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No poll this week, sorry.

I think I want to alternate between stories instead of just uploading the same story every week. It keeps things fresh for me and makes sure I'm incentivized to not abandon other works until they're done.

I'm working on another new story too though, one starring Harry and Ginny who both have cuckolding fetishes, and the way they deal with it is by alternating a day every month for one to cuck the other, while every other day they're devoted to each other as per normal.

I'm thinking maybe with such an open-ended premise I can solicit input more from you guys to see what you'd like to see happen within those restraints - basically the only restriction is straight and not dark in tone.

Let me know if that sounds appealing - otherwise I've got plenty of ideas for several chapters of that story at least, and have almost finished the draft of Chapter 1.


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