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Multiversal Cheaters, Hotwives and Cuckolds

Chapter 14: Birth of a Vixen - Part 2

Fandom: Harry Potter

Tags: Consensual Infidelity, Assumed Cuckolding, Implied Open Relationship, Voyeurism, Anal play, Unknown Threesome, Cum-Eating, Humiliation, Teasing, SPH

Hermione cried out in bliss as her boyfriend, his hands gripping her hips with an almost bruising force, slammed into her behind repeatedly, his thick, six-inch member perfectly butting up against her cervix every time he bottomed out.

After almost ten minutes of this furious rutting, Ron buried himself to the hilt inside her and came with an exhausted, triumphant roar. Hermione buried her face in her soft pillows to muffle her embarrassing, delighted squeal, the jet after jet of ejaculate triggering her own orgasm - her third of the evening.

After they’d both calmed down, Ron collapsed over her back, his large frame like a heavy, warm blanket as he pressed her smaller form into her soft mattress. His arms wrapped around her in a comforting hug, his hands snaking up to her chest to palm large, soft breasts. She quietly giggled as he groped her like only a boy would, treating her tits as if they were stress balls.

‘How was that?’ he mumbled, his face nuzzling the back of her neck. Hermione purred in delight, revelling in her boyfriend’s warmth both externally and internally.

It was honestly incredible and bizarre how quickly they’d gone from infrequent, unsatisfying intercourse to mind-blowing, marathon lovemaking sessions.

And as much as it galled her to admit it, she had the infuriatingly smug and arrogant Cormac McLaggen to thank for that.

She took solace in the fact that this wouldn’t be an achievement he’d be eager to gloat about.

In the beginning, shortly after she’d had her…liaison with the larger boy, Ron had needed stamina potions to keep up with his turbocharged sex drive. Now, after two weeks of furious rutting and Ron barely being able to keep his hands off her when they were alone, he could often outlast her, bringing her to several toe-curling orgasms before finally succumbing to exhaustion.

‘Lovely, as always,’ she purred out, turning her head to meet Ron’s kiss as he lent down within reach. ‘Would you be mad if I said I wish we’d done this sooner?’

She let out a tired, entirely-too-girlish giggle when she felt her perverted boyfriend’s body shudder above her, his spent penis stirring within her. 

‘Bloody hell woman,’ Ron groaned, squeezing her breasts harder and suckling on the side of her neck - one of her most intense erogenous zones… the birth of which she laid at the feet of her teenager self spending far too many hours holed up in her room reading certain kinds of books featuring entirely inaccurate representations of specific magical beings. ‘You’ll be the death of me. I swear my cock feels like it’s gonna fall off…’

Hermione arched her back like a kitten, her chuckle coming out like a purr. ‘That’s okay,’ she cheekily replied, tilting her head to look up at him out of the corner of one eye, ‘I’m sure we can find someone who will be more than happy to take over your duties…perhaps Cormac?’

Hermione squealed and moaned as Ron’s penis surged to life inside her, a groan or tortured delight being ripped from his parched throat. Despite his obvious exhaustion, his hips started to thrust in and out of her against his will and Hermione shuddered as the pleasure endings in her womanhood fired off constant waves of euphoria. Her core was on fire, and though she was as exhausted as her boyfriend, she couldn’t help goading him like a greedy, wanton scarlet woman, her voracious sexual appetite begging for it.

‘Fuck,’ Ron cursed, his voice shaky and weak, ignoring her belated, half-hearted recriminations to watch his language. Leaning down, Ron put his lips right next to her ear, his warm breaths sending delightful tingles down her spin, and growled, ‘Every time I close my eyes…all I can see is your pretty lips wrapped around that huge cock.’

Hermione shuddered and whimpered, hugging her pillow for dear life and Ron slowly, passionately gyrated his hips, his manhood somehow hitting everywhere inside her.

Getting a wicked idea, she agitated and Ron eased back and slipped out of her, allowing her to sit up. Flipping her boyfriend over, she draped herself over his side, her hand reaching for his hardness.

‘Why do you find my lips around Cormac’s penis so arousing?’ Her whispered question was packed with as much sinful promise she could manage without feeling silly, and Ron loved it. He sucked in an excited breath, his eyes wide as he stared up at her reverently.

Screwing his eyes shut, perhaps in embarrassment, he answered, his broad chest rising and falling with his ragged panting. ‘You looked so beautiful, so sexy,’ he finally answered, his voice adorably shaky and weak. She started to stroke him and he shuddered, her hand gliding up and down his glistening shaft, her palm cupping his head. ‘You’re so p-perfect, b-but you were so naughty - watching you do something so wrong is so hot. Knowing you were d-doing it for me made it even better!’

‘You’ve certainly proven receptive to my…naughtiness,’ she teased, her posh accent tinged with amusement as Ron wilted in her grasp. He was putty in her hands and she loved the control she had over him, the control he willingly surrendered to her. It made her feel sexy, powerful, in a way she’d never thought she’d personally experience. ‘Is that all you see when you close your eyes?’

His eyes fluttered open and he stared up at her in confusion.

He looks so cute!

Biting her lip to contain her naughty smile, she put her lips right next to his ear the way he’d done earlier.

‘Do you want to watch me shag McLaggen?’ She giggled when she felt his penis surge in her grasp, his entire body shuddering with desire. He was staring up at her, his eyes wide and mouth open in disbelief. ‘Never mind, luv, you’ve already given me your answer…’

Her words ripped another shudder from his body and he buried his face in her soft, ample chest, his lips seeking out a puffy nipple. Her hand continued its slow, repeated motions along his throbbing shaft as he suckled her like a babe.

‘Do you think you could handle it?’

Without pausing in his suckling, he looked up at her with wide eyes filled with confusion.

‘If we do this, every time you see him, every time you cross paths in the hall, he’ll be grinning at you, smirking, laughing behind your back and thinking he’s better than you because he shagged your girl. Can you handle that?’

She could feel her boyfriend was wound tight like a spring, with each of her naughty words only serving to wind him up tighter. His brown eyes were so expressive, staring at her in equal parts confusion and reverence - it was almost as if he didn’t recognise the woman who was teasing him so, but he undoubtedly loved her all the same.

He proved it, often.

Especially lately.

Biting her lip naughtily, she continued, the speed of her strokes increasing. ‘He wouldn’t even be wrong, would he luv?’ If you were more of a man, maybe I wouldn’t want his huge dick inside me so desperately -’

She barely finished speaking before Ron screwed his eyes shut and froze, groaning with lust and shaking as jet after jet of ejaculate shot out of his quivering crown, coating both her hand and his muscled torso with his seed. 

Ron began to shake and groan piteously as Hermione continued to stroke his hyper-sensitive penis through his surprise orgasm, her eyes wide with shock as she stared at her soiled hand.

Realising Ron was in pain, she let go of his shrivelled and spent member as if she’d been burnt. Ron sighed with relief and they stared into each other’s eyes incredulously.

Hermione broke first, biting her lip and not quite succeeding in suppressing an amused titter.

That set them off and they both collapsed into a fit of delirious, breathless giggles.

After they’d calmed down, Hermione was resting her head on Ron’s chest, her finger swirling around and playing with the still slimy puddle of cum around his belly.

‘So…’ she said, finally breaking the comfortable silence. ‘Is this something you actually want? Or is this pillow talk?’

Instead of answering, Ron flipped her around until she lay on her back, his fingers toying with her sore, glistening womanhood.

‘I want you to be honest,’ he began, slipping his finger inside her core. Hermione sucked in a sharp breath as Ron then slipped in two, then three, stretching her tight pussy wide by spreading his digits inside her. ‘How many times have you imagined McLaggen’s hog stretching you like this, you filthy slag?’

Not as much as you think, but that’s not what you want to hear…

‘So much,’ she purred, gripping his wrist and keeping his hand locked to her womanhood. ‘I dream about it every night…’

She groaned into his mouth as Ron launched himself up her body and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, holding her wrists captive above her head with one, large hand while the other continued playing with her womanhood.

They didn’t say it out loud, but a decision had been made, and though she’d told a little white lie with how much she wanted this, Hermione couldn’t deny how her core burned at the thought of what was to come.

While she didn’t fancy Cormac McLaggen in the slightest intellectually, or on an emotional level, she couldn’t deny he was handsome…and well equipped.

As much as Ron got turned on by her being so naughty, so unlike her usual self, Hermione did likewise. It was…fun pretending to be someone she wasn’t, even for a little while.

And having fun had never felt so good.


Ron sighed as the warm spray of the shower soothed his aching muscles. Done cleaning himself, he relished in the feeling of the warm water, mentally boggling at the thought that muggles had to concern themselves with things like running out of it.

Honestly, I can’t tell if Harry’s just having a laugh with some of the things he tells me about the muggle world…

Speaking of the tactical mastermind, the Gryffindor Quidditch team had only been getting better and better since the start of the season, their performances so dominant that the other house teams had joined forces, having shared training sessions as a way to combat their demoralising winning streak.

It didn’t work, and now they had scouts sniffing around on their match days, which only fermented even more jealousy and resentment.

Hermione’s right…I’ve let it get to my head a little…

In his defence, what was the point of being the best keeper at Hogwarts if he couldn’t enjoy his new status a little? He’d put up with being the butt of all jokes for long enough, especially after he found out he was singled out as the weak link, and a lot of the joint training sessions were the other teams trying to figure out how to exploit him.

Ron didn’t delude himself into thinking he was as talented as the others, but that was why he worked and trained harder than all of them. That was why he was still here in the locker room, long after everyone else had returned to the dorms. He’d asked Harry for some extra training exercises to help him with his flying skills and core strength, and he’d done the drills diligently for over an hour before calling it quits.

So yeah, was he letting it get to his head a little? Maybe, but he’d earned that right.

Hermione’s sexy, ominous words from the previous night caused his shrivelled cock to stir.

‘That’s fair enough, my love, but don’t be surprised when someone takes umbrage and decides he wants to put you in your place…’

There was no confusion as to who his impishly grinning, temptress of a girlfriend was referring to with her teasing words, and he’d shown her what he thought of them immediately after. Vigorously.

Ron couldn’t remember a time in his life he’d been so happy. He was enjoying quidditch and the newfound status it brang, his relationship had been revitalised, the sex so frequent and mind-blowing that it was often more exhausting than his physical training. Bloody hell! He was even enjoying his school work!

He’d originally felt shame when Hermione had researched and studied his kink to explain it to him. A part of him had felt like less of a man… but it was hard to deny that he owed a large amount of his recent happiness and relationship successes to his newfound kink.

None of this would be possible if I didn’t have a girlfriend who loved and supported me one hundred percent. I…can’t wait to marry her.

Sighing in bliss and blushing at the mushy feelings that were making him smile like a dopey twat, Ron cast a quick tempus charm to check the time.

Hermione should be finishing up with her Arithmancy study group soon

With a disappointed sigh, he shut off the shower and dried himself thoroughly before heading out into the changing area.

Each house had their own personal locker rooms by the quidditch pitch where members on each team could keep their gear and uniforms pristine and ready for matches and training. Each had their own unique look and feel, but Ron had only seen the Gryffindor one. With a cobblestone floor and walls made with granite blocks, that was where the similarities between them all, he imagined, ended.

Along the walls were dozens of lockers made of a rich mahogany - more than they’d ever need, and Ron wondered if perhaps, in the past, there had been more than one quidditch team per house. Sturdy benches upholstered with a rich, plush, scarlet leather ran along the same walls, underneath the lockers while a similar, wider bench took up most of the empty space in the middle of the room.

The stone floor was also mostly covered in a luxurious, Gryffindor red rug while their house’s crimson and gold coat of arms had a place of honour high on the wall above the lockers at the head of the room. 

Like their common room, their locker room always gave him a sense of warmth and comfort, especially with the perpetually burning, low hanging chandeliers.

Making his way to his locker, Ron swung the door open and shrieked in surprise as a terrifyingly cute, ethereally glowing corporeal patronus stared back at him, the otter’s whiskers twitching in amusement at his reaction.

When he got his heart rate under control, the ghostly creature spoke with Hermione’s voice, her tone tinged with amusement.

‘We’ll be there soon, drink the potion I gave you. Remember, it makes you practically invisible to everyone but me, not inaudible.’

Ron stared at the otter in shock, his eyes wide as his brain tried to comprehend the enormity of its words. The magical construct, apparently taking great enjoyment out of what a tit he must look like standing there completely starkers, smirked in a way all too similar to his impish girlfriend, its eyes flicking down to stare at his shrivelled penis.

‘Do try not to go crazy stroking that tiny penis of yours. I wouldn’t want you ruining my evening by giving yourself away…’

The otter disappeared in a puff of wispy, white smoke, Hermione’s mocking laughter echoing in its wake.

Despite her teasing words, it only took a few seconds for him to be harder than he had ever been before. 

It’s happening. Merling, it’s fucking HAPPENING!

With shaking hands, Ron reached into his locker and pulled out the vial of potion Hermione had invented just for their kinky games. He had to take a deep breath to calm himself less he spilled the precious liquid all over the floor, and when he did, he downed it all in one gulp.

Aside from a brief tingling in his head, he felt nothing at all - he’d half expected a sensation similar to that of the disillusionment charm.

Rather than invisibility, Hermione had explained the effects of her potion to be more akin to a markedly more powerful notice-me-not charm, without any need for skill with a wand. Brewed using the parietal lobe of the crumple-horned snorkack, a creature famed for its ability to avoid detection unless it wanted to be spotted, this potion apparently worked similarly.

Hermione had told him she intended to make a version that would allow full use of the ability, but for now, it was only attuned to her. He would be practically invisible to anyone but his girlfriend…

A perverted voyeur’s dream.

His hands still shaking with excitement, his stiff cock pointing out from his body like a spear, he rolled all of his clothes into a messy ball and stuffed them and the rest of his belongings into his locker.

He didn’t need to wait long…

He was sitting on the plush bench and waiting with his achingly hard dick in hand, his excitement steadily building, when McLaggen stormed into the locker room dragging a breathless Hermione in by the hand behind him, her cheeks adorably flushed.

McLaggen’s eyes completely glazed over the naked Ron as he scanned the room before, at a nod from Hermione, he disappeared into the showers to do likewise.

When he was out of earshot, Hermione turned to him with a wicked smirk, her eyes locked on his painfully hard cock. ‘You ready for this?’ she whispered, biting her lip sexily. ‘This is the point of no return…’

Instead of answering, Ron shook and motioned to his dick; angry, red and throbbing with desire.

Hermione’s heavily lidded eyes finally moved up from his cock to lock with his own, her tongue poking out to wet her lips. ‘You ready to see what someone with a real cock can do to me?’

Ron’s back arched, he screwed his eyes shut and he choked his cock with all his might, desperately trying to halt an embarrassingly early orgasm as a spike of pure, raw desire shot through his body and threatened to end him.

Hermione bit her lip to stifle a mocking laugh as Cormac stumbled back into the room.

‘Who’re you talking to?’

‘Myself,’ Hermione answered without hesitation, radiating complete confidence and self-assuredness. She’d never looked sexier. ‘I must be mental, to be even considering this…’

McLaggen’s look of confusion shifted to one of smug satisfaction. ‘Not mental,’ he purred as he prowled towards Hermione and took her in his arms. ‘Just…unsatisfied.’

The large man lent down and startled to nibble on her neck, his hands cupping her soft bum as Hermione stared at him over his broad shoulder, visibly rolling her eyes. 

‘The things I do for love…

She’d mouthed the words, but Ron caught them loud and clear. Grinning, he blew her a kiss and tapped his chest right above his heart before going back to slowly, carefully stroking his cock.

This is way better than those muggle porn movies Harry was telling me about. So much better!

When McLaggen finally pulled back, his jaw was clenched with repressed desire. ‘The room is empty, no one saw us come here - is there anything else her majesty requires?’

This time, she didn’t hide her eye roll. ‘Oh don’t pout Cormac, it’s unattractive.’

He didn’t rise to the bait, instead only raising a questioning eyebrow. Unable to fully suppress a smirk, she shrugged and sighed. ‘Oh very well.’

Ron didn’t buy her reticence for a second. Sure, she probably did find him insufferable, but he didn’t miss the way she admired his muscular form and handsome features.

My girl…such a beautiful, kinky little slag…

A savage, exultant grin broke out on McLaggen’s handsome features and he pushed Hermione back until she was pressed up against the lockers right next to his seated position.

Though he didn’t object when Hermione moved her lips away when he went in for a snog, he started kissing and suckling on her collarbone and throat instead, his hands working feverishly to remove her clothing. Hermione let him, her breaths coming in ragged pants as first her jumper, blouse, shoes, then jeans were tossed aside. Her hair was done up in a messy bun held together by her wand, but Cormac ignored that and instead removed her socks, bra and knickers until she stood there completely naked.

‘Bloody hell Granger, you need to stop wearing such baggy clothes,’ McLaggen groaned, bowing down and taking a puffy pink nipple between his lips, his hands cradling and squeezing her surprisingly - to others - heavy breasts. ‘These are some of the best tits at Hogwarts,’ he grunted, his long tongue snaking out and licking the soft, pliable flesh. ‘Weasley doesn’t deserve to keep these to himself!’

Instead of refuting Cormac, Hermione held his head against her breasts - her fingers threaded in his curly, blonde hair - and smirked down at her voyeur boyfriend with a raised brow, her expression asking ‘Well? What do you think?’

Ron had to screw his eyes shut and choke his dick again as another wave of desire threatened to end him. His girlfriend was too sexy. She’d done her research well - as expected - and knew how to push his buttons perfectly.

Cormac had to force himself away from Hermione’s incredible baps with a disappointed groan, but he only did so so he could show off his own body to his soon-to-be lover. He took his time removing his shirt one button at a time, slowly pulling it open to reveal a physique that was, frankly, absurd.

Ron was well fit, a high protein diet combined with plenty of time in the gym had earned him a physique the envy of many of his peers, especially with his tall frame. 

Not the envy of Cormac McLaggen though. The guy was huge, his torso an exact V-shape with perfectly cut, bulging - oily, Ron noticed with a roll of his eyes - muscles. While he found the display a tad bit ridiculous, it wasn’t for him though. Ron felt his cock surge with jealousy, envy and, most importantly, desire when he saw the look in Hermione’s eyes as she stared at and played with Cormac’s chest hungrily, her fingers gliding over pecs almost as inflated as the man’s ego.

While his lover was distracted with his heavily muscled and oiled chest, McLaggen undid his belt and dropped his trousers and pants in one go, his huge - frankly ridiculous - member flopping out and hanging halfway down his thigh, soft.

His shaft was easily as thick as Hermione’s wrist and his smug smirk got even wider when Hermione sucked in a startled, excited breath at the sight of it, biting her lip and audibly groaning with desire.

‘Oh? You miss him that much, you naughty slag?’

Hermione stared up at Cormac in confusion before flushing when she realised she’d audibly groaned at the sight of the huge appendage. Instead of answering, Hermione spun them around and pushed Cormac so he was sitting on the bench beside Ron, his tree-trunk-like legs spread wide as Hermione got on the floor between them.

McLaggen’s head thunked against the wooden locker and he groaned in bliss as Hermione used both of her hands to stroke his rapidly growing shaft. His cock was so thick her fingers didn’t meet when closed around it, so long one hand focused on stroking the upper half of the shaft while the other the lower, twisting motions combined with her lips sealing around the large, plum-sized head causing McLaggen to gasp and coo in pleasure.

Ron watched, calmed down enough to return to steadily stroking his far less impressive cock at the erotic sight. He’d watched this happen before, but it was far less intense than when he was sitting right next to the action. Ron’s strokes were in time with Hermione’s, his mouth hanging open in silent pleasure as he watched McLaggen’s shaft expand and grow depressingly further.

Forget his jealousy, there were a few beater bats hanging over on the nearby wall that would feel inadequate by comparison…

Somehow, this just made the entire situation even more arousing to him. The negative feelings were there, but they were completely overwhelmed and smothered by his arousal.

Through it all, his naughty minx of a girlfriend never broke eye-contact with him, her brown eyes smouldering with desire as she watched him wank. McLaggen didn’t notice a thing, even though he was sitting right next to them. Ron was so close he could smell the pungent scent of Cormac’s excitement and hear the sounds of Hermione’s sloppy blow-job.

Rather than be tortured by the sight, Ron luxuriated in being able to indulge his voyeuristic, cuckold fantasies without being disturbed. He could watch the woman he loved be a dirty little slag for him and no one was the wiser.

It was like PlayWizard, only a million times hotter. His girl was way sexier than those models too.

McLaggen’s jaw was clenched, his hips undulating as Hermione worked her magic. Before he could fill her mouth with his seed however, he gasped and pulled back, ripping his cock from her grasp, his knob from her mouth. Hermione grinned as she scooped up the trails of precum that had escaped out of the corners of her mouth, and Cormac groaned as his heavy cocked sagged under its own weight, resting against Hermione’s face.

‘You’re an eager little cocksucker, aren’t you?’ Getting his breathing under control, Hermione scooched back and gave him room when he made to stand. Standing, with his cock at full readiness, Ron couldn’t help but notice how imposing a tool he wielded - it dwarfed his, and frankly, every other cock he’d seen by a not inconsiderable margain.

No wonder he’s such an arrogant twat.

‘Couldn’t handle it?’ Hermione teased, her voice filled with mirth.

Cormac scoffed and rolled his eyes. ‘I didn’t come here tonight to get another blowie, Granger.’

‘Oh?’ she replied coquettishly, her arms crossed under her heavy tits. ‘And what did you come here for then?’

Hermione squealed when Cromac bent down and easily picked her up like a sack of potatoes, his huge muscles bulging but his face showing no signs of strain or effort. Spinning them around, he put Hermione’s back against the locker and his girlfriend wrapped her legs around his narrow waist, her lips quirked in an amused smile.


‘I’m going to rearrange your insides, Granger,’ he promised, his voice low, dark and coming out in a growl. ‘I’m gonna fuck you so well you won’t even feel Weasley’s tiny little quill-dick anymore.’

Hermione rolled her eyes at the proclamation, but Cormac, apparently tired of the disrespect, lifted her up and, with a quick shimmy, eased Hermione down on his cock, impaling her with his colossal shaft. Hermione’s cheeky expression instantly froze on her face, her eyes widening in shock as she experienced her second ever cock, its obscene girth spreading her wider than her boyfriend ever could.

It all happened so suddenly, one second Hermione was in McLaggen’s arms giving him cheek, and the next she was shagging him. His girlfriend was shagging another bloke. Right in front of him!

It was glorious. Ron stared at their union with wide eyes as McLaggen slowly, inch after steady inch, lowered Hermione onto his eager, superior cock.

Hermione had made a concerted effort to maintain some kind of eye contact with him throughout her little affair, but the second Cormac started to shag her, she screwed her eyes shut, her mouth open in a silent scream as her head flung back and thudded against the locker behind her. Hermione wasn’t so much an active participant as she was a warm body McLaggen was carefully bouncing on his weapon, and when he bottomed out inside her, his large, spongy head pressing delightfully against her cervix with over half of his member still outside of her, she finally groaned with wanton lust.

Unable to help himself, Ron lay down on the bench, his head directly under Hermione and staring up at her impaled pussy. It was a gut-wrenching, disturbing, incredible sight to see the pussy he was so familiar with spread so wide, a huge, strange cock sliding in and out, as Cormac had promised, rearranging her insides.

Not really a fan of watching McLaggen’s heavy bollocks swinging back and forth and filling his vision, Ron got out from underneath the rutting couple and stood, his aching cock still in hand.

From behind Cormac, Ron could see even less - a broad, pale, muscular torso shielding his girlfriend from his view, only her legs, arms and her smouldering gaze over his shoulder visible to him. At seeing her boyfriend standing behind her lover and wanking though, Hermione started to moan in earnest, her eyes glued to the hand stroking his much smaller cock.

Ooooooh sssh,’ she hissed, sealing her lips tight and screwing her eyes shut. Ron almost gave himself away by barking out a laugh - even in this situation, Hermione tried to stop herself from cursing.

He wondered how long she would last.

‘You like that, luv?’ McLaggen urged, bouncing her more urgently. ‘I can feel you tightening around me, do you love my cock? Say it! Say my dick is perfect for your slutty -

Just as McLaggen was really getting into it, they all froze when they heard echoing footsteps from the hallway outside and faint voices.

Eyes wide, Hermione turned her flush face to McLaggen with a glare, her pleasure momentarily forgotten, ‘I thought you said we’d be alone!’

‘We should be!’ he whispered back furiously. ‘They finished training over an hour ago! The team’s all having a party up in the common room!’

As the footsteps steadily drew closer, Hermione became increasingly panicked.

‘Don’t just stand there like a drooling idiot, move!’ Hermione hissed, then moaned as Cormac hobbled towards the showers, bouncing her deeper on his huge cock with every step. Luckily, their clothes were tossed together in a neat pile and he showed off his strength and athleticism by kicking them along to the showers with them, all the while easily cradling Hermione’s supple body in his arms.   

They were just in time, because the second they rounded the corner into the white, tiled room of the showers, Harry and Cho crashed into the locker room in a tangle of limbs, snogging each other’s brains out while furiously tearing at each other’s clothes.

Ron hadn’t followed Hermione into the showers, curious as to who was interrupting his fun. His brain almost completely shut down at what he saw though - not only because Harry, his best mate, was cheating on his fucking sister, but because he was apparently shagging Cho bloody Chang. It was bad enough that Ravenclaw’s gorgeous seeker supposedly hated Harry as much as the rest of the other players at Hogwarts, but…she was the enemy!

If Harry or Cho were bothered by the fact, they certainly didn’t show it. Cho’s fingers made quick work of the buttons on Harry’s shirt, her hands disappearing inside while Harry was far less gentle with her dress, tearing it off her body and dropping it to the ground.

Cho whined in protest, her dark, almond-shaped eyes smouldering with desire. ‘Mmm, I really liked that dress…’

‘I’ll fix it later,’ Harry replied distractedly, in between heated kisses.

‘You better,’ she pouted, taking a step back so Harry could admire her naked form. As much as Ron wanted to punch his mate’s lights out, Ron had his own thing going on that night, one that would be ruined should he give himself away. Besides… Cho was really fit.

Unlike Hermione, the oriental beauty had the body of an athlete, all toned, shredded muscle without the slightest hint of fat.

Except her bum. Holy smokes…

Deciding that the Harry issue could be dealt with tomorrow, Ron slowly backed his way into the showers, making desperately sure he didn’t make a sound. His cock surged to life once more at what he found.

Using the racket Harry and Cho had kicked up with their arrival, Hermione and McLaggen had gone right back to shagging, albeit much more quietly and with less urgency.

‘What the hell?’ Cormac whispered as Cho’s euphoric cry reached them. ‘Are all the Weasleys cucks? Maybe I should hit up Alicia and Angelina too, try my luck…’

Hermione showed no interest in answering. She was bent over and leaning against the tiled wall, her face buried in her crossed arms as Cormac shagged her, his huge cock sliding in and out of her poor, abused pussy while his hips crashed against her meaty bum every time he bottomed out. The impacts made her skin ripple deliciously, but Ron was more interested in the sight of McLaggen’s cock spearing into Hermione’s womanhood.

Hermione was trying desperately to keep her moans in check, but to no avail. No matter how much she sassed McLaggen, she was clearly loving his huge cock, adoring the way it stretched her - the sinful thought drove him wild.

A complicated cocktail of emotions roiled within him, settling in his gut like a bludger. Jealousy, humiliation, envy, fury, anger, betrayal, sadness…but the most powerful of them all was his lust.

He blamed what he did next on that.

Hermione’s eyes fluttered open when she sensed his approach, her forearm not quite able to muffle her adorable squeals every time Cormac bottomed out inside her core. Her eyes were clouded with lust and she looked at him with mute incomprehension…until his hand reached for the faucet.

Mouthing I love you, he ignored her look of mortification and turned on the shower.

‘What the bloody shit?!’

If the shower suddenly and inexplicably turning on didn’t give them away, McLaggen’s high-pitched shriek as the freezing cold water hit his face and chest certainly did. He scrambled towards the faucet to switch it off, his hand shielding his face, but the damage was already done. McLaggen knew that too, because with a quiet ‘sod it,’ he sheathed himself right back in Hermione’s warm, tight pussy and started to shag her with abandon, completely throwing caution to the wind.

The sound of their rapidly clapping skin may as well have been repeated blasting curses with how loud it was and how it echoed off the tiled walls.

Harry and Cho had fallen silent the second they heard the shower, and Ron wasn’t the least bit surprised when he saw his mate - the traitor - stick his head around the corner and raise his brows in surprise. Despite Cho’s cries of pleasure, Harry was only topless, not naked - whatever he’d done to make his partner sing had nothing to do with his twig and giggleberries. 

Despite having to call upon every ounce of his willpower to not deck him right there, Ron couldn’t deny how hot it was that someone else was a witness to his…shame, for lack of a better word. Hermione flushed in embarrassment, her face still buried in her arms as she stared up at her best friend. She didn’t stop Cormac from shagging her though, if anything, she had started to meet his thrusts.

That had Ron’s cock throbbing with desire.

Apparently stupefied at what he was seeing, the bemused Harry looked between Hermione and the smugly grinning McLaggen several times before settling on his friend, his trademark raised eyebrow in full effect.

‘Alright, Mione?’

Instead of answering, she threw her head back and let out a wanton moan as McLaggen apparently hit a particularly delicious spot deep inside her, no longer concerned with being discreet.

‘Potter, fuck off, can’t you see I’m busy with Weasley’s girl?!’ Despite his words, Cormac looked incredibly pleased to be interrupted and given a chance to gloat, his hips never stopping their repeated crashing against Hermione’s soft, delectable ass. If Ron were being honest, Hermione didn’t look too displeased either. Over her initial embarrassment, she was staring up at Harry with rosy cheeks, adorable, pleasure-filled moans escaping her parted lips. ‘You and Chang can go somewhere else, we were here first.’

Harry finally acknowledged McLaggen’s existence, giving him a deadpan, unamused stare and, despite the massive size and weight difference between the two, Cormac flinched away from his glare with a furious scowl.

Even if you hated him, nobody fucked with Harry Potter. The only thing he was better at than a coaching quidditch team was his skill with a wand.

Snorting in amusement, Harry shook his head and turned to Hermione with a concerned frown. ‘You good?’

While steadily getting over her embarrassment, Hermione’s cheeks were still flushed an adorable pink. Biting her lip, her body rocking with the force of Cormac’s continued thrusts, she nodded as her eyes flicked over towards where Ron was standing.

His emerald eyes narrowing, Harry followed her gaze and, while he initially glossed over Ron’s position, he paused. Pursing his lips, he shook his head and tried again. While Harry didn’t look at him directly, he stared in his general direction with a puzzled frown.


Did he…?

Relenting, Harry finally looked down and stared hungrily at Hermione’s swaying, jiggling tits with a cheeky grin. Hermione squealed, then groaned with lust, burying her face in her arms once more as Cormac bottomed out inside her and ground his hips against her soft bum, his hand coming down with a sharp crack as he spanked her pale flesh.

‘Harryyyy,’ Hermione whined like a petulant, embarrassed child when she finally looked up from her forearms and saw Harry was just standing there and staring with a stupid grin on his face. He laughed with delight at her reaction and shook his head fondly.

‘Whatever. For future reference, if you want privacy, probably not a good idea to come down here for a shag.’ He turned to Cormac again, his grin not reaching his eyes. ‘Everyone knows that.’

Ron didn’t know that, but he was quickly learning that there were a lot of things he and his girlfriend didn’t know…

With those parting words, Harry turned and left them to it, waving at Hermione over his shoulder before disappearing back into the locker room.

Hermione had frozen in shock at Harry’s words and turned to glare at McLaggen woodenly. ‘You knew?’ she hissed, her face this time flushed in anger. At least, she tried to look angry, but Cormac’s insistent, continued thrusting had her twitching and grunting with pleasure every time he bottomed out.

McLaggen didn’t look concerned by his lover’s anger. ‘I don’t know who you’re trying to kid, I felt how excited you were when Potter caught us, tightening around me like the tart you are.’

Hermione froze and flushed at being so thoroughly outed and Ron felt a thrill of excitement shoot through him when her eyes flicked to his position before looking away in embarrassment - all but confirming Cormac’s words.

‘Ugh, whatever. Carry on already, I’m not here for the riveting repartee.’

Grunting in annoyance, Cormac pulled back and delivered a thrust with much more force than the ones previous. Either his girlfriend liked a little pain or McLaggen was an expert at controlling his gargantuan member because Hermione threw her head back and groaned with bliss, her entire body jiggling enticingly at the repeated impacts.

‘Yes, yes, oh bloody shit, mmm!’

Hearing her curse… had Ron not stopped wanking the second Harry and Cho had spooked them earlier, he was sure he would have cum on the spot. Assaulted by Hermione’s rapturous cries and dirty mouth as he was though, it was a near thing regardless…

Ooooooohhh fuck, yes, yesss, yessss!

No longer concerned with keeping quiet, Hermione wasn’t shy with letting her pleasure be heard, her palms pressed against the tiled wall as Cormac started to shag her for real, his pace increasing the longer they shagged.

This…is incredible. She’s so beautiful, so sexy, so naughty!

Seeing how much Cormac was focused on their union, on watching how Hermione’s lips jealously gripped his colossal shaft as he thrust in and out of her slick womanhood, Ron grew bold.

As quiet as a mouse, he approached the shagging couple and ducked under one of Hermione’s outstretched arms, rising until he was bracketed between them and he was face-to-top-of-head with his girlfriend. The next time she flung her head back and moaned with abandon, her squeal of surprise almost gave the game away.

Luckily, Cormac seemed to think it was something he’d done.

‘Yeah, you like that you filthy slag?’ His hissed question was accompanied by another sharp crack as his hand came down on her pale arse. Hermione bit her lip and groaned lustily, her heavily-lidded eyes staring deeply into his own.

He couldn’t help himself. Reaching up, he ran his hand gently along the side of her face and Hermione gratefully nuzzled it - while still rocking and moaning from the force of the man thrusting in and out of her. As much as she was obviously enjoying McLaggen’s huge dick, Hermione was doing all of this for him. The thought had his chest swelling with all sorts of mushy feelings, feelings that couldn’t be contained.

Leaning forward, he captured her soft lips with his own, hoping McLaggen was too self-absorbed to realise Hermione’s moans had become suddenly, inexplicably muffled as they shared a deep, passionate kiss.

Ron didn’t have much experience when it came to snogging girls - it started and ended with Hermione. That being said, his girlfriend had always been a very passive, gentle kisser, willing to let him take the lead and be the aggressor.

That passivity was nowhere to be found that evening. With a needy groan, her tongue attacked his, her kiss desperate, needy and wanton in a way he absolutely adored.

‘You like that, huh?’ 

Cormac grunted after delivering another stinging spank to Hermione’s bum, the twat incorrectly reading her body’s signals. Reluctantly, Hermione pulled back from Ron with a shy smile and turned to stare at her buff lover over her shoulder. Ron helped her along by reaching up and grabbing her swaying tits, his fingers pinching her puffy, erect nipples. Her moans as she was shagged and groped were positively euphoric, especially when McLaggen thrust deep and swivelled his hips - Ron didn’t think he could love her more than in that moment.

He was almost immediately proven wrong.

‘Tell me the truth,’ he gasped, giving her another spank. ‘Go on. Tell me I’m better than Weasley.’

Hermione didn’t immediately answer, in fact, she straight up ignored him at first.

Cormac McLaggen did not like being ignored.

‘Say it!’ he barked, finally pausing in his thrusts and pulling out until only his large, plum-sized head was nestled in her glistening folds. ‘Say it or we stop right now!’

Her eyes wide, Hermione turned back to him and bit her lip, this time in indecision. She did not want to degenerate him, especially not in front of McLaggen.

She was also his needy little slut who was obviously, absolutely loving the feeling of his huge cock thrusting in and out of her.

He loved that she hesitated, Ron didn’t think he could show such willpower if a bird stopped with him mid blowjob - he’d probably blurt out whatever heinous shit she asked him to just to get her to continue.

Hermione was looking at him desperately though, her eyes wide with indecision and tortured angst.

What kind of boyfriend would I be if I denied my girl her pleasure?

So turned on he could barely stand it, Ron gave Hermione a shaky nod and smile before leaning down and placing a tender peck on her lips. When he pulled back, Hermione’s beautiful brown eyes were blazing with lust, her mouth open in a silent scream.

Then she was suddenly a whole lot less silent.

‘You’re better than Ron!’ she cried, biting her lip sexily as a powerful shudder shot through his body. ‘You shag me so much better than him! There, are you - ooooooh!

The part of Ron that could still manage thoughts was glad for his girlfriend's loud, exultant moan. It echoed and rebounded off the tiles and made his ears ring.

It also masked his gasp as, with another powerful shudder, Ron grunted and came all over Hermione’s belly. His hips jerked and his body convulsed as rope after rope of ejaculate hit her, her continued moans egging him on until he was finally spent.

When his eyes fluttered back open, he sucked in a startled breath when he saw Hermione staring deep into his eyes. When she wasn’t moaning and crying out in bliss, her beautiful, glossy lips were quirked in an amused grin.

Ron figured he must have looked like a right tit. There was Cormac, this beefy Adonis fucking his girl and he’d cum all over her just from hearing her talk dirty. He felt pathetic…and that somehow only turned him on more, his shrivelled, spent cock already showing signs of life.

Hermione kissed him again, so dominant, so powerful, and when she pulled back, her sexy wink almost made him weak at the knees. ‘Ooooh, you’re so deep,’ she moaned, in between pecks on his lips. ‘You’re stretching me so well. Merlin, you’re so much bigger than Ron!’

She was really hamming it up now…and neither Ron nor McLaggen gave a single shit. Hearing the beautiful, prim and proper Hermione Granger moaning like a slag while, ostensibly, cheating on her boyfriend drove them both wild. Judging from Cormac’s grunts and his powerfully clenched jaw, he was also doing everything in his power to not finish on the spot.

Hermione, on the other hand, found the effects of her words hilarious. It was all she could do to stop her moans from turning into hysterical cackles. Regardless of its origin, the wide smile on her beautiful face took his breath away - it was so uninhibited, so carefree and so wild.

He was about to kiss Hermione again when Cormac suddenly spun her around. It was a testament to his training and how much he’d improved his reflexes that Ron was able to get out of the way before he was found out. Pressing Hermione up against the tiled wall, McLaggen reached down and turned the faucet, this time releasing warm water that cascaded over them.

Phew, dickhead washed away my cum before he could notice…

Hooking his huge arms under her thighs, McLaggen’s biceps bulged to the size of quaffles as he hoisted her up and shagged Hermione under the spray. Hermione’s weight was almost entirely supported by Cormac’s beefy arms as he bounced his girlfriend up and down on his cock, both of them groaning in bliss. 

Hermione spread her arms wide, her palms flat against the wall - or at least, that was what it looked like to McLaggen. She took his hand with her left and squeezed it for all she was worth, their combined moans an erotic symphony he would be hearing in his dreams for years to come.

‘Oh, oh, yes, hah, hah, mmm, yessss…’

It galled him to admit it, but they made a good looking pair. Hermione, in his opinion, the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts and McLaggen, the beefy jock. The thought made his cock throb with desire, but Ron had long since stopped being surprised at the depths of his degeneracy.

Also, while he’d seen Hermione in the throes of passion countless times before, there was something extra special about seeing it from a third-person perspective, as a watcher, a voyeur instead of an active participant. It allowed him to appreciate parts of her he didn’t have good views of when they made love. It was almost like an outer-body experience.

‘Cumming!’ McLaggen grunted, his face red with his passion and exertions.

Hermione didn’t reply, she seemed much more concerned with her own pleasure, her own orgasm likely near too. She squeezed Ron’s hand even harder, her back arching off the wall and putting her large breasts even closer to McLaggen’s face.

With an animalistic groan, Cormac lurched forward and took a nipple between his teeth, grunting and gasping loudly as he drew near.

Ron dropped to his knees beneath the rutting pair and looked up at their union, their combined juices starting to froth and McLaggen desperately bounced Hermione on his cock.

When he came, it was immediately obvious. Cormac froze, groaned louder than he had at any time before that night, and his jawbreaker-sized balls and what was visible of his shaft pulsed as he started to unload inside his girlfriend. The second Hermione felt the warm ejaculate spurt inside her, she squealed in surprise and let out a guttural groan, her own orgasm overtaking her.

Ron only had eyes for the point of their union though. By his count, McLaggen’s cock had pulsed around a dozen times before he stumbled away on shaky legs after gently laying Hermione down on the floor. Hermione slid to the wet ground next to Ron, the shower still spraying them with warm water while Cormac collapsed against the opposite wall and admired his handiwork. His cock, while not as large and angry as it was before, was still plenty hard enough and he gently stroked it, his body shaking due to his member’s hypersensitivity, his eyes devouring Hermione’s freshly-fuckedform hungrily.

Hermione, for her part was still trying to catch her breath, grinning impishly as Ron tried to get a better look at her freshly fucked womanhood.

Relenting, his girlfriend finally spread her legs wide for both him and Cormac, her feet planted on the wet, tiled floor. Ron bit his lip so hard it hurt in an attempt to stifle his erotic gasp. Hermione normally had an incredibly tight, neat pussy, even better than the ones he saw in porn mags. After half an hour with McLaggen’s obscene weapon though, she was left a red, gaping mess. Running her fingers over her abused womanhood, Hermione spread her lips and moaned as Cormac’s thick, gooey discharge started to ooze out of her like molten lava.

‘Hell yeah…’

While Cormac seemed incredibly pleased with the sight, Ron was in cuckold heaven. He gaped, his fist flying up and down his shaft as he wanked away with voyeuristic delight. It took him only a few seconds of watching his girlfriend’s soiled pussy disgorge McLaggen’s discharge for him to be brought to the edge.

When she scooped up some with her finger and sucked it into her mouth with an erotic moan, her eyes locked with his, he immediately came again with a gasp Ron hoped was masked by the shower, his cum mixing with the water as it circled then flowed down the drain.

Hermione showed no outward reaction other than raised eyebrows at his display, but the way her eyes blazed with lust, he knew she was pleased. And amused.

God why is that so hot?!

Cormac got to his feet with a groan and strolled over to them, his half-hard cock swinging from side to side like an elephant’s trunk as he strutted like a peacock. With an infuriatingly smug smirk, he reached his hand down and offered it to Hermione.

‘Ready for round two?’

After drying off, Cormac carried a still shaky Hermione back to the locker room and gently put her down on the large, upholstered bench in the middle of the space. Ron backpedalled ahead of them and watched as Hermione clung to McLaggen’s beefy frame like a sexy koala, his envy-inducing anaconda swaying beneath her pale arse with every step.

Once on the bench, Hermione turned around onto her hands and knees and looked over her shoulder at her lover. ‘Well? What’re you waiting for?’

McLaggen joined her, his lips curled in an infuriating smirk that somehow made the entire situation hotter for Ron. He didn’t reply to Hermione’s cheek and instead slapped his meaty shaft against her still-sensitive lips in reprimand, not giving her what she wanted until she said the magic words.

Cursing in frustration, Hermione rocked back against Cormac’s member, then grunted in annoyance when he backed away out of reach.

‘Put it in me McLaggen,’ she hissed with impatience. ‘Stick that huge cock in my tight little pussy -’

He approached once more with a sly smile, but didn’t slide home. Both Ron and Hermione knew exactly what he wanted to hear. Again.

She bit her lip in frustration and turned to face him, her pathetic, cuckold boyfriend. Ron waved her off before she could apologise, motioning to his hard cock with perverted glee. His girlfriend grinned impishly at him and, out of McLaggen’s line of sight, she pinched her index finger and thumb together and made an insulting tugging motion.

She wanted him to wank his comparatively tiny dick for her.

Today I learned I’m fluent in Hermione’s wordless dirty talk…

Blushing, he did as she asked and she arched her back like a kitten. ‘Fuck me Cormac,’ she purred. ‘Fuck me better than my limp-dicked boyfriend ever cou - oooooooh!’

Holy shit, she actually went there!

Ron didn’t need to see if McLaggen had thrust his monster into his girlfriend, her reaction spoke volumes. Hermione’s eyes fluttered closed and she bit her bottom lip, her breasts swaying back and forth as she rocked in time with her lover’s deep thrusts.

Ron watched Hermione rocking like that for several minutes, slowly stroking his reawakened member. She looked incredibly beautiful, their rutting no longer at a frantic pace. Both Cormac and Hermione were luxuriating in the feeling of each other’s sexes, taking their time and extracting as much pleasure as possible.

His girlfriend looked like she was in the midst of the greatest massage she’d ever received, and when her eyes fluttered open, the smouldering look she sent him confirmed that.

Hermione motioned him closer and Ron scurried forward without needing to be told twice. Hermione repositioned him so his dick was within reach, her hands either side of his thighs, and Ron had to bite his fist to stifle a groan as his girlfriend bent down and - out of sight of McLaggen - took his cock in her mouth.

Ron was in sensory overload. Hermione’s blowie was, as always, incredible. squeezing her rocking, heavy breasts was a delight and watching McLaggen’s huge cock slide in and out of her was like a drug he was already hopelessly addicted to.

‘Mmm, so deep, so much deeper than Ron,’ Hermione purred, pulling off his dick to allay suspicion and spur her lover on with her sinful words. It definitely worked, judging by the self-satisfied smirk that steadily grew on McLaggen’s glistening features.

It wasn’t long, with all those stimuli combining into a delicious cocktail of erotic splendour, that Ron unloaded in his girlfriend’s mouth with an inaudible sigh. His girlfriend easily swallowed his load and kept him in her mouth until he shrivelled into almost nothingness. When he pulled out of her warm mouth, hyper sensitive and unable to handle any more attention, Hermione grinned at his spent cock, shrivelled and plastered to his muscled thigh.

It looked like it belonged to a child, especially when compared to McLaggen’s monster.

Biting her lip sexily, Hermione grinned at his pathetic state, staring up at him coquettishly and moaning extra loud when McLaggen hit her deep. ‘Mmm yes, so deep, so much deeper than Ron’s tiny dick can ever go.’

She punctuated her naughty statement with a smile and then she took his breath away by holding up her pinky against his spent member. In its current state…her pinky was longer.

He was a grower, not a shower.

Hermione laughed throatily as Ron flushed with embarrassment, shame and desire. He was pleasantly shocked and turned on by her cheek, and he gazed down at her reverently, brushing a loose, wavy strand of hair behind her ear.

If McLaggen noticed her laugh, he didn’t say anything.

After several more minutes of ceaseless shagging, they finally repositioned. Run scurried out of the way as Cormac hopped up on the bench and lay down on his back, his colossal shaft glistening with Hermione’s frothy juices and swaying about like the Whomping Willow. They didn’t speak, both of them panting heavily and consumed with passion as Hermione crouched over him and held his plum-sized head against her gaping womanhood.

His girlfriend groaned deep when she impaled herself, her hands resting on her lover’s bulging pecs and squeezing them appreciatively as she slowly lowered herself and controlled her descent. She had to shimmy forward, angling McLaggen’s too-long shaft against his abs to make her bouncing more comfortable for their rutting.

Though it was an incredible show, Ron couldn’t help feeling envious when he saw how much of McLaggen’s shaft still remained outside his girl’s pussy when he bottomed out inside her.

Circling around, Ron sat on the bench behind them and watched McLaggen’s cock spearing in and out of Hermione, their combined excretions frothing up and coating their nethers. McLaggen’s shaft wasn’t the only thing huge about his package, his bollocks like a heavy sack of quaffles resting against the bench, the balls jostling around with his upwards thrusts.

Mmm yes, yes, yessss,’ Hermione hissed, swivelling her hips and gyrating atop her lover. The almost dancer-like motion was incredible on its own, but when McLaggen groaned and reached for his girlfriend’s bum, spreading her cheeks wide and revealing her rosebud to him, Ron had another naughty idea.

Ron stuck his middle finger in his mouth and coated it with his spit before slipping it unceremoniously into his girlfriend’s winking, unprepared rosebud. Hermione’s head flung back and she half groaned, half squealed in surprise at his not entirely unwelcome intrusion. She masked her reaction by increasing the tempo of her bouncing and, naturally, Cormac took all the credit.

‘Yeah, you love my big cock Granger,’ he growled, gripping her bum so tight that her pliable flesh was seeping out through his spread fingers. ‘Your cunt was made for it, look how tight you’re squeezing around me, feel how deep I can reach, so much deeper than your loser boyfriend!’

‘So good,’ Hermione chanted, seemingly agreeing as she rocked back and forth as Ron slipped another finger inside her. ‘Nnnh, yes, more.’

Ron did as his lady commanded, slipping a third finger inside her. His girlfriend’s reaction was immediate, especially as he started pistoning his fingers in and out of her.

They’d only toyed with anal in the past, the possibility becoming a lot more realistic ever since Hermione started messing around on him. While he couldn’t wait to try it for real, he would settle for a little fingering - especially when Hermione was enjoying the double penetration so much.

Ron justified what he did next as not gay because there was no direct contact.

Hooking his fingers, Ron firmly pressed down through Hemrione’s rectal wall. He winced when he felt Cormac’s thick member through the fleshy barrier, but that was nothing compared to Hermione and McLaggen’s reactions.

Cormac gasped and cursed, his hips shooting off the bench as he buried himself deeper in Hermione’s eager pussy. ‘Bloody shite! How’re you doing that?!’

Hermione’s reaction was much more explosive and immediate. She wailed, and though Ron had planned for it to be because he was pressing McLaggen’s cock more firmly against her g-spot, a part of him wondered if he found another of his girl’s erogenous zones.

He timed his interference with Hermione’s bounces, mostly so McLaggen was more likely to keep believing she was the one responsible. Every time she sank low and took as much of Cormac’s huge cock as she could manage, he would press deep, ripping moan after delirious moan from his girl while she fucked another bloke.

No longer was their shagging slow and considerate. Ron’s messing about had turbocharged both of the lovers’ libidos, and their rutting mirrored this. They raced to their orgasm, the gasps and cries intermingling with their breathless panting and grunts of exertion.

Ron had an even better view of McLaggen filling up his girl than he did the last time, his balls shaking and pulsing as he shot torrent after torrent of seed inside her. Having seen enough, Ron bent down and kissed the back of Hermione’s neck to remind his girlfriend that he was there - if his finger wasn’t enough of a constant reminder.

He liked to think his kiss was the thing that set her off, but thought it was far more likely to be McLaggen’s cock grinding against her g-spot over and over or his warm seed filling her womb.

‘Bloody shit! Cumming, oh, oh, ooooooh! I’m, oh no, I’m, aaaaaah…’

With a startled squeal, Hermione’s body jerked and she squirted all over McLaggen’s abs through her orgasm.


Her groan was loud, long and full of disbelief. Ron watched her beautiful body writhing on the bench, his hand once again stroking his spent, sore cock.

When the mind-numbing pleasure of her orgasm faded, his girlfriend looked around sightlessly before her eyes fell on him and she smiled bashfully. With another groan, she extricated herself from Cormac with a shuddering sigh and crawled away. She lay at the other end of the bench, resting on her elbows, with her legs akimbo, her head tilted back as she looked up at the ceiling and regained her breath.

Cormac was shuffling around too, but Ron didn’t pay the man much mind. His eyes were firmly fixed on his girl’s gaping pussy, McLaggen’s thick, viscous seed already oozing out of her.

Bloody hell, why is that so hot…?

Ron was in a trance, watching the physical evidence that another man had shagged his girl - well - oozing from her nethers. He didn’t snap out of it until Cormac’s obnoxious voice spoiled the mood.

‘So…when are you gonna stop messing about with that loser?’ he asked cockily, and when Ron turned to him with a raised brow, unsurprised that he had gone there, he was even less surprised that he was palming his still half-hard dick like a prized salami.

A fucking massive salami, to be fair…

‘Beg your pardon?’ Hermione asked, hiding her incredulity well with a raised eyebrow. She was still laying back on the bench and one could easily have mistaken her for a woman sunning herself on a beach lounge…were it not for her state of dress and the cum still oozing out of her in droves.

‘Be my girl,’ McLaggen insisted, slowly stroking his cock back to readiness. ‘I fuck you so much better than Weasley anyway, you said so yourself. Imagine, you can have this bad boy whenever you want.’ He punctuated this statement by swirling his dick around like it was a baton.

There were many reasons Ron knew Hermione was the one. One of them had to be the complete lack of panic he felt as Cormac - with his freakishly huge cock and bulging muscles - made his…generous proposition. Always one prone to rash, snap judgements and bouts of poisonous jealousy, it was genuinely bizarre that he didn’t feel any of that right now, even after spending over an hour watching another bloke shag his girl and having to listen to him try and steal her from him.

Another reason Ron knew she was the one was the radiant smile that bloomed on Hermione’s beautiful, freshly fucked features. That soon turned into a soft chuckle before it grew into scornful, mocking laughter.

‘You’d think I’d leave Ron?’ she asked incredulously. ‘For you? Oh Cormac…’

Her faux sympathetic tone clearly hit a chord and McLaggen’s face flushed with anger. Ron readied his wand and held it in a loose grip, but he doubted he’d have to step in. Hermione’s wand was still keeping her bun tied together, and she was wicked with it. Not as good as Harry, but she could whip it out and turn him into a slug quicker than McLaggen could take an aggressive step - and they all knew that.

She sighed forlornly. ‘It’s a shame. You really were a lovely shag, but you just couldn’t keep your mouth shut and enjoy it, could you? You just had to ruin it.’

Her hand swiped across the air between them when the red-faced McLaggen arched up, ready to rebut.

‘We’re done here. This won’t be happening again.’ Before he could get a word in edgewise, Hermione arched her back and cracked a few stiff joints before continuing. ‘Feel free to leave. I need to clean up.’

He could have kissed her. He would kiss her. Watching her put the huge troll in his place was almost as satisfying as watching her fuck him.

Now that’s a sentence I didn’t think I’d hear myself say a year ago…

McLaggen gaped at Hermione in shock, his mouth opening and closing like a big, dumb fish as his mind tried to puzzle how the night had suddenly gone so horribly wrong. Just minutes ago, he mut have felt like the king of the world, fucking a rival’s girl and, in his mind, on the verge of stealing her from him only for his dreams to turn to sand and slip through his fingers in the blink of an eye.

His huge fists clenched and his muscles tensed. It looked like he was ready to pounce, but not even McLaggen was that stupid.

Fine,’ he hissed, his eyes blazing in fury. ‘Whatever. You’ll come crawling back after you’re bored of your tiny-dicked, loser boyfriend. Every time you two shag, all you’ll be able to think about is this,’ he said, swinging his dick around like the weapon it was, ‘and how much he pales in comparison.’

Finding his wand in his pile of clothes, he flicked it and his clothes unfolded themselves and flew back onto his body. Ron figured with the amount of women the guy must go though, that would be a handy spell to know.

He was about to storm off but he turned one last time at the entryway to the locker room. ‘I’m not gonna make it easy for you next time. When you want a real man again, come find me. Make sure you’re on your hands and knees though, I’ll only think about it if you kiss my feet!’

And with that, he spun on his heel and stormed off like a story-book villain.

Ron gave it a few seconds to make sure they were alone before he finally spoke.

‘Blimey, think Snape would have been proud of that villain’s monologue?’

Hermione instantly broke out into hysterical giggles, the suffocating tension in the room thoroughly shattered.

When she’d gotten control of herself, she raised herself back up on her elbows and looked up at him with a naughty smile. She made sure to spread her legs wide, McLaggen’s discharge still oozing out of her and showing no signs of ending.


Ron frowned, staring at her in confusion. Had he missed something…?

What’s she on about?

Her smile turned positively salacious. ‘I said I need to clean up. What are you waiting for, cuck?’

Ron lost all strength in his legs and his knees almost buckled. That had come out of nowhere. He dropped to the bench and gaped at her in mute incomprehension. Her voice had radiated both command and pure lust, her eyes smouldering with desire.

Realising she was serious, Ron swallowed thickly, his gut feeling suddenly queasy as he stared at her soiled womanhood.

‘Come on luv,’ she cooed, spreading her legs wider and making space for him. ‘Be a good cuck, clean your mistress.’

It was as if she’d put him under the Imperius curse, his body moving of its own volition until he was laying on his belly between her splayed legs.

‘Yesss,’ she hissed, her eyes wide with delight when he stared up at her from her womanhood. ‘That’s so sexy baby, don’t think about it, just do as I command.’

Swallowing once more, he stared at her inflamed womanhood from close up, McLaggen’s cum thick, viscous and still oozing out slowly, like a magma flow.

Closing his eyes, he got to work. It was disgusting work, and demeaning…and he somehow got off on that. It made no sense to him, but Ron figured it would be a whole lot easier to not think about it.

Hermione apparently knew him and his new kinks well and was a master at pushing his buttons.

She’s always been a quick study…

When Hermione was clean and Ron’s gut stopped roiling with disgust, he sighed in contentment and cuddled up beside her. He recalled the events of the entire night, and how brilliant it had been to watch it all from the best seat in the house.

‘That was brilliant Mione, thank you,’ he said, truly meaning it, capturing her lips in a tender kiss to show her his gratitude. It was undeniable that she got as much, if not a hell of a lot more out of the deal than he did, but he was still thankful that she’d done something so far out of her comfort zone originally. For him. ‘Shame it was the last time…’

‘Oh?’ Hermione asked naughtily, wrapping her arms around his broad chest and nuzzling her face into his neck. ‘What makes you say that, my love?’

Rone froze, his eyes widening in shock. ‘You said -! You don’t seriously mean to -!’

Hermione barked out a laugh and Ron instantly calmed. ‘Oh, I’m done with Cormac, sure. He’s an insufferable clown and I don’t care how big his penis is, or how much it turns you on, I’m not debasing myself further for that egomaniacal dullard.’

‘But then -’

Ron shuddered when Hermione interrupted his protest by wrapping her cool hand around his shrivelled member. ‘He might be a clown, but he was right about one thing,’ she purred directly into his ear. His cock was so shrivelled she struggled to grip him in her fist, instead opting to cup his balls in the palm of her hand and tickle his shrunken member with the tip of her thumb. ‘I will eventually get bored of my tiny-dicked boyfriend. We’ll have to find someone else for me to cuck you with - preferably someone I can stand being in the same room with…’

Ron was a drooling, whimpering mess. He’d gone from the lowest of cuckold lows to the highest of highs in an instant and he felt light-headed. Hermione was willing, no, eager to keep this going and he was excited to see how their play evolved next.

His good mood instantly soured as he recalled the events of the evening in their entirety and he frowned angrily.

‘Bloody shit, I’m gonna have to knock Harry’s lights out tomorrow for cheating on Ginny - yeow!

Hermione had gripped his balls painfully hard at his proclamation, a disapproving frown on her stern features. ‘You’ll do no such thing,’ she admonished. ‘You should be ashamed of yourself. You know Harry better than that, and honestly, jumping to conclusions about their relationship after what we just did? Absurd.’

Ron gaped at her, feeling queasy for a different reason as the meaning behind her words registered. ‘W-what are you saying?’

Hermione sighed wearily, her head once more nestled on his chest and her grip on his nuts thankfully easing.

‘I’ll have a talk with Gin - don’t do anything rash until we have the full picture, okay?’

Ron had a complicated look on his features. ‘...I suddenly don’t think I want to know the full picture.’

Hermione’s mocking laughter echoed throughout the changing room, the memories of it from earlier giving him a second wind…

Time to reclaim my girl! I wonder if she’ll even feel me…

She did…eventually.


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