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Chapter 16

Pete just got off the phone with one of his guys in West Virginia when his secretary’s voice piped in over the intercom.

‘Doctor Parker, Natasha Romanoff here to see you.’

What now?

Momentarily stunned, it took him an awkward amount of time to reply. ‘Ugh, thanks Felicia. Send her in.’

He still wasn’t really used to having a secretary, and while she kept his schedule well, he was mostly used to the people wanting to see him (read: Gwen) strolling in whenever the hell they pleased.

Not that he minded, of course.

His eyebrows rose when the stunning redhead strode in, looking all-business in her…distractingly tight tactical getup. ‘Uh-oh, am I in trouble?’

Her lips twitched and that was almost as surprising as her appearing in his office in the first place. ‘If you were one of my targets, you wouldn’t see me coming.’

‘Well that’s needlessly antagonistic,’ he deadpanned, keeping his disbelief of her claims to himself.

Better to have people underestimate him.

Rolling her eyes, she walked a circuit of his office before finally turning to him, all business. ‘I’ve been made head of your protection detail.’

Pete’s eyes widened in shock. The Black Widow was one of S.H.I.E.L.D’s most potent and effective assets, having her wasting her time protecting him felt like overkill - he said as much in reply, but she ignored the comment entirely.

Instead, after a short period of - frankly - awkward silence, she turned to him with a severe expression. ‘Did you mean it?’

Shaking his head in confusion, she rolled her eyes - he was starting to notice she did that a lot - and elaborated. ‘When you said you could regrow my uterus - did you mean it?’

‘Why would I lie about that?’ Pete asked with genuine confusion, feeling a little bit of mental whiplash at the change of topic.

Natasha studied him for several moments before nodding in satisfaction and letting out a long sigh. ‘I was wrong about you.’

‘Oh?’ Pete asked with an amused smirk, kicking his feet up onto his desk and interlocking his fingers behind his head. ‘This, I need to hear.’

Rolling her eyes she elaborated, even though it seemingly pained her. ‘I always thought you were just some jumped-up, hotshot, whizz-kid. Stark’s next pet project, an arrogant shit that thought his farts didn’t stink.’

Wow, tell me how you really feel…

‘Oh, my farts definitely smell. Just ask Gwen,’ he teased with a shit-eating grin. ‘She’s often the victim of my, err, Dutch Ovens.’

Natasha shook her head, though he almost cheered when she saw her lips twitch. ‘Peter Parker, lothario extraordinaire, ladies and gentleman,’ she deadpanned, and Pete had the good graces to blush in embarrassment at his childish behaviour and the reminder of his bedroom activities.

Intellectually, he understood the super-spy likely knew everything that he and Gwen got up to, he’d just always assumed she’d be too polite to bring it up…

Sighing again, she shook her head and picked up where she left off. ‘Listen, I understand now that you’re not some arrogant blowhard. You’re important, and I’ll make sure nobody harms a single hair on you head -’

‘If this is because of the uterus thing -’

‘It’s not that.’ She quickly cut him off, her voice cracking out like a whip. She relaxed her pose when she saw his raised eyebrows. ‘It’s not just that. I actually looked into the nerd stuff you’re working on. As much as I admire it, it’s going to make you a lot of enemies.’

Pete snorted but didn’t deny her claim. He’d talked about it with Gwen ad nauseam and, as a result, had taken measures to protect himself. He wouldn’t turn down the spy’s added help and expertise either…mostly because Gwen would likely hurt him if he did.

‘To that end…’

Pete jumped when Natasha did something with her tongue - another distracting thought - and let out a sharp, eardrum bursting whistle.

‘Man, how do you do that? I don’t think I can even move my tongue like you just did,’ Pete praised with bubbling enthusiasm, grinning as he earned himself another eyeroll.

I need to keep track of these!

‘That’s not what I hear,’ she teased, shocking him not just with her banter, but the context.

He was blushing up a storm when a beautiful young woman with an athletic figure and silky black hair tied in a short, no-nonsense ponytail joined them in his office. She was dressed in matching - delightfully tight - tactical gear like Natasha and giving him the heebie-jeebies with the way she was staring at him.

Why does she look familiar…?

The thought had him bringing up her details with his AR contact lens, speed-reading and scanning the translucent text of her file while Natasha introduced her.

Cindy Moon, Korean mother, American father, both of them scientists working at SI. As Natasha explained that the young woman would be his bodyguard, he finally got to the reason why he recognized her. She was NYPD, one of the few who’d qualified for the Gwenites. Apparently she’d developed a uniquely powerful spider-sense, bordering on precognition.

No wonder she’s going to be my bodyguard.

Pete sighed when Natasha finished her spiel and looked at the stunning young woman with a critical eye. ‘And are you okay with that? Being my personal bodyguard? Your file says you were an excellent cop with a bright career ahead of you.’

Something about this smells fishy. What kind of cop has her level of education…?

Pete was a little weirded out when her head snapped up and she stared at him with utter devotion. ‘You’re the reason I have these powers at all, the reason I can help people. It would be an honour to protect you with my life.’

Her voice was surprisingly deep and sensual, completely at odds with her strange behaviour. Pete amusedly noted that she had the kind of voice that usually narrated toothpaste commercials.

Seeing the utter conviction in her eyes however, he only shrugged and sighed, sinking into his chair.

This is happening Pete, whether you like it or not.

Natasha raised an eyebrow at him. ‘You’re not going to fight this then?’ she asked in surprise. ‘I read your profile. You possess a strong, independent streak - I thought you’d chafe at security.’

Sinking deeper into his chair, Pete held the cool, half-empty glass of water on his desk against his forehead and grinned up at the spy weakly. ‘Fortunately for you, Tony and Gwen made sure I understood I didn’t have a say in the matter.’

Natasha grinned unsympathetically at his plight. ‘Good, that makes my life easier. Fortunately, you’re a nerd, so you spend most of your time either here or at home. We’re adding an extra stop on the Hell’s Kitchen loop directly under your building. The elevator that runs between your penthouse and the garage will soon go deeper and connect directly to the loop station.’

‘Huh. That’s handy.’

Truth be told, the stares he got from the regular people hanging about his building were already getting old.

Oh God, I just referred to them as Regular People… How long until I turn into Emma and start referring to them as Rabble?

‘What’s the status of the defences on the building?’ Natasha asked in a professionally annoyed tone. ‘I tried to find some details, but, annoyingly, all I got was assurances that you’re handling it.’

Pete had been a little embarrassed over the amount of fuss everyone was making over him, but when Tony pointed out that innocent people could be hurt in the crossfire if anyone tried to strike at him, he changed his tune real quick.

‘Surely that’s a good thing?’ Pete arched back. ‘Or would you prefer I scream my plans for the defences from the rooftop?’

Cindy sucked in a shocked breath at his lip and Natasha smirked in approval. ‘I said it was annoying, not wrong.’

Pete drummed his fingers on his desk and sighed. ‘The building will have similar defences to Stark Tower within the month. I’m also working on something new that’ll help, but it’s still in the prototype phase.’

Pete’s eyebrows rose at the clear look of excitement on Cindy’s features at the mere mention of prototyping new tech. He supposed it made sense, given her field of expertise…

Natasha nodded in acquiescence, letting the matter drop. ‘Fine. We’ll discuss this more later.’

Pete shrugged but didn’t resist. While Natasha was no physicist or engineer, he’d be stupid to ignore her input when it came to such things. His gaze then shifted to Cindy, she was shifting uncomfortably, not sure whether to stare at him or at her boots. The looks she was giving him reminded him of the ones he got whenever he was recognized in public, which both flattered him - because she was crazy hot - and made him uncomfortable - also because she was crazy hot.

‘And what will Ms Moon be doing when I’m either here or at home?’ he asked, leaning back in his chair and resting his cheek on his knuckles. ‘Since we’ve established how well protected I already am.’

‘No security system is perfect,’ Natasha shot him down immediately. ‘You should know that better than anyone given how often your girlfriend sneaks in here unnoticed.’

He didn’t bother mentioning that that was only possible because he allowed her to bypass the systems - if he could do it, someone else could too.

‘Having said that, I didn’t just choose Ms Moon because of her abilities,’ Natasha began, motioning to the young woman beside her. Pete knew what she was going to say before she said it - he was still scrolling her file, after all.

‘Mm,’ he interrupted. ‘PhD from MIT in Physics with a specialisation in astrophysical cosmology and gravitational wave analysis. Impressive.’

Cindy flushed at his praise and Natasha rolled her eyes, no doubt seeing the light flashing in his eyes. ‘Why do I feel like I’m wasting my breath?’

Smirking, Pete addressed Cindy directly. ‘You are the most overqualified police officer on the planet.’

She blushed deeper and looked away. ‘My parents made me go to college - I’ve always just wanted to help people.’

‘Did they make you get a PhD too?’ Pete pressed, curious how she’d respond.

‘No,’ she admitted. ‘I enjoyed the work, but I became a police officer because it allowed me to help more people.’

‘So why agree to become my bodyguard? Surely you’ll help more people if you stay with the force,’ he reasoned. ‘Especially with your powers.’

Cindy quickly got over her embarrassment and shot him a look full of conviction. ‘That’s not true. You’re a genius - making sure you’re safe will help way more people in the grand scheme of things.’

Pete’s eyebrows rose at the earnestness of her response. Reading her file, it seemed she was so self-confident that it bordered on arrogance, but she had the skills and intellect to back it up - however, speaking to her, that wasn’t the vibe he was getting from her at all.

She blushed under his scrutiny and looked down at her feet. ‘I was also hoping I could do more than be your bodyguard…’

That didn’t surprise him. She was certainly qualified enough to work for him if she so chose, but the way she clearly looked up to him just made him feel uncomfortable - he had enough hero worship from strangers already.

Hopefully she gets over it after we spend some time together…

Natasha grinned in amusement. ‘Just to clarify, she means she wants to work for you. Not fuck you. We all know your reputation…’

Cindy’s blush turned nuclear at the ribbing. ‘No!’ she exclaimed. ‘That’s… um…’ she trailed off in embarrassment, studiously ignoring the disbelieving look Natasha was sending her. ‘Never mind…’

Natasha just turned to him with a look of utter disgust and he could only shrug helplessly. He didn’t know how she could have missed the girl’s clear hero-worship of him - she must have been a completely different person before coming to see him.

Gwen will absolutely get a kick out of this…

Anyway,’ Natasha soldiered on, putting that awkward mess firmly in her rear-view mirror. ‘We’ve relocated Ms Moon to your building. She’ll be staying in the room on the level below yours, the southern-facing suite.’

Pete turned to Cindy and whistled in appreciation. ‘Lucky you. The view at sunset is to die for, by the way.’

Cindy hadn’t stopped looking at her boots in embarrassment, but Pete grinned wide when he caught her pleased smirk.

‘Is there anything else?’ Pete asked after the brief lull in the conversation. Seeing Natasha’s hesitation however, he thought he had an idea. ‘Hey - wait, I didn’t ask, do you prefer Cindy? Cin? Moon? Ms Moon?’

‘Her codename is SIlkworm.’

Pete ignored Natasha and waited patiently for Cindy to answer.

‘Cindy’s fine, sir,’ the beautiful woman mumbled, smiling shyly at him. Pete knew she was going to be trouble - and even if she wasn’t, Gwen would make her trouble. Cindy had clearly hit the mixed-raced jackpot, her features exotic and alluring - especially when combined with her deep, sensual voice.

‘Right, Cindy, you should probably familiarise yourself with my secretary if you’re going to be working here,’ Pete offered with a polite smile, motioning to the door. ‘Natasha and I have some other business to discuss.’

Cindy clearly understood a polite dismissal when she heard it and, with a wide, excited smile, she bowed her head and stepped out of his office, quietly closing the door behind her.

Pete started furiously tapping away at his keyboard the second the door to his office had shut. ‘You know,’ he mused, his fingers still dancing across the keys, ‘so many of my colleagues use touch keyboards now. I swear it’s only because it looks futuristic. Utter savages.’

He didn’t bother looking up to see the results of his small talk, instead, before Natasha could reply, he spun his monitor around and showed her a picture of a healthy, incredibly familiar pear-shaped organ.

Natasha’s body stilled, her eyes widened and her breath caught in her throat the second she laid eyes on it.

‘We’re still running tests. Talk to Steven, I’m sure he’ll make the time to do the operation,’ he said softly, crossing his arms and leaning on his desk. ‘It should be ready by the end of the week.’

‘...just like that?’

Pete shrugged. ‘It took us a little more time than usual - it’s the first time we’ve tried growing a uterus. We had to make sure everything was copacetic, but yeah. Just like that. This nerdy shit is pretty cool, huh?’

Natasha was far too well-trained to so easily show her emotions, but the way her features went completely blank as she stared at the screen said more than a teary-eyed stare ever could to him.

Turning to him, she nodded once before spinning on her heel and stalking out of the room. He didn’t doubt she’d be making a phone call as soon as she had some privacy - if such a thing even existed in her world.

Cindy stuck her head back through his door, her eyebrows raised. ‘Er…everything okay?’

Pete grinned at his new bodyguard. ‘You’ll learn quickly that I have a special ability of my own - getting under people’s skin.’

Cindy stood there in his doorway awkwardly for several moments before Pete sighed and motioned her inside. She did so, an excited look on her face as she closed the door behind her.

‘Look, I wasn’t lying when I said you’re the most overqualified bodyguard ever - I don’t even know if what I’m working on will even interest -’

‘Your Infrastructure Renewal Initiative might not be the most exciting project going on in SI, but it’s undoubtedly one of the most important,’ Cindy interrupted, defending his work with a passion and zeal he found, well, adorable.

Oh my God she’s an actual fangirl - Gwen is going to laugh her ass off…

‘Thank you,’ Pete said with an amused grin. ‘But what I was going to say was that when I set up the IRI to run without my direct input, I’d intended to move onto working on spacecraft that use my anti-grav tech - and that is something that should interest you. You, who is uniquely qualified to help me on a project no one else should know about. Quite the coincidence, no?’

If she caught the implication of his words, she certainly didn’t acknowledge it. The second he’d mentioned his anti-grav tech, Cindy’s eyes had glazed over with pure desire and reverence.

‘That…would be a dream come true.’

Well, at least she’s a fangirl that understands my work…


Gwen was speeding through the rooftops of Hell’s Kitchen, eager to get home as quickly as possible.

Pete had told her about his newest bodyguard. He’d said a lot of words, but the only relevant factoids she’d gleaned was that said bodyguard was a woman, and not once did he mention her appearance.

Which means she’s hot as fuck!

She’d been sitting in on a Spider Unit raid at the time - unbeknownst to them, of course - making sure the raid on the villain’s lair had been a complete success. She’d beamed with pride when that turned out to be the case, but had quickly sped away the second everything was wrapped up nicely.

This woman was also living in their building, according to Pete.

It’s just too perfect! Is he finally going to do it?!

Her invisibility cloaking her movements, Gwen used her webs to slingshot herself to the apex of her building, executing several looping backflips and corkscrews before landing atop the communications tower in a perfect salute.

Six point five my perfect ass.

Finding the shielded porthole, she slipped silently into her lair, landing in a crouch as she strained her ears, hoping to hear the telltale signs of a woman’s pleasure.

‘Web, is Pete alone?’

‘No Ms Stacy, Doctor Parker has a guest with him. They seem to be enjoying themselves.’

Her AI’s words and the disapproving tone almost had Gwen squealing with glee.

Yes, this is it! Oh you naughty, cheating, bastard  - I didn’t think you had the balls!

Crawling down the stairs, she felt her pulse quicken when she heard screams and squeals of laughter. She followed her ears and burst open the door to the gaming room, hoping to catch Pete in the act.

‘Oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me!

Both Pete and his guest - an admittedly smoking hot Asian girl - were staring at her with wide eyes. Instead of finding them in a compromising position, Gwen had found them sitting on the comfy couch over a metre apart with fighting sticks in hand, playing Street Fighter.

That hadn’t been the one on one kind of tussling she’d hoped to stumble upon.

At least their guest was dressed to impress, wearing a tight t-shirt and skin-tight yoga pants that showed off toned thighs and ass.

‘I’m sorry?’ Pete offered, confusion marring his features before he turned to the ebony-haired girl. ‘She’s not normally this crazy, I promise. Cindy, meet Gwen. Gwen, Cindy.’

‘You!’ Gwen exclaimed, pointing at the startled young woman. ‘Follow me, we’re having words and you,’ she followed up, pointing to Pete. ‘I’m disappointed in you.’

‘What’d I do?!’

Gwen held her hand out at him, forestalling any further questions and platitudes. When Cindy cautiously approached her, Gwen just motioned to her entire body. ‘Look how hot she is! And you’re sitting here with her playing fighting games with her?!’

Pete stared at her in disbelief.

‘I’m…so confused right now.’

Gwen held up her hand to silence Pete and looked at the girl - Cindy - by her side. She was blushing up a storm and - oh, oh!

This…is salvageable!

‘Follow me my Spider Child.’

It was honestly adorable how the girl looked back at Pete for permission. This might be easier than she thought.

Pete nodded and his apparent fangirl obeyed.

All is not lost!

Gwen led the stunned girl over to the other side of the penthouse, particularly to the terrace with the stunning view of the Statue of Liberty.

‘Did I do something to offend you?’

‘Oh calm down,’ Gwen huffed.

‘Are you concerned I won’t be able to protect Peter?’

Gwen’s eyebrows arched and she smirked. ‘Peter, is it?’

Gwen almost squealed when the girl blushed adorably. This was perfect.

‘I don’t care about your abilities,’ Gwen dismissed with a casual wave of her hand. ‘Natasha thinks you’re capable, and I trust her,’ Gwen said with a shrug, crossing her arms and leaning against the railing. ‘Though if you ever want a sparring partner, I’m game. You should never stop improving, after all.’

Cindy nodded cautiously, apparently agreeing with her but still wary. Good, she’s getting comfortable - now time to unbalance her.

‘So, how bad of a crush do you have on my man?’

Gwen almost cackled as the girl froze like a deer in the headlights.

‘I mean, you’re not exactly subtle,’ Gwen continued, enjoying torturing the beautiful girl a little too much, especially since her blush just seemed to get deeper and deeper. ‘I don’t know if you have much experience with men or whatever, but Pete definitely knows - if your plan was to not be obvious - you failed. Miserably. He’s just being polite, and trying to be a good boyfriend.’

Cindy reacted as if each of her words was a dagger to her heart, clearly mortified and distressed. She hugged herself, refusing to meet Gwen’s gaze but not denying anything.

‘I…I’m sorry. I admire him. A lot. He’s a hero. I lo - I owe him a lot.’

While Gwen grinned at the near slip, her stance softened towards the woman. She was just so genuine and adorable, she felt bad about teasing her. It was like kicking a puppy.

‘Well,’ Gwen began with a careless shrug, ‘Pete’s mine, you can’t have him.’

She chuckled as Cindy sputtered out denials.

‘Wha - I’m not - I don’t - you misunderstand -’

‘Oh?’ Gwen interrupted the poor girl’s stuttering with a sly smile. ‘So you don’t want to fuck him?’

‘I - I didn’t - I -’

Gwen cackled and Cindy froze when she invaded her personal space, trapping the ebony-haired girl between her body and the railing as she ran her hands up and down her hips.

‘Here’s the deal,’ Gwen purred, interrupting the girl’s bumbling denials with a steely tone and a squeeze of her ass. ‘If you want a go at Pete, you go through me. Do you understand?’

Cindy’s eyes widened, but this time in excitement and hope.

She really was adorable.

‘You’ll be our little pet,’ Gwen said, leaning into her ear and purring. ‘You’ll serve our every whim,’ she continued, purring in her other ear. ‘And if you’re a good girl, I might let you fuck him.’

Cindy damn nearly came with the proclamation, her brown eyes wide and hopeful as she nodded eagerly.

‘Good,’ Gwen praised, stretching out the word. ‘Now show me you understand.’

Without another word, Gwen dissolved her suit and hopped up on the nearby bench, spreading her legs and exposing her glistening pussy to the gorgeous woman she’d only met ten minutes ago.

Leaning back and supporting her weight on one arm, she massaged her pussy with the other, secretly hoping there were voyeurs in the neighbouring buildings spying on their naughty activities.

Gwen grinned as Cindy stared at her naked form in awe, a thrill of excitement shooting through her body when she, after only a few moments of hesitation, dropped to her knees and started crawling towards her. Like a pet.

‘Yesss,’ Gwen hissed, rubbing circles over her clit. ‘Good pet. Come show your mistress how much you want to fuck your master.’

Gwen grinned as Cindy screwed her eyes shut and her entire body shuddered at her mistress’ words. Quickly recovering, she hurried over until she was kneeling between Gwen’s spread thighs.

‘Go on,’ Gwen purred. ‘If you want to fuck my man, you need to impress me.’

Shaking, Cindy’s eyes fluttered closed before she leaned in and placed a delicate kiss on her inner thigh, her warm lips sending a pleasing, tingling sensation across her cool skin. ‘Good pet,’ Gwen praised, threading a hand through her silky, ebony locks and massaging her scalp as the younger woman continued to plant kisses, each one growing closer to her womanhood.

Before her lips came in contact with Gwen’s tingling and aching pussy, Cindy looked up at her with narrowed, suspicious eyes. ‘You’ll really let me…fuck Peter? This isn’t a trick?’

‘You wouldn’t be the first woman I’ve invited into our bed,’ she admitted, grinning at the pleased and shocked look in Cindy’s eyes. ‘You will be the first pet though. Can you handle that? Will you do whatever your master and mistress ask of you?’

Biting her lip, her brown eyes darkening with desire, Cindy slowly nodded. ‘Yes mistress, whatever you want.’

‘I want you to eat my pussy, pet.’

Gwen groaned as Cindy leaned in and pressed a delicate kiss against her folds before running her tongue along her labia. Gwen wrapped her toned legs around Cindy’s shoulders and held her close, running her hand through her hair in encouragement.

‘That’s a good pet,’ Gwen hissed, a part of her not believing this had actually worked, but a larger part of her thanking her good fortune.

She had always been a fan of dom/sub play, with Pete generally being on the receiving end and mewling beneath her. Now, she might actually be able to have Pete acting like a dom towards their new little pet and not just very occasionally with herself.

Gwen grinned, a part of her suspected the beautiful girl between her legs would like that very much.

Moaning, she kept running her hand through Cindy’s glossy hair as the girl kept tonguing her folds. Her technique was nothing special, but Gwen had to admit she admired her enthusiasm.

Besides, isn’t that what one did with pets? Train them?

‘Lube up one of your fingers,’ Gwen panted out in instruction. ‘Stick it in my ass.’

Without taking her lips away from Gwen’s womanhood, Cindy looked up at her with wide eyes but quickly did as commanded.

So cute!

Gwen groaned in delight when the girl did as commanded, her face pressed hard up against her gushing nethers while she almost cautiously explored her anal cavity with her index finger.

As if sensing his presence, Gwen looked over her shoulder and grinned when she saw Pete through the window, gaping at them open mouthed, his hand fondling his bulging junk through his sweats.

She shooed him with a motion of her hand and he shook his head in defiance, taking out his cock and slowly starting to stroke. Grinning at his act of defiance, Gwen motioned to her eyes, then at the security camera before shoring him again, mouthing that she’d explain later.

He looked reticent, but acquiesced. He’d have a better view of the action through the cameras anyway.

Returning her attention back to her new pet, Gwen kept coaching Cindy on how to best service her new mistress. She was so turned on that it didn’t take long for Gwen to climax, squeezing Cindy’s head tight with her powerful thighs as she bucked against her delicate lips.

After she’d calmed down from her high, Gwen stood and circled the still kneeling and subservient woman. ‘Was that your first time with a woman?’

Her head bowed and her body trembling with desire - a great sign - Cindy nodded. ‘Yes mistress.’

Gwen frowned in consternation and squatted down beside her.

‘Hey, to be clear, just because you’re our pet doesn’t mean you have to do everything we say, okay?’ Gwen explained kindly, rubbing her hand in soothing circles over Cindy’s back.

Cindy, her cheeks a flaming red, turned her head and inhaled sharply through her nostrils as she beheld Gwen’s crouched form her eyes darting from her perky tits, to her shredded abs and finally her still dripping womanhood.

‘You’re…beautiful,’ Cindy praised, starting when she remembered herself, ‘Mistress.’

Grinning smugly, Gwen stood and crossed her arms. ‘Alright, let me see what I’m working with here. Strip, pet.’

Gwen almost wanted to groan with pleasure as the beautiful oriental girl hopped up and started to disrobe, all too eager to please.

She’s perfect.

Cindy hadn’t been wearing much, just the tight tee and yoga pants - cheeky slut was definitely trying to seduce Pete. Once naked, her pet stood proudly at attention, her hands behind her back, as if presenting herself for inspection.

Gwen licked her lips as she circled the gorgeous young woman, her fingers trailing over her naked skin and causing shivers of delight.

Cindy had a slim, athletic frame. She wasn’t as muscled as Gwen, but she wasn’t soft either, not entirely. Her tits were perky, only slightly bigger than hers and capped with tiny, dark-brown nipples while her skin was a flawless alabaster. She also had powerful looking legs and Gwen had to resist the urge to get down on her knees and nibble on her toned ass.

‘Track?’ Gwen guessed and Cindy nodded dutifully.

‘I’m a sprinter,’ she explained, and Gwen didn’t need to know more, but Cindy provided it anyway. ‘I also did ballet for most of my life.’

‘It shows,’ Gwen praised and Cindy flushed with pride and delight. ‘As I’m sure you’ve surmised, Pete likes athletic girls.’

‘I’m…glad,’ Cindy hedged, smiling shyly as she caught Gwen’s knowing grin.

‘Who’s your main in Street Fighter?’ Gwen prompted, and instead of fumbling in confusion at the random non-sequitur, she answered immediately and with conviction.


‘Good girl!’ Gwen praised and Cindy preened with delight.

‘Put your hands on the table,’ Gwen next instructed and Cindy dutifully walked over to the nearby table and did as commanded, sticking out her toned ass for her inspection. Gwen almost felt drunk on power with Cindy’s complete lack of hesitation when obeying her commands. Kneeling down behind her, Cindy shuddered as Gwen started to run her hands up and down her magnificent ass.

‘You ever had anything in your ass?’ Gwen asked and, still shuddering, Cindy dutifully shook her head.

‘No, Mistress.’

‘That’s okay, we can train that. Pete loves anal,’ she lied. More than anything she wanted Pete to take this little slut every way imaginable, nothing of hers should be off-limits.

Seeing her perk up at the new bit of information on her crush, Gwen almost cackled. She only just managed to stifle her yelp and moan when she felt phantom, nanite-controlled fingers squeezing her nipples. Hard.

Mmm, apparently Pete doesn’t like liars.

He’d need to come up with a better punishment though, she thought with an amused grin as she winked at the camera.

Without so much as a by your leave, Gwen buried her face in Cindy’s ass and slipped her tongue into her glistening folds. The girl started at the unexpected intrusion, but she moaned and didn’t protest as Gwen got her first taste.

With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Gwen used her nanites to elongate her tongue to six inches long, coiling inside her and directly licking and pleasuring the roof of her vagina. Cindy froze in shock, the table creaking under the pressure of her grip as she let out a surprised, guttural groan.

Fuck her voice is sexy.

‘W-what are you doing to me… M-mistress?’ she whined, not understanding what was happening.

You ain’t seen nothing yet, Pet.

While Gwen’s elongated tongue ran riot inside of Cindy’s womanhood, Gwen slipped a finger in her adorably winking rosebud. In response, Cindy muffled her own squeal by slapping a hand over her mouth, groaning as white, finger-thick tendrils grew out of her wrist and slithered into Cindy’s backdoor.

Cindy moaned and groaned adorably as Gwen assaulted both of her holes, her wriggling appendages giving her new pet an experience unlike any she had ever felt before.

Gwen absolutely loved the sounds she was making, and how her back and ass kept clenching and tensing every time a spike of pleasure shot through her body - it just looked so damn sexy.

She hoped Pete had a good angle.

Gwen focused her tongue on Cindy’s g-spot, pressing hard and rubbing against it as her pet groaned and shook in pleasure.

When she finally came, Cindy arched her back and stood on her tippy-toes, her screams punctuated with squirts that she completely drenched Gwen’s face with.

God I hope someone from the neighbouring buildings heard the screams - maybe we’ll finally get some voyeurs.

Gwen removed her tongue and fingers from Cindy’s holes and the girl sagged against the table, turning to regard her mistress with wide, disbelieving eyes. Gwen waited until she’d turned to fully retract her tongue and she cackled at Cindy’s startled reaction and flushed cheeks.

‘Did you enjoy that, Pet?’

Cindy nodded shakily but eagerly. ‘Y-yes Mistress.’

‘Good, clean my face. You made a mess.’

‘Yes Mistress!’

It was honestly adorable how easily and eagerly Cindy fell into her subservient role. She didn’t even hesitate to wrap her arms around Gwen’s waist and start lapping her release up like an eager puppy.

When she was done, Gwen stared deep into Cindy’s brown eyes and cupped the side of her face, planting a gentle kiss on her perfect lips. Cindy whimpered into her mouth and Gwen pulled back with an indulgent smile.

‘We’re going to have so much fun with you, Pet,’ Gwen promised with a sultry whisper, grinning as Cindy’s eyes widened with excitement. ‘Just keep being an obedient pet and, one day, you’ll get exactly what you want. I’ll make sure your master takes good care of you.’

Cindy bit her lip with need, the desperation and desire in her eyes clear. Smiling, Gwen gently spun her around and slapped Cindy on her delicious, toned ass. ‘Now go back to your room. We’ll see you tomorrow.’

Cindy spun around again, her eyes going to her nearby discarded clothes. Gwen only raised an eyebrow in challenge, freezing Cindy in her tracks when she made to collect them.

‘You won’t be needing those.’

Gwen wasn’t worried about pushing her too hard on this. She was literally staying in the apartment below theirs. The only risk she had of running into someone was if one of the other four people on her floor happened to be outside their rooms at this hour.

Unlikely, but the possibility still turned her on, and with the way Cindy was grinding her thighs together, she seemed likewise titillated.

With a grin, Gwen watched as Cindy hurried off, turning to her one last time with a wide smile on her face. ‘Thank you, Mistress!’

Gwen took her time making her way to their bedroom, a form of teasing in and of itself.

She paused at the threshold of their room, leaning against the doorframe as she watched her naked boyfriend toying with a very familiar pair of unbreakable cuffs, his eyes smouldering and promising her a delightfully torturous evening ahead.

‘Ooh, feeling a little frisky, babe?’ Gwen teased as she shut the door behind her.

‘Face down,’ Pete ordered, his face like stone but his eyes smouldering with desire.

Gwen shuddered and obediently did as asked, her pussy practically leaking with her arousal.

As Pete secured her with the bindings, she couldn’t hide the naughty grin on her face if she tried.

Feeling a bit possessive, eh? Good to know…



I hope you write scenes of Peter again watching videos from Gwen's gallery.


Pops up literally next chapter - though it's less of a focus and more of the side 'kink' of the chapter.


How do you imagine the videos in Gwen's gallery? https://twitter.com/HIRENX_/status/1721741439988908471?s=19 https://twitter.com/HIRENX_/status/1722187786131009612?s=19 https://twitter.com/HIRENX_/status/1721590210658807997?s=19 https://twitter.com/HIRENX_/status/1721536348346261626?s=19 https://twitter.com/HIRENX_/status/1721040839382855700?s=19 https://twitter.com/HIRENX_/status/1721152885327851731?s=19 I think these videos are the best representation I can think of.