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It was no exaggeration to say that Peter Parker played a huge role in her success as a superhero. Everything from designing her suit, creating gadgets to counter her enemies and just being an ever-present shoulder to cry on, he was always there for her.

As a friend.

Despite being firmly friend-zoned by the superheroine, there was only so much he could take.

Because Peter loved Gwen, no matter how much she tried to ignore that fact.


This was supposed to be a short, one-shot because I just love Ghost Spider’s aesthetic so, so much and… well, I got to nine thousand words and I’ll probably end up doing a lot more… I like this pairing a lot.

I don’t read the comics at all. I know her from artists on social media and, obviously, Spiderverse. She’s quite a bit younger in that. This Peter and Gwen are in their mid twenties - mostly because I just don’t like writing children.

This is mostly vanilla to begin with, though Gwen is very much promiscuous at the start of the story, and is very kinky with Pete. This will evolve as the story progresses, Pete, and eventually Gwen, will occasionally take other lovers (Pete more than Gwen).

Chapter 1

Gwen Stacey sighed as she landed in a crouch on the roof of the abandoned building, her hideout a welcome sight for sore eyes after the day and night she’d had.

Derek is starting to get really clingy…

Not a good trait for a boyfriend, especially when she was the infamous Ghost Spider, prone to inexplicably pulling out of events and dates at a moment's notice.

Heroing wasn't a nine to five, after all.

Making sure to be extra stealthy, she silently opened the window and crawled in through the narrow space with a grace and flexibility earned through years of practice, not a radioactive spider.

Well, not just a radioactive spider.

Landing on the thick, wooden support beam with her arms outstretched like the gymnast she was, her turquoise, ballerina-style shoes - a gag-gift from her best friend that she grew to adore - didn’t even disturb a speck of dust as she crept forwards until she was positioned right above the unsuspecting man below.

Silently attaching a web to the beam, she lowered herself until she hung upside-down right behind him, ready to give him the fright of his life -

‘Rough night?’

‘FUCK!’ Gwen hollered in outrage, her plans to sneak up on her best-friend foiled yet again. ‘How do you keep doing that?!’

Peter Parker didn’t even look up from whatever he was soldering at her exclamation, his slight frame hunched over the desk, his rumpled plaid shirt and skinny jeans as much a uniform as her Ghost Spider outfit.

The awesome one he’d created for her.

The abandoned building, falsely reported to have no utilities and generally not fit for human habitation, was an old townhouse Peter had helped her set up for use as a hideout and base of operations.

She needed a place to store all the suits and incredible gadgets he made for her, after all. Kind of hard to hide all this tech from her ever inquisitive roommate, or even her dumb-as-a-brick but incredible-in-the-sack boyfriend.

Peter had helped her set up a limited LLC so she could buy some property all over the city with the hefty inheritance left to her by her deceased parents. Most of them were making her some pretty decent money while some, like this old building, were perfect for her main job.

She was just glad Peter was her best-friend. She had no idea about how to invest her money smartly, and thankfully, his genius extended to more than just…science stuff.

He'd even set up a Ghost Spider merch store that couldn't be tracked back to her! That one was a real money maker. The kiddies loved the suit and the action figures.

He was so incredible she even mentally forgave him for making her suit so tight and form fitting that it perfectly highlighted her athletic, muscular physique and the shape of her ass.

It is a great ass, after all.

‘Maybe you should try not stomping around the place like an elephant. They should call you Spiderphant!’

Ugh, that was terrible.

If he weren’t such a genius and her best friend, she’d have strangled him for making her cringe so hard. ‘Are you calling me fat?!’

‘You need to have more than an actual percentage of body fat to make that joke, sorry.' Finally looking up at her, his eyebrows raised when she took her mask off and her blonde hair spilled out. She'd opted for something new, feeling like she needed a change. She had her stylist give her an asymmetric undercut, the blonde locks retaining their previous length on one side of her face. 'Nice do. Get some gum caught in your hair?'

Rolling her eyes, she chuckled and flicked his ear, running her hand along the freshly-shaved side of her head. 'Har har.'

His smile then turned more genuine. 'Just kidding. I like it, very punk rock. It suits you.'

Ignoring the fluttering in her belly at the genuine praise, she gave him the horns and stuck out her tongue, earning another chuckle.

Sighing, she plopped down on the chair beside him after ruffling his hair in greeting. She grinned proudly at his grunt of annoyance.

‘How was your day dear?’

He paused whatever he was doing, finally giving her a sidelong stare. ‘What? I’ve been here all day.’

She only rolled her eyes. ‘You asked if I had a rough night, you’re supposed to actually follow up with that.’

‘Oh,’ Peter said before smiling. ‘I don’t actually care though.’

She resisted the urge to grab him in a headlock and give him a noogie. She looked over at the crutches leaning beside his workbench with a grimace. His illness had left him with a body so frail he couldn’t walk properly under his own power, so someone that could bench press ten tonnes wrapping their arms around his frail neck?

Yeah, probably not a good idea.

‘Anyway, I’m exhausted. I didn’t get much sleep last night. Derek wanted to fuck after practise last night and before gym this morning, I barely got any sleep.’ She didn’t notice Peter’s shoulders stiffening at the admission. Long used to being open with her best-friend about everything, she wasn’t even looking for a reaction. ‘Then there’s Fisk’s goons. They’re ramping up their operations for something big, but I swear every time I shut down a cell, another three pop up somewhere else.’

‘It’s almost like locking him up in a prison where he very obviously bribes or threatens all the guards had absolutely no effect at all. Who’d have thought?’

Gwen palmed her face as that familiar argument reared its ugly head again.

It’s pretty easy to advocate for murder when you’re not the one who would be doing the murdering, even if that piece of shit probably deserves it.

Before she could respond in the same way she’d done countless times before, Pete’s eyes widened and he rolled towards a nearby desk and snatched up a baseball-sized metallic spheroid that was sitting atop a nest of papers. Pressing on an indistinguishable point on its smooth surface, Gwen heard it beep, before her suit responded with an identical, answering beep of its own.

‘There, it’s paired. Catch,’ he announced before lobbing the ball at her with an underarm throw. She caught the surprisingly heavy thing without a problem, her pierced brow raised. She could feel the weight within the ball shifting as it moved it through the air. ‘Put your hood back on and then think it to stand.’

Far too used to Peter’s bizarre sounding demands at this point - heck, everything she wore and used in her superhero life was created by him - she did as commanded. With her mask covering her face and her hood pulled down, she felt the brief tingling sensation in her temples that signified her suit's neural interface coming back online.

She looked at the ball in her hand and imagined it standing.

She nearly dropped the thing when four, previously invisible and seamless, panels slid open and out of each extended a pointed, metallic leg. The little robot’s legs then lifted its spherical body up so it stood on her hand. She watched it in fascination as she next commanded it to spin in place and it followed her orders without delay.

Naturally, its jig dancing was also quite something to behold.

Kinda cute.

Grinning at her reaction, Peter spoke. ‘It’s smart enough to not need direct control. Tell it to go to that vent up there before waiting for further instructions. Don’t think about anything else, or how it should do it, just think about the goal.’

Excited, she did just that and they both watched as the little robot leapt from her hand and scurried silently towards the wall beneath the vent. Gwen’s eyes widened when the little robot started climbing up the wall with its pointed legs just as well as she could, then, as it reached the vent, it used the tips of its pointy limbs to unscrew the vent cover and slip inside.

‘Now, tell it to show you what it sees.’

Gwen gasped when a small window filled her vision. Used to messing with her suit’s interface and HUD, she mentally commanded it to move about until she was comfortable with its position and opacity.

‘This is incredible!’

‘And now you don’t have to go into dangerous situations without knowing exactly what you’ll be going up against. I call it the Spy-der-bot.’

Gwen laughed, ‘Oh Pete that’s horrible!’ Still, she couldn’t mask her giggles at his look of pride at his ridiculous naming conventions. She didn’t understand how someone so brilliant could be so rubbish at coming up with names. ‘Seriously Pete, this is amazing! This’ll make finding out what Fisk is up to so much easier.’

‘And safer,’ he added, blushing adorably at her praise.

After they got done playing with the little robot where Peter showed her its myriad, invaluable features, he said he’d figure out a way for her to store it on her suit so it doesn’t get in the way, but he hadn’t figured that part out yet.

Grinning naughtily, she eyed the sphere in her hand and shifted it about so she could feel its internals moving about within. ‘You know, now that I think about it, this thing looks and feels a bit like a Ben Wa ball. I already have the perfect place to keep it stored.’

Seeing his face flush crimson, she laughed and decided to tease him some more.

‘It might be a bit on the big side, but I’m already used to that after being with Derek. Doubly so after he brought his friend over to party. I’m convinced that guy was a half-horse mutant or something. I hadn’t been that stretched in a long time - this thing will barely register.’

She looked up, her smile frozen on her face and eventually morphing into a frown when she noticed Peter had stilled and gone eerily silent. Her eyebrows rose when he stood on wobbly legs and stumbled over to his crutches, mumbling something about needing to meet his Uncle Ben.

She watched him hobble out of their cosy, little hideaway with a frown marring her beautiful features.

What was that? He’s never reacted that way to my teasing before.

Sighing, she looked down at Pete’s latest incredible invention with a fond smile. The smile quickly faded as the old, familiar guilt set in.

She wasn’t blind, or stupid. Peter Parker was a certified genius. He could be working with the best and brightest at Stark Industries, but instead he’s making chump-change as a part-time research assistant - infuriatingly, refusing all offers of a wage from her.

Instead of using his incredible genius to make the world a better place, or even more important, cure his sickly body, he spent all his free time helping her be better equipped. All so she could better beat up and arrest thugs that would just be back out on the street, terrorising the good people of New York, within six to twelve months anyway.

Fucking lawyers.

Sighing, she locked up and decided now would be the best time to test Pete’s latest invention. She had some leads on a few more bases that she wanted to more thoroughly investigate, and maybe her latest gadget would help her find out what Fisk’s goons were really up to.

She had a feeling Pete’s little Spy-der-bot would be invaluable.

She scoffed.

Of course it will be. Pete made it, after all.

Later that night and after a wildly successful test-run of Spy-der-bot, so late it was almost early the next morning, Gwen swung by her secret base to get a change of clothes. While her roommate was used to seeing her come home at all times, with guests or otherwise, she had to actually look the part if she wanted to keep the nosy girl oblivious to her alter-ego.

She didn’t know why she didn’t just get her own place. She could afford it, and it would be so much easier, but something about coming back to an empty house left her feeling cold.

And it’s not like she wanted to move in with Derek. He was a convenient and talented flesh-dildo, nothing more.

I need a vacation. I don’t care where, it just needs to have a spa and a huge, hung Scandinavian masseuse that’ll give me his special service.

She was shocked when, instead of an empty secret base, she found Peter hunched over one of her suits and examining something with a device she had no clue as to the purpose of, though it looked like some kind of microscope.

He sighed. ‘What are you doing here so late?’ he looked down at his watch and frowned. ‘Or early, I guess.’

‘I could ask you the same question,’ she fired back with a concerned frown on her face. ‘You shouldn’t be walking about this late on your own.’

Now it was his turn to frown. ‘I can take care of myself, thanks. I just needed something to take my mind off things.’

Sighing and not wanting to get into it again with him, she told him how successful the first field-test of Spy-der-bot was before her tired mind registered what he’d said earlier.

‘What do you mean by taking your mind off things? Is May okay?’

‘May’s fine’ he said with a sigh. ‘Ben said they’re just keeping her for observation until tomorrow then they’ll send her home.’

‘Okay… that’s great. Incredible, actually. So what was that earlier? I didn’t mean to offend or anything, you’ve never had a problem with my humour before. Sorry, I guess.’

She hated apologising when she didn’t know what she did wrong, but she hated upsetting Peter more.

‘Humour…’ Pete muttered, a dark amusement suffusing his tone. He only sighed again however, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his tired eyes wearily.

It was then that Gwen finally noticed the bags under his eyes. He didn’t look well.

‘Hey Pete, are you sleeping enough? You look like shit.’

His sigh that time actually started to irritate her. He was dodging her questions, or just dodging her in general and she was getting a little over it.

‘I should go home,’ he announced, and before he could grab his crutches, she webbed them out of his reach.

‘Nuh-uh, you’re not running away from me. What’s the deal, Pete?’

‘Gwen,’ he started, his eyes shut tight as he controlled his breathing. Gwen frowned in concern, she’d never seen her best-friend like this before. Peter was always the guy you could count on to bring a smile to your face with his quick wit, and even quicker silver tongue. Now though? He looked exhausted, and angry. ‘Give me my crutches, please.’

‘Did I do something to upset you?’ she instead asked, ignoring his request and eyeing him warily as his posture stiffened, now radiating even more controlled anger.

‘Gwen -’

‘Stop ignoring me Pete and answer the question! What the hell is going on with you?’

‘You know exactly what’s going on with me, you’re just being deliberately obtuse. Or do your powers of deduction miraculously disappear when it comes to the people you supposedly care about?!’

Gwen reeled back as if Peter had struck her, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open in shock. ‘What the fuck are you on about?!’

That… was apparently the wrong thing to say.

Just when it looked like he would explode with rage, he did the heavy breathing thing again and calmed himself down.

‘When I told you I loved you when we were in highschool, that wasn’t a silly crush, it wasn’t a faze. I still do, but you turned me down. Fine, whatever. I can’t force you to feel the same way about me, that’s fine. But you just won’t stop going on about the jocks you don’t even care about but are constantly fucking. I can’t force you to return my feelings - I obviously won’t ever match up to the big-dicked meatheads you’re so fond of - but the least you could do is have the decency to not keep rubbing my face in it.’

Breathing heavily, his bloodshot, bleary eyes wild and his face flush after his outburst, he looked away from her gobsmacked face in embarrassment before stumbling towards the door, pausing briefly to violently unscrew the nearby broom handle to use as a walking stick.

Finally coming back to her senses, she launched herself over the desk between them. ‘Pete, wait!’ Landing before him, she handed him back his crutches. ‘Pete… Peter, I -’

‘Just leave me alone,’ he begged, her heart breaking at how utterly miserable he sounded and knowing she was the sole cause of it. ‘I accepted a job at Stark Industries. I can’t be around you anymore, it’s making me miserable. I start tomorrow, so yay for me, I’m going to show up at my new job looking like a zombie.’

He motioned over his shoulder to the suit he was examining when she came in. It was identical to the one she was wearing, the black, white, maroon and turquoise of the first suit he’d designed for her so beautiful she’d never wanted him to change it.

He’s leaving me?

‘I made you a new suit. It’ll feel exactly the same as the one you’re wearing, but just think stealth and you’ll turn invisible. It also has all the other features you’re used to… good luck Gwen. Stay safe.’

Gwen wanted to shout, she wanted to scream at him to not leave her, but even with all her superhuman strength, she felt powerless as her best-friend, her Pete, turned and walked out of her life, her heart shattering into a million pieces.


Peter startled awake when he felt a heavy weight settle on his chest.

When his eyes shot open and he saw Gwen Stacey sitting on his chest, dressed in her skin-tight superhero suit, sans-mask, he sighed and fell back onto his bed.

‘Jesus, Gwen, I felt a heavy weight on my chest and I thought I was having a heart attack,’ he muttered, rubbing a hand over his face as he cleared the cobwebs. Then he looked up at her, doing his best to hide the turmoil in his heart. ‘I thought I asked you to leave me alone.’

She didn’t take the bait. Her stony features barely flickered at all. It was hard to tell with the dim light that shone through his apartment window, but Gwen didn’t look so great. Her hair was a mess and her eyes looked bleary and bloodshot.

She also looked like she’d been crying.


‘I broke up with Derek,’ she said, finally breaking the silence.

‘I don’t care, I’m trying to sleep.’ He then paused, and looked around the room. His apartment wasn’t big, but it was secure. ‘How did you even get in here? You’re paying for whatever you broke.’

‘I said I broke up with Derek.’

‘Congratulations? Get tired of conversing with your fuck buddy monosyllabically? Fortunately for you, football teams have a roster of, like, seven-hundred meatheads. I’m sure you’ll bounce right back. Now, if you don’t mind, I have an early start tomorrow.’

But she didn’t budge, and trying to get her off him, especially with his frail body, was about as successful as a mouse trying to wiggle out from under a lion’s paw.

A fly from a spider’s web is probably more apt…

In the dim light he was only able to see that Gwen had her head bowed, her features hidden by her bang, so he couldn’t even really get a read on her emotions.

‘This is starting to feel a little serial killer-y. Can you get off me, please.’

Gwen mumbled something under her breath and even in the silence, Peter wasn’t able to catch it. ‘Excuse me?’

‘I said you’re mine,’ she growled heatedly, her voice rising and Peter, despite his mind’s vehement protestations, felt himself get excited by the words, his dick throbbing in delight at the, frankly, deranged exclamation.

‘Excuse me?’ he repeated, his eyes narrowed. ‘Care to elaborate? You don’t own -’

He had an entire spiel ready, but then Gwen cheated. Grabbing the collar of his tee-shit in a vice-like grip, she silenced whatever he was about to say by capturing his lips in a heated kiss.

He was sure he had something relevant to say. Something masculine and suitably self-important, but as he felt her tongue force its way into his mouth, every rational thought immediately started eluding his grasp like wisps of smoke.

Then, he grimaced, and  pushed her off him.

‘Eugh, what the hell?! Why do you taste like cheap Vodka? Are you drunk?!’ He frowned. ‘Is that even possible?’

Gwen was ignoring him however, but at least her bleary eyes made some sense. Her breathing was heavy and she’d yet to relinquish the hold on his shirt, and despite how fucked up the situation was, Peter couldn’t stop his mind from doing three-sixty kickflips because Gwen had just kissed him!

‘You left me.’


‘You’re mine,’ she growled again, and he started to get the feeling she might have been hunched over a picture of him, cradling it to her chest and calling it her precious over and over for the past month.

The thought didn’t entirely displease him.

God, you’re so fucked up Parker.

‘You’re mine. My Peter,’ she reiterated, and his mind unhelpfully added My Precious, thankfully her inebriated state causing her to miss his lips twitching. ‘You’re not allowed to leave me.’

‘I… don’t know what to say to that other than I’m a little bit terrified right now.’

And turned on, you fucking liar.

‘I… I’m sorry,’ she said and lifted her head to meet his gaze. Any good humour or smart quips that were on the tip of his tongue died as a beam of light shining through the window caught her face. Her eyes were red-rimmed, his assumptions that she’d been crying, recently, apparently correct.

They were shimmering now.

He didn’t like seeing her normally beautiful baby blues like that. Not at all.

Peter sighed in defeat. ‘Sorry for what? You don’t owe me anything.’

Her grip on his shirt tightened to an uncomfortable degree. ‘I owe you everything,’ she hissed. ‘I’m… I’m sorry. For being stupid and not realising you still loved me, for rubbing my sexploits in your face, for taking you for granted and… I’m sorry for not doing this sooner.’

His eyes widened when she leaned down and captured his lips in another kiss.

First and second kiss in one night, not bad stud. Also, I think I’m starting to like the taste of cheap vodka…

This time the kiss was sensual, passionate and lacking in the aggression of before. He felt his heart thrum in his chest. He’d loved Gwen for as long as he could remember, the classic trope of the Geek and the Cheerleader - or gymnast, in this case - but he’d long given up hope of this ever happening anywhere but his wildest dreams.

Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry.

When she pulled away, the bleariness in her eyes steadily clearing as her superhuman metabolism actively nuked the alcohol in her blood, she gave him a solemn, serious look.

‘You’re mine,’ she reiterated for the hundredth time that night, but this time her words caused him to blush. Seeing this, Gwen smirked and his blush only deepened. ‘You’re mine and I’m yours. So don’t ever leave me again or I’ll, I’ll… I’ll web you to the wall and use you as a sex slave forever.’

Well that escalated quickly.

Still, he chuckled, his heart doing backflips. ‘I don’t think that’s the threat you think it is.’

‘I know exactly what it is,’ she purred and Peter groaned when she slid down his body and started rubbing her groin against his aching dick. ‘I missed you,’ she whimpered, burying her face in his chest. He sighed and rubbed her back at how choked up she sounded.

‘I don’t think I could handle it if I woke up and this was all just a vivid dream.’

Rotating her head, she looked into his eyes and Peter started when he saw the hint of mischief there. ‘You dream about this often?’ she teased and, before he could answer, she grabbed his wrists and pushed them against the headboard before webbing them in place. ‘Do I ever do that in your dreams?’

He didn’t even bother struggling against the web-bindings - he’d created the formulae, after all, he knew how impossible a task releasing himself would be. ‘Once or twice,’ he admitted with a blush

Gwen only smirked at his flushed features before sliding down his body. He yelped when she then threw the blanket off and yanked his boxers down. He looked away, unable to meet her eyes as she looked at his hard dick.

‘I’m… I’m not big like the guys you’re used to.’

‘I don’t care how big your dick is. All that matters is it’s yours, and therefore mine.’

He lurched against his bonds and yelped again when she blew a huff of warm breath on his slick, erect member, earning a giggle from the naughty superhero.

Looking back to her, he watched with bated breath as she pressed the button on her wrist to loosen the skin-tight suit. What only moments ago looked painted-on now hung off her frame like particularly baggy coveralls. He gulped when she shucked the upper-half off her shoulders, the white sports bra doing little to mask her piercings, the fabric so sheer her dark pink nipples were clearly outlined. His eyes then trailed down to her washboard abs and he felt himself throb with desire.

Gwen’s body was out of this world. He’d never seen anyone more perfect.

She grinned at his look of adoration, and he blushed when she spit on her now bare hand and palmed his erection. He bit his lip, hoping to mask his pathetic whimper at the contact, then felt a full-body shudder as she started to stroke him, her spit adding to the copious amount of pre-cum leaking from his tip to provide adequate lube.

‘Did I ever do this in your dreams?’

He heard the smirk in her tone but he didn’t care, he only nodded in affirmation. He could only screw his eyes shut in the hope that he wouldn’t embarrass himself by cumming too quickly.

Finally opening his eyes again after a few close calls, somewhat confident he wouldn’t immediately embarrass himself, he saw Gwen lying between his spread legs, her arms on his thighs as she continued to stroke his length, her lips only inches away from his tip as she smiled at it.

‘It’s kind of cute,’ she cooed and he almost came on the spot when she kissed his glans, giggling at his reaction.

‘I might not be as… experienced as you at this, but I’m pretty sure that was a massive faux pas.’

Her grin widened and his breath hitched as she climbed up his chest until her lips were next to his ear, her hot breath giving him pleasant shivers. ‘Your dick might not be that long, but you’re plenty thick. Your cock will stretch me so good, Stud.’

She bit her lip to hide her grin when he all but vibrated with repressed lust. ‘Oh Gwen you better not be messing with me. As great as this is, I don’t want your pity.’

She frowned at his words but went back to stroking his cock, now lying against his side as she gazed into his eyes.

‘You always call me a superhero. I have the strength, the reflexes -’

‘The ass,’ Peter supplied with a throaty chuckle that earned a pleased grin from the young woman.

‘I have that too. But you’re the one with the brain. Without you, I’m just a blunt knife, with you? I’m the sharpest scalpel. We’ve always made a great team, the best team,’ she said with a shrug, a faint dusting of pink on her freckled cheeks. ‘Now I’m just making it official.’

His breath hitched at her clumsy, heartfelt confession and, honestly, he couldn’t think of a more beautiful thing he’d ever heard in his entire life.

‘What are you saying? Exactly?’

‘You’re mine,’ she reiterated. ‘My boyfriend… or whatever,’ she added with another blush. ‘And I’m your girlfriend. So don’t ever leave me again, do you understand me?’

‘Did you get that?’

Gwen’s eyes widened into saucers when Peter not only spoke to the room, but it spoke back. She jumped a foot off the bed in fright when the lights came on and a woman’s voice started speaking.

‘Affirmative Peter,’ it said. Then, if possible, she blushed darker than she’d done that night when her cheesy and heartfelt confession was played back for them.

‘W-What’s that?!’ she shrieked, her cheeks still aflame as he smiled warmly at her.

‘That’s Karen, my AI. Tony helped me create her. I just had her record your confession so you can’t do something dumb like claim drunkenness or whatever tomorrow. And for posterity, of course. That’s the first time a girl’s ever confessed to me.’

‘Delete it!’



‘I’ll treasure it forever!’

They held each other’s gazes for several moments, Peter trying to keep a straight face with his bombshell best friend’s - no, GIRLFRIEND - hand on his dick while Gwen tried her hardest not to break down into a fit of giggles.

They failed.

When their giggles subsided, Peter’s eyes widened when that hint of mischief sparkled in his girlfriend’s - that’ll never get old - eyes again. His breath hitched as she grabbed the collar of his shirt and tore it apart as if it were tissue paper. Running her hand through the three hairs on his chest, she slid further down his body and his breath hitched when she kissed the head of his dick again.

‘Still worried I’m not serious?’

When she kissed his dick for the third time, he screwed his eyes shut and groaned in pleasure. ‘I-I might need some more convincing.’

All he heard was an amused giggle before a wet, warm warm enveloped the entirety of his six-inch cock. He didn’t need to open his eyes to know what was happening, but there was no way he’d miss this.

At the sight of Gwen’s lips spread wide around his thick shaft, her cheeks pink and the corners of her mouth upturned with a smirk, he almost came undone. He started going through all the work he had to tomorrow for Tony in his head in the hopes of holding off his orgasm.

‘I-I’m still not sure about your s-sincerity, I-I’m going to n-need you to - oh FUCK!

He’d like to have thought his curse had sounded manly, but he’d definitely squealed a little when Gwen only raised her brow and giggled around his shaft at his words before slipping a lubed finger right into his ass.

He’d been a solid virgin before that night. One of those idiot losers who fell in love in high-school and never moved on, while also not being attractive enough for other girls to offer him an alternative.

That is to say, he’d been an avid consumer of porn in all its forms. He knew that some men liked to have their prostates massaged, it was apparently the male version of the g-spot.

He also now knew he was one of those men.

Gwen’s eyes widened in delight at his reaction, before narrowing in renewed mischief as she pressed down on the spot a finger-length in his back door while deep-throating his cock and tonguing his balls.

It was at that point he had to admit something to himself. He’d always hated how Gwen would rub her sexual exploits in his face - unintentionally or not -  but now that he was very much a beneficiary of said experience, well…

Maybe her promiscuity wasn’t the worst thing in the world?

There was no way a virgin like him could hold out under such an assault. With a final groan and convulsion, he let Gwen know he was cumming and loved that she didn’t let up. He unloaded a week’s worth of being-too-busy-to-take-care-of-himself down her greedy throat, and she swallowed each jet of cum with enthusiasm. When her pierced eyebrows rose at the sheer volume, her mouth still sealed around his dick, he could only blush and shrug - his breath ragged after the greatest orgasm of his life.

‘I’ve been busy,’ he mumbled in explanation and she pulled back off his dick so he could see her sexy smirk properly. He felt himself throb in desire, immediately halting the flagging of his erection, when she opened her mouth to show off her latest spoils.

‘That’s… I might have dreamed about that too…’

‘I think I really like playing with you while you’re all tied up. It’s making me… really horny.’

She winked at him slyly before crawling off his bed. She looked over her shoulder at him and let her baggy suit fall to the floor. She smirked as he gazed at her almost naked form reverently, and then almost naked was no longer the case. After kicking her suit out of the way, she first pulled off her sports bra, her perky b-cups with pierced nipples causing his mouth to water.

After allowing him to have his fill of her tits, she slowly turned and jutted out her thong covered ass in his direction. His breath hitched as she hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and slowly dragged them down her thick, toned thighs.

If he still harboured even the tiniest sliver of doubt that Gwen was just fucking with him, in some truly twisted game that he knew she wasn’t capable of, that doubt was quickly dispelled when he saw how damp her panties were with arousal.

She just stood there, clearly basking in his adoration as he gazed longingly at her perfect body. She grinned and spanked her meaty bum, alternating the cheeks, causing it to ripple delightfully every time she did so.

Peter was honestly, for the first time in his life, speechless. He’d never seen a woman, in porn or in reality, with a more perfect body than her’s. She’d been a gymnast since she was a child, and while her super transformation had added some muscle where there hadn’t previously been much, her shredded body was a result of years of dedication and training.

Honestly, he was basically salivating at the sight of her, and Gwen clearly loved his attention, because she smirked and just modelled for him. Turning to show off her washboard abs and perky tits for him when she got tired of showing off her perfect ass and muscular back.

‘No smart-ass comments?’ she teased as she placed a foot on his bed and spread her pussy lips for him.

‘I… I don’t know what to say. You’re so far out of my league it’s not even funny. It’s why it’s so hard for me to think of this as anything other than some kind of lucid dream.’

She smirked, got on his bed and crawled towards him until they were face to face.

‘You’re the one that’s out of my league Peter,’ she whispered and kissed his nose. ‘I don’t deserve you,’ she continued, kissing his cheek. ‘And I’m going to keep saying it until you get it in that thick skull of yours. You’re mine. Get used to it.’

She smirked and got up on her knees so she was straddling his chest. His eyes widened when she turned around and bent over, putting her incredible ass and dripping pussy right in his face.

So transfixed was he by the sight of her perfect ass, he yelped when Gwen took him back in her mouth unexpectedly, her tongue flitting about his glans as she worked to get him hard again.

It did not take long.

He’d given up on trying to return the favour. He was still tied to the headboard and couldn’t reach the pussy that was sitting on his chest with his tongue. When Gwen whined, removing his cock from her mouth to beg him to return the favour, he told her about his struggles, his tone thick with frustration.

She laughed and shuffled backwards, putting her ass and pussy right within reach. He still couldn't believe this was happening, but he grew tired of constantly questioning it and second-guessing himself, so, hoping the reading he’d done and the, frankly, ridiculous amount of porn he’d consumed would stand him in good stead, he flattened his tongue and pressed it against as much of her vulva as possible, while ignoring her inviting clit.

For now.

Gwen’s pleased purr that reverberated through his cock, up his spine and back into his brain let him know he was doing something right. He didn’t bother penetrating her with his tongue straight away, instead focusing on pleasuring as much of what was outside as possible.

When her moans of approval started to increase in intensity, he used the tip of his tongue to simultaneously tickle her clit. It was a bit of an awkward manoeuvre, but he’d been praised and scolded for his irreverent silver tongue his entire life, it was about time he started to put it to good use.

And as Gwen stilled then started thrashing above him in utter bliss, he figured she approved of his self-taught technique. She pulled off his cock and bit his thigh to muffle her squealed moan while also showering his face with her juices.

The situation, the scents, Gwen’s ass quivering right in his face, her lips wrapped around his dick, her fingers playing with his balls, even the bite on his thigh which he was sure left a mark. All of it was just too much for his inexperienced mind and, with a pained groan, he buried his face in her meaty ass and came again.

When the stars stopped flashing in his vision, he felt humiliated that he’d cum twice in such quick succession. He just looked up at the ceiling, his face a deep crimson, refusing to meet his girlfriend’s gaze.

‘Hey,’ she called softly when she realised what was going on. ‘You’re still a virgin right? Is this the first time you’ve done anything with a girl?’

It was even more humiliating to admit at twenty-five years old, but he only nodded his head. He saw no point in lying.

He felt her turn and crawl up to straddle his chest. His breath hitched when her perfect, smiling face streaked with his cum came into view. She hadn’t bothered to wipe her face clean yet, and she didn’t even look bothered by it.

‘Hey,’ she called to him softly, pinching his chin between her fingers and tilting his head so he was looking her in the eye. ‘I know you don’t like hearing about me with other guys, but you need to hear this. I’ve been with plenty of meatheads - as you so lovingly call them - over the years. Each of them having fucked at least fifty girls just like me -’

‘No one is just like you,’ he interrupted with a frown and she smiled warmly at him, stroking the side of his face tenderly.

‘Be that as it may, they’re all super experienced and none of them ate my pussy as well as you did just now. Most didn’t even like to try. And this is your first time? Okay Stud.’

He blushed down to the roots of his hair at the combination of the high praise being delivered from her cum-stained lips. He still couldn’t believe Gwen Stacey was naked in his bed, covered in his cum. She grinned down at him and started wiping his seed from her face.

He groaned and she smirked at his reverent expression as she licked his cum from her fingers. She reached behind her and grabbed his rapidly hardening dick and smiled wide.

‘Pete, no one cares if you cum quickly - especially when you’re inexperienced - if you get hard again just as quickly.’

‘How can I not?’ he muttered, face aflame. ‘Just look at you.’

Her smile widened. ‘I am pretty amazing.’

They laughed and he groaned. ‘That’s never going to catch on!’

‘What? I think it’s awesome!’ She said, running her hand along an imaginary billboard. ‘The Amazing Spider-Woman!’

‘You mean the Amazingly RECKLESS Spider-Woman!’ he barked back with an incredible impersonation of John Jonah Jamerson’s voice. She laughed hysterically, the perfect impersonation so inappropriate given their current situation and coming so out of nowhere it caught her completely by surprise.

When they calmed down, Pete was looking at her pussy. She was still so turned on she was leaving a little puddle on his chest.

‘You didn’t get to finish.’

‘Don’t worry,’ she said with a wide smile. ‘I will.’

His eyes widened when she got up off his bed, his eyes following her swaying ass as she walked around to its foot. Grinning widely, she grabbed his ankles and pulled him until he was lying flat on his back, his arms pinned to the headboard behind him. Then she webbed his ankles to the nearby posts.

‘I’m starting to notice a theme here.’

Biting her lip sexily, she crawled back over him until she straddled his upper chest, her pussy inches from his lips. ‘I’ve never been able to do that to anyone else before. No one else knows I’m the Ghost Spider. You’re like a fly…caught in my web. It’s… so hot.’

Looking down at her glistening womanhood, he started to get excited again and nodded. ‘I can see that.’

She scooted up a bit closer until her pussy was right over his face, her thick thighs either side of his head, before lowering herself until their lips met - his mouth and her vulva.

Her moan when he swiped his tongue across her clit was low and needy. She threaded her hands through his scruffy, brown lucks and massaged his head in encouragement as she felt his mouth go to work. His body may be feeble, but thankfully that didn’t extend to his tongue.

‘I should just leave you webbed like this,’ she panted, almost grinding against his face as he ate her out to the best of his ability. ‘I quite like the idea of having my pet ready to eat my pussy whenever I get home from a rough night of heroing.’

He groaned into her womanhood when she referred to him as her pet. She’d have laughed at his reaction had her own not been somewhat similarly rapturous.

‘How long do you think until someone comes looking for you?’ she cooed as he finally sank his tongue into her vagina while trying to use his nose to tickle her clit. ‘Ohh, just like that Pete. You’re incredible.’

She had to stop that. If she praised him anymore his head might swell to the size of the Empire State Building.

‘You like that?’ she cooed, running her hands through his hair. ‘You like the idea of being my little sex toy, your only purpose in life, to please your mistress?’

She laughed at his unimpressed glare, his silver-tongue otherwise occupied.

‘Ooh, no smart comebacks? If I had known all I had to do was stick your face in my pussy to shut you up, I’d have done it years ago.’

She yelped and laughed when he gently bit down on her hyper-sensitive clit.

Biting her lower-lip sexily, she grinned down at him, one hand pinching a nipple and the other running through his hair. ‘You’re lucky you’re cute. I’ve broken bones for less.’

He preened when he made that smug smirk on her face disappear with a particularly hard suck on said clit.

She’d started rocking and grinding her pussy against his face, her head leaning back and pointed to the ceiling as he navigated her womanhood by the sounds she was making alone. Unfortunately, her movements made it harder and harder to target her clit directly, as she was - unbeknownst to her, he guessed - sliding further up his face.

Remembering some of his favourite fantasies involving the goddess riding his face, he had a wicked idea and figured he was in the perfect position to give it a try. With her hips rocking as she moaned and ground herself against his face, he waited until she thrust a little too far before he darted his tongue out to slip into her back door, his nose now buried in her pussy.

The unexpected invasion earned a delighted squeal from his girlfriend, but she clearly didn’t object. She held his head firmly in place as she laughed deep in her throat.

‘Oh you dirty little fucker, yes, yes right there!

He focused on rimming the tight ring of muscle and gently prodding her back door just as she’d done to him earlier. They were both clearly fans of anal play.

Pretty compatible in general, it turns out.

If he were being honest, it was getting a little hard to breath, but Gwen, despite her pleasure as she took over stimulating her clit, was mindful of her boyfriend and his inability to push her off if she went too far and underestimated her own strength.

‘Oh Pete, you’re such a dirty little pervert,’ she groaned, her eyes closed and her teeth biting her lower lip. ‘Lick my ass you dirty boy. My dirty boy.’

The rhythm of her gyrations was growing more and more intense. She was clearly close to cumming. He felt himself get just as excited as her at the prospect.

He couldn’t stop his mind from reminiscing about how far he’d come in just one month. He still remembered the abject misery he had felt when he’d finally grown tired of Gwen continuously dangling her sexual conquests in his face without a care for his feelings.

To go from that nadir to this, his tongue in her perfect ass, her orgasm imminent as she moaned like a sexy little whore on his face, was a dream come true.

‘Yes! YES! Pete, it’s here, I’m cumming! Rub my clit stud, I’m cumming!’

His momentary confusion was dispelled when Gwen tore the webbing bindings his wrists together off his timber headboard. He grunted in annoyance when he heard the wood splintering.

‘Peter I swear to god if you stop right now to give me lip about the fucking bed I’m webbing you naked over the entrance to the building.’

Um. Yes ma’am sorry ma’am? Priorities Pete!

With his hands now free, and despite how much Gwen was showing she loved having her ass played with, he decided to risk it and change it up for the big O. He hooked a finger in her gyrating pussy and started rubbing where he read the g-spot was supposed to be from both inside and outside her body. His lips went straight to her clit. He had a feeling Gwen liked it a little rough so he both nibbled and sucked hard on the hypersensitive bundle of nerves.

If her reaction to having her bum played with was intense, the one he got from what he just did was otherworldly. She didn’t make a noise, only a strangled gasp as her body stiffened in response to his ministrations.

That only lasted for a second though, and then Gwen groaned. ‘Ooooohhh,’ she wailed, sandwiching his head between her powerful, heavenly thighs as she fell against his headboard, the power of her orgasm hitting her like a wet fish to the face.

Peter didn’t stop rubbing her g-spot though, and Gwen convulsed through her orgasm, the waves of euphoria assaulting her like a tangible wave.

‘Pete, stop, I think I-? Pete, Oh god am I-?!’ She didn’t get to finish that train of thought, not that it mattered, because seeing the effect his stimulating of her g-spot was having on his girlfriend, there was no force on God’s Green Earth that could stop him.

Then she bit her forearm and squealed and Peter was treated to a deluge of girl juice as Gwen bucked and shuddered above him, her moans now deep and guttural.

His first time, and he’d made his girlfriend squirt?!

Gwen was equally as flabbergasted.

‘Did… did you just make me fucking squirt?! I’ve never squirted before!’

Okay, it’s too late. My head has officially swollen to gigantic proportions. Sorry Gwen, it’s your fault.

He couldn’t contain the smug grin even if he tried, and as Gwen collapsed on the bed beside him and snuggled up to his side, she popped one eye open and snorted at his ridiculous expression.

‘And you were worried about your performance?’ she snorted again in disbelief as she snuggled up even closer, resting her head over his heart and intertwining one of her incredible, athletic legs with his own.

‘Are you going to dissolve the webs now?’

‘Nope,’ she denied unapologetically, and he couldn’t even get mad as she snuggled her warm body up against his like he was her teddy bear. ‘Mmm, you’re such a warm, perfect little sex slave for your mistress.’

He shivered in arousal at her words and, looking at her equally smug grin, he figured she felt his reaction. Instead, she reached down to the end of the bed with her foot and kicked the blanket up towards them to cover their naked, sweaty bodies.

In moments, she was fast asleep, snoring like an adorable kitten while Peter lay in a puddle of her juices.

She could have let me clean up! God I hope these webs dissolve by morning, otherwise I might be late for work.


He was indeed late for work.

Gwen had apparently sweet-talked Karen while he slept into taking a photo of them under the covers and sending it to his boss to let him know he would be late.

His boss.

Tony Stark.

Stupid, traitorous AI.

Flustered and mortified, he’d hobbled into the lab only to be greeted by the stern faces of his boss and Pepper Potts, his right-hand. He had lowered his head in shame, his face as red as Tony’s Iron-Man suit as his superiors reamed him out.

Finally, Pepper sighed and rubbed her forehead wearily. ‘I’m really disappointed in you Peter. I expected better. Do better from now on, please.’

With that, she stiffly walked out of the lab, item two of nine thousand of her daily tasks already at the forefront of her mind.

‘Yeah Pete,’ Tony parroted, his eyes trailing after the woman as she stalked out of the room. ‘When we hired you, we expected stuff and because of… things okay she’s gone. Up here big guy!’

Peter failed to stifle his grin as his famously debauched boss held his hand up for a high-five.

‘Atta boy!’ he cheered. ‘Honestly, you were a repressed cloud of misery and sadness the second you walked in here. Look at you now! You’re like a new man. She’s good for you - way out of your league, but what else can I expect from my protege? I approve!’

Peter smirked at his excitable boss and allowed himself to be dragged over to the holographic imager. ‘Now, forget about whatever you were doing, I want to know how you made the plasma cutters on the fingers of her suit.’

He froze at his boss’ words, and he cursed himself when he realised if he wasn’t certain of Gwen’s identity before, he certainly was now. Looking up, he saw the man was grinning slyly at him.

‘For future reference, if your superhero girlfriend wants to punk you, you should tell her to make sure her suit isn’t lying in a crumpled heap on the floor next to your bed.’

‘Actually, forget about that for now. What are we going to do about this?’

Peter frowned as Tony motioned towards his entire body with a critical eye.

‘I’m sorry?’

‘Kid, you’re my protege, you’re making me look bad by shuffling about all over the place in those crutches. Hurry up and figure out a way to cure yourself so we can move onto more interesting projects.’

He had to chuckle at the sheer audacity of his new boss. He’d have probably felt insulted if he hadn’t spent the last month getting to know the billionaire playboy.

‘I already have,’ Peter said, reaching into the pocket of his coat and pulling out a card holder. Tony’s eyebrows rose when Peter popped the lid and a fingernail sized robot was suspended within. ‘I just haven’t figured out a way to give myself brain surgery yet.’

Tony eyed the little robot closely. Peter marvelled as he saw lights dancing and flickering in those steely eyes.

Some kind of contact lens that doubles as an imager?

‘And this would, what? Take over controlling your muscles for your brain?’

‘Basically,’ Peter relented, marvelling at how easily Tony had puzzled that out just from looking at the tiny machine. ‘Just the ones my brain isn’t already controlling.’

‘Huh,’ Tony muttered, eyeing his protege with a newfound respect. ‘So this should work on anyone with CP, or with any kind of brain injury?’

He shrugged. ‘As is, it will only control muscles. But there’s no reason why it can’t be adapted to take over any of the brain’s functions. I kept it simple to avoid complications.’

Tony scoffed as he eyed the machine from different angles. ‘Simple, he says.’

He then handed the case back to Peter and nodded his head before spinning on his heel and walking away. Fumbling with his crutches, he scurried after him, for the first time in his life, realistically hoping he would be free of them soon.

‘Send me your work,’ he said over his shoulder. ‘If it checks out, I know a guy you can trust to put you under the knife - best surgeon in the world. Worlds? Whatever.’

Peter’s eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat. Everything was happening so fast - first Gwen and now this?

‘Chin up kid. You’ll be out dancing with your girlfriend in no time. Then everyone can see how out of your league she is.’

No amount of awkward hobbling after his force-of-nature of a boss could dim his mood. He was grinning so wide his face hurt.

She is out of my league, and she’s mine.



Liking this story so far, hope there is plenty more to come.


I have the drafts for up to Chapter 6 (I think?) written with plenty of ideas for more. I love this pairing, specifically with Pete not being Spidey and Gwen's brains etc.