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Chapter 20: Birth of a Vixen - Part 3

Fandom: Harry Potter

Tags: Cuckolding, Bull, FemBi, Size Queen, SPH, Voyeurism, Teasing, Humiliation, Respect, Cum Eating (minor)

When Hermione first joined Hogwarts right after completing her A-levels, she’d been amazed by magic itself, obviously, but completely taken aback by how backwards they typically were as a society, especially in terms of welfare programs for the less fortunate.

She knew a little better now, that magic itself made the need for such programs a little redundant, but it had been a bit of a culture shock.

That was why she was pleasantly surprised to learn that Hogwarts had a student body whose whole remit was to help the struggling and less fortunate students, and better integrate Muggleborns and those who didn’t grow up in the magical world. The Conclave of Student Affairs was an august body started shortly after the fall of Voldemort that focused on helping those less fortunate, or students struggling with their classwork.

Membership was personally rewarding for Hermione for loads of reasons, but others joined simply because it looked great on their resumes. She had nothing against that per se, especially if the students did a good job, but that wasn’t why Hermione had joined.

The first few months of her life at Hogwarts had been particularly difficult, especially before befriending Harry and Ron. Not only was she trying to soak up every bit of knowledge like a sponge, but she was overwhelmed with trying to assimilate into a new culture she knew nothing about.

It was at that time, in her greatest need and when she felt like she was constantly drowning, that Nymphadora Tonks came to her rescue. Tonks - as she preferred to be called - was a member of the CSA, specifically, its Chief Muggleborn Integration Officer. The older woman helped her in the way she needed most and, quickly, she’d gone from floundering to thriving.

As soon as she could, Hermione applied for and joined the CSA too, not only believing in its mission, but also wanting to repay the favour and kindness that Tonks granted her forward.

It was hard, rewarding work that she took pride in… but the benefits were pretty incredible too, of that she couldn’t deny.

Their dorm rooms each had the bare minimum when it came to bathrooms to help with personal hygiene - little more than a tiny shower and a loo. Quidditch players had their own large shower rooms attached to their changing rooms, but members of student bodies had access to bath houses.

Hermione found it a bit ridiculous that, in a world where space expansion charms were a thing and resources were essentially limitless, that luxuries like a bathhouse were kept locked behind positions of prestige.

It was ridiculous…but now, as she was soaking in the huge, absurdly luxurious bath - which looked more like a huge, indoor hot spring than regular bathing facilities - beside Ginny, she ignored the absurd privilege of her position.

I work hard for it god damnit!

While Ginny had her own privileges due to being a member of the Quidditch team, they paled in comparison to her access to the Hogwarts Baths. That was why, when Hermione had invited her for a soak - something that was technically not allowed, but no one liked bathing alone so everyone with access generally looked the other way - Ginny had all but bitten her hand off to join her.

‘This… is so unfair.’

Hermione, her eyes closed in bliss as her body soaked in the rejuvenating waters could only grin smugly at the petulant whine in Ginny’s whispered voice. She generally hated flaunting her privilege, but for now, she’d make an exception.


‘Oh fuck off,’ Ginny laughed, bumping her with her shoulder as both women devolved into giggles.

The general etiquette for the bath house was to wear a towel around one’s naked body - it was unisex, after all - but given they were the only ones there, and it was pretty late, both women had opted to remove the towels and plop them on the floor behind them. While not generally as outgoing as Ginny, Hermione quite liked the freedom that came with soaking in the nude.

The silence only lasted for another minute or so before Ginny broke it, so relaxed and zen that her voice sounded like she was in a trance.

‘You’ve certainly looked a lot more relaxed lately, a lot happier.’ Her ginger friend inhaled deeply and sighed in bliss. ‘You’re also smiling a lot more… my idiot brother must be doing something right.’

She couldn’t help it, as her mind filled with dirty images and phantom pleasures from the night previous, a radiant smile blossomed on her beautiful features, heat - not related to the bath’s waters - suffusing her cheeks. Her heart fluttered as she thought of Ron, and her pussy tingled as she recalled McLaggen’s huge penis impaling her over and over -

‘Oh Merlin…there it is.’

The flush on Hermione’s cheeks deepened and she chuckled throatily. ‘We’re in a very good place in our relationship. We’re both very happy.’

Though the towel that had been wrapped around her body sat in a wet heap on the stone floor behind her, Hermione had a small, soaked hand towel covering her eyes and soaking her face. Gin had obviously removed hers and Hermione skin prickled as she felt her friend’s eyes on her.

Said friend snorted derisively and bumped her with a muscular shoulder. Hermione had a good look at Ginny’s naked body as they prepped to bathe and couldn’t help but admire how Harry’s training had turned the relatively slim girl into an athlete. In the span of half a year, her boyfriend’s baby sister went from looking like a skinny tomboy to a track star, her thin body corded with wiry muscle, shredded abs and a bum that sprouted out of nowhere.

‘I still think you could do way better,’ Ginny replied with a snide sneer only a bratty little sister could manage. ‘You’re one of the most beautiful girls at Hogwarts for crying out loud… but I suppose it makes sense for you to have poor judgement. Nobody’s perfect.’

She could hear the taunting grin on Ginny’s face and Hermione reached to her side underwater and started pinching. She’d expected to find some soft tissue, but all she found was taut skin and hard muscle.


Still, Ginny squealed as quietly as possible, unwilling to disturb their peace and batted her hands away.

‘Your figure really is incredible Gin,’ Hermione complimented after they calmed down. ‘Your hard work is showing… and your bum is just amazing.’

She felt her friend's arm interlock with hers, her head resting on her shoulder as she sighed in bliss. ‘Thanks. Harry’s training is working wonders. I really think I might have a chance to go pro…’

Hermione was about to ask if that was what she really wanted, but she’d been given a golden opportunity to broach the true purpose of this soak, so she went for it.

‘How are you and Harry?’

Gin audibly sighed dreamily and melted against her side. ‘I thought soul mates were just some naff people who wrote children’s books fed us so we’d become proper wives or whatever…but I’m starting to think they may be onto something…’

‘Oh?’ Hermione asked with as genuine a smile as possible as her tummy clenched painfully. She hoped she wasn’t making a huge mistake, Gin sounded positively radiant when talking about Harry. A huge part of her trusted her best friend implicitly, but there was still a nagging doubt. Removing the hand towel covering her eyes and tossing it with a wet plop behind her, she looked down at Ginny and watched as she closed her eyes and thought of Harry, a silly, love-struck smile gracing her cute features.

‘Yeah,’ she sighed dreamily. ‘We compliment each other so well… we have similar kinds of humour, we both work hard, but play hard too. Honestly?’ Gin looked up at her then, biting her lip in embarrassment, ‘I think my favourite thing is we can just sit by the fire together in complete silence…and it’s not awkward - does that sound weird?’

Hermione smiled down at her fondly and shook her head. ‘No, it doesn’t.’ Unable to stop her troubled feelings from showing on her features, Ginny sighed and dunked her head in the water. When she emerged, brushing her soaked, matted, coppery locks out of her eyes, she wiped the water from her face and gave her the side-eye.

‘Just spit it out Mione, you’re rubbish at this.’

Hermione eyed the ceiling and groaned in frustration, burying her face in her hands to hide her embarrassment. 

This is your last chance to back out…

She did not. She was a Gryffindor, after all.

‘Last night, while Ron and I were… out and about -’

‘Ooh, naughty -’

Hermione’s cheeks flushed a brilliant pink, but she soldiered on with a steely determination.

‘We, um, we stumbled upon Harry… with Cho Chang…’

Ginny’s eyes flew open, but not in shock or outrange like Hermione had been secretly dreading, but in excitement. Ginny’s lips curled in an amused smirk and her brown eyes glittered mischievously. ‘He finally bagged Chang? So that’s where he snuck off to last night!’ She barked out a laugh and leaned back against the edge of the bath. ‘Good on him, he’s had a thing for her for ages. I bet she was a wild shag…’

Hermione could only gape at Ginny in shock, her eyes wide and her mouth catching flies.

Ginny grabbed her own hand towel and scrubbed her pale face with a grin. ‘Is that what you were fretting over? Figures, I suppose…’

Hermione thinned her lips and schooled her emotions. There was a lot to unpack in Ginny’s statement, but better it comes from her own lips instead of Hermione speculating. ‘So, um… what’s going on?’

Ginny didn’t answer immediately, rather, she chuckled throatily and scrubbed at the back of her neck with the hand towel. Hermione yelped when Ginny poked her in her much softer side under the water with her free hand, her eyebrow arched in amusement.

‘Relax, Mione. Harry and I are in an open relationship.’

Hermione couldn’t obviously tell what her face must have looked like in that moment, but by the look on Ginny’s, it must have been quite the sight. Getting over her giggles, Ginny shrugged and stretched out her legs with a groan of delight.

‘We love each other, we’re best friends,’ she began to explain with a dreamy smile, ‘but we also really, really like sex, and variety.’ Hermione stared at her, her mouth agape. If she were being honest, she was much less shocked to learn this about Ginny than she was about Harry - Ginny had always been a bit of an, ahem, free spirit. Harry just…didn’t seem the type…

At least until I caught him in the act last night he didn’t.

It needn’t be said that Harry, she assumed, didn’t think she seemed the type to…well, what he found her doing.

Maybe we don’t know each other as well as we thought…

Still, with everything Ginny had said, Hermione’s mind was struggling to compute. ‘I’m gonna be honest… I don’t really understand.’ Her eyes widened and she turned to Ginny in alarm, ‘not that I’m judging! But, um -’

Ginny rolled her eyes and, with a slap at the surface of the steaming water, splashed her in the face. ‘Get on with it Hermione, you’re not gonna hurt my feelings.’

‘Right,’ Hermione recovered, after wiping the water from her face and glaring at her friend. ‘I, err, what’s the point of even being in a relationship if you’re dating and spending intimate time with other people? Why not just be friends with, ahem, benefits?’

The idea of open relationships wasn’t exactly a new one to her, and she was the last person to judge given the new dynamic of her own relationship, but she saw a fundamental difference between what she and Ron did and what Harry and Ginny practised. 

Hermione would occasionally bring other men - or man, as it were - into their bed for some kinky fun, fun with her partner that was to the benefit and enjoyment of both of them. Choosing to spend intimate time without your partner just felt…needlessly exclusionary.

As much as she’d enjoyed the physical side of what Cormac brang, she wouldn’t have enjoyed it at all if Ron weren’t there to experience it too, enjoying it in his own perverse way as much as she was.

Cuckolding was something they enjoyed together, what Harry and Ginny did, in her mind, felt like something they did in spite of each other.

Instead of getting defensive or argumentative, Ginny just leaned her head back and hummed in thought. Hermione appreciated her giving her question some real consideration, she was genuinely curious. Both Harry and Ginny were her dear friends, after all.

‘To be fair, we don’t spend that much time with other people,’ she began, her face scrunched up in thought, before brightening when a thought struck her. ‘Just think about it like a regular relationship, but instead of spending a night apart with the boys or girls or whatever, he’ll take a girl out, shag her rotten, come home and tell me all about it. Ditto me. I guess we don’t see the physical act of sex as sacrosanct as you do?’

Not as sacrosanct as you’d think…

Shaking her head to clear the naughty thoughts, Hermione frowned. ‘That sounds rather difficult to maintain, a lot of risk of emotional strife and turmoil.’

Ginny, to her credit, didn’t deny it. ‘You’re probably right. It’s definitely not for everyone, but it works for us. I think it’s okay as long as you set up firm boundaries though, and, of course, love and respect each other.’

Hermione hummed in thought as her overactive mind thought over Ginny’s words. One thing she said that she definitely agreed with was that it wasn’t for everyone. Hermione didn’t like the idea of Ron going out and being intimate with another woman apart from her, just as she imagined he wouldn’t like her to cuck him without his knowledge or presence.

Just thinking about sleeping with another man without Ron there had her shivering - not quite in disgust, but something close to that. It sounded borderline traumatic to her, disguieting. What she and Ron did worked, in her opinion, because they were both focused primarily on the other’s pleasure ahead of their own, not simply just getting their own rocks off.

But if it works for them, to each their own…

Her mind was so focused on her deep, turbulent thoughts, she spoke without thinking. Sighing, she sank deeper into the water and sighed. ‘Ron wanted to fly off the handle when we saw Harry with Cho. I knew there was a good explanation, though to be fair, I thought you two might have had a cuckolding-type relationship too -’

She froze, her eyes wide in shock when she realised what she let slip.

Any hope that Ginny might have missed her slip of the tongue because she’d coincidentally chosen that moment to dunk her head in the water fled when she saw the look in her friend’s wide eyes.

Ginny had always been a clever girl.

‘I’m sorry…but did you say too?’

Her eyes still wide, Hermione winced and tried her best to lie. ‘...no?’

She was pants at lying.

Thankfully, Ginny’s expression wasn’t projecting mockery or judgement. Her eyes were wide, sure, but in shock and excitement.

She, understandably, looked like someone who’d found the juiciest morsel of gossip imaginable and didn’t want to let it go.

Gripping her bicep so tight it was almost painful, Ginny stared deep into her eyes with ones sparkling with mischief and greed. ‘Spill. Tell me everything.’

After everything Ginny had just revealed to her, Hermione would be the most massive of hypocrites if she didn’t. So, with a weary sigh that masked her growing excitement…she did. Reluctantly, at first, but as the sordid story progressed and Ginny seemed to be getting progressively more excited rather than mocking or judgemental, she relaxed and started to enjoy unburdening herself of this secret part of her sex life she’d shared with no one but Ronald.

It also didn’t hurt that recalling the events had her pussy tingling with delight, memories of Cormac’s massive penis plundering her depths sending jolts of phantom pleasure shooting through her core.

She was getting turned on, reliving the memories.

Ginny sensed this and her smile shifted from giddy to playful, her dextrous, calloused fingers dancing up and down the inside of her thigh. Hermione had initially been taken aback by the overt sexual advance, and though she wasn’t against it, to a point, they’d never broached that boundary before.

When Hermione finished her retelling, her cheeks were flushed crimson and her breaths were coming in deep, ragged pants. Ginny stared at her in wonder, biting her lip sexily as her fingers still danced up and down her inner thigh.

‘I’ve always known you were gorgeous, like, objectively, but hearing you tell that story… fuck, Mione, I want you so bad right now…’

Already flushing crimson, Hermione felt like a steaming tea kettle at the bold proclamation. ‘I’m…flattered, but whatever Ron and I do, we do together.’ Though she was refusing Ginny’s advances, she didn’t push her hand away. ‘And I rather doubt Ron would be interested in that.’

‘Ugh!’ Ginny’s frustrated exclamation caught Hermione by surprise, mostly because it was so blatantly genuine. ‘He’s always been such a prude!’

Hermione could only raise her eyebrows in challenge at the ludicrous statement and Ginny had the good graces to cringe and roll her eyes in defeat.

‘Okay, fine, I suppose that’s not fair anymore.’ She sighed, leaning against Hermione’s side while her fingers still danced against her skin and sent pleasurable tingles up and down her spine. ‘Good on him, I didn’t think he had it in him…’

Hermione felt compelled to defend her love. ‘He’s far more mature than you give him credit for.’

Ginny grunted in annoyance, as if the truth was painful to her, before sighing. ‘That’s…fair, I suppose. McLaggen fucking everything up by not knowing how to keep his big mouth shut is also the most depressingly predictable thing ever.’

‘Fortunately, that wasn’t the only part of him that was big…’

They both collapsed into a fit of borderline hysterical giggles, the sexual tension clearly getting to them both. Hermione was also pretty sure Ginny’s fingers were steadily inching closer to her core.

‘So,’ Ginny began conversationally, her eyes twinkling with arousal and delight. ‘How big are we talking, exactly?’

Feeling bold, Hermione shot Ginny a naughty smile and held her hands almost a foot apart, the action triggering phantom pleasure in her smouldering core as she recalled the delicious sensations. Ginny whistled in appreciation, her eyebrows raising in surprise at the size before she grinned devilishly.

Before Hermione could react, Ginny showed off her Quidditch reflexes by slipping a finger inside her gushing womanhood before she could react. Though she’d managed to get past her defences, Hermione managed to snag her wrist in an iron-clad grip, stopping her from progressing further than the first couple of knuckles. Ginny’s grin was sultry, her eyes heavily lidded and radiating pure lust, while Hermione felt as if a swarm of butterflies were let loose in her stomach.

She’d never done anything remotely this intimate with another woman before, and though she didn’t hate it, she didn’t want to do anything without Ron.

‘What kind of girth are we talking about?’ Ginny’s question came out like a sensual moan and, before Hermione could think of an answer, Ginny slipped in a second finger and slowly started to spread them apart. ‘Something like…this?’

Hermione felt heat flooding her cheeks, chest and ears as Ginny slowly spread her fingers wider like a fleshly speculum. Her breaths were coming in deep, ragged pants and though she knew Ginny was crossing a line, Hermione couldn’t bring herself to stop it. She was too excited, too turned on. She promised herself to limit how far Ginny could push things, and immediately confess everything to Ron when she saw him later that night.

He likely wouldn’t be happy - mainly because Ginny was his baby sister - but she hoped he appreciated her candour.

‘Thicker,’ Hermione whispered, her face growing increasingly hotter and her core tingling with phantom pleasure, Ginny’s actions making her recall the feeling of Cormac’s ridiculous girth spreading her wide.

Ginny’s eyebrows rose further, her smile turning positively naughty. Spreading her fingers even wider, Hermione answered her unasked question with an adorable whine. ‘Thicker…

Ginny bit her lip sexily and, taking her lack of fight as permission, Ginny slipped in another finger and her thumb into her gushing womanhood and used all four digits to spread her lips impossibly wider, looking to emulate the girth of Cormac’s penis. She kept going until Hermione felt a familiar, delicious stinging in her lips as they stretched just beyond the point of comfort.

‘There,’ she gasped, her head lolling back and both of her hands holding Ginny’s forearm in a deathgrip. ‘That’s how thick he was…’

Ginny whistled again in appreciation, both her eyebrows having disappeared into her hairline. Slowly, she removed her fingers from Hermione’s smouldering core and she shuddered as her elastic lips returned to their normal, tight slit.

‘I might have to give McLaggen a spin,’ Ginny purred with a throaty, sultry chuckle. ‘Sounds like he’s in the same Quidditch-field as Harry…’

Hermione was breathing heavily, her head resting against the cool stone floor behind her while her fingers stroked along the length of her tingling lips. She was in her own little world as she recalled the events of the night previous, of how deliciously wide Cormac’s huge penis spread her tight womanhood - she could be forgiven, given her current state, for taking a few moments to fully register Ginny’s words.

She started, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open in shock. ‘What?!’

Ginny grinned devilishly and chuckled, taking her position once more beside Hermione and resting her wet head on her shoulder. ‘Mhmm…’

Hermione stared off into the hazy distance, her eyes unseeing. She had no idea Harry was so well-endowed - or that nobody knew.

She frowned and corrected herself, recalling the supposed common knowledge regarding the Quidditch changing rooms.

Maybe loads of people know, especially if both Harry and Ginny are as promiscuous as she says they are…

It started to sound like she and Ron were out of the loop on a lot of things…

Hermione finally found her voice and shook her head, remembering Ginny saying something about wanting to shag Cormac. ‘I… wouldn’t recommend it. He’s, admittedly, very capable, but he’s completely insufferable.’

Ginny chuckled deeply and wrapped her arms around Hermione’s waist. It wasn’t lost on her that her friend had become a lot more amorous ever since finding out about her and Ron’s relationship. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. Ginny was objectively beautiful, and Hermione was attracted to both men and women, but she didn’t like the idea of going behind Ron’s back to tickle that itch.

‘He wouldn’t be the first big-dicked twat I’ve shagged,’ she said with an amused chuckle. ‘They’re like bees to my honey, Mione. You’ve no idea how many guys wanna try and get one over Harry through me, especially this year.’ Hermione turned at Ginny’s pause in conversation and shuddered at the look of pure delight on Ginny’s mischievous features. ‘I really get off on breaking them…’

Hermione laughed softly and shook her head in disbelief. ‘That, amazingly, doesn’t surprise me in the least.’

They both giggled quietly and melted into the water. Thankfully, Ginny didn’t push things any further and was content to just cuddle in the warm water. Hermione would be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy the casual intimacy.

‘So…what now?’

Hermione had found herself almost drifting off before Ginny’s whispered words snapped her back to reality. Seeing the look of confusion on her face, Ginny elaborated.

‘If McLaggen’s off the table, who’s next?’

Hermione flushed a deep crimson. She hadn’t even thought about it if she were being honest with herself. They’d only broken things off with Cormac the night previous and they hadn’t even had time to properly debrief since. She said as much to Ginny and appreciated the look of understanding in her eyes.

‘Do you want to keep cucking my brother?’

Hermione squirmed at how Ginny worded it, despite it being entirely accurate. It just sounded so… dirty when she put it that way…

Though, that’s positively tame compared to some of the novels I’ve been reading.

She’d been, unsurprisingly, doing a lot of research on cuckolding and similar relationships. The kind of language the dominant female used against her cuck… 

Hermione’s flush deepened. She’d taken notes.

She felt Ginny’s warm breath on her ear and Ginny’s amorous touching grew a lot more bold. Feeling her hand creeping towards her core again, Hermione snatched her wrist before she could be penetrated once more.

‘Sorry Gin,’ Hermione apologised with genuine regret. ‘I’m not against that, but you need your brother’s permission first.’

Hermione almost laughed when Ginny slapped the water and almost whined like a child. ‘But he won’t say yes! He’s always been rubbish at sharing his toys!’

Ginny grinned devilishly as her wording had Hermione flushing a brilliant crimson. This time, she didn’t stop her friend as she instead cupped her heavy breast and slowly surfaced her hardened nub, running her dexterous fingers around her sensitive areola.

‘He might… surprise you,’ Hermione whispered, her words coming out around heavy pants as Ginny continued to tease her pebbled nipple. ‘Ron’s a lot more mature than you give him credit for…’

Ginny snorted derisively but didn't bother refuting Hermione, instead, she looked ready to bend and suck her hardened nipple into her mouth. Hermione didn’t know if she’d have the strength to stop her but, thankfully, the decision was taken out of her hands when the door to the baths opened and two other members of the CSA joined them.

The room was huge, the bath almost half the size of an olympic swimming pool, so while their presence didn’t immediately draw the newcomers attention, Ginny cursed and pulled away, resigning herself to snuggling instead of outright molesting her friend.

With Ginny’s head resting on her shoulder again, and her arms wrapped around her waist, Hermione was surprised that she felt a little disappointed to not have her nipple in her friend’s mouth. Her switch had been flipped and Ronald would absolutely be the beneficiary after their soak.

‘You never answered my question.’

It took Hermione a moment to realise what Ginny was talking about and, when she did, her cheeks went pink and her pussy tingled.

‘I… we quite enjoy the play, yes, but not enough to go back to Cormac.’

They’d quietened their tones even more now that there were other bathers, especially since voices tended to travel pretty far in the stone-walled room. It had frustratingly good acoustics.

‘So find another guy,’ Ginny said with a careless shrug, causing Hermione to sigh in frustration.

‘I wouldn’t even begin to know how to look. Cormac just…fell into our laps, and it’s not like I can go up to men and ask them. I’d prefer to remain discreet.’

Ginny quietly snorted and nuzzled so deep against her her face was resting against her bosom. ‘Bit late for that, Mione. Especially after last night, McLaggen would have bragged to half the castle by now.’

At Hermione’s silence, Ginny looked up in confusion and her eyes widened at her devious smirk.

‘Don’t tell your brother this, but I took precautions on that front,’ she admitted in a barely audible whisper. ‘Ronald may like the idea of the humiliation, but I very much think that’s something he wouldn’t enjoy the reality of.’

Ginny’s face scrunched on confusion cutely. ‘Huh?’

Hermione’s devious smirk grew. ‘Let’s just say that if he blabs about what happened, he’ll be impotent for a year.’

Mindful of the other bathers there with them, Ginny buried her face in Hermione’s cleavage to muffle her hysterical squeal. ‘You have to reach me how you did that!’

‘I don’t know,’ Hermione teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief. ‘I don’t think I could trust such awesome power in your mischievous hands…’

Ginny stuck out her tongue before starting a mostly silent tickling and pinching war that Hermione felt wholly disadvantaged in. Her friend was all hard muscle while she was still soft, pinchable and pokable flesh. They’d managed to keep their voices down, but their splashing had earned them some dirty looks from their fellow bathers.

They both sent the other women apologetic looks before calming down and melting back into the water, and against each other.

‘So you want to find another bull but you don’t know how to go about looking for one?’

Hermione flushed deeply at the sexually charged terminology but nevertheless, slowly nodded, memories of Cormac’s huge penis spurring her on as she bit her lip sexily.

‘Right,’ Ginny asked, sitting up. ‘So what are your criteria?’

Hermione stared at her for a few moments, dumfounded, before blushing even deeper. She couldn’t believe she was about to do this, but after everything Ginny had revealed about her own relationship… she might actually be uniquely placed to help them - especially if she was as experienced with the men of Hogwarts as she let on.

Biting her lip, Hermione began with her most important criteria.

‘A man who isn’t an unbearable toad would be rather nice…’

Ginny nodded and motioned her hand as if to say move on. ‘So suave, charming, kind - obviously, what else?’

‘Well, discreet, of course.’

‘Of course.’

As she started to think more on it, the butterflies started to run wild inside her again, a giddy feeling she couldn’t quite contain. After the disastrous end to the previous night, Hermione had thought their cuckolding fun might indefinitely be put on hold… but now…

‘I…’ she flushed her deepest yet. ‘I rather enjoyed his, um, endowment.’

Ginny’s smile was wide, naughty. ‘Hung like a centaur. Anything else?’

Biting her lip, she really started to think about important criteria. ‘Someone who wouldn't mind Ron’s presence, or playing along with our fantasies knowing that it is just that, playing.’ Hermione smiled dreamily then giggled quietly, her face almost entirely red at this point. ‘I think I’d quite like to try a threesome too…’

Ginny had started fondling her breast under the water again. Her coppery haired friend looked as aroused as she felt but, mindful of Hermione’s earlier warning, she didn’t go beyond harmless groping. ‘So someone adventurous and a good sport. Anything else?’

Hermione grimaced. ‘Well, not to sound shallow, but -’

Ginny rolled her eyes. ‘Yes, he’ll obviously be hot, Hermione. Give me some credit. Is that it…?’

Biting her lip, she shrugged in embarrassment and arousal. ‘Other than I quite like, um, muscles… I think that about covers it?’

Ginny smirked evilly, her eyes twinkling with mirth. ‘You’re aware you just described Harry to a T, right?’

Hermione felt a thrill of forbidden excitement shoot through her like a bolt of lightning, the look in Harry’s eyes as she watched her shagging Cormac resurfacing in her mind.

‘Ooh, you like the sound of that? You wanna shag my man, you kinky slut?’

Hermione cleared her throat and her mind of the forbidden fantasies. ‘I…don’t hate it, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. It could make things…awkward. Disastrously so.’

Ginny chuckled evilly. ‘What happened to Ron being mature?’

Hermione arched an eyebrow at Ginny and, though her rebuttal could blow up in her face spectacularly… she didn’t think it would.

‘Oh? And what would you think about Harry being intimate with Phlegm?’

Ginny winced and Hermione smiled victoriously.

‘Alright, wipe that smug look off your face you cheeky cunt. Point taken.’ After some more quiet, conspiratorial giggling, Ginny hummed in thought then purred. ‘I think I know the perfect bloke…’

Hermione perked up, her heart racing with excitement. ‘O-oh?’

She was so distracted that she failed to stop Ginny in time before she buried three fingers and a thumb back inside her tight core. Thankfully, she didn’t progress further than she had last time, though she did stretch her wider than she had.

‘How would you feel about someone who’s, say, this thick?’

Hermione was panting with excitement and need as Ginny stretched her womanhood wider than it had ever been before, wider than Cormac had even managed. So wider that her lips started to sting with pain. 

Delicious pain.

Instead of answering, Hermione sank deeper into the water to hide her furious blush. ‘I think… I may be a bit of a size queen…’

‘Uh-oh,’ Ginny teased with a positively filthy look on her face. ‘Better not tell my brother.’

‘No…’ Hermione replied, returning Ginny’s mischievous look with one of her own, a teasing smile tugging at her lips. ‘I think I will…’


Ron’s mind had been in a state of turmoil for weeks.

Not because of Quidditch, no. They were going so well on that front even he was being scouted for the pro leagues. Unfortunately, as much as it pained him to admit it, his future didn’t lie in Quidditch. His own limits aside, pro players sank a lot of time into their careers, time he’d much rather devote towards his future wife and family.

Especially if she was much of a ridiculous overachiever outside of Hogwarts as she was within.

Just because he didn’t think going pro was for him, didn’t mean he would need to abandon it entirely. Harry was teaching him a lot about the sport he’d always been crazy about, so much so he was starting to get thoughts - thoughts he reckoned he could put down on parchment with quill and make a few bob. Maybe he could even start a Wireless show where they talked about the pros leagues once a week too?

Look at you, future planning like a little Percy. Absolute wanker.

So no, if anything, Quidditch was a source of comfort for him lately.

His mind wasn’t in turmoil because of what had happened with McLaggen either. If anything, things on that front were bloody brilliant. His girl was ravenous all the time and Ron was more than eager to see to her needs. Though the horse-dicked twat no longer played a part in their love life anymore - with a shockingly few amount of smug smirks thrown his way since, Ron was still surprised to find - Hermione didn’t stop her teasing or explorations of the new kink they discovered.

She’d confessed to him with a naughty look and smouldering eyes one night while cuddling after an epic shag session that she was something she called a size-queen - which basically meant she liked ‘em big. Bigger than he could provide, she often pointed out with a wicked smile. To twist the knife even deeper, she liked to point out that that was all his fault, she wouldn’t be that way if he weren’t such an irredeemable cuck.

Rather than be discouraged by the news that his gorgeous girlfriend was undoubtedly turned on by something he just couldn’t provide, it had only spurred him on. Mimicking Hermione, he devoured books on sex that covered techniques and spells that could help in the bedroom. He’d never put as much effort into anything as he had that in his entire life.

He knew Hermione loved him and wouldn’t leave him because he didn’t have a giant dick, but he also knew she was putting in a lot of effort to accommodate his depravity, the least he could do was do the same.

And the look on her face after I bring her to one screaming orgasm after another certainly doesn’t hurt…

He giggled in perverse glee at the memory.

No, what had had his mind in turmoil these past few weeks was the news regarding Harry and Ginny’s relationship. According to Hermione, nothing nefarious was going on on that front - and thank Merlin she’d stopped him from making an absolute tit of himself that night. Rather, they had something called an open relationship.

It didn’t make a lick of sense to him. Even though it was a bit similar to what he and Hermione had on the surface, he agreed with his girlfriend that what they practised was in an entirely different league. What his sister and Harry did they did on their own, what they did, they did together.

He’d earned another patronus-fuelling smile from Hermione when he’d sounded out his thoughts and mused that he didn’t understand the point of being in a relationship at all if that was how they went about it.

It was hard to reconcile the fact that his baby sister…got around. Apparently… a lot. What was even weirder - it pained him to admit - was that Harry did too.

Ron sighed. He didn’t understand their relationship, but, ultimately…as long as Ginny was happy, he didn’t need to.

On his way back from his continued efforts to bulk up to his naughty girlfriend’s desired levels, Ron slapped his cheeks, ignoring the weird looks the passing paintings sent him. As Hermione often said, as long as they were happy, it was none of their business.

She’d also said who was he to judge, given how much of a pathetic, dirty, little-dicked cuck he was.

Ron shivered with repressed desire at the memory. She’d literally said that word-for-word.

If nothing else, my kink revealed how much of a sexy, kinky slut Hermione really is… bloody hell, I’m getting hard.

He tried not to think about what else Hermione and Ginny had gotten up to during their soak - not because the full details disgusted him…but because they didn’t. Hermione had held nothing back about what had transpired and she’d been pleasantly surprised when he hadn’t freaked out.

With his pants growing even more uncomfortably tight, Ron remembered telling Hermione he didn’t mind and that he trusted her.

Hermione, his devious minx of a girlfriend who’d apparently been possessed by a succubus, had only kissed him and smirked. She promised that nothing more would happen on that front…

Unless he joined them.

Bloody hell… I’m mental, she’s mental…everyone’s mental!

She’d laughed beautifully at his reaction, and any hopes that she was only pulling his leg had been instantly dispelled by the ravenous look in her eyes.

Those words had haunted and plagued his dreams ever since.

His plans for delicious revenge were put on hold however as he rounded a deserted corridor and shrieked in surprise, a very familiar, ethereal otter blocking his path.

‘Are you on your way back?’ the corporeal patronus asked him in his girlfriend’s voice and, he could swear, with her teasing smirk.

‘Bloody hell Mione you nearly gave me a heart attack!’ he hissed, his whispered words and Hermione’s laughter echoing off the stone walls.

He paused, his face scrunched in confusion. Hermione’s laughter…it wasn’t her normal laugh. It had been breathy…almost sensual.

Hurry back Ronald,’ the patronus teased, her voice coming out in ragged pants. ‘There’s someone here I’d like you to meet…’

Ron froze in shock as it felt like each of his nerve endings had exploded in fireworks. His pants, already uncomfortably tight, now struggled to contain his raging erection.

‘Are you -?!’ 

Hermione didn’t get to answer, the patronus dispersing into motes of ethereal white light and leaving him alone in the hallway once more, her breathy laughter still echoing in his ears.

Ron, still frozen, shook with excitement and lust, his eyes almost bugging out of his head and his cock threatening to tear a hole through his trousers. He hadn’t pushed things after McLaggen, Hermione had told him she needed some time before they played again.

Apparently…enough time had passed.

He must have set a record with how fast he ran back to the Gryffindor dorms. The common room was mostly empty at that time of night, and he barely acknowledged the few stragglers as he barrelled his way towards Hermione’s room.

His mind had been in turmoil before, now it was in complete overdrive. Scenarios played themselves out in his mind, and he somehow knew each of them would pale in comparison to the delicious reality.

When he silently slipped inside, the complicated wards on Hermione’s door recognising him and instantly granting him access, it was only his grip on the robust door handle that stopped him from making a complete tit out of himself by his knees giving out and falling to the floor in an ungraceful heap.

The rose-cheeked Hermione was relaxing on her insanely comfortable bed in nothing but a white, fluffy robe…and she wasn’t alone. Glued to her side in a matching outfit, his form dwarfing hers and his caramel-skinned hand buried in the folds of her robe was Blaise Zabini. 

The slow, almost gentle undulating of fluffy fabric over Hermione's womanhood let Ron know just what the Slytherin was up to, if his girlfriend's soft gasps and mewls hadn't already.

Ron gaped in stupefied shock as his mind rebooted. He'd never had any issues with the mix-race man like he did with some of his fellow housemates, despite the unsavoury rumours about his…opportunistic mother.

Other than the usual, that is. Zabini was, objectively, insanely handsome. Some mix-race blokes just hit the genetic lottery when they were born, and he was one of them. Insanely buff, cheekbones and a jaw so chiselled you could cut stone with them and blue eyes that were so bright they almost looked white. 

His body count, if rumours were to be believed, was also legendary…

And he's going to add my girlfriend to the list…

He tried to dismiss the first connection his mind couldn't help but draw, the fact that Zabini turned up in his room a short while after Hermione had met with and discussed her sex-life with his sister. 

He was already overloaded enough as it was…

The awkward, almost stunned silence was broken when Blaise leapt off the bed and approached him with a charming smile, the hand that had just been rubbing his girl's lips outstretched, the fingers still glistening with her juices.

‘Weasley,’ he greeted with a respectful nod that Ron shakily returned before turning to his girlfriend with an almost lost, questioning look on his face. 

They weren't new to this kind of thing, sure, but his participation had always been peripheral, silent, secret. Being confronted by and speaking to the bloke Hermione wanted to cuck him with was…new and overwhelming.

Hermione bit her lip sexily, her rosy cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red. ‘Blaise has agreed to bull for us, if that's okay with you.’

The word echoed over and over in his mind. Bull. It was a term, in the context of his kink, that Ron had only learnt of recently. A bloke who joined a couple in a cuckold relationship - basically what McLaggen had been, but formalised, and without him hiding under a cloak like a voyeuristic perv.

His mouth was so dry he struggled to swallow, and he was so turned on his cock was starting to ache in his trousers. 

He belatedly realised he was still holding Zabini’s hand while he stared into his girlfriend's eyes with shock, no doubt with a ridiculous look on his face. Looking down at where their hands were joined, Ron licked his bone dry lips and stared at the appendage as if it belonged to someone else. 

It was Zabini's voice that broke him out of his state.

‘Your girlfriend's gorgeous, and I'd be honoured if you let me bull for the two of you.’

Ron cleared his throat and shook his head to clear it of the cobwebs before letting go of Zabini's hand. He wasn't sure what shocked him more, finding Zabini fingering his girlfriend in her room, or seeing how painfully polite and decent he was about this absolutely barmy situation.

While he and McLaggen had never interacted during the deed, the smug smirks and leers that Hermione had predicted would follow their affair had definitely happened…for a while anyway. 

Ron had expected the next bloke to come and shag Hermione to be just as cocky and arrogant. He was utterly disarmed by Zabini's charisma…and he suspected Hermione had been too.

Among other things…

‘Yeah, sure,’ he croaked in a barely audible tone, nodding in Hermione's direction. ‘As long as you're happy, luv.’

His girlfriend smiled wide and crawled to the foot of the bed like a naughty kitten, stopping when she was right by them. She and Zabini shared a secret smile that had his gut clenching and his cock throbbing painfully. 

What had happened while he was training? What did they do when he wasn’t here? Had they already shagged?

The thoughts drove him wild.

Zabini then turned back to him. ‘Look, mate, how do you wanna do this? Hermione gave me some ideas, but I’d rather hear it from you. I’m not looking to step on any toes or cross any lines, alright?’

While Ron was getting over his cotton mouth and tied tongue, he was still thoroughly disarmed by now… nice Zabini was being. He also felt put on the spot.


Sensing his discomfort, Zabini continued. ‘Do you just wanna watch while we do our thing? Or do you want the teasing and humiliation stuff too? Are you gonna join us, or are you more of a voyeur?’

Ron’s pale face felt like it was overheating with the deeply personal questions, and his cock throbbed when Zabini casually mentioned him and Hermione doing their thing.

He means fucking, Merlin, why is that so hot?!

Wetting his dry lips, Ron audibly swallowed before answering. ‘Teasing’s fine, er, honestly? Just follow Hermione’s lead. She knows what I like more than I do, and how far to push it…’

Zabini grinned and turned to Hermione with a shrug. His girlfriend was looking particularly smug and sexy, clearly having anticipated what he would say and briefing Blaise beforehand. With an impish smile, his girlfriend beckoned her new bull towards her with a naughty finger, but before he reached her, she got up off the bed and wrapped her arms around his neck, her back to Ron and his stupid, gaping face.

They looked like lovers embracing each other after a long day’s work…

They kind of are…

Ron gripped his bulging package and started when Hermione turned to look at him over her shoulder, her eyes smouldering with lust.

‘Do you mind if we kiss?’

Biting his lip, Ron didn’t even dare to blink as he shook his head in the negative. Hermione had never kissed McLaggen, but McLaggen had also been a cunt. Gracing him with a wide, beautiful smile, Hermione turned back to Blaise, her long, wavy hair whipping around and hitting him in the face. She didn’t notice, not that it would have mattered, his girlfriend was entirely focused on snogging her new lover’s face off. 

Hermione’s back was still to him with Blaise towering over her, his hands running up and down her sides as he bent down to return the passionate embrace. It was only when Zabini audibly groaned into Hermione’s mouth that Ron realised he couldn’t see his girlfriend’s hands.

The mystery was quickly solved when Hermione turned around once more to grin sultrily at him. He was about to ask what she wanted when his girlfriend casually stepped aside, her teasing smile still firmly in place. Hermione had opened Blaise’s robe and Ron audibly gasped at what it revealed when she’d stopped blocking it with her body.

With the side of her face now pressed against Zabini’s bare chest, his girlfriend side-eyed him, her small, pale hand only wrapped halfway around the base of his monstrous girth. Up until recently, McLaggen’s had been the biggest dick he’d ever seen - not only did Zabini have him beat by an inch or so in length, but he utterly crushed him in girth. The shaft hung over halfway down his powerful thigh, but Ron couldn’t take his eyes off his girlfriend’s hand, her fingers quite far from touching.

It’s like she deliberately looked for the biggest cock in Hogwarts… She really is a size queen.

‘Look how much bigger he is than you…’ Hermione whispered, her sinful voice like honey. ‘I can’t wait to have a real cock in my tight pussy again…’

Both Hermione and Zabini chuckled as her words had a visible effect on him, his knees almost giving out.

‘Take off your clothes,’ Hermione ordered, her smile still firmly in place but the expectation that her command would be followed, implicit. ‘Let Blaise see the pathetic little dicklet I’ve had to settle for… show him how inferior you are…’

‘Fuuuuuuck,’ Ron groaned with unbridled lust, his shaking hands automatically working at his buttons and zippers as he hurried to obey his girlfriend’s command. Hermione and Zabini giggled again while his girlfriend praised him in the most patronising way imaginable, like he was her puppy.

When he was finally naked, Ron looked up and couldn’t help but compare himself with the now naked Blaise Zabini. In one area, there really was no comparison, and it made his knees week as he subconsciously compared their endowments. Blaise’s cock was so big and heavy, even hard, it hung straight down against his thigh. His own, much more modest endowment pointed directly at the lovers, his tip already seeping his excitement.

As for their bodies, Ron was taller, and his muscles might have even been bigger, but Zabini had the kind of body that looked impossibly cut and shredded no matter how large his muscles grew, every bit of him pure perfection, as if an artist had sculpted him out of marble.

Biting her lip, Hermione sat at the foot of her bed and beckoned them close. With his cheeks flaming red in humiliation and arousal, Ron pulled up beside Zabini, his far inferior cock pointing directly at his grinning girlfriend. They both sighed in pleasure when she reached out to cup their bollocks, but Ron shook once more, his face overheating when he realised what she’d done.

Not only had Hermione cupped their bollocks, her new lover’s balls far larger than his own, but she’d rested their shafts against the inside of her forearms. Zabini’s dark head was butting up against her elbow while his own barely passed her wrist, jerking and bouncing with the beat of his heart.

Hermione giggled and looked up at him with a naughty smile. ‘It’s so cute,’ she cooed, laughing at how it looked like a child’s dick in comparison. ‘Look, it’s trying to compete, but it never can, isn’t that right, Ronald?’

Ron’s fists and jaw were clenched as he desperately tried to hold back his orgasm, shaking his head in the negative when Hermione gently started to apply pressure to his bollocks, clearly expecting an answer. ‘N-no,’ he gasped. ‘I can’t compete.’

‘See what I mean Blaise?’ Hermione asked conversationally, turning to her lover with a sultry grin. ‘This is why I need you. Ron’s tiny penis can’t satisfy me like you can. Isn’t he just pathetic? He can’t even take care of his own woman so he needs proper men like you to do it for him.’

Holy shit, how is this so much hotter than when she was with McLaggen?!

Blaise turned to him and shrugged, patronisingly clapping him on the shoulder. ‘No big deal Weasley, I’ll make sure your woman is properly taken care of.’ He looked down at Ron’s far less impressive endowment and smirked. ‘Not all men are created equal…’

Shit shit shit shit shit shit -!

Ron tried desperately to stave off his impending orgasm, but he made the critical mistake of looking directly into his girlfriend’s smouldering eyes that shone with mischief, lust and love. Hermione hummed in approval, her bottom lip caught between her teeth in that sexy way she always does. ‘It’ll be so nice to have a bull like you to take care of me whenever I want,’ she purred, never looking away from Ron’s tortured stare. ‘No longer will I have to take care of myself after Ron falls asleep, his pathetic little penis spent and useless. Now, I’ll just call you up to our bed while he sleeps and you can shag me like he can’t, the way I deserve, the way this cuck is too pathetic to -’

Hermione’s eyes widened in surprise and glee when her dirty, filthy monologue was interrupted by Ron’s despairing, almost pained gasp and long-drawn out moan. Feeling more deliciously pathetic and humiliated than he ever had in his entire life, Ron’s crown erupted as jet after jet of cum shot out of his tip and coated his girlfriend’s arm. As if the situation couldn’t get any more humiliating, Hermione cooed and encouraged his bollocks to empty as if he were Crookshanks, and she wanted him to drop his latest catch.

‘That’s it, good boy, empty those little baby testes, there we go, I’m so proud of you…’

Ron’s knees almost gave out from the pleasure, and he would have made a complete tit of himself and fallen to the floor right there had one arm not shot out to grip Hermione’s shoulder, and the other Blaise’s.

When he finished cumming, Ron stumbled a few steps away, his breath coming in ragged pants and his hands on his knees as if he’d just got done with a training session. His dick had shrivelled up after unloading the way it had, which didn’t normally happen after only cumming once. Ron idly wondered if it was an instinctual reaction, one of a cuckold in the presence of his girl and her bull…

He would have kept stumbling away until his back hit the wall, but he was stopped when the back of his knees came into contact with something hard. Spinning around, his eyes widened when he saw a chair not quite at the foot of the bed, but close.

How did I miss that?

‘Was that always there?’ he asked in confusion, his voice shaky and raspy after his recent orgasm. Looking back towards his girlfriend, he gulped when he saw she’d already moved on, licking and kissing the tip of Blaise’s huge cock as she eyed him, her eyes twinkling in amusement.

At his question, she pulled back and grinned at him. ‘That’s your new chair, my love, a cuckold’s chair. Sit down and watch to your heart’s content as Blaise fucks your girl better than you ever could…’

There was something about Hermione using foul language that made this whole situation that much hotter, as insane as that was to think. She was giving the biggest dick he’d ever seen a blowie for Merlin’s sake, it didn’t get filthier than that!

He was, of course, fantastically wrong.

His girlfriend’s mocking and teasing words didn’t hurt his feelings, in fact, each time she mocked him it felt as if a bolt of electricity was shooting through his body, each of his nerve endings lighting up with pleasure and desire.

With shaking legs, Ron collapsed onto the seat - the supposed cuckold’s chair - as Hermione had instructed. He was still too shrivelled up to wank properly at the titillating sight before him, his cum making his pathetic todger stick to his bollocks. Separating them with thumb and forefinger, he tugged himself back to readiness and flushed brilliantly as Zabini and Hermione watched his embarrassing display with wide smiles.

Well, his girlfriend smiled with her eyes, her mouth was rather busy at the moment.

Ron couldn’t stop looking at his girlfriend’s mouth spread wide to accommodate Zabini’s girth, it was so wrong, yet oh-so-sexy. She focused on the crown, her tongue tickling his urethra while her eyes never left his. She didn’t use her words, but her mocking, judgemental eyes screamed, ‘why are you just sitting there like a pathetic cuck? This should be you, but you’re not man enough to satisfy me on your own.’

He…had an overactive imagination.

Hermione pulled off Zabini’s cock with a gasp and flung her hair over her shoulder with a flick of her head. While stroking his imposing pillar of flesh, she grinned at him impishly. ‘Next time I invite Blaise over, I’m not going to send you a patronus,’ she warned, her smile showing far too many teeth and her breath quickening in excitement. ‘Every time you’re at training, you’ll wonder if my bull is already here, taking care of me. You’ll only ever find out when you open that door and see this big, beautiful cock stretching me wider than you ever could - can you handle that? Cuck?’

Ironically, her words were demeaning, but the meaning behind them wasn’t. Hermione wasn’t commanding him, she was asking. This was her naughty way to ask if what she suggested would be crossing a line without breaking character.

Ron didn’t answer, he didn’t have to, his quickly reviving cock said more than his words ever could, his furious wanking the cherry on top. They’d iron out the specifics later, because specifics weren’t sexy, but the thought of coming back after training to find Zabini balls deep in his woman, her cries of pleasure escaping the confines of her warded door and audible to everyone in the Gryffindor dorms…?

He shuddered and slowed the pace of his wanking, he didn’t think his bruised ego could take another kicking if he came so soon after his earlier embarrassing ejaculation.

Hermione’s smile was radiant, her hand slowly gliding up and down Zabini’s glistening, anaconda of a cock. ‘I love you so much sweetie,’ she proclaimed, the words and intent genuine and heartfelt. Then her eyes flashed wickedly and her smile turned positively salacious - it was an incredible look on her, definitely sexy librarian vibes. ‘Thank you for allowing me to finally feel sexual satisfaction with this big, beautiful cock.’

Ron groaned with approval, his fist pumping his half-hard cock like a blur. Both Hermione and Zabini laughed at him again, but their mirth quickly died down when they returned their attention to the other. Standing, both he and Blaise held their breaths as Hermione finally shucked her robe, revealing that she wasn’t quite naked underneath.

As he’d discovered when he’d stumbled on them earlier, Ron suspected Blaise already knew this - but knowing and seeing are two completely different things.

Ron gaped and Blaise cursed in appreciation as Hermione revealed herself to be wearing an incredibly sexy set of lace lingerie. They were black, and that’s all Ron registered because all his eyes could focus on was the fact that the bra and knickers were both cupless and crotchless, respectively.

Hermione squirmed under their intense scrutiny, a trail of excitement clearly visible leaking down the inside of her bare, pale thigh.

Blaise was the first one to regain his faculties.

‘I need to thank you again Weasley.’ He spoke without turning to regard him, his voice tinged with awe. ‘Your inadequacies mean I get to have the most beautiful girl in this entire school…whenever I want.

Ron sucked in an excited breath and Hermione blushed prettily, her pleased smile masked by the way she sexily bit her lip and squirmed in place for their enjoyment. Ron knew the reaction to be genuine - everyone knew Zabini got around, that he could have his pick of the litter. Having someone who could snap his fingers and drop the knickers of any girl at Hogwarts refer to you as the most beautiful one of the lot was doing wonders for Hermione’s ego, and she showed her appreciation by gliding into his arms and leaning up to capture his lips in a passionate snog.

Ron watched them with tortured angst and desire, his excited panting eclipsed by the lovers’ muffled moans and groans.

When they finally pulled away, Hermione turned to regard him with a cheeky smile before crawling back onto her bed and towards him. Ron leaned forward, expecting Hermione to want to kiss him next, but his cheeks flushed when she smiled at him mockingly and flipped over onto her back, her head hanging off the edge of the bed so she could stare up at him with heavily lidded, smouldering eyes.

She didn’t break eye-contact as Blaise joined her on the bed, settling himself between her legs and resting his immense endowment on her mons. It reached distressingly high, and Hermione shivered as she felt the weight on her belly. His girlfriend wrapped her legs around Zabini’s waist and still, without breaking eye contact, smiled at him.

‘Are you ready to see Blaise put that huge penis inside me?’

Ron audibly swallowed, his face flushed a furious red, but he hastily nodded. Smiling, Hermione reached out and took his hand - the one that wasn’t desperately trying to stop himself from cumming all over his girlfriend’s pretty face - her devious smile so incredibly sexy. 

‘Are you?’ Hermione challenged in a teasing tone. ‘Are you ready to watch Blaise shag me? To watch him shag your girlfriend better than you ever could? Reach places you simply can’t? Are you ready to hear me cum over and over on another man’s cock, because you’re not man enough to handle it yourself?’

Ron was gaping at Hermione in shock - she’d clearly been doing a lot of research on how to best play her part. Like most things his brilliant girlfriend put her mind to, she was excelling. Whining pathetically, Ron could only nod shakily as he continued to beat his meat.

Hermione’s smile turned wicked. ‘I want to hear your answer, cuck.’

Swallowing audibly again, Ron could only nod, his voice when he spoke small and shaky. ‘Y-yes.’

‘Yes what, cuck?’

Rather than hurt him, each time she referred to him as a cuck drove a spike of tortured pleasure through his brain. It was hard to explain, but seeing Hermione act so forceful, so commanding…all the while the biggest cock he’d ever seen rubbed against her glistening lips and her heavy breasts swayed…it was all just so perfect.

‘I w-want to see him shag you,’ he answered, his voice not shaky because of his embarrassment, but because of his arousal. ‘B-because I’m not m-man enough…’

Hermione looked as turned on as he felt as he recited the forbidden words, her breaths coming in ragged pants and doing wonderful things to her bare breasts. She mouthed, ‘I love you,’ before letting out a long, drawn-out and powerful moan of pure pleasure as Zabini, sensing the time was right, pulled back, pressed his huge head against her glistening lips, and slowly sank his cock into his girlfriend’s molten core.

Hermione’s mouth was open in a silent scream. This was no act, she wasn’t hamming it up for his benefit. Zabini was stretching her poor pussy wider than it had ever been stretched before, and Hermione was loving it, her face a mask of ecstasy. When Blaise reached all the way to her cervix, she lurched and her back arched, her hands flying up to cup her jiggling, heavy tits to hold them in place.

Oooooooh,’ she groaned, the sound coming directly from her soul. Hermione’s eyes were still locked on his and stared at Ron with disbelief as Zabini started to slowly pull out. ‘He’s so huge! Oh, oh, haaah, nnnnh.

Ron was at a loss, he didn’t know where to look, his eyes were offered a scene of visual splendour and they bounced all over the place, taking in the entirety of the insanely erotic picture. With Hermione’s head hanging off the bed, her feet ostensibly pointing towards the ceiling, he had a clear view of her entire body from his chair, especially and most delightfully, her brutally impaled pussy. Her obscenely spread, glistening lips gripped Zabini’s shaft almost jealously, refusing to allow him to easily slide in and out of her.

‘Oh he feels so good inside me,’ Hermione chanted, catching his eyes once more. ‘He’s so big, he’s hitting me so deep, yes, yes, keep stroking that pathetic little p-penis for meeee, good boy, good cuck -’

Run flushed in humiliation but did as asked, his fist pumping his shaft mere inches away from his girlfriend’s face, his aching, red tip poking out from his closed fist and flopping around like a wet noodle with his motions.

Mmnh, it’s so cute,’ she wheezed, as Zabini bottomed out in her again. Ron sucked in a harsh breath through his teeth when she reached up and pinched his knob, giggling at his over the top reaction as her body rocked with Blaise’s thrusts.

‘You’re so beautiful,’ Blaise praised, finally speaking up. His fists were planted either side of her head and he was now now thrusting down into Hermione’s eager pussy, her legs wrapped possessively around his waist and pulling him in deeper with every one of his descents. ‘Your pussy feels made for me. Cum for me, luv, show your boyfriend how much of a size-queen you are, how much his tiny dick can’t satisfy you like mine can.’

Hermione had sucked in an excited breath at Zabini’s words, finally breaking eye contact with him to look into her lover’s eyes with excitement. She reached up to cup his face, her moans as he pounded into her some of the hottest he’d ever heard.

When his girlfriend returned her attention to him, her eyes were shining with giddiness and passion, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. ‘He’s gonna m-make - oooh - make me cum with his huge d-dick Ron. Nnh, it feels so good, I didn’t know s-sex could feel this good!’

Ron’s wanking picked up in pace as Hermione’s moans grew more intense, her pleasure more apparent. She was already racing to her first orgasm and they’d barely been shagging for a couple of minutes.

Then, it happened. Hermione’s eyes flew wide with disbelief and a hand shot up to cover her mouth to muffle her shocked squeal. Her back arching and her eyes fluttering closed in bliss, she started to shake as an orgasm ripped through her, her moans a symphony for his ears and a beautiful dagger to his ego both.

‘There’s so much more where that came from,’ Blaise promised, bending down to place a kiss over each of Hermione’s shut eyes before brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. He’d stopped thrusting, and instead buried himself inside Hermione’s gushing womanhood as deep as he could go, holding her close as she writhed in ecstasy. ‘You don’t even know the meaning of pleasure yet… I’ll teach you.’

When Hermione recovered from her orgasm, her eyes fluttered open and she graced him with a beautiful smile. She arched her back and purred as she felt Blaise’s mammoth member stir inside her, her arms stretching wide and reaching out to Ron.

‘I love the look on your face when you watch me, honey,’ she purred like a sexy kitten, her lips quirked in a teasing smile. ‘That realisation… when you realise you’ll never be able to shag me as well as Blaise can… not with this little thing…’

She reached out and flicked his knob and it was all Ron could do not to cum right there, his fist almost strangling his cock to forcibly stop another rapid orgasm. Both Hermione and Zabini noticed his reaction, laughing in delight at his situation.

‘Damn mate, are you really that turned on from watching me with your girl?’ Blaise asked, his glistening, white teeth contrasting with his caramel coloured skin. ‘Hermione’s right, you really are pathetic.’

Flushing crimson, Ron took several deep, steadying breaths as he controlled his release. This whole experience was way more intense than whatever they’d done with McLaggen, it would take some time to get used to the new sensations, to the humiliating words and teasing at his expense.

It was almost overwhelming, but he couldn’t deny that he’d been on the verge of orgasm from almost the moment he’d laid eyes on Blaise in bed with his girl…

Already recovered from her orgasm, the lovers were already back to shagging. They passionately stared into each other’s eyes, Hermione’s hands cupping his face while Zabini’s were hooked under her shoulders.

‘So tight, so wet,’ Zabini grunted, his hips working overtime to thrust his huge cock into his girlfriend over and over. ‘You like ‘em big, don’t you luv?’

‘I doooo,’ she whined, pulling him down and pressing her lips against his. ‘You’re stretching me so wide, hitting me so deep, deeper than Ron ever could.’

Ron had to bite his lip until it bled to stop the jolt of electricity shooting through him from triggering his orgasm. The whole situation was way too hot. Watching was one thing, the constant dirty talk was a lot harder to manage.

Finally, Hermione returned her gaze to his and she grinned impishly at him, her body rocking with Blaise’s thrusts. ‘If you can manage to stop that tiny dick from spewing for the next ten minutes, cuck… I’ll let you have my bum.’

Ron’s eyes flew open and he immediately released his cock, a grunt and scream of surprise both as both Hermione and Blaise laughed at his over the top reaction. Forcibly putting his hands on his knees, he screwed his eyes shut and breathed deeply.

He wanted it, he wanted her ass more than anything - especially with Blaise’s huge cock ruining her pussy. If he kept watching though, if he kept seeing Hermione’s bouncing tits, her gorgeous, teasing smile, her glistening lips gripping Zabini’s huge shaft… they would certainly spell his doom.

So instead he almost entered a meditative state, their sounds of passion an erotic backdrop that he tried to ignore. It was hard, Hermione didn’t stop her teasing, and her cries of ecstasy were as sexy as they ever were. Ron was also pretty sure Blaise had finished in his girl at some point, but he desperately tried not to think about it, his mind entirely focused on burying himself in his girl’s big, beautiful bum.

The next ten minutes were some of the most difficult of his life, and Hermione made him work for it.

He was brought out of his fugue state with a startled yelp when he felt fingers gently brushing his cock. His eyes snapped open, he gulped when he saw the state Hermione was in, her entire body flush and glistening with sweat and her pussy no longer sheathing Zabini’s huge cock. Instead, Blaise sat at the head of her bed, casually stroking his gargantuan member and watching them with an amused grin. His eyes went back to his girlfriend’s as she grinned impishly at him, his entire body shaking with effort as she gently stroked his far less impressive endowment.

‘Good little cuck,’ she cooed, her breath raspy after her constant cries of passion and ecstasy. Flipping up to sit in front of him cross-legged, Ron groaned as he got a front-row seat to her poor, abused womanhood, her lips red and gaping with a thick river of cum oozing out of her core. She giggled, palming the side of his face and leaning in to kiss him. When she pulled away, her lips were pressed against his ear and she whispered, ‘he came so much inside me, baby… want to feel?’

Shaking with arousal, Hermione leaned back on her arms with a wicked grin and spread her legs for him, her gaping pussy oozing another man’s cum, proudly on display. Ron realised, in that moment, she reminded him of Crookshanks, specifically, the smug, self-satisfied look he would wear when he caught a bird and presented it to his master. 

Stumbling off his chair, Ron fell against Hermione and buried himself inside her in one motion. She was warm, so warm, and disgustingly wet. He could feel Zabini’s huge load pooled deep inside her and it was so insanely hot he didn’t know how he didn’t immediately add to it the second he slipped inside.

Hermione took care of that rather promptly.

‘Are you in yet?’


Both Hermione and Zabini laughed breathlessly as Ron’s entire body shook and starbursts filled his vision, making him see white. Still laughing, Hermione wrapped her arms and legs around him, rubbing comforting circles over his back as he shook and unloaded jet after jet of cum inside her.

‘That’s it, luv, let it all out. It’s just more for you to clean up later…’

Bloody hell, that’s the hardest I’ve ever cum…

When he recovered, he collapsed back into his chair, his head throbbing after the power of his recent orgasm. He watched, with all the mental faculties of a troll, as Hermione crawled back over to Blaise and started sucking his huge cock back to life. Her hips swayed from left to right as she did so, but his eyes were glued to her ravaged womanhood leaking cum down her thigh.

Blaise, his jaw clenched and his hands threaded in Hermione’s wavy hair, focused all his attention on the beautiful woman giving him a blowie. Ron, on the other hand, couldn’t take his eyes off his girlfriend’s pussy. He wondered what everyone in the castle would think if they could see what he was seeing now, if they could see the prim and proper Hermione Granger sucking a huge cock like a common slag, her pussy leaking two different blokes’ cum.

She’s amazing…

Eventually, Hermione pulled off Blaise’s cock with a gasp and turned back to him, her smile wide and her eyes shining with love and a perverse giddiness. When her eyes dropped down to his revived twig and giggleberries, her smile widened even further. 

‘Great,’ she exclaimed with a clap, snapping him out of his trance. Ron swallowed the lump in his throat when Hermione started to crawl towards him like a naughty kitten. ‘You’ve had your fun Ronald, now, it’s my turn…’

Ron couldn’t help but return her smile. ‘You weren’t enjoying yourself? From where I was sitting, it definitely sounded like you were enjoying yourself…’

Hermione bit her lip and yelped when Blaise reached over and spanked her meaty ass. ‘Yeah, what he said. You’re gonna hurt my feelings, luv.’

His girlfriend rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder to poke her tongue at Zabini, at her bull. ‘What I mean is, all that was for Ron’s benefit, now I want to do something I want to do…’

Ron couldn’t help it, she was just too easy to tease. ‘You…didn’t want to shag Zabini?’

‘Hermione, you’re breaking my heart!’

Ron broke when Hermione’s cheeks puffed up like a puffer fish and she looked ready to release an epic tirade on the both of them.

‘We’re joking!’ he yelled, calming Mount Granger down before it could erupt. ‘Just say what you want, babe.’

She’d reached the end of her bed at this point, and with him leaning in her direction, their faces were barely inches apart.

‘Okay Mister Smartpants, I’ll spell it out for you. I want Blaise with his massive cock to fuck my pussy -’

‘A nice change of pace, then.’ He couldn’t help it, even as Hermione’s nostrils flared in annoyance and Blaise howled with laughter, Ron didn’t regret his interruption. He soothed his girlfriend’s annoyance by planting a gentle kiss on her lips that she tried to turn away from in a huff. Grabbing her chin, he turned her face back towards him and pecked her soft lips. ‘I’m sorry, you’re just too fun to tease.’

Harrumphing in annoyance, she crossed her arms and looked away. ‘I don’t know if I even want to say it anymore if you’re just going to tease and make fun of me.’

Hermione barely had the chance to put on her innocent act when Blaise joined her, his body looming over hers and his teeth nibbling on her ear. ‘Weasley’s right, you’re too fun to tease.’

Hermione melted in Blaise’s embrace, her cheeks a rosy red. Ron marvelled at how beautiful his girlfriend was, and as he jealously watched her writhe in her handsome bull’s arms, he found it even more incredible that the scene only made her more attractive in his eyes.

‘I was going to say,’ she whispered, her voice faint and her breaths coming in ragged, excited pants, ‘that Blaise could fuck my pussy…and Ron can fuck my ass. It would have sounded really sexy if you two idiots hadn’t interrupt -’

Ron cut off whatever she was about to say by tackling her onto the bed, flattening Zabini beneath her in the process. She laughed and squealed into his mouth as he captured his girlfriend’s lips in an excited, passionate and needy kiss, the sounds turning into a moan as Blaise started to massage her big tits and nuzzle her neck.

When Ron finally pulled away, he stared into his girlfriend’s eyes reverently. ‘You’re the most beautiful woman in the world.’

She blushed prettily and looked away. ‘Yeah, well, you make me feel like it too…’

With a final impish grin in his direction, Hermione turned in his grasp and bent down to start snogging Zabini again. He might have felt left out, had she not also reached back and spread her cheeks for him.

Ron was so excited he was shaking, he barely even noticed Hermione’s ecstatic moan when she impaled herself on Zabini’s cock once more. He only had eyes for her rosebud, his thoughts consumed with wondering what it would feel like when he finally sank into it.

No time like the present, Weasley.

Ron covered his fingers in his own spit and slipped them into his girl’s ass with only a little effort. His own cock was still coated in both his and Zabini’s combined juices, but he figured a little extra lube couldn’t hurt.

‘Put it in me Ron,’ Hermione cried, looking over her shoulder and staring at him with wide, feverish eyes. ‘I’m ready, bugger me.’

It was a lot easier than he’d been expecting, especially after his head slipped through her tight sphincter. Ron groaned with bliss and Hermione squealed with delight as he instantly bottomed out inside her. As he pressed Hermione down into her lover’s bulky frame, Ron felt Zabini’s bollocks brush against his own and figured he could do with a lot less of that.

Hearing Hermione’s cries of pleasure though as they both pumped their members in and out of her made him quickly forget that though. The sheer absurdity that Hermione Granger, his girlfriend, was being tag-teamed by two blokes on her bed still hadn’t set in. The whole scenario would have seemed far-fetched if someone had told him Lavender Brown was the star of the erotic story, the fact that it was his perfect, supposedly innocent and proper girlfriend just made the entire situation even more surreal.

‘Yes, yes, oooooh, fuck me, both of you, nnh, so good, so good, yesssss!’

Who is this slag and what has she done with my girlfriend?!

Unfortunately, Ron was as inexperienced with double-penetrating a girl as Hermione was receiving the treatment, and it was a little awkward trying to sync up his thrusts with Zabini. They went at it for what felt like hours though, with Hermione in a perpetual state of bliss between them and both he and Blaise unloading one final time in the ravenous brunette.

When they’d all finally run out of energy, Hermione laid, exhausted, against Blaise’s broad chest while Ron planted himself between her splayed legs, his tongue working furiously to clean both of her holes. They both watched him work silently with the Slytherin man rubbing gentle circles over Hermione’s belly, seemingly intentionally avoiding both her abused womanhood and tender nipples.

‘So…did I pass your audition, Miss Granger?’

He heard his girlfriend laugh incredulously and looked up to see her looking over her shoulder and kissing the handsome man tenderly. She turned back to Ron with a wide smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. ‘What do you think honey? Did he pass?’

While Ron didn’t stop his arduous, disgusting task, his amused snort and grunt of confirmation said it all.

‘I think that means yes,’ Hermione laughed and turned back to kiss her bull again, moaning into his mouth as his tongue confidently scooped up their combined juices. When Hermione and Blaise finally pulled apart, she graced him with a lopsided smile. ‘Thank you for tonight, really, but, well, I don’t mean to be rude…’

‘No, don’t be ridiculous!’ Blaise waved off Hermione’s apologies and slipped out from her grasp, placing her gently against her pillows and hopping off her bed. Ron had one final look at Zabini’s spent, still-ridiculously-huge-even-when-soft cock before, with a wave of a wand he’d seemingly pulled out of thin air, he was dressed smartly in a tight-fitting shirt and khaki chinos. Ron supposed someone like Blaise would be well-versed in such spells. ‘Tongit was incredible, and I meant what I said - you’re the most beautiful woman at Hogwarts. I can’t wait to hear from you again…’

Hermione’s face lit up in an atomic blush and she smiled, pleased with the lothario’s honeyed words. Locking eyes with Ron, her smile widened before she turned back to her lover with a sultry grin. ‘You definitely will…’

The door had barely closed behind Blaise before Ron was all over Hermione, his lips seeking hers and his cock slipping into her thoroughly used and tender tunnel. Hermione attacked him back with equal fervour, her eyes almost wild with lust and passion.

Later, after one of their most intense lovemaking sessions ever, both Ron and Hermione laid in each other’s arms, their hands clasped in an interlocking grip and their skin sticky and glistening with their exertions.

Hermione was content to mostly lay there in a stunned, post-coital silence, but Ron couldn’t help himself.

‘Where did all that come from?’

It took his girlfriend’s pleasure-addled mind a hot second to understand what exactly he was referring to, and she blushed prettily.

‘I -’

‘Wait,’ Ron interrupted with a grin, motioning to the nearby bookshelf filled with a chuckle. ‘Let me guess, you read it in a book?’

Biting her lip in embarrassment, she slapped his chest at his hysterical laugh and poked him in the side until he stopped. ‘Yes, if you must know.’

She slipped out of his grasp and hopped off the bed, her hips swaying from side-to-side as she made her way to her private bookshelf. Ron devoured her almost naked form hungrily - if he wasn’t so spent, he’d shove her up against it and take her again.

Hermione lovingly ran her fingers over the spines of some of the books there before turning to him with an impish grin. ‘Muggle erotic fiction… I’ve been using it for inspiration - is it working?’

Chuckling, he shook his head in disbelief and spread his arms wide as she dove back into his embrace. ‘Yeah, it’s working. You were brilliant. I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before…’

Hermione sighed dreamily and kissed his nipple, her eye peeking up at him in twinkling mischievously. ‘Me either…’


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