearly mad.

Jane smiled wide and clapped giddily at Gwen’s description of his musical knowledge. ‘I resemble that remark!’

MJ’s head snapped in Jane’s direction, her anger forgotten and her mouth gaping in shock. ‘No shot you’re in your forties!’

Jane blushed prettily and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear in embarrassment. ‘Unfortunately.’

Even Gloria and Betty looked surprised. ‘God damn,’ MJ whispered in awe. ‘You’re, like, the hottest forty year-old I’ve ever seen.’

Pete saw Gwen send him a wicked look and he just knew he wouldn’t like what she said next.

‘Hah! Have you guys seen Aunt May recently?!’

Almost on instinct, Pete turned to Cindy who was already aiming her wrist at Gwen and nodded. Gwen’s cackling was cut off with a yelp when her attempt at a dodge was completely circumvented and she got a web-bullet to the head.

Ignoring the byplay, Jane had her arms distractingly wrapped around him as she pouted. ‘C’mon Peter…sing some Bon Jovi for me?’ Her beautiful eyes were big, fluttering fetchingly and staring directly into his soul ‘Please?’

‘I d-don’t know, I -’ he was cut off by his own hiss when Jane, with a naughty smile and twinkling eyes, slipped her warm hand in his sweats and wrapped it around his cock.

‘Please?’ she asked again, her bottom lip jutting out cutely. ‘For me?’

‘Fuuuuuuuuuuck,’ Pete groaned in defeat, his head lolling back against the cushion of the couch as Jane gently squeezed and fondled him. Unbeknownst to his beautiful colleague, he’d already decided to just do it when she pulled the hem of his sweats down, allowing his rapidly hardening cock to spring free.

He wisely kept his mouth shut and groaned when Jane, while still maintaining her pleading eye-contact with him, sucked the head of his cock into her mouth.

As Jane’s warm mouth and slippery tongue serviced him, he quickly scanned the room, particularly looking for his girlfriend’s reaction. He was unsurprised to see her biting her lip and almost grinding her pussy against the seat of her drum kit.

Unfortunately, Jane’s impromptu blowjob was over before it began as she pulled back with a naughty pout. ‘So?’

Groaning almost painfully, he took the mic from Cindy's outstretched hand and the girls all cheered. Gwen counted them in and Jane squealed happily when the band started to play the intro to You Give Love a Bad Name.

He gave it his all, secretly hoping Jane would finish her blowjob if he did his best. Apparently, the girls were still impressed because they were all smiles - even Gloria - when the song was done. He turned to Jane, a pout of his own well in place in the hopes that she’d continue what she started.

Instead, he was shocked when Cindy gently turned his face to her and captured his lips in a heated kiss, her powerful hand gripping his cock and gently stroking it as she made out with him. She didn’t stop stroking after she finally pulled away, her almost-shaped eyes smouldering with desire. ‘Know any Boyz to Men?’

Before he could even answer, Cindy copied Jane and bent down to take his cock in her mouth.

Honestly, it was hard for Pete not to feel like a bit of a rockstar right then, with a beautiful woman either side of him, desperate to suck his cock so he’d sing for them.

When, with a wide smile, Gwen counted them in and he recognized the intro to Down on Bended Knee, he didn’t even resist and gave it his all.

The girls had a blast firing off requests to him of songs from the eighties, nineties and noughties. Eventually, even MJ got over him having a better singing voice than her and asked for a couple of her own, the Mary Janes playing the instrumental for every single one of them without hesitation.

Naturally, his embarrassment was kept at bay by the two gorgeous women swapping his cock back and forth between them, the evil vixens never letting him cum even once. They’d even made a game of seeing how close they could push him to the edge before pulling him back with cruel giggles.

He’d thought Cindy, being the less experienced of the two, would have struggled the most with their little game. But then he remembered her stupid - bordering on precognition - ability.

He’d never been edged so perfectly in his life. Not even Gwen, who knew his body so well, could get him so close to the edge without tipping him over.

Not that she never tried, it just ended up in a bunch of ruined orgasms…

It was three in the morning at this point and they’d been playing this karaoke game for hours. The girls were definitely having a blast just playing together again, but they were equally enjoying watching Jane and Cindy torment him.

Just when Pete felt the night might finally wrap up - he was going to throw Gwen over his shoulder and run to their room as soon as everyone said good night - Gloria cleared her throat, grabbing everyone’s attention.

Is she…embarrassed? What the hell?

Indeed, the normally Too Cool for School Gloria looked as if she would be blushing if the pigmentation of her skin would have allowed it. Of all the girls that night, Gloria had been the only one who hadn’t requested a song from him, she’d been way more focused fiddling and trying out each of the bass guitars and was apparently undecided which one she liked best.

‘Do, err, do you know Back at One? By Brian McKnight?’

‘Uh oh!’ Gwen exclaimed, barking out a laugh as her bandmates joined her. Gloria shot them all the stink-eye while Pete, Jane and Cindy looked at each other in confusion.

‘Yeah,’ Pete drew out slowly, elongating the word. ‘May loves that song, it was what she and Ben danced to first at their wedding…’

‘Right,’ Gloria said with a pleased smile, pointedly ignoring her giggling friends. ‘I’m the only one who hasn’t requested a song tonight. I want you to sing that for me before we call it a night.’

Pete shrugged. Exposure therapy was one of the best ways to get over a phobia - he’d long since stopped being mortified by singing in front of the girls.

But -’ Gloria cut him off as Gwen was about to count them in. The sexy, black bassist was biting her lip cutely, refusing to meet his eyes. ‘I, err, I want you to stand in front of me when you sing it. And -’ she cringed, her eyes looking everywhere but at the people in the room. ‘I w-want you to look into my eyes while singing, b-but think about Gwen when singing the words...’

Pete didn’t know if he was more shocked by the request itself, or by how embarrassed the normally cool, unflappable Gloria was making it.

Naturally, her friends were ragging on her like crazy while Gwen grinned like the Cheshire Cat, as if this had all been a part of some elaborate plan all along.

I wouldn’t put it past her.

Again, Pete just shrugged. He blushed as he went over the words to the song in his mind, shooting a glance at his girlfriend who smiled cheekily at him and winked.

MJ picked up an acoustic guitar, still giggling at Gloria while Betty fiddled with the settings on the keyboard.

Pete cleared his throat and stood on shaky legs, finally tucking his aching, drooling dick away amidst a chorus of highly amused giggles from Cindy and Jane.

‘Knock her dead, babe,’ Gwen encouraged with a smile while MJ winked at him.

‘Go get ‘em, Tiger.’

By the time he was standing before Gloria he was as embarrassed as she was. He’d never really closely examined the words of a song before, but now that Gloria had asked him to think about Gwen while singing this particular song, the words were rushing through his mind at lightspeed. He could feel himself connecting to them, applying them to his feelings for his girlfriend and finding them an uncomfortably good match.

Before he could paralyse himself with embarrassment and self-doubt, Betty played them in with the piano and he started to sing.

‘It’s undeniable that we should be together…’

Gloria didn’t even blink, her eyes staring directly into his soul and her body undulating with the music while Pete’s mind was filled with Gwen - about the hard times before they got together, about the absolute nadir before she ambushed him in his bed, and about how his heart almost felt like bursting with love every time he held her in his arms now.

He didn’t know for sure if his feelings were being conveyed by the music, but he was almost stun-locked out of the song when he noticed Gloria’s eyes had started to glisten.

‘One, you’re like a dream come true. Two, just wanna be with you. Three, girl it’s plain to see, that you’re the only one for me, and four, repeat steps one through three. Five, make you fall in love with me. If ever I believe my work is done, then I start back at one.’

He’d never been one that found it easy to talk about his emotions, particularly ones regarding his lovelife. He marvelled at how easily they poured out of him though through a song he didn’t even write himself.

His right eye flickered with light as he accessed the feed from one of the nearby cameras with his AR lens to check on his girlfriend without turning away from Gloria. His voice hitched and he only just stopped himself from spinning around to comfort her when he saw tears flowing from her baby-blues - the only thing that stopped him was the massive, proud smile on her face.

Then came the part of the song that hit hardest for him, bringing him right back to the time right before they started dating.

‘Say farewell to the dark of night, I see the coming of the sun. I feel like a little child, whose life has just begun. You came and breathed new life into this lonely heart of mine. You threw out a lifeline, just in the nick of time.’

He hit the high note on the last word perfectly, earning him whoops and cheers from the peanut gallery while Gloria’s eyes were smouldered with desire as she eye-fucked him and bit her lip sexily.

When the song came to an end, the silence in the room was deafening. Gloria still stared up at him, rubbing her thighs together and looking like she wanted to say something. Instead, she cleared her throat and carefully put her bass down.

‘It’s late,’ she said, her voice gruff and thick with emotion. ‘I think I’m gonna head to bed.’

The others all agreed and Gwen told them to just pick a room to crash in. Gloria beat a hasty retreat while MJ made a beeline for Jane and the two disappeared up the stairs together, shooting him coy looks before they left. Cindy grabbed Betty’s arm and dragged her to her own apartment, the two having hit it off rather well themselves.

Soon, Pete was finally alone with his girlfriend for the first time that night, growing increasingly more uncomfortable and turned on by the smouldering looks she was giving him.

‘Can you stop looking at me like that, you weirdo?’ he joked, but Gwen didn’t even crack a smile. Slowly, she approached him and he backed up until his back was pressed up against the wall, her body pinning him in place.

‘That’s the hottest thing you’ve ever done,’ Gwen purred, her hands slipping under his sweater and running over his shredded muscles. Pete screwed his eyes shut and shuddered when she leaned up and started nibbling on his neck. ‘Thanks for making this the best birthday ever.’

Pete grinned sheepishly and shrugged. ‘What’s a bit of embarrassment when it comes to making the woman I love happy?’

Gwen groaned and buried her face in the crook of his neck, grinding her body against his. Pete sucked in a shocked breath when he felt the tendrils start to extend from her wrists and wrap around his body as Gwen leaned back and stared directly into his soul.

‘Let’s continue this party in our room,’ Gwen purred as he felt the tendrils constrict him, cocooning him even. ‘I’m going to fuck your brains out.’



‘Now was that really so terrible?’

Gwen watched with an amused smile, her eyes burning with arousal as her boyfriend writhed against the floor-to-ceiling window in their bedroom. With an arm extended, Gwen had dozens of thick nanite tendrils - not tentacles - extending out from her wrist and completely ensnaring Pete.

She had her sexy, amazing boyfriend completely at her mercy, his arms and legs pulled wide so he was pressed against the window like a starfish at an aquarium, his cute, naked ass exposed to anyone in adjacent buildings trying to sneak a peek.

That wasn’t the extent of her delicious torture though. Inspired by Jane and Cindy’s edging of him earlier, and knowing - or banking on, rather - what was to come, Gwen not only completely bound Pete with her tendrils, but she had one independently wrapping around his junk, stopping him from cumming, while another pistoned in and out of his ass.

God it would be so hot if someone from a nearby building was watching…

Through his moans, Gwen giggled as Pete somehow managed a deadpan stare.

‘Oh come on! You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy having a group of girls basically throwing themselves at you all night,’ Gwen teased in equal parts amusement and exasperation, increasing the tempo of the tendril sliding in and out of his ass while also making it ever-so-slightly thicker. Pete grunted and groaned with approval, his writhing becoming even more intense.

‘Gwen,’ he panted, his forehead slick and shining with sweat. ‘If you don’t let me cum soon I think my balls are going to explode.’

‘Not until you tell me the truth,’ she said in a sing-song, her eyes raking over his naked physique hungrily. Approaching him, she ran a greedy tongue along the lines of his pecs before switching targets to his exposed nipple, taking it between her teeth and biting.

Pete whimpered at her ministrations, his eyes screwed shut as he writhed from the delicious cocktail of both pain and pleasure.

‘It - It was the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done in my entire life,’ he ground out, his back arching as Gwen started to apply pressure to his prostate.

‘It’s wild you can say that in your current predicament,’ Gwen deadpanned before going back to nibbling on his nipples. ‘You know the girls are going to see a video of this.’

Pete let out a breathless, wheezy laugh, his eyes cracking open to stare down at her impishly. ‘Helping my beautiful girl, hah, girlfriend live out her hentai tentacle-rape fantasies on her birthday?’ he asked with a strained, cheeky grin. ‘I wear that like a badge of, nnh, honour.’

She bit down on his nipple. Hard. Pete groaned deliciously. ‘Tendrils, not tentacles.’

Pete let out a wheezy laugh. ‘Whatever you say.’

They were interrupted by a quiet knock at their door, one that had Pete starting in surprise.


Gwen licked the hickey quickly forming on her boyfriend’s nipple and smirked up at him. ‘I love it when a plan comes together.’

She laughed at his dazed and confused expression, the tendril still pistoning in and out of him doing his normally sharp mind no favours.

Gwen backed away, her arm still held out and continuing Pete’s torture as she answered the door. She was utterly unsurprised to see an embarrassed Gloria on the other side, biting her bottom lip and refusing to meet her gaze, her eyes firmly locked on the floor.

‘Can I help you?’ Gwen asked in amusement, her eyebrows raised in question.

Gloria looked utterly delicious. She wore a cute pair of booty shorts and the same super-cropped Mary Janes hoodie she’d rocked up in, but this time without her bikini top to keep her pendulous tits in check. Gwen licked her lips as she eyed the underside of her friend’s dark, heavy tits peeking out from under the hem of her top.

It was a style she’d even adopted herself out in public before, but there was just something about a girl with big tits that made the look so much more naughty.

‘Look, I -’ Gloria finally looked up to meet her gaze and her eyes widened in surprise. Gwen wasn’t even trying to hide Pete or what Gloria had interrupted, her boyfriend against the window directly opposite the open door.

His placement was very much deliberate. Obviously.

‘I - what kind of Species shit did I just walk into?’

Gwen looked over her shoulder with a proud smile, thickening the tendril in Pete’s ass yet again and earning another tortured groan from her beleaguered boyfriend.

‘Heh, I guess it kind of does look like that, huh?’

‘Hentai, nnh, tentacle, hah, rape!’ Pete squeaked out through pants and groans and, with a roll of her eyes, Gwen materialised another tendril to wrap around his mouth, his moans and groans now muffled by the fleshy appendage.

‘Simmer down babe, the grown-ups are talking.’

She thickened the tendril in his ass yet again and Gwen shuddered with desire as Pete’s eyes rolled into the back of his head, his groan muffled by her tendril.

‘You guys are freaks,’ Gloria muttered in disbelief, but Gwen caught the flash of desire in her friend’s dark eyes and fought the urge to cackle like a madwoman.

‘Yeah we are,’ Gwen said fondly, watching Pete take the symbiote-pegging like a champ before turning back to her friend. ‘So, what’s up?’

Gloria went from shocked back to embarrassed again real quick as she fiddled with the sleeve of her top. ‘Can…can I come in?’

Instead of answering, Gwen stepped aside with a wide smile and allowed her friend to pass. While Betty had joined Cindy in her room downstairs, MJ, Jane and Gloria had availed themselves of the guest bedrooms along the northern edge of the penthouse. Gwen swore she heard moans coming from the redheads room.

Noticing her friend staring at the door to the guest bedroom, Gloria grunted in amusement. ‘The slut is getting a check-up from the good doctor.’

Good for her.

Shutting the door behind her, Gwen turned and watched as Gloria just stared at Pete’s writhing form as if in a trance.

‘While we wouldn’t mind an audience, I’m gonna hazard a guess and say that’s not why you’re here?’

Gloria shook herself out of her daze and turned to Gwen with dark eyes shining with determination. ‘Name your price.’

Gwen’s smile widened as she felt a surge of triumph bubbling up inside her. She’d hoped and planned for this day ever since she’d first walked in on Pete singing in the shower. She knew the types of guys Gloria loved hooking up with, and while most could easily just fall into the big-dicked brotha category, find one that could sing and their bassist was always all over them.

Gwen had honestly lost count of the amount of times Gloria had picked up and fucked the lead singers of other bands that were playing on the same nights they were.

And Pete was a much better singer than all of them.

‘I’m gonna need you to be more specific,’ Gwen teased, her eyes twinkling with mirth. ‘Speak up so Pete can hear you.’

It was honestly hilarious how uncomfortable Gloria looked, her shifty eyes looking everywhere but at Gwen’s naked form.

It’s not like they hadn’t been in orgies together in the past. Gloria had seen her naked countless times.

It wasn’t even the first time she’d asked to fuck one of her boyfriends or lovers.

Gwen couldn’t deny though that there was something noticeably different about this time though. She was asking for much more, and they both knew it.

Clearing her throat, Gloria looked over her shoulder at the writhing Pete before turning back to Gwen, her head held high. ‘Whatever you want - name it. I just want, no, I need to fuck him. To fuck Peter. Please.’

Gwen’s eyes widened and she inhaled sharply at her friend’s plea. She’d known it was coming, but the sincerity and earnestness of her words took her off-guard.

She let Gloria squirm for a bit, letting her think she was considering.

The truth was there was no fucking way she’d turn Gloria down. As her final birthday gift from her boyfriend, she wanted him to put the smug bitch in her place more than anything.

Gloria didn’t need to know that though.

Gwen finally dropped her arm and Pete was gently lowered to the floor again as all of her tendrils retracted and he sagged against the window. Gwen walked past Gloria and sidled up to her boyfriend, cupping his poor, abused, red and angrily throbbing junk.

‘You want a piece of this little guy?’ Gwen teased and Pete groaned, his knees buckling as he fell against her. Gwen easily supported his weight and grinned up at her clearly flustered friend.

‘Look - it’s just teasing, I, I’m not -’

Gwen barked out a laugh and shook her head. ‘No, you’re not, but it’s all good.’ Gwen turned to Pete and placed a gentle kiss on his lips before turning back to Gloria. ‘I don’t care that you tease him and call his dick small - compared to what we fucked around with in the past, he is.’

Gwen giggled when Pete groaned again and buried his face in the crook of her neck. She ran a hand through his messy hair and kissed him atop the head before turning back to Gloria, her smile wide.

‘And as you can see, the teasing turns him on too.’ The smile dropped from her face. ‘You want to know my price? Tease him all you want, but you do not disrespect him anymore, do you understand me?’

Eyes wide and hopeful, Gloria nodded eagerly and Gwen snorted in amusement.

‘Do I maybe get a say in this?’

Both women turned to Pete with eyebrows raised before turning to each other once again and grinning. Gwen sauntered over towards a suddenly stiff Gloria and circled around her, her fingers trailing down her arm until she stopped and pressed her body against her back.

‘I have one more condition,’ Gwen whispered in Gloria’s ear, her friend visibly shuddering when she started to trace her fingers over her bare midriff. Her very much straight friend didn’t even resist even Gwen's fingers started gliding up.

Gwen locked eyes with Pete and bit her lip to disguise her smug grin. 'Look how much she wants you babe,' Gwen purred, grabbing the hem of Gloria's top and teasing it across her visibly pebbled nipples without revealing them.


Pete's eyes were transfixed on Gloria's swaying, heavy underboob cleavage, barely breathing as Gwen continued teasing the top higher and higher, millimetre at a time.

When the fabric of her hoodie finally cleared her bitchy friend's nipples, allowing the heavy tits to bounce free, all three of them groaned with desire. When Gwen palmed Gloria's breasts though and started to massage them, her fingers sinking into the pliable flesh deliciously, she felt her friend's body stiffen, but no rebuke was forthcoming.

'Pete,' Gwen continued, very much enjoying the feeling of Gloria's tits in her hands for the first time. If the stupefied look in Pete's eyes were any indication, he was enjoying them too. 'Gloria is as straight as an arrow. That's how bad she wants to fuck you, she's never let me play with these puppies before.'

She couldn't see the look on Gloria's face, but she figured she had a pretty good idea of what it looked like based on Pete's reaction alone.

Clearing his throat, he sent Gwen one final look before turning to Gloria. 'These guys have been edging me for hours, I, err, don't know if I can live up to your expectations right now…'

Gloria groaned piteously and Gwen cackled with glee. Her friend stiffened again when Gwen resummoned her white tendrils and they started to crawl all over her body. Gloria's hoodie and booty shorts were quickly discarded and Gwen pulled her friend down onto their bed, her tendrils encircling her throat, tits, waist and thighs, spreading the latter wide and offering her to her boyfriend.

Pete didn't join them immediately, he stood at the foot of the bed, slowly stroking his cock and watching them with sexy, smouldering eyes, his gaze raking over Gloria's helpless form.

'God this is so fucked up,' Gloria wheezed, chuckling then whimpering when Gwen reached around with her free hand and started squeezing her tit. 'I'm being molested by the Ghost Spider…'

'You're welcome to leave whenever you like,' Gwen offered with an arched brow, feeling her friend stiffen in her web of tendrils when she started placing featherlight kisses on her neck. 'No one's forcing you to be here.'

Pete chuffed. 'Yeah, she's not molesting you. Just blackmailing you.'

Gwen shot Pete the stink-eye. 'You're awfully lippy for a guy who constantly gets pussy thrown at him by his amazing girlfriend.'

His teasing grin slipped from his features and Gloria sucked in an excited breath when he finally joined them on the bed. Her friend whimpered and whined though when he crawled over and ignored Gloria's bound body to capture Gwen’s lips in a heated, passionate kiss, his fingers threading into her blonde locks as he pulled her close.

When he pulled away, it actually took Gwen a moment to reorient herself. Blinking and shaking her head in surprise, she was met with her boyfriend's cute, grinning face.

'I love you,' he whispered, and Gwen almost laughed when she heard Gloria whimper beneath them.

Are her eyes shut? Is she imagining Pete is saying that to her?

'I love you too,' Gwen confessed with a sweet smile before motioning down to her bound friend. 'Now, do me a favour babe and make this bitch scream.'

Pete's smile widened as he shook his head in disbelief. He breathed in deep through his nostrils as he finally gave all his attention to the busty, black woman's bound form.

When Pete leaned down and sucked one of Gloria's pebbled nipples into his mouth, his free hand joining her own to paw at the other, Gwen felt her friend's entire body shudder.

'Suck on those huge tits baby,' Gwen urged in a guttural tone, her arousal spiking. 'Don't bite though, she's a baby. She doesn't like it rough.'

Gloria writhed under Pete's ministrations, her back arching as if trying to shove more of her tit into his mouth.

'Make love to me,' Gloria begged. 'Imagine I'm Gwen, I don't care, but I want to feel the way you make her feel.'

Pete's lips still suckling on Gloria's dark nipple, his eyes flicked up to meet her own, his brow raised in curiosity.

Biting her lip to help stifle a moan of her own, Gwen gave Pete an encouraging nod before he closed his eyes and slid up Gloria's body to catch her lips in a searing, passionate kiss.

Despite clearly gagging for it, this took her friend by surprise and she squealed into Pete's mouth before wrapping her arms around his broad back and pulling him close, her guttural groan muffled by her boyfriend's lips.

It's wild how hot this is. Pete isn't the only one who likes to watch…

Gloria's moans became distinctly less muffled as Pete pulled away and started to tail kisses down her body. Gloria threaded her fingers through Pete's scruffy hair and tried to push him down, but her beefy, sexy boyfriend couldn't be budged.

Gwen started squeezing and playing with Gloria's tit again as she watched Pete slide further down her body, earning himself squeals and laughter when he circled and dipped his tongue in her belly button, his sexy grin and wink making Gwen want to throw her friend aside and fuck him right there.

Gwen looked down at the boob she was playing with with an annoyed frown. She absolutely wasn't one to be jealous of another woman's body, at least not aesthetically, but it was just so fun playing with big tits.

It'd be like having your own, sexy, perma stress ball. So unfair…

Gloria's whines started anew when Pete straight-up ignored her pussy and instead started kissing and licking the insides of her dark, meaty thighs.

She tried to reach down and force her boyfriend's face into her needy pussy, but Gwen's tendrils were like steel cord and held her firm. Realising she wouldn't be able to reach Pete, Gloria reached back and interlocked her hands behind Gwen's neck.

'Oh?' Gwen teased, letting go of Gloria's tit as her friend writhed in frustration and pleasure. 'Getting a bit handy there miss I don't fuck with girls.'

'Don't stop,' Gloria pleaded, ignoring Gwen's teasing. 'I'm so horny, don't stop. Please.'

Gwen watched her sexy friend writhing in her grasp, her eyes devouring her undulating form and wishing she could get away with going down on Gloria herself.

Fuck that's so hot.

She heard Pete chuckling and Gloria's moans spiked as he started to trail his tongue towards her womanhood.

'How wet is she, babe?'

Pete's eyes flicked up to her again, his eyes crinkling as he smiled, the lower half of his face covered by Gloria's thighs and womanhood. Her friend hissed when Pete swiped a few fingers over Gloria's glistening lips, her pelvis jerking and undulating with need.

When Pete brought his fingers into view, Gwen growled with approval at his much they glistened.

'Ooooooh fuuuuuuck,' Gloria groaned, her body straining against the bindings. Pete had moved up and spread the lips of her womanhood wide, his tongue darting out to lick around but never directly touch her hyper-sensitive clit.

Gwen was lightly pinching and pulling at Gloria's hard nipples, while she watched. She was torn between watching Pete doing his slow, torturous thing while not being on the receiving end and marvelling at Gloria’s dark, ample tit-flesh oozing out from between her splayed fingers, her even darker nipples contrasting beautifully against her pale skin.

Gwen bent down and put her lips against Gloria’s ear as she whimpered and writhed against her bindings.

'My man's gonna make you cum so hard,' Gwen promised, her voice a deep growl that resonated in Gloria's soul. 'Harder than you've ever cum before, you're not ready for it. Trust me.'

Her response was a desperate, needy whimper as Pete finally slipped his fingers inside her, scissoring them in and out as his tongue drew closer and closer to Gloria’s pleasure button.

Aside from Gloria’s heavy breathing and whimpering, the only sounds audible in the room was the squelching made by her womanhood as Pete’s fingers continued to prod and explore.

It was immediately obvious when Pete hooked his fingers and started to search for Gloria’s g-spot - her friend’s reaction was instant and hilarious, her entire body freezing and her mouth opening in a silent scream.

That was nothing compared to her reaction when Pete finally started poking and pressing against her clit directly, his tongue applying a constant, and steady pressure that slowly ramped up with Gloria’s ecstasy.

‘Oh fuck I’m gonna cum!’ Gloria wheezed in stunned shock, her hips bucking against Pete’s face and her eyes screwed shut.

Oh you poor, deluded bitch.

Pete had gotten annoyingly good at reading his partners' body’s signals when he did this with them. Usually, it was Gwen on the receiving end and being expertly kept on the precipice of euphoria for hours. It was properly hilarious seeing realisation dawn on Gloria’s face as Pete slowly pulled back, the lower half of his face glistening with her juices as he grinned down at her.


Gwen wanted to squeal, the sheer confusion in Gloria’s tone utterly adorable.

‘You’ve gotta earn that big O,’ Gwen teased, continuing to play with Gloria’s nipples as she whined. Pete completely ignored her pleas as he crawled up Gloria’s body and captured his girlfriend’s lips in a heated kiss, grinding his achingly hard cock against Gloria’s desperate, needy pussy.

While Gwen would never have the pleasure of eating her friend out directly, tasting her on her boyfriend’s lips was the next best thing.

After Gloria had calmed down and gone back to just fidgeting and whining, Pete returned to going down on her, his knowledge of her body’s limits and how it would respond to him just a new weapon in his arsenal.

For the next hour, Pete didn’t rise from between Gloria’s splayed legs. He made himself comfortable and kept Gloria floating in an endless sea of euphoria, her climax nowhere in sight but the pleasure she was experiencing, undeniable. Gloria didn’t even flinch when Gwen played with her tits anymore, even when Gwen bent down to put one of her aching nipples in her mouth - she was completely insensate, her mind utterly focused on the overwhelming, yet gentle waves of ecstasy Gwen knew were continuously pulsing through her body.

For most of that time, Gloria had her eyes screwed shut and her hands threaded in Pete’s hair, her moans steadily increasing in volume as he did his thing.

She was so lost and drowning in her own pleasure that she almost didn’t notice when Pete pulled away, the waves of pleasure pulsing through her still going even when he stopped gently probing her womanhood. Pete was on his knees now, kneeling in between Gloria’s splayed legs and holding the head of his cock against her drooling womanhood with a brow raised in amusement.

Gloria’s eyes slowly opened as if coming out of a trance. It took her a few moments still to realise Pete’s mouth wasn’t on her anymore. When she realised what he was doing though, Gloria sucked in an excited breath and started to thrash again.

‘Please!’ She begged and whined like a bitch in heat. ‘Please, oh God, put it in me, fuck me, please ooooooooooh!’

Pete didn’t bother drawing it out anymore. As horny and needy as Gloria felt, Pete had to be feeling it just as much.

At the feeling of finally being spread apart by Pete’s girthy member, Gloria groaned in triumph, like a weightlifter who just achieved a PB, the sound so loud she didn’t doubt her friends in the other room would have heard them.

He thrust all the way in until their bodies were almost melded together, his chest pressed against her ample cleavage and his arms wrapped around them both. He didn’t thrust so much as he gyrated his hips, his cock no-doubt stirring up her insides he put his lips against her ear.

Gwen had expected him to start talking dirty, or to whisper sweet nothings in her ear as he made love to Gloria like he made love to her.

When, instead, he started to quietly sing Back at One directly into her ear though, each line punctuated with a swivel of his hips, Gwen gaped in shock.

Her reaction was nothing compared to Gloria’s. Her friend instantly started to cum, her body shaking and convulsing as it was assaulted by endless waves of euphoria.

Pete didn’t stop though, he just kept singing under his breath and moving his hips as she rode out her mind-numbing orgasm, Gloria’s beautiful, dark body sandwiched between and completely surrounded by them, her arms wrapped around Pete’s back and desperately clinging to him as if he were a buoy in a stormy sea.

Gwen pretended not to notice when Gloria’s rapturous moans attracted an audience, the door to their bedroom cracking open an inch as two sets of eyes peeked in like curious, naughty schoolgirls at a slumber party.

Pete soon followed her over the edge, gasping and groaning as hours of edging had him just as pent up and desperate as his new lover.

It felt like it took hours for Gloria to calm down and stop moaning, though it had likely been ten minutes at most. They laid together, unmoving, in a tangle of limbs as they caught their breath, Gwen’s tendrils having long since dematerialised.

Gwen was starting to feel antsy though, and as much as she could have just drifted off right there, she needed her man to see to her.

But first.

‘As a birthday present, you think you can close your eyes and pretend it’s Pete eating the cum out of your pussy?’

Gloria’s raspy laugh was equal parts disbelieving and exhausted - she thought she was joking, but Gwen was desperately serious.

‘Fucking hell,’ she groaned, pulling Pete tighter against her as she let out a long, drawn-out sigh. ‘I need to get a boyfriend.’

Gwen barked out a husky laugh, especially when she noticed the supremely smug look on Pete’s face.

She’d give Gloria a few more minutes of basking in Pete’s warmth before she kicked the slut out and ravished the beautiful bastard herself.

It was her birthday, after all.
