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Chapter 34

Tags: Consensual Infidelity, BBC, Interracial, Voyeur, Threesome, DP, Sexy Sports Betting, Anal

Pete didn’t struggle as Pepper fussed over him, adjusting his lapels, his tie, taming his short beard and mussing his hair in a way that, in her words, gave it an air of controlled chaos. As annoying as it was, he couldn’t help but smile as the experience brought him back to when Aunt May would do likewise on the morning of his school’s photo days.

As he grew more popular, his work more noticeable, SI increasingly grew inundated with requests for comment and interviews from the media and podcasters alike. Normally, they rebuffed each and every request out of hand - SI’s scientists’s time was too valuable to waste on such things.

Pepper had harranged him into doing this one though with a major news organisation, even if he’d have preferred it be a chill conversation on a smaller, tech focused podcast. She’d explained her reasoning, and enticed him by having the media orgs bid over the rights to the interview, all the proceeds going towards the Helen Stacy Memorial.

She got me good…

‘Acceptable,’ she muttered under her breath, analysing him with a critical eye. ‘You look handsome, but not enough to come off as a fuck boy. That’s the image we’re going for.’

‘I don’t know whether to be flattered or insulted.’

She shot him a smirk and patted his cheek affectionately. ‘I’ll leave that up to you, Peter. Now, be on your best behaviour please. With all the bad press going on regarding your, ahem, personal life, we could really  do with a win today.’

She’d narrowed her eyes in frustration at the mention of his personal life, no doubt furious that he’d taken after his mentor in the one way she wished he hadn’t.

With a final, pleading look, Pepper stalked away to bother the producers. He admired her form as she did so, unable to help himself. Unlike Felicia, she didn’t deliberately dress provocatively, but her beauty still shone through. Tall for a woman, and thin, she wore a white silk blouse, a charcoal grey slim-cut blazer and pencil skirt combo and red-soled black stilettos. Her coppery hair was done up in an elegant bun and she only applied a modest amount of make-up to enhance her features.

Pepper Potts was one of the most powerful women in the world. Despite ‘only’ being Tony Stark’s assistant, everyone knew she was his right hand, the one who really ran SI while Tony focused on being Iron Man and his own work. She was as fearsome as she was elegant and beautiful.

She’s also lonely. We need to hook her up with someone. Logan would be perfect if he stopped mooning over Jeane. Shouldn’t be too hard to switch him from one redhead to another…right?

With Pepper gone, Tony strolled up and pulled him aside. Pete grinned as, with a few presses on his watch, an invisible energy dome was erected around the two that absorbed all sound waves, rendering their conversation private.

‘Is this the part where you tell me to ignore everything she just said?’

His mentor grinned but shook his head in the negative. ‘No. If they’ve come in good faith, do the interview in good faith - even if they ask you about cucking T’Chala, that’s fair game. It’s not like you cared about your privacy when you were fucking that hot piece of ass all over Africa…’

Pete couldn’t help but grin at the way Tony worded it, it was as if he relished the very world cuckold, finding ways to slip how he’d cucked the king of Wakanda in as many conversations as possible.

The pleased smirk on the older man’s face faded however and he turned serious. ‘The second they start to get personal, when the interview devolves into ad homs, then, and only then do your gloves come off and anything goes.’

Pete’s eyes widened in surprise. Did Tony know something he didn’t? Seeing the look on his face, Tony gave him a humourless smile.

‘Kid, I’ve been around the block a couple of times. I know how the media operate. Just be ready for it and don’t lose your cool. The people love you, shit, even the black community love you, and they’re historically always pro-Wakanda…’

Pete’s face scrunched up in confusion. ‘Why are you starting to sound like my campaign manager?’

Instead of laughing off his claim, Tony scoffed. ‘Kid, if you want to affect real change in this world, everything is politics. The people might love you, but if you want to build hospitals all over the world, if you want to spread the IRI’s focus even further, you’re going to need the permission of foreign governments. You need them to love you too.’

Pete couldn’t have been more stunned if Gwen had strolled into the room and told him she was joining a nunnery.

Tony sighed and rubbed at his face. ‘Trust me, Pete, I’m speaking from experience. Having fuck you money and being an asshole is amazing, but that just means no one wants to work with me. There’s no way in hell Kenya would let me build anything in their country. You’ve got no idea how hard it even is to get governments to adopt the singularity generators, even though it’s objectively better than anything they could come up with.’

Pete stopped himself from pointing out that Ororo was the reason he was allowed to work in Africa. It was a stupid argument anyway. Though she’d helped him get his foot in the door, he wouldn’t have her help with any future projects, meaning Tony, as usual, had a point.

The older man gripped his arms and looked him dead in the eye. ‘Kid, this is important. You’ve done more good for the world in a few years than I have in my entire life.’

He smirked self-deprecatingly. ‘I dunno about that… those generators are pretty impressive.’

Tony stepped back and affected an air of nonchalance, brushing some invisible dust off his coat. ‘Oh that? You mean the things that make everything you do possible? I suppose you have a point.’

Pete suppressed a chuckle and shook his head.

‘Jesus Christ, couldn’t you have waited until after the interview to give me this speech? No pressure…’

Tony smirked and slapped him on the arm as the producer called him over. ‘You’ll be fine. I know this reporter, she’s a professional cunt. Just wait until she throws the first punch and you’ll be Gucci.’

Masking his nerves, Pete allowed himself to be led to a couch on the set sitting across from a woman most Americans who’ve watched CBNC would immediately recognise.

Patricia Tilby was a reporter brought up in the J Jonah Jameson school of journalism. While not as populist, hyperbolic or sensationalist as her old boss, she had a personality typical of anyone who graduated with a journalism degree from any of America's elite universities.

Far left socialist, hates the rich - especially her old boss - comfortably upper middle class upbringing while being independently wealthy herself. It sounded like a profile the irreverent Tony Stark would prepare for him on any of the ‘woke’ activist reporters he despised…instead it had been prepared for him by his girlfriend, someone who even shared some of Tilby’s less extreme politics.

She gave him a thin-lipped smile when he took a seat and stood to shake his hand. Returning the gesture with a polite smile, he gave her a onceover with a neutral expression. Dressed in a well-cut, navy blue pantsuit and white blouse, she exuded professionalism and sophistication. While not insanely beautiful based on the standards of the company he usually kept, she was pretty without being overtly sexual, though overly made up in a way that possibly did her a disservice, in his opinion.

‘Good morning, Doctor Parker,’ she greeted with the most insincere smile he could imagine. ‘Thank you for agreeing to this interview, I hope it’ll be…illuminating.’

Glossing over the thinly veiled threat, Pete killed her with kindness. ‘Well, thank you for the donation to the Helen Stacy Memorial Fund. I’ll make sure that money is put to good use.’

Her smile grew strained, likely because she’d been made aware of the sheer amount of money her organisation paid for his time.

It would fund half a dozen hospitals.

That’s enough cash that I’m willing to smile and put up with this farce.

They were counted down by the producer and Tilby put on her best, news anchor smile. Pete leaned back in his chair and crossed one leg over the other, the perfect picture of relaxation and calm.

The second they went live, Tilby was in her element, greeting the viewers at home and introducing their most prestigious guest.

‘It’s a pleasure to be here,’ Pete replied with a warm smile.

If Pete thought they’d try to soften him up a bit first, he would quickly be proven wrong. With a look of faux contrition on her steely features, she jumped in with both feet.

‘I’m sure you’ll understand, but the viewers are desperate to know what exactly happened between you and the Queen of Wakanda. When doing research on you before this meeting, I couldn’t go five minutes before running into someone that would endlessly sing your praises, but none of them had an opinion when it came to you sleeping with another man’s wife. Who are you really doctor Parker? Philanthropist, or philanderer?

Pete didn’t take the bait, instead smiling bashfully and ignoring the litany of notifications he was getting from both Gwen and Aunt May through his AR lens. ‘I have a very active sex life that I’m not ashamed of, Miss Tilby,’ he began, remaining formal and calm. ‘I’m not sure what you want me to tell you that you, and the world, don’t already know though.’

The woman across from him showed her experience by not flinching or pausing at his faux confusion.

‘I’m trying to get a picture of your character,’ she continued with faux sincerity. ‘You’re one of the most powerful men in the world, I think the people would like to know what kind of person our government has willingly ceded so much power to.’

Pete shrugged and tilted his head. ‘As you’ve already made it abundantly clear, I’m an open book. My primary focus with my work is lifting as many people out of poverty as possible while also improving everyone’s quality of life. I work hard, and my girlfriend and I also like to party hard. Relatively simple, I think.’

‘I’m glad that you brought up your girlfriend,’ Tilby said with a smile that screamed he’d fallen directly into her trap. ‘Gwendolyn Stacy, is it? You two have been friends since childhood - a sweet story…’

Pete smiled wide at the mention of Gwen, not needing to fake his emotions like he had been up until this point. ‘I love her very much - don’t let her hear you calling her Gwendolyn though. She doesn’t like that at all.’

‘I’ll remember that,’ she replied with a cool smile. ‘How long have you been together?’

Pete shrugged. ‘As you said, we’ve known each other since we were kids, but we’ve only been together for three years now.’

Her eyebrows raised and she leaned back in her armchair, her fingers steepled in front of her mouth. ‘And have you been abusive towards her for the entire time?’

There was a commotion behind the cameras at the ludicrous question, and several people gasped, but Pete didn’t look away from the interviewers eyes, rather tilting his head and examining Tilby as if she were a curiosity.

‘Interesting,’ he mused, tilting his head in the other direction. ‘Care to elaborate?’

Smirking like the cat that got the cream - rather inappropriate and unprofessional, given the supposed seriousness of the scandal she’d just exposed - she continued. ‘Your girlfriend. You force her to disrobe and debase herself on the internet while you fly around and sleep with as many women as you can get your hands on.’

Gwen: Okay, seriously, fuck this cunt. Out me, do it. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life than to see this bitch’s face when she finds out who I really am.

Pete: It’s not necessary, don’t be ridiculous.

Gwen: My anonymity isn’t necessary, your good reputation IS. Fuck her, do it. Also feel free to use all the shit I dug up on her, she went personal first.

‘Nothing to say in your defence, Doctor Parker?’ Tilby asked coyly, her eyes shining as she no doubt envisioned a Pulitzer for herself in the future.

Well, he’d be lying if he said he was sorry to dash her dreams.

‘I just find it curious that you take that tone with me while cheating on your husband with your co-anchor,’ he replied airily. ‘My silence is me thinking how someone could get so high on their horse while being covered in muck themselves.’

More gasps from the peanut gallery, and he was sure he heard Tony bark out a laugh. Tilby flushed furiously, no longer smirking and in control. ‘How dare you - ?’

‘How dare I?’ Pete asked in surprise, cutting her off. ‘You’re the one telling your husband you’re working late every Wednesday while simultaneously booking late-night rendezvous with your lover. Gwen and I don’t have secrets, unlike you with your poor husband apparently. Also, the fact that you suggest I force my girlfriend to take off her clothes means you spoke to nobody that knows either of us - did you even do your research? I thought that was your thing?’

To her credit, she quickly mastered herself as the commotion on set became more intense. ‘Do you get off on this, Doctor Parker? Using your vast resources to stalk me then humiliate and embarrass me on live TV?’

This time it was Pete who barked out a laugh. When he calmed down and realised she was serious, he shook his head in the negative. ‘Right, I know your type. A cry-bully - anything goes as long as you’re punching up, but the instant you get a taste of your own medicine, you cry foul.’ She flushed in anger as Pete shook his head with disappointment. He didn’t need to say more, her hypocrisy was plain as day.

He really couldn’t have people thinking he was the one with the power in his relationship though.

‘As for using my vast resources to stalk you - almost all of it going towards building hospitals and infrastructure, by the way, if you ever want to actually ask about my work - I did no such thing. You see,’ he said, leaning forward and putting on his most charming smile. ‘My girl, she’s a bit of an investigator herself, you know? When she heard you’d be the one interviewing me, she insisted. I thought she was wasting her time. Clearly, she’s the brains of our relationship…’

She was gaping at him in confusion and Pete held up a finger to forestall her next question.

‘I know what you’re thinking,’ he lied. ‘What kind of amateur investigator could dig up dirt on you so effortlessly, so quickly? How could she find out that you’ve been cheating on your poor husband for years with multiple men. Well, she’s really quite talented and has made a name for herself - you might have heard of it.’ He paused and smiled, the studio so silent you could hear a pin drop. ‘You call her Gwendolyn, but the people of New York generally refer to her as the Ghost Spider…’

This time it was Pete leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers as absolute pandemonium broke out around him. He never took his eyes off Patricia Tillby though, nor did his drones look at anything else. 

He liked to think he knew his better half pretty well, and there was no way in hell she’d let him survive if he didn’t capture this self-righteous hypocrite's gaping expression from as many angles as possible.

He didn’t look away until the producer finally cut away to an ad break and he heard Tony’s raucous laughter. Looking over, he was unsurprised to see Tony grinning and giving him the double thumbs-up of approval.

He was surprised however to see that Pepper wasn’t glowering at him, but instead chewing out the ass of a shocked and beleaguered producer.

Well, that’s one less problem I’ll have to deal with.

Turning back to look at Patricia, she was still gaping at him in shock, her face having turned an almost ghostly white.

‘So…is this interview over or do you actually wanna know what I’m working on next…?’

Turned out she did not, in fact, want to know.

I thought she was supposed to be a journalist…


Sweat cascaded down Pete's face in rivulets, his body shaking and his teeth clenched with effort. 

He'd done this manoeuvre before, with a not inconsiderable amount of effort. 

Then Gwen had spat on his accomplishment by replacing the benches he used for balance and stability with kettlebells. Now, not only did he have to perform the ridiculously hard feat of acrobatics, he had to do it while keeping his wrists as sturdy as steel. 

Hefting his weight, he extended his feet out into an L-sit, his core burning and his body shaking as he prepared for the next bit.

Letting out a long, controlled exhale, he leaned forward while keeping his balance until he tucked into a ball. When he was sure he was still in control, he leaned forward even more, every muscle in his body screaming as he extended his feet out backwards in a bent-arm planche.

He screamed as his muscles begged for release, on the verge of failure. 

‘You've got this!’ Gwen cheered somewhere off to the side. ‘Don't bitch out now, you're so close!’

He couldn't see her, his own sweat blurring his vision. Still, he pressed on, vowing to make Gwen pay fifty-fold for this torture she was putting him through. 

He tucked into a ball again and extended his feet out into another L-sit before roaring with victory and collapsing to the ground and a shaky, boneless pile.

He didn't hit the ground, of course, Gwen's webs shooting out like lightning to arrest his momentum. The blatant display of her powers drew gasps from their nearby fellow gym-rats, who'd all been pretending to not be gawking at them for the past fifteen minutes. 

‘You did it!’ she squealed, letting him down slowly before wrapping him up in a hug and nuzzling his gross, sweaty neck.

Now that he wasn't focusing so hard on not making a fool out of himself, he could see over Gwen's shoulder that they'd drawn a crowd. Pete didn't kid himself and think they were amazed at his feat of acrobatic strength, but rather they gawked at the hammock of spider webs that cradled him in the middle of the gym.

Unsurprisingly, it had been that way ever since he'd outed Gwen as the Ghost Spider, live, in front of the entire world - Pepper had reliably informed him that the ratings were off the charts, even beating out the most recent soccer World Cup final. 

It got so bad that the guys running the gym in their building had threatened to start throwing people out if they continued to bother them. 

Perks of being the point zero, zero, zero, zero one percent, I guess…

Neither Pete or Gwen minded all that much though - even if coming up to them in the middle of a set was a bit extra - they were used to it from countless of their date nights being spoiled by his fans coming up to him and asking for photos.

Thankfully, it was Gwen that was the one being swamped by adoring fans this time, and Pete was more than happy to shift the sometimes overwhelming public attention her way. 

‘Ready for your next goal?’ She asked mischievously, letting him go and giggling as he whined, his web hammock swaying. ‘Oh don't be a baby, this one's more a flexibility and balance exercise. Watch.’

He did, smirking as Gwen backflipped onto a nearby bench, not even the least bit concerned anymore about hiding her supernatural abilities. His smirk quickly faded as he watched her demonstration with dawning horror.

While balancing perfectly on the bench, she squatted low on one leg, the other pointing out straight. ‘This is called a pistol squat,’ she began, before continuing, because of course she wasn’t finished. She pulled her outstretched leg in and wrapped it around her standing leg before extending it out the other side, bending herself almost into a pretzel. ‘And this,’ she said with an easy grin at the look on his face, ‘is called a dragon squat.’

He watched, despairing as she stood, performed a lateral lunge, and mirrored the exercise with her other leg.

‘Easy, right?’

Pete stared at her in disbelief. ‘I feel like I dislocated my hip just watching you do that.’

Gwen’s smile turned sultry and she drew close, her warm breath tickling his face. ‘You and I both know you’re more than flexible enough to manage it, Stud.’

His cheeks turned pink and Gwen barked out a sadistic laugh before they were interrupted by two young women that looked barely out of their teens. They looked sheepish and apologetic, but neither emotion could hide their obvious excitement.

‘Um, hi, we waited until it looked like you’d finished… Could we get a photo? Please?’

The other one picked up after her friend stopped talking. ‘We’re both massive fans, we have all your toys - ohmygawd I can’t believe I just said that out loud!’

Gwen laughed joyously and wrapped both of them in one-armed hugs. ‘Don’t be embarrassed, those toys put me through college.’

She took their phones and handed them to him while shifting into her famed Ghost Spider outfit - sans mask - in the same motion. Pete rolled his eyes at being relegated to photographer, but he laughed it off as they all posed with their hands out, miming web shooting.

Which, naturally encouraged everyone else in the gym to scurry over and beg for photos. Thankfully, their building’s gym was pretty exclusive, the price of membership commensurate with everything else in the building and surrounding area. 

In a word, expensive.

It meant the crowd was relatively small and contained and they spent at most five minutes taking photos for Gwen’s adoring fans. His favourite one had to be when two, massively jacked bodybuilder types removed their shirts and held her up like she was Cleopatra, with Gwen laying on her side as if she was chilling on the couch, watching TV.

When the small crowd had finally dispersed, Gwen turned to him with a cheesy grin. ‘How’s the ego, champ? They’ve forgotten all about you.’

Pete snorted and spanked her on her incredible ass, an even more tantalising target for his greedy hands now that she’d shifted back to her workout outfit of tiny, lycra shorts and tank-top.

‘My ego is fine, you cheeky girl,’ he joked, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and pulling her tight against his chest. ‘You’ve no idea how nice it is not being stared at like a zoo animal - who am I kidding? I just described your freaking kink to a T.’

Gwen cackled and snuggled deeper into his embrace. ‘Guilty…so, how’s everyone taking the interview?’

With a mental command, he quickly scanned through his emails with his AR lens and found the latest ones from Pepper and his guys in the IRI. ‘Apparently great, we just signed a contract and will be starting up in Syria next month…’

Smiling wide, Gwen spun in his grasp and wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘Babe, that’s amazing!’ Her enthusiastic gushing and corny smile earned her a rosy blush. He returned the smile, wrapping his arms around the small of her back.

‘What’s even better is that they don’t need me to hold their hands anymore.’ He buried his face in Gwen’s neck and started to lick and suckle on her sweaty skin. ‘The operation is pretty self-sufficient nowadays, basically runs itself.’

‘Mmm,’ Gwen purred in delight, grinding against him and melting into his embrace. ‘That sounds like maybe it’s time we finally go on that holiday we’re always talking about…’

Pete was about to protest for reasons he couldn’t explain to Gwen, but his Aunt and Uncle unknowingly came to the rescue.

‘May is due any day now,’ he explained, and he almost winced as Gwen sagged with understanding and disappointment. ‘But I think it’s about time we go and pay Riri a visit after little Hope is born, don’t you?’

The smile was instantly back on Gwen’s face and she squealed, leaping into his arms and wrapping her powerful legs around his midsection. Peppering his face with kisses, she drew back with a sultry smile. ‘I hear Australia has amazing beaches.’

Pete laughed and shook his head. ‘You’re too much…’

Done with their workout, they adjourned to the changing rooms for a shower. There were half a dozen people milling about, so despite both of their libidos being off the charts - as was usual after a workout - they kept the hanky panky to a minimum, instead focusing on washing the other’s body.

Did Gwen pay a little too much attention to cleaning his dick? Of course she did.

With nothing else to do for the rest of the day and still a couple of hours until the Jets game, they decided to spend some time relaxing in the sauna. Gwen led the way, and when she opened the door, she froze then gasped in surprise.


Gwen rushed in and Pete followed her inside to see a sight that almost made him keel over with laughter. A familiar face was the sauna’s only occupant. Sitting in the far corner with a towel over an impressive bulge was Gabriel, his face set in a rictus of shock and quickly shifting to horror when his dark eyes landed on Pete.

Gwen had hurried over and plopped herself down on the bench next to Gabriel, one arm slung over his shoulder like they were best pals. To be fair, that wasn’t entirely untrue. Though they’d only fucked the one time, both Gwen and Gabriel had met up several time since to spot each other during their workouts.

‘A-ay, uh,’ the huge man stuttered comically when his wide eyes landed on Pete. ‘I, uh, I didn’t - I had no idea, um, sir?’

Grinning, Pete waved a hand and put the man out of his misery. ‘Relax dude, we don’t have secrets.’

Gabriel’s body instantly relaxed at Pete’s nonchalant response, helped along no-doubt by Gwen leaning into his side and running her fingers over his chiselled abs. She was staring at Pete while biting her lip sexily, her desire as clear as day.

‘Yeah… I guess you don’t,’ Gabriel hummed thoughtfully, the firefighter turning to regard the sexy, horny woman clinging to his side with mirth. ‘So you’re the Ghost Spider, huh? That…makes so much sense.’

Gwen, still biting her lip, shrugged impishly as Pete plopped down on her other side with a relieved sigh. ‘I told you I’d make a good spotter.’

The large man snorted in amusement. He was like an obsidian statue, the only sign of discomfort the tiny beads of sweat dotting his forehead and perfect, v-shaped torso.

Pete tried to listen and participate in their conversation, he really did, but Gwen, the naughty minx that she was, was running her hands up and down the insides of both his and Gabriel’s thighs as she enthusiastically chatted, causing the bulges under both of their towels to twitch and grow.

One of them, much larger than the other.

Eyeing Gabriel’s bulge hungrily, Gwen turned back to eye Pete’s before looking up into his eyes and grinning. When she returned her attention to the firefighter, she had an impish, mischievous look in her eyes that promised a good time. 

‘Aren’t you a little uncomfortable, Gabi?’ she teased, but before the handsome man could offer a protest, she pinched the tiny towel and yanked it off in one smooth motion, discarding it like some trash. Other than tensing briefly, Gabriel sighed and relaxed as his huge cock bounced free, so large it hung down and over the edge of the bench.

Turning to look back at Pete, Gwen was biting her lip and eyeing his own bulge hungrily. Pete didn’t even bother protesting and Gwen didn’t bother asking as she yanked off his towel and freed his own hardness. His own member was much more able to defeat gravity with its less hefty mass and sprung up to slap against his abs.

‘Mmm, that’s better, Stud.’

Pete sighed in bliss, his head tilting back and resting against the wall when Gwen gripped not only his own shaft, but Gabriel’s immense one too and started to casually stroke the both of them. She carried on her conversation from before with the same level of nonchalance, as if jacking them both off at the same time was the most normal thing in the world.

Pete couldn’t help himself, his eyes locking on where Gwen’s small, pale hand gripped the colossal pillar of obsidian flesh. Pete had long since grown comfortable in his own skin, even when it came to his own endowment. Where he would once feel jealousy over seeing Gwen’s past lover’s equipment, he now only felt indifference.

Indifference personally, but the thought of watching Gwen playing with such a monster still turned him on like it did when they watched her past self through her comprehensive back catalogue.

Turning to him, Gwen smiled prettily. ‘Babe, can you get my towel? My hands are…full.’

While still stroking both of their hard cocks, Pete bent down and captured Gwen's lips in a tender, passionate kiss. She melted against him, moaning into his mouth while Pete undid the knot tying her towel together, letting it fall to the bench and exposing Gwen's jaw-dropping, naked physique to the steamy room. 

‘God damn,’ Gabriel groaned, eyeing Gwen's toned physique hungrily. ‘How did I forget how fine you were…?’

Pulling away from their kiss with rosy cheeks, Gwen grinned impishly at her lover. ‘Partly my fault,’ she teased. ‘We've been too busy over the past months to give you a proper reminder.’

Gabriel chuckled hungrily and, when he got a nod from Pete when looking over to ask for permission, the hulking man melted into her other side, capturing his naughty girlfriend's lips in a steamy kiss while his large hand trailed down her chiselled abs and started toying with her nethers.

They only pulled away when the door to the sauna opened, sucking out the stream, letting in a cool, relieving gush of air and revealing the two young women who had first approached them for photos in the gym.

They both froze in shock and turned beet red at the sight that greeted them, but at Gwen's sultry, teasing smile, they didn't back away. Instead, they looked to each other for courage before joining them.

Admittedly, sitting on the bench in the opposite corner of the room. 

With a naughty chuckle, Gwen turned back to Pete and started kissing him again, her hands still sensuously gliding up and down their hard shafts. The silence was deafening, heavy pants and the schlicking of his girlfriend's hand gliding up and down two erect cocks dominating the silence. 

Apparently not content with the status quo, Gwen turned back to Gabriel and smiled - not sultrily, but a genuine smile you'd generally give an acquaintance you bumped into on the street. 

‘You watching the game tonight?’

He stared at her in confusion for several, uncomfortable moments, his dark eyes radiating bemusement while also cloudy with lust. When his upper brain kicked back into gear, he chuckled quietly, his voice deep and resonant despite the volume. 

‘Yeah,’ he answered with a strained smile. Gwen hadn't stopped jacking them off, in fact, she'd added a delightful corkscrew motion to each pump. ‘Apparently, I'm a glutton for punishment.’

Pete snorted in amusement and Gwen barked out a laugh. ‘I swear, Jets fans need to get that tattooed on our bodies…’

What followed was perhaps one of the strangest conversations Pete had ever witnessed, not because of what was said, but because of how banal it was despite the highly erotic, sexually charged situation.

It had worked on many levels. Not only had everyone relaxed and saw Gwen's naughty behaviour as not a big deal, but it had completely disarmed the two young women. 

Looking over at them, both were still huddled together in the far corner, but they didn't look like scared kittens anymore. Rather, both had hands disappearing conspicuously under their towels with one staring at Gabriel’s towering pillar of man flesh hungrily, while the other - definitely the cuter, in his unbiased opinion - was focused intently on his own naked body, her smouldering, hazel eyes devouring his form while she touched herself. 

When she noticed him returning her appreciative stare, she flushed a deep crimson and sucked in an excited breath, but otherwise didn't stop touching herself.

It's a shame. If I wasn't convinced Gwen had her hopes set on this evening ending in one way in particular, I'd invite them up to join us…

He admired both younger, pretty girls hungrily and memorised their features.

Maybe next time…

Gwen and Gabriel were in their own little world talking about the Jets, neither paying attention to their pretty admirers. They were so unaware of them that Pete was surprised when Gwen reacted after they left. 

Finally,’ she groaned, dropping down to the lower level bench and turning around with a hungry look in her eyes, and a cock in each hand. ‘Mm, two beautiful dicks…all for me…’

‘I'm surprised you waited,’ Pete joked then groaned as Gwen leaned down and ran her tongue over his hyper sensitive crown. ‘I-I didn't know you had it in you.’

She'd taken his cock in between her lips, so her giggle was muffled even if her eyes twinkled with mischief. When she pulled back off with a gasp of air, she shrugged. ‘They looked a bit young, I didn't want to traumatise them.’

Her mischievous look turned confused at his incredulous laugh. ‘What?’

Wiping a tear from his eye, he motioned to the huge, dark cock in her other hand. ‘Nothing, it's just you were so enamoured with that anaconda that you didn't even notice they were touching themselves while watching us.’

Gwen's eyes widened in surprise and Gabriel chuckled modestly, his large, dark hands brushing Gwen's soggy bang out of her eyes and over an ear. 

‘Seriously?’ she asked with surprise, her cheeks turning pink. 

At least she has the good grace to be embarrassed. 

‘Ayup,’ he confirmed with an amused chuckle. 

Gwen turned and eyed the closed door speculatively before turning back to him, her smile back and full of mischief. ‘Do they live in the building?’

Both he and Gabriel laughed. ‘You're a menace.’

Her eyebrow arched, waiting for an answer. He rolled his eyes, returning her grin. ‘Yes, they live in the building.’

Mmm,’ she purred, leaning down and rubbing the flat of her tongue against Gabriel’s sensitive glands, her eyes never leaving his own. ‘They were pretty cute…’

‘Noticed that, did you?’ He struggled to keep his amused, unaffected tone, but watching Gwen's tongue bathe Gabriel's huge cock had his own straining in his girlfriend's grip.

‘I notice lots of things,’ she teased with a sly, naughty smile, squeezing his cock for emphasis.

With her crystal blue eyes locked with his, she engulfed Gabriel's cock, her lips spreading absurdly wide around his crown as she descended halfway down his monstrous length. 

Gabriel gasped at the impressive feat, shooting forwards in his seat and gripping the sides of Gwen's face. 

‘W-what the fuuuuuuuck?!’ His shock was hilarious to Pete, and he said as much.

‘Buddy, you ain't seen nothing yet.’

Gabriel turned to him incredulously. He had the look of a man who wasn't used to women being able to take as much of his tool as Gwen just had so easily. 

Oh my sweet, summer child…

Gwen's giggle was muffled by Gabriel's envious endowment, but the hulking firefighter had no such obstructions masking his reactions. 

He obviously couldn't feel or see what was going on, but Pete inherently knew from the reaction alone. Gwen did something and Gabriel squealed before his whole body shook and he quickly gasped out a powerful, toe-curling orgasm.

‘Oh fuuuuuuuck,’ he groaned, long and deep, sinking back against the bench in a boneless heap as Gwen greedily swallowed what Pete remembered to be an impressive load. ‘W-what the hell was that?!’

Rather than sound angry or frightened, Gabriel seemed curious, and still wickedly turned on. 

Instead of answering, Gwen confirmed his suspicions by slowly pulling off the enormous member with a wicked grin, her tongue snaking out of her mouth and wrapping around his sensitive crown like a spiral and continuing past it, engulfing his entire shaft before writhing up and down the length in a way that had Gabriel bucking, his eyes wide with shock.

‘Gyat dayam!’

The surprised exclamation had both Gwen and Pete howling with laughter, the former only when she'd retracted her elongated, prehensile tongue. 

Gabriel turned to him and bumped his first. ‘Man, you're doing God’s work with those damn nanites.’

Pete laughed again. ‘Yeah, letting Gwen mess with her own body like that is definitely my crowning achievement…’

‘You're next, smart ass,’ Gwen teased, but instead of taking his dick in her mouth, she went back to stroking him. When her elongated tongue reemerged, it had a different target. 

Pete gasped in pleasure and Gabriel watched enviously as Gwen's tongue slipped into his ass and pressed against his prostate, the spike of pleasure it made him feel instantly making him go cross-eyed. In no time at all, he came, spraying his seed all over his chest as his girl tongued his ass in front of her beefy lover.

‘Jesus,’ Pete gasped, feeling a little light headed as Gwen giggled and retracted her elongated tongue. ‘I feel like I need a cigarette.’

‘She does that for you all the time?’ Gabriel asked, looking impressed and, again, envious. Pete turned to him and smirked, shrugging his shoulders in a modest gesture, his smug countenance completely ruined. 

‘Among other things.’

Rolling her eyes, Gwen stood and grabbed each of their wrists. ‘Come on, get up, the game starts soon.’

At Gabriel's befuddled stare, Pete chuckled and slapped him on the shoulder with his free hand. ‘I think she just invited you over to watch the game. You free?’

Gabriel looked between the two of them, his eyes wide and looking confused. That confusion quickly faded and was replaced with excitement. ‘Hell yeah I'm free!’

Both he and Gabriel shot to their feet with a tug from an equally excited Gwen, and after another group shower that earned them a few queer glances, they were making their way up to the penthouses where a stunned Gabriel whistled in awe as he was given a quick tour.

They decided to watch the game out on the balcony with Pete's drones projecting the huge image on the wall. It was a nice night for it, but what really made the decision a winner was being able to slip into the deliciously warm jacuzzi to do so. 

Despite the three of them stripping naked again, and the hanky panky earlier, they genuinely sat down to watch the game without any funny business. They sat in three sequential seats with Gwen in the middle, crowded by their bulk with an arm wrapped around each of their biceps. 

She looked as happy as a pig in shit.

That is, she did, until the Jets ruined it by doing their thing…

‘Oh come on!’ she cried out in frustration, splashing the water in fury at the pointless turnover. Gabriel likewise grunted in annoyance while Pete sighed in resignation.

He would forever curse Ben for making him a Jets fan.

‘Enough of this misery, you guys hungry?’

‘I could eat.’

Gwen buried her face in his shoulder and groaned. ‘I can’t be bothered getting out. Feed me?’ 

Her adorable pout would have broken a weaker man.

Ignoring her plea, Pete winked. ‘It’s time for me to beta test my newest toy.’

Gwen’s eyebrows rose in surprise, which made sense. He hadn’t told her about this one and she likely had no idea what he was talking about. Gabriel’s reaction was way funnier though. It seemed his reputation preceded him and the hulking firefighter sat up in his seat, an eager and excited look in his eyes.

‘Web, activate the Snack Protocol please.’

Of course, Peter.’

Gwen gaped at him incredulously. ‘There’s no fucking way you spent time on something so corny.’ Pete had the good graces to blush at being so accurately called out. ‘Oh my God you did! Our vay-cay can’t come soon enough.’

‘Holy shit,’ Gabriel gasped as specially made drones hovered towards them, one of them carrying a fully stocked charcuterie board, another carrying an ice-bucket with drinks and a final one chips, carrot and celery sticks with an assortment of dips.

‘Don’t let the fancy drones fool you, we’ve had them for ages.’ Gwen’s snide remark had Pete grinning. ‘Is this supposed to impress me? You’ve set the bar too high, Stud.’

‘I dunno, I think it’s pretty impressive,’ Pete defended with a nonchalant shrug. ‘Mind, they didn’t just bring out pre-prepared snacks, they prepared the snacks themselves, in seconds, before bringing them out. Figured we should probably stop bothering the restaurants every time you guys are recording.’

Gwen looked slightly more impressed - tough crowd. Thankfully, his ego was assuaged as he watched Gabriel poking and playing with the drones looking like an excited kid that had been let loose in Santa’s workshop.

‘So…any time I feel peckish, what? The drones magic up food? With nanites?’

‘Nah,’ Pete denied after dunking his head in the warm water. ‘It’s real food. Web makes sure the stocks don’t run out and the drones handle the preparation.’

‘Okay, that’s kinda cool. You’re still a nerd.’ She shrieked when he splashed her face with water and, as they got into a water fight, mini-opaque shields sprung up to shield the snacks from harm.

Unfortunately, their good mood couldn’t last, football being what it was. Barely five minutes had past and all the good cheer had been sucked out of the trio as they morosely watched the disaster unfolding before them. He and Gabriel were arguing over if the Jets will even make first down - Pete, ever the optimist thought they might while Gabriel had zero faith whatsoever.

‘Okay, this sucks. Time to make things more interesting,’ Gwen exclaimed, getting both of their attention as her hands disappeared under the water. Pete jumped when he felt Gwen’s small hand gripped his cock and Gabriel did likewise. ‘Let’s make a game out of this, if the Jets make first down here, Pete wins, if they turnover, Gabi wins.’

Gabriel relaxed and grinned at the childish game - a game made decidedly less childish given Gwen was palming both of their cocks. ‘What, like a drinking game?’

Gwen just smiled wide. ‘Pete doesn’t drink.’

In the most tragically predictable turn of events ever, the Jets fumbled the ball and caused a turnover. Pete cursed in frustration and Gabriel barked out a victorious laugh that somehow exuded as much pain as it did mirth.

Pete instantly forgot about the game however when Gwen let go of his cock and turned to Gabriel. Turning away from him, Gwen patted the edge of the jacuzzi behind the handsome firefighter and grinned. ‘You win Gabi, hop up.’

Gabriel’s mirth instantly faded and he looked between the two of them owlishly. Pete didn’t know why he was so surprised, the man had to know where this evening would inevitably end up after their fun in the sauna, right?

Still, Gabriel looked to him, as if asking for permission. With a grin and a shrug, Pete motioned with his head to the spot that Gwen was still patting. Not needing to be told twice, Gabriel hurriedly acquiesced, his huge, hard cock flopping out like some kind of obsidian sea serpent when it broke the surface, earning laughters all round when it almost hit Gwen in the face.

Giggling, Gwen palmed his ridiculous shaft and looked up at him with smouldering eyes. ‘You’re so hard for me,’ she purred, running her tongue along the entire length of his shaft’s underside. ‘So big.’ She kissed the tip, then ran her tongue back down, retracing her previous path until she made it to his equally huge balls. ‘So full of cum…’

Gabriel’s head lolled back in bliss, his hand threading itself in Gwen’s wet hair as she started to expertly give him a world-class blowjob. 

To Pete, what made the situation even hotter was that they didn’t just sit there in awkward silence, rather, they continued to chat and talk shit while watching the game, even if Gwen’s mouth was mostly filled with a monstrous cock.

Feeling daring and wanting to see what Gwen would do, both Gabriel and Pete made another wager. The Dolphins had just scored another touchdown and Rodriguez was lining up to take the field kick.

‘He misses this,’ Pete bet, knowing it was a ludicrous thing to say given it was Rodriguez who was lining up to take it, but he wasn’t thinking with his upper brain.

‘Bet,’ Gabriel grunted out in a deep, strained voice. Gwen had been slowly sucking his cock for a good ten minutes now, slowly taking more and more of his shaft with each passing second, then backing off when she felt he was about to cum.

Predictably, Rodriguez converted. Pete was pretty sure he was one hundred percent from field goals for the season, but that's besides the point. Gabriel grunted out a laugh in his victory while Gwen’s giggle was muffled by the huge cock in her mouth. Pulling off the shaft, Pete’s eyes zeroed in on the string of saliva connecting Gabriel’s crown to his girlfriend’s lips. ‘Betting against Rodriguez to convert?’ Gwen asked with an impish grin. ‘If I didn’t know any better, I’d wonder if you wanted to lose.’

Pete averted his gaze and hid his smile behind a bottle of Coke. ‘I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.’


With a final cheeky grin, Gwen turned back to Gabriel’s huge cock and swallowed him once more. This time, with his second victory, Gwen didn’t slow roll him. Adjusting the way she sat, she did something with her throat that had Gabriel gasping in pleasure before pushing all the way down and swallowing the immense member to the root.

‘Y-You’ve gotta be f-fucking kiddin’ me,’ Gabriel gasped, looking down at the woman deepthroating him in shock.

‘She’s had a lot of practice,’ Pete teased, laughing when Gwen blindly splashed some water at him. ‘What? Am I lying?’ This time, she blindly shot a ball of web at his forehead and pinged him with little effort. ‘Yeow! So mean.’

Ignorant of their byplay, Gabriel was still gazing down at Gwen in shock. Pete could understand, he very much doubted someone with a dick so large was used to being deepthroated, if it had ever happened at all.

Despite how hot it was to watch Gwen sucking such a huge cock, Pete’s own shaft was so hard it ached and it desperately needed some attention. The next call they made, he didn’t deliberately throw, with Gabriel whining like a child when Pete finally got one right.

With an amused giggle, Gwen pulled off Gabriel’s cock with a gasp. His entire shaft glistened with a combination of Gwen’s spit and his own excitement, but she nonchalantly turned away and paddled towards Pete, who had jumped out of the water in preparation.

Gwen put her hands on his knees and smiled, rising out of the water and bending over at the waist as she leaned in to kiss him. Pete ignored the salty taste on her lips, knowing it drove Gwen wild to do things like this.

‘Gyatt dayam,’ Gabriel exclaimed, his eyes locked on Gwen’s world-class ass. Pete looked over and grinned when he noticed what had captured Gabriel’s attention. Gwen looked over her shoulder at the firefighter, waving her hips from side-to-side and standing on her tip-toes to enhance the visual. ‘You get that from swinging around all over the place?’

Excuse me,’ Gwen replied, genuinely offended even as Gabriel reached over and grabbed a handful of her toned, muscular ass reverently. ‘I’ll have you know, I’ve been a gymnast my entire life. My incredible ass has nothing to do with my superpowers.’

‘I dunno, if you ask me, her ass is a superpower.’

‘Amen, brother,’ Gabriel agreed, reaching out a fist for Pete to bump. Gwen rolled her eyes and turned back to Pete, trailing kisses down his chest until she was throating his own cock in turn. Noticeably, she hadn’t slipped back under the water, content with letting Gabriel play with her ass to his heart’s content.

Despite the shocking start, the end of the game was way closer than expected. A string of uncharacteristic plays from the Jets’ quarterback having them within striking distance with seconds to go.

‘No fucking way,’ Gabriel gasped as Gwen pulled off his cock and gave her full attention to the game, thoughts of sex and blowjobs temporarily put on hold. ‘They’re gonna actually do it.’

Already burned countless times from playing the optimist that night, Pete snorted and let his lifelong, masochistic and cynical heart run free. ‘They’ll blow it, they always do.’

Naturally, in a turn of events so miraculous it belonged in a Disney movie, the Jets scored a touchdown and actually won the game

All three of them gaped in shock at the huge screen for several seconds before slowly turning to each other and locking gazes.

The stunned silence lasted for approximately three more nanoseconds before they all collectively lost their shit.

Fuck me! I’m betting against the Jets forever now. We might actually win the Superbowl!

When the collective delirium died down and they all stopped screaming like lunatics, Gwen turned to Gabriel and cleared her throat, her eyes dropping to his huge, manhood. Seeing her stare, the handsome firefighter grinned and palmed his shaft, pointing the drooping tip in her direction.

That,’ Gwen began, sending a mischievous grin to Pete before turning back to Gabriel, his dark, smouldering eyes staring at Gwen hungrily, ‘deserves something much better than a blowjob, I think.’

She purred the words, the syllables dripping off her tongue like honey while her hands rested on his knees and spread his thighs. Her entire body shaking from a mixture of adrenaline and lust, Gwen clearly didn’t want to drag this out. Turning, she backed up until her back was pressed snugly against Gabriel’s muscular chest, his cock grinding against her ass.

With her eyes locked with Pete’s, she hopped up into Gabriel’s lap and reached down to palm the colossal member dangling between her legs and disappearing into the water like a tree-root. Lifting it, Gwen held it against her belly, her glistening lips grinding against the girthy shaft while her smouldering eyes didn’t waver.

‘Look how big he is baby,’ she whined, holding the cock against her belly as if to demonstrate how deep it would go in her. ‘You wanna see this monster go in my little pussy?’

He recognised the question for what it was and, with a roll of his eyes, he hopped up on the edge of the jacuzzi and started to stroke his own aching cock, his eyes hungrily drinking in the erotic scene before him. ‘Been a while since you’ve taken something so big,’ he lied, effortlessly. ‘Think you can take it?’

Her smile widened and Gabriel sucked in an excited breath. ‘We’ll just have to see, won’t we?’

Without further adieu, Gwen sat higher in Gabriel’s lap and angled his shaft so the mushroom tip was kissing her lips. With an erotic wail from Gwen and a deep groan from Gabriel, his girlfriend impaled herself, her lips spreading wide around his obscene girth.

Pete got comfortable, stroking himself as he watched Gwen and Gabriel fuck. It was a surreal experience, seeing it in real life rather than from clips, videos or a live feed, but watching Gwen’s immaculate, shredded body undulate and dance atop the huge cock was a sight he’d never forget. He was tempted to join them, to hurry over and capture his girlfriend’s lips in a searing kiss, or to suckle on a pebbled, pierced nipple, but for some reason, he found it more arousing to just sit and watch Gabriel taking care of his girl.

Gwen’s erotic cries and cloudy stare also did things to him. He had to moderate his strokes lest he cum somewhere other than his girl’s needy holes.

Luckily for Gwen, she had no such restrictions. Gabriel’s large, dark hands roamed all over her body as she danced atop him, the contrast of his dark skin and her pale flesh somehow highlighting the taboo nature of the encounter. His lips were pressed against her neck and he suckled her throat while Gwen fucked him, writhing in pleasure.

She’d been so horny for so long, it didn’t take long for her to cum the first time, her voice hitching adorably and her body collapsing bonelessly against Gabriel’s broad chest in a shaking, convulsing heap. Not quite done himself, Gabriel stood, easily lifting Gwen up with him by gripping her behind her knees and letting her rest against his chest.

When Gwen’s eyes refocused, she was staring at him in a daze, her pussy still stuffed with Gabriel’s huge cock. When the large man started to bounce his girlfriend, his spongy head no doubt butting right up against her cervix, Gwen’s eyes widened and her back arched, a cry of lust tearing out of her throat as she reached back and looped her hands around the back of her lover’s neck.

Gabriel’s thrusting grew more intense and Gwen slowly returned to her senses, her eyes locking with his again. Biting her lip, she started to rub her clit while watching him stroke his cock hungrily, sexy and adorable gasps and groans punctuating each and every one of her lover’s movements.

‘I’m cumming!’ Gabriel announced as Gwen’s moans grew more urgent.

Mhmm, me too.’

Me three!

Gwen went first with a sultry groan, her back arching and her muscular body flexing and undulating in a sensual, sexy display. Pete followed next, each of the half-a-dozen jets of ejaculate accompanied by an almost pained gasp.

Gabriel went last, filling up his girl with a roar. His large balls visibly pulsed along with the portion of his shaft not buried in Gwen’s pussy as he pumped load after load deep into her womb.

They stood there, recovering from their orgasms before chuckling and collapsing against the nearest hard surfaces. Gabriel didn’t pull out and Gwen remained in her lover’s lap but the atmosphere returned to a less sexually charged one as they all relaxed and recovered.

‘Holy shit,’ Gabriel gasped, leaning back against the railing as Gwen made herself comfortable in his lap despite still being stuffed full of his huge cock. ‘You guys do this often?’

He and Gwen shared an amused grin before Pete answered honestly. ‘I’m sure you’ve noticed…but we’ve got a pretty wild sex life.’

Gabriel’s laugh was deep and raspy. ‘Man, you’ve got no idea how crazy jealous me and my cousins were when we heard you’d hooked up with Storm.’ Pete grinned as the huge man’s gaze turned wistful, the absurdity of saying he was jealous of Pete while his cock was stuffed in Gwen apparently lost on him. ‘She’s like, every black kid’s number one celebrity crush.’ He jerked out of his reverie, wrapping and arm around Gwen’s waist and giving Pete a conspiratorial grin. ‘Ay, yo…how was she?’

‘I don’t kiss and tell,’ he demurred with an apologetic shrug.

Gwen barked out a laugh. ‘Hah, fuck that. You should have seen her Gabi,’ she crowed, her voice filled with pride as she motioned to Pete. ‘Mister Stud over there had her cumming so hard, her cries, man, she was so fucking adorable!’

Gabriel’s pearly whites contrasted brilliantly against his obsidian skin as he flashed a smile.

‘Ooh,’ Gwen gasped and giggled, her hand reaching down to her privates and Gabriel’s rapidly hardening cock. ‘Does that turn you on? How about if I tell you Pete here had her naked all day as they toured Africa. You’d think she’d be embarrassed, but she loved it…’

When Gwen felt him stretching her pussy again, she confused everyone by stopping Gabriel and hopping out of grasp and back into the water. A torrent of cum oozed out of her abused pussy now that she was no longer plugged by the huge cock, running down her powerful thigh and directly into the bubbling water. Bending over, Gwen spread her cheeks and looked over her shoulder at her hulking lover, a devious grin on her face.

‘Come on, loverboy,’ she teased, biting her lip. ‘When was the last time you ass-fucked someone who could actually take that monster?’

‘Too long!’

Gwen’s groan was deep and guttural as Gabriel slowly slid in her back door, his obscenely thick member spreading the tight ring of muscle and slipping inside with comparatively little effort.

Gwen was an anal slut, after all.

Before Pete could go back to jacking off at the insanely erotic sight, his girlfriend’s hands shot out in his direction and he yelped when, in the blink of an eye, Pete felt two soft impacts on his chest before he was violently tugged by Gwen’s webs in her direction. 

With her ass stuffed full of Gabriel’s envious member, Gwen wrapped her arms around Pete’s neck and pulled him into a searing, passionate kiss. When they pulled apart for air, her eyes were smouldering with lust and she was gasping and panting adorably, her lover’s hulking frame crashing into her with his powerful thrusts.

His girlfriend made her intentions known when she hopped into his arms, her ass still filled with her lover’s member. With an approving hum, she sank down on his much smaller endowment and moaned lustily before grinning shakily, her arms and legs wrapped around his body like a sexy koala.

‘How does my pussy feel, baby?’ she teased, her eyes flashing mischievously. ‘Am I all sloppy and gross now? Is my perfect pussy all stretched and ruined?’

‘You’re perfect,’ Pete groaned, capturing his girl’s lips in a searing kiss before he and Gabriel synched up their thrusts, grinding into Gwen in a way that had her almost catatonic with pleasure. Closing her eyes, Gwen moaned into his mouth and eagerly returned the kiss, holding on for dear life as both he and Gabriel gave it their all, fucking his girl for all they were worth.

Their efforts were bearing fruit, Gwen had cum several times between them before either of them showed signs of finishing. His slutty girlfriend was barely an active participant at this point, her body a boneless sack of meat between them that was repeatedly being stuffed by their ravenous cocks. The only reason Pete was sure she was still conscious was the breathy, wheezy moans she continuously let out as they had their way with her.

Looking up with flushed cheeks, Gwen clung to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face in his neck.

‘This is - nnh - amazing,’ she whispered, her voice pure honey in his ear. ‘You’re both fucking me sooo good, you’re making me cum - hah - s-so hard.’

He returned the favour, nibbling on her earlobe before whispering back. ‘You like his big cock in your slutty ass? I bet you do, but not as much as you love being my little slut.’

Gwen moaned again directly into his ear, her body shaking and rocking with pleasure.

It wasn’t long after that both Gabriel and Pete came, filling Gwen to bursting as they roared out their climaxes. Their cries were nothing compared to Gwen’s though, who was positively euphoric at feeling both her womb and ass filled with a torrent of warm cum.

Pete and Gabriel barely had time to stumble away from the sandwiched blonde before she leapt away and perched on the edge of the balcony railing, a river of cum oozing down her ass and thighs and her lips spread in a predatory grin.

‘I hope you two have a lot more left in the tank,’ she purred, hopping off the railing and stalking towards the door leading inside. Pausing at the frame, she turned and smiled coquettishly at them both. ‘Mama’s still horny, and the night’s still young…’

Without waiting for a reply, Gwen strutted away, her ass swaying hypnotically from side to side with each step and leaking cum onto their pristine floor.

Pete turned to Gabriel and grinned, holding out his fist.

‘Ready to find out what it means to satiate a superhero?’

Returning his grin, Gabriel bumped his fist and grinned wide, shaking his head in disbelief. ‘How is this even real life?’

Pete barked out a laugh as he climbed out of the jacuzzi.

‘Buddy, I ask myself that every day.’


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