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Chapter 27

Tags: Threesome, Pegging, Femdom, FemaleBi, Amazon Position, Bondage, Prostate Massage, Rimming, Cum-eating (his own), Mommy Kink.

Peter had smiled politely as Steven gave him a tour of all the mystical artefacts in his home, the Sanctum Sanctorum.

While he wasn’t particularly in the mood for what amounted to a guided tour of all things magical, a part of him had to admit several of the artefacts were pretty cool. He couldn’t help it, having to exert a ridiculous amount of will just to stop his greedy fingers from nabbing a few so he could examine them under an electron microscope.

To be fair to Steven, it wasn’t as if he was going out of his way to waste his time, the tour had been brief and only pertained to items and artefacts on the way to his sitting room.

They were both incredibly busy men.

Since the invasion, Pete had worked like a man possessed. Not only had he accelerated his plans for his hospitals, but Tony had recklessly thrown himself into finishing his new, transformative power source - having already developed a few, unwieldy prototypes.

It wasn’t just them or the scientists at SI either. Governments and private contractors all over the world seemed to be in a rush to outdo each other and boost their defences against such attacks in the future. It would have been beautiful, if the instigating event hadn’t been so tragic.

The Anti-Grav Well was also in full operation - he refused to call it by its official name. While SI had a headstart on the mining operations already underway, governments and entrepreneurs were also lining up to build their own ships to join them in space. Last he spoke with Riri, there was already a moon base well on the way to being built, and despite his dour mood, the nerd in him had squealed in delight.

Both Steven and Pete adjourned to his sitting room and had a cup of tea, exchanging pleasantries before the Sorcerer Supreme not-so-subtly glanced at his watch before turning to him apologetically.

‘This has been nice Peter, but I’m afraid I’m incredibly busy, as I’m sure you are too. Was there anything else you needed?’

Doctor Strange made to stand - his hands on the armrests of his chair and his sentient crimson cloak flowing to his shoulders - but paused when Pete nodded and reached into his messenger bag to pull out a piece of shining metal the size of a large egg. The moment the Sorcerer Supreme laid eyes on the metal, he started, and froze in shock.

‘I guess I don’t need to ask if you recognize this then?’

Without meeting his gaze, his friend slowly nodded, his eyes never leaving the metallic egg as he made himself comfortable once more in his high-backed chair.

‘While I can’t say what the device’s purpose is,’ Strange couched, finally meeting his gaze with his steely blue eyes before turning back to the strange egg-like object in his hand, ‘if my eyes are not mistaken, whatever that object is, it is made of Uru, a legendary substance known for its ability to harness and channel mystical energies.’

‘Good,’ Pete agreed with a pleased smile. ‘I was hoping to skip the lecture.’

Strange frowned and looked up at Pete in confusion. ‘Where did you get it? No,’ his frown deepened. ‘How did you even work with it? Every mention of Uru from my library particularly highlights needing the heat of a star to even begin working with it.’

‘As for where I got it?’ Pete began, sitting the metallic egg on the desk between them and ticking off a finger. ‘We received an ingot of Uru from Asgard as a peace offering.’

Strange’s eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared - it was a common enough reaction amongst all New Yorkers whenever the events of almost two months ago were brought up.

‘Did it work?’

Pete snorted. ‘Of course not. Tony took the package they sent and told them to fuck off.’

Letting out a slow breath, Steven nodded and steepled his hands in front of his mouth. His back had gone rigid at the mention of the Asgardians, but after calming himself, he sank back into his chair.

Pete then ticked off a second finger. ‘As for how I worked with it? Well, your dusty old tomes aren’t too far off to be honest. I had to use a laser powered by Tony’s new Quantum Singularity Reactor, and even then it was a close thing. This Uru stuff makes tungsten look positively flammable by comparison. I tried recreating it with my nanites like I do vibranium, but not only was that a spectacular failure, I couldn’t even properly analyse it. Every time I look at it under a microscope it’s like I’m looking at a riddle…’

Steven slowly looked up from the egg-shaped piece of legendary metal and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. ‘This is all rather fascinating, and I’d very much like to see this Quantum Singularity Reactor you just mentioned -’

‘We just call it the QSR,’ Pete interrupted, waving Steven’s caution off. ‘And you’re welcome anytime. Tony will gladly give you a demonstration. Honestly, he hasn’t stopped bragging about it ever since he made the first working prototype - personally, I think he’s just super sensitive about how all his younger employees have been taking up all of the spotlight.’

Steven’s lips twitched in amusement and he slowly bowed his head in thanks.

‘I will take you up on your generous offer, but as fascinating as this all is, I fail to see why showing me this was as urgent a matter as you implied - I’m incredibly busy, after all.’

Pete rolled his eyes and, with an impish grin, he waved his hand towards the egg-shaped chunk of Uru.

If Strange’s reaction to seeing the legendary substance itself was notable, that was nothing compared to his reaction when the hunk of Uru split open like a fabergé egg and revealed what was inside - a shining ellipsoidal gemstone that bathed the entire room in an ethereal blue light.

‘The Space Stone…’

Pete’s head snapped to Strange the moment the whispered words left his mouth, but if the Sorcerer Supreme noticed his reaction, he didn’t say anything. His eyes were entirely focused on the magical gem.

‘So that’s what it’s called?’ Pete asked, leaning back in his chair and reaching out to the stone. Steven started when Pete’s eyes started to glow blue and the Space Stone began to float out of its Uru casing and hover between them. ‘Well…that certainly makes a lot of sense.’

‘Peter you must be careful!’ Steven snapped urgently, worry clearly evident in his tone.

Pete turned and smiled at him in understanding. ‘This is what Loki was after,’ Pete explained conversationally, taking comfort in the way Steven’s eyes flashed with rage at the mention of the god. ‘I found it hiding within the Tesseract. At first, I was stumped - I’d never seen such a thing before. Then I remembered…and I realised that wasn’t exactly true.’

He tilted his head towards the brass medallion hanging around Steven’s neck, the green stone within shining brightly.

His friend’s hand went to his chest and gently touched the amulet before nodding slowly, hesitantly.

‘I studied it for weeks…and the strangest thing happened,’ he turned to Steven, his eyes still glowing blue and grinned. ‘While I was being extremely careful - give me some credit - I felt a… connection forming between me and the stone. At first it was small, a spacial awareness letting me know where it was at all times…eventually though?’ Pete shrugged and waved his hand, causing the stone to twirl and bounce in the air like a firefly. ‘I haven’t been able to do much more than this though - I was hoping you could tell me more.’

Steven seemed indecisive but he eventually tore his gaze away from the stone and looked deep into his eyes. He must have seen something he approved of because the Sorcerer Supreme slowly nodded before sinking back into his chair, his hands steepled in front of his face.

‘We should probably start at the beginning,’ Strange mused, closing his eyes. ‘The stone in my locket and the one you’re casually playing with like a child, they’re a part of a set. Together, they’re referred to as the Infinity Stones.’

Pete pouted at the rebuke, chastised, and lowered the Space Stone back into its protective housing.

‘The origins of the Infinity Stones aren’t known for certain but… imagine, if you will, six forces of creation existing in the void before the universe as we know it burst into being…’

Uh-oh, this is starting to sound a little biblical -

‘And no, I’m not about to quote bible verse at you -’

‘How did you -?!’

Aside from his lips twitching in amusement, Steven ignored him and continued on.

‘These…essences of creation, amidst the chaos of the Big Bang, were forged into concentrated ingots of power, each embodying a fundamental aspect of existence. Power, Reality, Soul, Mind, Time -’ he was listing each aspect off on his fingers, motioning to his medallion at the mention of time and over at Peter to finish the list.

‘And Space…’

Peter slowly nodded.

‘My texts tell of countless individuals over the aeons who have wielded the power of one of these stones.’

Aeons?! How could his texts possibly go back that far?!

Steven went back to ticking off fingers.

‘The Power Stone is said to allow its user to control and unleash unimaginable amounts of energy, enough to easily destroy planets. The Reality Stone allows for the warping of reality itself -’

Well that’s just bullshit.

‘The Soul Stone, as its name suggests, allows for dominion over the soul itself, and of life and death. The Mind Stone, grants wisdom and powerful telepathic abilities, its journey through the cosmos a tale of manipulation and tyranny -’

Pete’s jaw clenched at the mention of that, memories of Jane’s dead, vacant eyes permanently etched into his memory.

‘Then we have the Time Stone, a relic I and my predecessors have been tasked with protecting as the Sorcerers Supreme. It allows me dominion over the past, present and future, revealing the infinite possibilities and the perilous paths one might choose to alter the course of history -’

‘Sounds completely busted.’

Steven smiled sadly. ‘It’s more of a curse, unfortunately.’ 

Pete had to bring about all of his considerable willpower to not roll his eyes at the cliche remark.

‘And finally, we have the Space Stone,’ the older man chortled as his eyes trailed over towards the now shut egg of Uru once more. ‘The universe truly works in mysterious ways…for it to find its way into your hands… rather apt.’ He then started, as if he’d been lost in his own thoughts and smiled at him. ‘As I’m sure you’ve guessed, the Space Stone confers power over the natural forces of the universe - I’m sure you don’t need me to explain those to you.’

Pete flashed his teeth in a grin but didn’t otherwise answer.

‘History is fraught with individuals trying to bring the Infinity Stones together, their combined power enough to alter the fabric of reality itself.’

‘Well, that certainly sounds ominous, especially since I’m pretty sure the entire purpose of the invasion was someone out there trying to get their hands on the Space Stone…’

‘Quite,’ Steven agreed with a thin-lipped smile. ‘Though I should add, the stones are no mere baubles or tools to be wielded, they are the essence of the universe itself. We must always be mindful of their potential for creation…and destruction.’

Pete nodded slowly as he carefully digested all of that information. Were it coming from anyone else, he’d have dismissed it as woo-woo nonsense… but, well, Steven Strange specialised in woo-woo nonsense, and it seemed particularly ridiculous to dismiss affairs of a magical nature after having spent weeks studying artefacts that had no mundane explanation…

Or especially given Steven’s cloak had been gently tipping tea into his mouth throughout the entirety of their conversation.

Yeah Magic is real. And weird.

‘I suppose you’ve figured out what I will ask next.’

‘Of course,’ Pete admitted with a nod. ‘And that’s gonna be a hard no. Especially after everything you just told me. If anything, it sounds like the last thing we should be doing is hiding these things anywhere near each other.’

Steven frowned but ultimately acquiesced. ‘That’s…unfortunately probably wise, especially if your theory that the invasion was an attempt at acquiring the Space Stone…’

‘In the spirit of transparency,’ Pete began, deciding to lay his cards out on the table. ‘As far as I know, we have one other stone in our possession. I’m sure a smart guy like you can figure it out -’

‘Loki’s sceptre,’ Steven interrupted, not even looking at Pete for confirmation, his eyes narrowed and his fingers steepled in front of his mouth again. ‘The Mind Stone?’

Rolling his eyes, Pete sighed and nodded. ‘I gave it to someone I trust -’

Again, he didn’t even get all of his words out before Steven interrupted him.

‘Xavier…? That’s… a wise choice,’ he admitted somewhat reluctantly as Pete, again, rolled his eyes in annoyance. Though he was on board with not putting all their shiny eggs in one basket, Steven still seemed to not like it. ‘With the Mind Stone enhancing his telepathic powers, there’s no one more suited to guard it… you, on the other hand…’

Pete smiled cheekily and spread his arms wide. ‘And that is why I’m really here.’

Steven’s eyes narrowed. ‘Why do I get the feeling that you’re not here to see Steven Strange, Sorcerer Supreme, but Steven Strange, Surgeon? Again?’

‘Probably because you’re incredibly intelligent and take a perverse delight in saying what I’m thinking before I even say it out loud?’

The man’s lips twitched but he inclined his head, motioning him to proceed after taking another sip of tea.

‘Well, as we both know, these stones are incredibly dangerous. If I want to properly use this thing’s power, I’d need to be in direct contact with it -’

‘Which would be incredibly inadvisable.’

‘Right,’ Pete conceded, his eyes, which had been scanning the neat and tidy office, returning to Strange’s steely blue gaze. ‘I have an idea that’ll let me better use this thing, and better protect it from whoever’s looking for it.’

Seeing he had the Sorcerer Supreme’s attention, Pete clenched his jaw, his eyes once again glowing blue as he concentrated on his link with the stone and opened up a tiny hole in reality right beside him no bigger than a football. A bead of sweat had trickled down from his temple at the exertion but, with a cheeky grin, he reached into the tiny wormhole and pulled out from within the pocket dimension a bottle of ice-cold soda.

Strange stared at the spectacle, his face completely void of emotion.

‘You should not be able to do that.’ He turned and stared at Pete, his eyes narrowed. ‘You should barely be able to be in close proximity with the stone, the energies it gives off… aah, the Uru…’

‘Bingo,’ Pete agreed, reaching into his bag and pulling out a tablet. ‘That stone gives off wicked… I guess magic radiation? Whatever, the Uru absorbed it all and protected the animals we tested it on and, well, me.’

Pete handed Steven the tablet showing him imaging from inside his body after weeks of minor use of the stone. The imaging his nanites were capable of was far more sophisticated than what Steven had been used to when he was a practising surgeon, and he scanned them in silence as Pete sipped on his drink.

With a nod and apparently satisfied Pete was exaggerating the safety of the stone, he handed the tablet back and steepled his fingers once more. ‘What are you planning, Peter?’

With a sheepish smile, Pete scratched the back of his head and explained.

‘I plan to open a micro wormhole on the inside of my skull that leads to a pocket dimension just big enough to house the stone. Through the micro wormhole, my nanites will create a new nervous system that will connect my brain to the stone directly, not only shielding me from the radiation, but slowly acclimating me to its power.’

Strange didn’t say anything, he just continued to stare at Peter with a completely blank expression.

‘I’m not gonna lie, you’re taking this much better than I expected you to.’

Finally, Steven sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, as if trying to smother an incoming headache.

‘I could tell you I think this plan of yours is pure idiocy, but will that make you change your mind?’

Pete’s smile widened. ‘No.’

Steven breathed out heavily through his nose. ‘At least if your foolishness gets you killed, I’m assuming the wormhole you create will close and the Space Stone will be lost forever.’

‘That is the assumption we made also.’

‘We?’ Steven asked with a raised brow. ‘Does Gwen know of this foolishness?’

‘Of course, I couldn’t and wouldn’t hide something like this from her. She doesn’t like it, but agrees it’s a good plan to keep the stone safe and help me better protect it.’ Seeing Steven about to open his mouth to speak, Pete jumped in to interrupt him. ‘Oh, and for what it’s worth, us three are the only ones that even know I’m hiding the Space Stone, and us four are the only ones who know about the Mind Stone.’

Tony obviously suspected, but his mentor trusted him enough not to go digging.

Steven slowly nodded and leaned back in his chair. Tilting his head back, he stared up silently at the ceiling for several minutes, clearly in deep thought. Pete left him to it and helped himself to a little tour around his office as he finished his soda. Honestly, the room kind of reminded him of a more ordered version of Albus Dumbledore’s office from the Harry Potter books, the only thing it was missing was the phoenix.

Pete was carefully flipping through an ancient text using the power of the Space Stone so he wouldn’t damage it with his oily hands when Strange finally spoke again.

‘Have you perhaps considered sealing the stone away in a pocket dimension regardless? Forever putting it out of the hands of those that would use its power for ill?’

‘I did,’ Pete admitted with a troubled frown. ‘I considered it a lot. But then I realised that wouldn’t stop someone desperate for its power to come looking anyways. And then I remember how powerless I felt when eighty-two thousand, one hundred and seventy-four New Yorkers died during the invasion.’

Steven sighed tiredly, but slowly, he nodded.


Gwen’s mask dematerialised as she dropped into her command centre with a tired sigh.

The other Spiders had been working tirelessly ever since the invasion, none more so than Miles, whose unique abilities made him well-suited to help restore the power to the city.

Unique abilities…I still can’t believe Pete turned us into Mutants. That’s kinda hilarious.

She smirked as she remembered Pete’s hypothesis that her own mutation had to be some kind of internal foundry and dimensional storage. It made sense, of course, and explained a lot - it was also a particularly broken ability when combined with Pete’s nanites and, real-life not being a video game, she was all for that.

Her smile slipped as she recalled teasing Pete further when he’d made the hypothesis. She’d wondered aloud if that was why she was so easily able to take such huge dicks in her holes all the time - the dimensional storage.

She’d thought it funny, and Gwen was sure the comment would have turned Pete on like crazy before the invasion. Instead of igniting his libido though, Pete had just smiled and chuckled wearily before kissing her on the head and getting back to work.

Gwen sighed. They hadn’t made love since that horrible day almost two months ago. On the plus side, while the recovery had been rough for everyone as New Yorkers got back on their feet, the camaraderie between everyone was unlike anything she’d seen or heard of save of stories her father used to tell her about the time immediately following 9-11.

Pete had taken the deaths extra hard though, blaming himself for not reacting sooner. A part of her understood his cratered sex drive - nothing killed one’s libido more than the thought that said libido was responsible for the deaths of thousands. It was a ridiculous notion though, and Gwen was very quickly nearing a breaking point.

She hadn’t gone this long without sex since she was a virgin.

Pete wasn’t oblivious to her needs, and had given her leave to ‘do what she needed to’ while he threw himself into his work.

She’d cuffed him on the back of the head and slammed his office door in the idiot’s face, at the time.

Was she tempted? Sure. But the thought that she’d even think about enjoying herself when she knew how much Pete was hurting was honestly a little insulting.

She wasn’t that kind of girl anymore.

That didn’t make her any less horny or stir-crazy though. She was a nanosecond away from proving all of Pete’s ‘Gwen’s A Sexual Predator’ jokes true…

She paused in the elevator lobby of their penthouse, images of tying Pete up and having her way with him slamming into the forefront of her mind like a particularly insistent and annoying telemarketer.

Oh Pete…you’re so lucky I love you.

Her mind could be a pretty fucked up place when it wanted to be…

Hearing the sounds of screaming engines and squealing tires filling the penthouse, Gwen rolled her eyes and first headed towards their kitchen to make herself a smoothie. Honestly, she was kinda starving. She’d spent the morning in the gym talking with Gabriel - who’d turned out to be a fire-fighter, because of course the sexy bastard was - about how the city was recovering after the invasion before giving Miles the afternoon off by taking over his patrol for him and letting him hang out with Pete instead.

Miles had been running himself into the ground helping out where he could. While not beating himself up like Pete was, Gwen still almost had to restrain him just so he’d take a load off for his mentals.

She finished her smoothie while scanning the news before heading over to the gaming room to see what the boys were doing. Gwen’s eyes flicked over the risque portraits on the wall and smiled.

Maybe I should make Pete take some more photos of me. That should get him going…

Gwen took in the scene that greeted her in the gaming room and chuckled. Looking for some kind of distraction, Pete had bought and set up a proper sim-racing setup with a huge, curved screen, racing wheel and even a cockpit that simulated the g-forces and movements that should be applied to his avatar’s in-game body.

Miles was sitting on the couch behind the setup, watching the screen with his mouth agape before turning to Gwen with a disbelieving stare.

‘Yo, you guys have the coolest toys…’

Crossing her arms, Gwen leaned against the doorframe and smirked as she watched Pete do his thing, his face set in a look of steely concentration despite how much the cockpit was bouncing and swerving with the car’s movements in-game.

‘Did he let you play?’

Miles turned to her with a queasy look on his face and shuddered. ‘Man I nearly crashed the damn thing, and it’s not even really moving!’

Gwen laughed as Pete’s car screamed into the corner at speeds that would give most people a heart attack if this was the real thing. Without flinching, he slammed on the break and engaged the clutch, his heel flicking out to pump the gas and keep his revs up before putting his car back in gear. Pete navigated the corner flawlessly, coming in and going out at insanely high speeds with the car in the perfect rev band for ideal acceleration, all of this with only one hand on the steering wheel, the other never leaving the gear stick.

‘What the hell is he doing?’ Miles asked in frustration, motioning to the screen and looking at her for an answer. ‘His setup has paddles but he never uses them! Is it some kind of cheat?’

Gwen laughed again. ‘It’s not a cheat, it’s called heel-toe shifting. TLDR it lets him downshift while matching the engine speed to the lower gear’s revs. It basically gives him more control of the car when cornering while letting him be in the ideal power band when accelerating out of it.’

‘Good girl,’ Pete praised without taking his eyes off the screen, his lips clearly twitching in an amused smirk that was obvious even if he was in profile to her.

Miles was looking at her like she had grown a second head. ‘Man, when did you become a gearhead?’

‘I’m not,’ Gwen replied with a laugh, plopping down on the couch next to Miles to watch the masterclass Pete was putting on. ‘Believe it or not, neither is Pete, not really. He just likes to pretend he’s his favourite anime character.’

‘You’re just mad you can’t beat my times - such a sore loser,’ Pete teased before executing another perfect turn.

Miles laughed like an idiot at her when that comment clearly hit a little too close to home, her jaw clenching in annoyance.

‘Your face!’ he squealed, gasping and pointing at her in glee, holding his belly and almost falling off the couch as he laughed.

‘Are you done?’ she asked dryly with an arched eyebrow, refusing to show her amusement, though she figured her eyes would have given her away.

After calming down, Miles sank back into the couch with a tired sigh ‘Man, seeing you act like a sweaty gamer-girl ain’t ever getting old.’

Gwen’s eyebrow arched further, and this time her smile turned predatory. ‘Is that why you love watching my streams, you dirty little perv?’

‘WOAH!’ Miles yelped, jumping off the couch and heading towards the door with his hands in the air. ‘Yo Pete, you gonna handle your girl man? She’s crazy!’

The race over, Pete spun in his seat and turned to Miles with a perfect look of innocence on his face. ‘What’re you talking about? Weren’t you just asking me when her next stream is earlier?’

‘What the fuck?!’ Miles yelped in horror, turning to Gwen with wide eyes. ‘He’s full of shit, I didn’t ask -’

‘It’s okay Miles, I’ll be streaming again soon just for you - you won’t have to wait long.’

‘I’m leaving!’ he screamed, scrambling out of the room like the bats of hell were on his heels. ‘Y’all are crazy!’

‘Tell Cindy we said hi!’

She almost broke when she heard him splutter and squeal in embarrassment, her grin nearly splitting her face as she locked eyes with an equally amused Pete.

Looking past him and at the screen, her eyebrows rose. ‘Wow, you beat your time again?’

‘I was in the Parker Zone.’ She snorted and threw a pillow at his head. He caught it with ease, but was surprised when she’d almost teleported to his side with sheer speed alone and plopped in his lap in the brief instant his vision had been obscured by the soft projectile.

He grunted, but still wrapped his arms around her waist as she draped hers over his shoulders. She frowned in concern, examining him closely as if she could see if anything had changed ‘How’d it go?’

Instead of answering, Pete’s eyes glowed a brilliant, magical blue and Gwen felt…different. She frowned, unsure what was happening until the strange feeling intensified. She felt…stifled…heavier.

Her eyes widened in shock as she realised what was happening and the feeling instantly vanished.

‘I can keep going…but you’re sitting on my lap and, as funny as it would be, I don’t think Aunt May would appreciate reading that her beloved nephew died - squashed under the immense weight of his girlfriend’s ridiculously fat ass - in the obituaries tomorrow…’

Gwen let that blasphemy slide, her hands gripping his face and staring deep into his eyes, as if she could see if anything was wrong.

‘Were there any issues?’

He smiled in understanding. ‘It was more difficult than I thought to shrink the micro-wormhole so small without being able to see it, and I still have a bit of a headache, but everything seems okay,’ Pete answered in a soothing tone, his hands rubbing gentle circles on her back. ‘Steven wants me to see him once a week so he can keep an eye on me, but otherwise everything turned out fine.’

Gwen let out a sigh of relief and sagged against his chest, burying her face in the crook of his neck before recoiling in disgust. ‘Ew gross, you’re covered in sweat!’

Pete chuckled and gripped her tighter, pulling her against his chest and forcing her to bathe in his musk. ‘This is probably the least offensive bodily fluids we’ve exchanged, dear.’

Putting her hands on his chest, she disengaged and stared deep into his eyes, her eyebrow raised. ‘Really? I don’t quite recall, it’s been a while since we’ve done such things.’

She instantly regretted it the second the catty words left her mouth as Pete winced and a look of profound shame crossed his features.

‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have -’

‘No,’ Pete interrupted her, taking her hands in his and bringing them to his lips. ‘You’re right. I’m…sorry. I’ve been so self-absorbed and mopey lately. I’ve been neglecting you - neglecting us. You don’t deserve that.’

Their faces only inches apart, she rested her forehead against his and the two just got lost in each other’s eyes before Gwen finally broke the silence with a cheeky grin. ‘Oh, it’s no biggie. It’s only been eight weeks and four days since we last had sex.’

She saw him inhale, apparently ready with a comeback, but her narrowed eyes instantly dissuaded him from saying something he’d regret. He sighed and smiled tiredly at her, pulling her close and pressing his soft lips against hers.

Gwen lost herself in the feeling. Her body and mind were screaming at her to throw him on the couch and fuck his brains out, but instead she basked in the gentleness of his kiss and the closeness that had been painfully rare recently.

When their kiss ended, they pressed their forehead together again, the casual intimacy causing all sorts of warm, mushy-gushy feelings to well up in her gut. 

‘I’m so sorry,’ Pete reiterated. ‘I’ve been a jerk.’

Gewn didn’t refute him, but she didn’t pull away either. 

‘Are you still torturing yourself with what ifs?’

Sighing, he looked away without answering.

‘So?’ Gwen prodded, turning his face back to hers. ‘What have you actually learned?’

Pete’s eyebrows rose in surprise. ‘You’re not gonna try and convince me it wasn’t my fault?’

‘It was all of our fault and there’s plenty of blame to go around. I didn’t need to be in Switzerland, after all. What was your mistake? You’re actual mistake, and if you say fucking Cindy, I’m sending May videos of her precious nephew fucking a whole cadre of dirty whores.’

Pete arched an eyebrow.

‘What? It’s the only thing I can actually threaten you with anymore, I’ve turned you into too much of a degenerate.’

He looked unimpressed. ‘It would probably be a lot more terrifying if I didn’t already know you were sending her videos all the time already.’

She gaped at him in shock. ‘Did you -?’

‘Ben told me, thanks for the most awkward conversation of my life by the way.’

‘Oh grow up, you pussy.’

Pete snorted and Gwen squealed when he pinched her sides. She squirmed in his lap as his fingers attacked her, but said nothing as Pete looked deep in thought.

‘Too many of my countermeasures are reliant on my personal input.’

Gwen felt a thrill of excitement shoot through her body - not at the accurate assessment of his faults, but rather because him accepting them meant she was closer to actually getting fucked again. When she nodded in encouragement, he continued with a sigh.

‘I need to start bringing more people in to carry some of the weight,’ he admitted, running his hand through his hair. Gwen noted that it had gotten rather long, his moping getting him to neglect his usual trip to the barbers. While she wouldn’t like his hair too long, Gwen rather liked how his wavy tresses fell over his face, it looked pretty fucking hot. ‘I can’t be everywhere, all the time.’

‘Unfortunately true.’

His cute grin had her starved pussy gushing and he groaned when she started to grind it into his straining erection.

‘Next time I shove my head so far up my own ass, you have my permission to call me out on my bullshit,’ he whispered, burying his face in the crook of her neck. ‘I'm sorry.’

Gwen purred and started kissing her boyfriend's neck. ‘You should be sorry,’ she pouted, earning a yelp from Pete when she nipped painfully at the skin on his neck, leaving her mark. ‘I haven't gone this long without getting fucked since I lost my virginity.’

Pete's chuckle was muffled by the material of her suit as he squeezed her tight. ‘I’m such a garbage boyfriend - how could I do something so terrible to my little Spider-Slut?’

Their petting became increasingly more hot and heavy, with Pete squeezing her ass so hard it felt like he was trying to tear off chunks to keep as a souvenir.

‘I saw Gabriel in the gym earlier,’ she confessed with a needy whine, her face nuzzling his sweaty neck. ‘You have no idea how close I came to fucking him right there on the weight bench, in front of everyone…’

Gwen squealed and laughed as Pete growled, powering himself into a standing position with her body still moulded against his chest and pinning her against the wall, his lips attacking every bit of exposed skin.

When he finally pulled back to catch his breath, they were both panting and staring deep into each other's eyes.

‘You're too good to me.’

We've come so far from where we used to be…

‘And you're going to make it up to me. Tonight.’

His impish grin and merrily twinkling eyes made her want to devour him. 

He's so fucking hot.

‘Whatever you want…Mistress.’

She felt a pulse of pleasure shoot through her entire body at the whispered title, the sincerity with which it was delivered driving her absolutely wild.

Groaning with animalistic lust, she exhibited a heroic amount of will by pulling back and shoving her nerdy, sexy boyfriend away.

‘You stink of sweat, go and take a nice, long shower in the guest bedroom while I get ready.’ She hadn't even finished delivering her orders before she started to send messages with some mental commands.

Grinning cheekily, he backed away and bowed his head.

‘Of course, my mistress.

Cheeky fuck.

Before he could slip away however, she called after him in an airy tone.

‘Oh, and babe?’ She grinned when he turned to her expectantly. ‘Make sure you get the anal douche, yeah?’

Her smile turned positively predatory when he froze then blushed, his excited shudder not going unnoticed by his absolutely salivating girlfriend.


Pete was struggling to control his excited breathing as Gwen secured him to the bed.

It had been easy enough to ignore his urges by just throwing himself into his work, making himself too busy to even think about his dick. There had just always been something to do - his work on the Hospitals, his work in Africa, his sessions with Jean Grey, converting Wolverine’s skeleton to vibranium, his research with the Space Stone…

He had buried his head in the sand and tried his very best to childishly ignore a source of recent pain for him, his libido.

And now, his body was making him regret his decision, shaking like a virgin as Gwen strung him up a porchetta. He was completely naked and on his knees on their bed facing their headboard, his wrists bound behind his back while his upper body was comfortably supported and suspended with Gwen’s webs.

‘How are you feeling?’ Gwen teased, her lips pressed into his ear and her equally naked body moulded to his. ‘Comfortable?’

Pete tried to turn and spy his girlfriend’s glorious naked body, but it was awkward and difficult in his position, and his girlfriend didn’t help but constantly dancing out of sight.

‘H-horny,’ he finally answered, his voice quavering embarrassingly. ‘I’m pretty sure I’m gonna cum the second you touch me. I, uh, wasn’t expecting an audience.’

Pete groaned when Gwen gently slapped his hanging balls and giggled.

‘Jane’s been desperate to thank you properly for rescuing her. Again. I thought I was supposed to be the hero here, Stud?’ Both Gwen and Jane giggled, no doubt very much enjoying his bound and helpless form, his cock hard as steel and pointing straight down while his ass glowed red, his girlfriend peppering it with harsh slaps. ‘I promised I’d invite her over when you finally stopped moping.’

‘You don’t mind, do you, Peter?’

Pete’s entire body shuddered when he felt nails definitely not belonging to his girlfriend trailing up his hamstring before rubbing and tracing circles over his tingling ass, drawing perilously close to his hanging balls. Gwen always kept her nails short, so it wasn’t hard to tell who the hand belonged to. Gwen quickly dispelled all doubt by once again spanking his other cheek.

They both giggled again when he just groaned with lust, the sound deep, guttural and coming straight from his very soul.

That was nothing compared to the sound he made when one of them grabbed his dick. With languid, downward strokes - he assumed from Gwen given the familiarity of the touch - she started to milk him like he was a cow. He felt vulnerable in this position, especially as he considered the view Jane had, his friend, colleague and sometimes lover he still very much respected as a scientist. As if sensing his thoughts, he felt the woman plaster herself to his side, her heavy breasts and long hair resting on and tickling his back.

‘You have such a pretty ass Peter,’ she whispered sultrily in his ear, her warm breath and the feeling of a second hand palming his balls and gently playing with them making him freeze in shock. ‘Are you gonna cum for us, honey?’

Oh Jesus Christ the way she says that makes her sound like May…!

Gwen’s cackle let him know she’d had a similar thought, and her strokes became a lot less languid.

‘You’re gonna cum so much tonight, Stud,’ Gwen purred, resting her forearm on his ass as if she were leaning up against a bar, her hand moving along his slick shaft like a blur. ‘By the time we’re done, your balls will look like raisins.’

Again, they both giggled. Ironically, what did him in however was when the giggling stopped, only to be replaced with the sound of smacking lips and heavy panting.

They’re kissing!

Pete desperately looked for any reflective surface so he could watch his girlfriend and not-so-secret crush making out, but he had no luck. He’d have mentally called up his camera feed and watched that way, but Gwen had thought ahead, instructing Madam Web to bar him all access to the security feeds unless there was an emergency.

Still, as his ears were filled with the sound of muffled moans and smacking lips, one of the girls milking his cock while while the other played with his balls, he groaned, feeling his orgasm coming fast.

‘He’s cumming!’ Jane announced playfully, his balls letting her know before the rest of his body could.

He felt one of them - he assumed Gwen - grab the tip of his cock like a firehose as he gasped and let out a long, loud, relief-fueled groan, pleasure exploding in his shaft. Pete couldn’t remember the last time he’d even rubbed one out, and his body let him know how pleased it was with finally obtaining release as stars burst behind his eyes and jet after jet of ejaculate spewed from his cock, each shot sending another spike of pleasure through him to combine with the whole body tingling and weakness.

‘Mm, that’s it baby,’ he heard Gwen purr as she slowly tugged on his cock, his body still shaking in orgasm. ‘Cum for us you dirty boy.’

With a final gasp, Pete sagged against his web restraints feeling as if his very soul had been drained out of his cock. He honestly couldn’t remember a time he’d cum so hard, the prolonged, self-imposed abstinence clearly turbo-charging his release.

He snapped out of his daze when Gwen appeared at his side, a naughty smile on her face. Inhaling sharply, he beheld her beautiful, naked body, cursing himself for going so long without putting his hands on her. Her cheeky look was both sexy and adorable, her pierced, pebbled nipples desperate for his tongue while her shredded body called to him like a siren. Her grin widened when she noticed the admiration in his eyes, and it was then he noticed she was hiding something behind her back.

‘Oh, you wanna know what I’m hiding, Stud?’ she teased as she lay on the bed next to him on her side, facing him. She looked like a model on the cover of a sports mag, one hand supporting her head, and the other disappearing behind her curvy hip. Pete bit his lip and muffled his groan, desperate to touch her, to kiss her. He wanted to lick every line of her sexy muscles and trace the lines of her abs with his tongue…

Holy fuck I can’t believe I was this horny. It’s like I’ve opened up the floodgates all at once…

When Gwen revealed what she was hiding behind her back, he was both shocked and instantly a little queasy. Both Gwen and Jane giggled at what must have been a stupefied expression on his face when she revealed a feeding bowl halfway filled with his cum.

‘You skipped on your boyfriend duties for months, Stud,’ Gwen purred, grinning sexily up at him. ‘My poor pussy was crying every day, desperate for its favourite dick, but you cruelly kept it away…’

Pete felt the queasiness in his gut intensify as Gwen pulled over a few pillows and sat the bowl atop them, well within reach of his mouth. His cum was thick and viscous, jiggling around as Gwen repositioned the bowl and made sure it wouldn’t spill.

Holy shit…I really came that much…?

Giggling at the look on his face, Gwen leaned in, her lips pressed against his ear. His body tingled and shuddered as Gwen’s warm breath tickled his ear and she started to whisper in a sensual, domineering voice.

‘If you want to get your dick wet…if you want to finally fuck Jane, that bowl needs to be spotless,’ she purred and Pete felt his dick harden into a steel pole, both because of Gwen’s sinful promise, and because he felt the woman in question put her palms on his ass cheeks and spread. He bit his bottom lip and whimpered when he felt Jane’s hot breath so, so close to his ass.

He sucked in a startled breath when he felt a warm, wet - so very wet - tongue playing with his hole. Then, when it forced its way inside him, he groaned, burying his face in the pillows in front of him to muffle the embarrassing sound. Had Gwen not secured the bowl of his cum with her webs, he didn’t doubt he’d have just spilled its contents and lost his chance to finally fuck his colleague.

Biting her lip and smiling wide, Gwen leaned back down and continued to whisper in his ear, the sensations at either end of his body driving him wild. 

‘While you decide how much you want to fuck us tonight, we’re gonna fuck you.’

It was hard to concentrate. The feeling of Jane’s tongue wiggling around in his ass was indescribable, but that was nothing compared to the thought of her doing it in the first place. Jane Foster was so beautiful, smart, elegant - she was a pillar of the scientific community…

And here she was, likely naked, beautiful and with her tongue in his ass.

‘Take your time,’ Gwen said with a giggle and a pat on his back. ‘We’ll amuse ourselves.’

And they did.

Pete didn’t even think about the cum bowl inches from him for several minutes, instead focusing on the feelings both women were drawing out of him - he tried not to think about the embarrassing sounds he must be making. Jane’s tongue mostly stayed in his ass, only coming out to kiss his girlfriend before she returned to her duty with a giggle. Gwen, no doubt kneeling side by side with the beautiful doctor, was focusing on his hanging balls, sucking one, then the other into her mouth.

As embarrassing as the whole situation was, it was also undeniably hot, the feeling of Jane’s tongue inside him causing his belly to do flip-flops and his cock to throb with desire. It was only when he came once more - this time no doubt just soiling the sheets - that he remembered the bowl inches from his face.

I want to fuck them both…so much…

He was about to screw his eyes shut and start lapping at the gross discharge, but paused when Jane finally pulled her tongue out of his ass and the girls started talking.

‘I…thought they were supposed to have straps,’ the doctor said in confusion. ‘It’s kind of in the name…’

Gwen laughed. ‘That’s old school, this way the pleasure goes both ways. Here, let me show you.’

He had no idea what they were talking about, still unable to see what was going on behind him, but he could hazard a guess. The talk of straps and Gwen’s promise earlier of them fucking him made it kind of obvious.

There was a brief silence as Gwen did something that drew a sexy whimper from her, and a gasp from Jane.

‘And it just stays in there like that?’

Gwen chuckled. ‘Not only that, it expands once inside making it harder to slip out while also pressing up against your g-spot. You’ll see when you have a turn next.’

There was a brief pause before Jane responded sensually. ‘I can’t wait…’

If there was any doubt as to what was going on, that was all instantly dispelled when he felt one of the women apply a healthy amount of lube in and around his puckering asshole before a thick, blunt object pressed against it. Pete sucked in a sharp breath; even before their sexual hiatus, it had been a hot minute since Gwen had pegged him.

Just like riding a bike…

Steeling himself, he let out a long, steady breath, his body and muscles slowly relaxing as Gwen pressed forward, one of her hands rubbing soothing circles on his lower back as she did so. It took a moment, but as she cleared his now relaxed ring of muscle and pushed deeper and deeper, Pete quickly realised this was the biggest strap-on she’d ever pegged him with.

It was also…unnaturally warm. She gave several deep thrusts, pulling out torturously slowly each time before Gwen expertly navigated the phallus and had it bump right up against his rectal wall a few inches in and press against his prostate.

Pete cursed, moaning as he buried his head in the pillow to muffle the embarrassing sounds. What was different from the last time his girlfriend had pegged him was her sensual moans combining with his - whatever toy she was using was giving her an equal amount of pleasure as she slowly fucked him.

‘Such a good little anal slut,’ Gwen purred, one hand alternating rubbing and spanking his firm ass while the other rubbed soothing circles on his back.

As if to remind him she was there, Jane reached beneath him and started to gently tug at his currently spent cock. It was still soft after his two recent orgasms, but Gwen’s thrusting and Jane’s sexy giggle as she played with his shrivelled member quickly worked to re-energise him.

It also reminded him of the task Gwen had given him, his eyes opening and staring at the inoffensive bowl sitting innocently on the pillow in front of him, its contents not so inoffensive or innocent.

Suck it up Parker, you did this to yourself.

Screwing his eyes shut, he buried his face in his own cum and started to swallow mouthfuls. Unfortunately, it wasn’t as quick and easy as he’d like, the viscosity making it hard to ingest, but he was honestly in no rush.

Gwen knew what she was doing…

In no time at all, under Gwen’s expert ministrations, Jane’s gentle tugging and the sheer eroticism of the situation, Pete was achingly hard and ready to cum again. Before he did though, Pete froze as he felt Jane sidle up next to him, close enough that he could turn his head and finally see her.

She was gorgeous, her long brunette hair streaked with highlights done up in a messy bun and her cheeks flushed red, her blue eyes smouldering with desire. Like Gwen, she was completely naked and he couldn’t help staring down at her heavy, swaying tits with raw want - his look must have paled in comparison to her own when she noticed he was steadily working his way through the bowl of semen.

‘Mm, naughty boy,’ she purred, rubbing her body against his side and suckling on his neck. He whimpered at the contact, gasping when Gwen spanked him once more. ‘Do you really want to fuck me that badly Peter? You’d eat a whole bowl of your own cum…?

Her sensual voice was teasing, her beautiful eyes twinkling with merriment and lust.

In the past he might have blushed and stuttered like a virgin, but he wasn’t that man anymore. Gwen had trained him to be a man that was honest about what he wanted…and to be confident enough to take it.

Fuck it.

‘I’d eat a hundred of these bowls,’ he promised, his eyes hopefully conveying the sincerity of his words and desire. Jane reeled back, her eyes wide with surprise and her cheeks flushing adorably while Gwen cackled in glee, her approval apparent.

‘Yes!’ his girlfriend cheered, leaning down to place a tender, loving kiss on the back of his neck. ‘That was smooth, Stud. Look at her!’

And he did. Jane was speechless, her cheeks flushed with both embarrassment and desire. The beautiful, older woman turned to Gwen and bit her lip, flushing deeper. ‘Do you, um, mind if I have a turn?’

Gwen definitely did not mind. Pete and Gwen both groaned as she pulled the thick, warm, rubber phallus out of his gaping ass and Jane once again scurried out of his line of sight.

Pete barely had enough time to regret not being able to stare at her heavy breasts anymore when he heard Jane let out a shuddering moan.

‘Awesome, right?’

‘It’s…wow, they’ve come a long way with sex toys…’

Both women giggled then Gwen started to coach Jane on how to best peg him. It was a bit embarrassing hearing Gwen describe how best he liked to be fucked in the ass, but Pete just screwed his eyes shut and went back to the bowl, only pausing when Jane slipped inside him and ripping a pleasured moan from both of them.

He was almost finished with his slimy meal when Gwen appeared from his other side, an arm wrapped around his shoulder and her lips once more pressed against his ear.

‘That’s a good slut,’ she sensually whispered, causing his entire body to tingle with delight. ‘Almost finished, huh? You must really wanna fuck Jane.’

He was grunting and moaning along with Jane at each of her thrusts, but he turned to Gwen with a frown when her words penetrated the fog his mind was in.

Before he could speak, she shushed him. ‘Don’t deny it,’ she whispered. Gwen had her arms wrapped around his neck in a hug, but she was looking at his rear, at Jane. ‘If you could just see the way those big tiddies are flopping around as she fucks you… mm mm mm.’

‘By breasts do not flop!’ Jane countered petulantly and Gwen cackled.

Gwen laughed, leaning against his back once again as if it were a bar bench and watching the show with delight. ‘They flop so well,’ she teased. ‘They’re so big and sexy, mm, sorry babe, talk to you later, I need to play with those milkers!’

Jane’s moans intensified and Pete was so lost in the sounds they were making, it took him a hot minute to realise he was licking at raw plastic. 

The bowl was finally empty.

With a relieved groan, Pete’s body lost all strength and he collapsed against his bindings, relishing in the feeling of Jane pegging him and the erotic sounds they were making as the women both played with each other too.

He felt a prostate orgasm rapidly approaching, his entire body heating up as if he’d just slipped into their jacuzzi. When it came, it wasn’t like his other orgasms, it was more gentle, his entire body shaking and tingling with pleasure as his cum dribbled out of his shaft and onto the bed.

While he’d reached orgasm though, it sounded like the girls weren’t done playing. Unable to see in his bound state, Jane’s moans provided an erotic symphony, the smacking of lips his only clue as to what was going on. She kept up her thrusting, her moans, while muffled by his girlfriend’s mouth, growing more urgent as her own orgasm drew near.

Pete tried to imagine the scene behind him, how sexy his girlfriend and Jane must look. A part of him couldn’t wait for the night to be over so both he and Gwen could watch the footage together, but a larger part of him didn’t want it to end.

I’m such a fucking idiot. I put THIS aside for months?! Gwen’s too good to me.

He felt a surge of love for his girlfriend in that moment, memories of the dirty look she’d given him when he’d suggested she take a lover to satisfy her urges, fresh in his mind.

I’ll make it up to you, I promise.

He was torn from his thoughts when his ears were greeted to a beautiful sound he was unaccustomed to.

Jane’s orgasmic cries.

He wished he could see the look on her face, but he was still bound like a turkey and unable to move.

You could use the Space Stone…

He mentally gave himself a backhand. The cosmic artefact was his secret weapon, emphasis on secret. While he trusted Jane with his life, Loki had proven that trust wasn’t the only thing he had to consider…

Shaking his head and clearing it of foolish, coomer thoughts, he waited patiently for Gwen to realise he’d been a… good boy.

When she finally sidled up beside him and peered into the empty bowl, Gwen purred with delight. ‘Good - as fun as this is, I’ve gone two months without feeling a dick in me.’

Pete yelped when Gwen yanked at his bindings, tearing them free and flipping him over. His freedom was short-lived however as Gwen quickly re-bound his wrists, firing webs and attaching them to the wall either side of the bed so his arms were forcefully spread wide.

While Gwen satisfied her obvious bondage kink, Pete stared at the naked and panting Jane with desire. She was leaning back on her elbows, her head tilted so far back she could be staring out the window and her legs spread wide, the strap-on they’d used to fuck him no longer in her pussy and laying in a glistening heap by her beautiful, puckered lips.

Half of the toy looked like a regular, eight-inch dildo but the based shifted into a strange, hooked shape Pete didn’t doubt was how they’d been able to keep the device secure inside them while they fucked him.

Ignoring the unimportant toy, Pete didn’t resist as Gwen eased his legs back and pressed them against his chest, almost folding him in half as she bound his ankles to the headboard, forcing him to keep this vulnerable position.

Pete tore his eyes away from Jane’s beautiful, sweaty, flushed body and her heavy, hanging breasts to stare up at his grinning girlfriend.


Naturally, as beautiful as Jane was, in all her flush and freshly-fucked glory, she paled in comparison to Gwen. Her body was also glistening with sweat, the ambient light in the room shining off her glistening skin and highlighting her incredible body. He tried to stare into her eyes, but her pebbled nipple was finally within reach, and he darted his lips forward to capture it between his teeth.

Gwen chuckled sensually, cupping the back of his head as he feasted, his tongue swirling around the pierced nub.

‘I’ll take that as a yes…’

Reluctantly, he pulled off her tit and grinned. ‘I’m as comfortable as any pretzel has any right to be.’

For his cheek, Gwen lightly slapped his balls, spiking an instant, nauseous feeling in his gut as he groaned in discomfort.

Both women giggled at his plight, but Pete didn’t have enough time to feel sorry for himself as his girlfriend mounted him, sitting on his hamstrings with his hard cock rested against her mons.

‘I’ve missed this so much,’ Gwen purred. Pete stared up at her with awe as she undulated and ground against him to a beat she could only hear in her mind. Watching her shredded body sway and her muscles flex, he couldn’t believe how lucky, and  stupid he was for neglecting this vision of perfection. ‘Mm, I love the way you look at me, even after all these years, after all the women we’ve been with…’

Pete locked eyes with his grinning girlfriend as she stared down from her dominant position while biting her lip sensually.

‘Can’t help it,’ he admitted, his gaze never wavering. ‘You’re even more beautiful than the day I fell in love with you.’

He wanted to say his words were like a spark that ignited her libido, but that would be inaccurate and inadequate given their current situation - they were more like throwing a can of gas on an already blazing inferno. Gwen didn’t reply, but her eyes darkened with lust and her grinding intensified, her teeth nibbling at her lower lip as she whined under her breath.

‘I’m sorry.’

He didn’t need to elaborate further, they both knew what he meant. With a sultry laugh, Jane appeared by Gwen’s side and smiled sexily down at him, one arm wrapped around Gwen’s shoulder as they rested their heads against each other.

‘That might be the smoothest thing this Casanova has said all night.’

Gwen huffed out a laugh, her smile widening. ‘Right?’

Before Pete could say anything more, Gwen raised herself up and they both groaned with relief and pleasure when she mounted him in the amazon position, sinking all the way down to his hilt.

As much as he wanted to screw his eyes shut and bask in the pure pleasure, he refused to look away from his incredible, powerful, goddess of a girlfriend staring down at him with love and desire, her hips swivelling as she swirled his cock inside her instead of bouncing.

He noticed Jane quietly slip away in his periphery, but his eyes were locked with Gwen’s. ‘Untie my hands,’ he begged around a groan as Gwen continued to moan and grind on him.

She thought about it for a second before shrugging and tearing him free. He wondered what she’d been thinking he’d do with his newfound freedom. Play with her tits? Her clit? Run his fingers along the lines of her flexing and undulating muscles?

While all tempting options, none of them were what he wanted to do. Instead, grabbed Gwen’s hands and interlaced his fingers with her own, holding them tight as she fucked him in her domineering position.

It was absurd that something so simple as holding hands could feel so intimate, especially given the circumstances, but it was true and Gwen’s smile was gentle and loving in return. That smile quickly turned naughty after her eyes widened and she started in surprise.

‘Oooh, you’re in for a treat, Stud.’

Before he could ask what she meant, Pete groaned as he felt a familiar, naughty, wet tongue licking his considerably less heavy balls.

‘Oooh fuuuuck,’ Pete groaned, the combined feeling of his girlfriend’s flexing pussy over his aching cock and Jane playing with his balls utterly heavenly. ‘Is she playing with you too?’

Biting her lip sexily, Gwen nodded with heavily lidded eyes. ‘Fingering my ass. Can’t believe we, mm, waited so long to invite this naughty little slut into our bed…’

‘My fault,’ Pete said apologetically with a weak chuckle. ‘I thought, hah, she was too refined and elegant to be such a filthy little slut.’

He felt the tongue on his balls briefly pause before it resumed its naughty ministrations. Gwen flung her head back and let out a husky cackle, her bouncing becoming even more urgent as she raced to orgasm.

Gwen leaned forward, her teeth bared as she fucked him harder and harder, their face inches apart. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t have let go of her hands, Gwen’s grip like iron. The way she was squeezing him with her pussy, and Jane’s naughty tongue made it a Herculean effort to not cum, but he held firm.

They had a long night ahead of them, and Pete had a lot of wasted time to make up for.

When Gwen came, she did so with a triumphant scream, her grip finally loosening as she collapsed bonelessly against his legs. He let go of her hands and wrapped his arms around her as she shuddered against him.

After regaining her senses, Gwen smiled lovingly at him and they kissed, their passion for one another overloading as he groaned into her mouth. Jane hadn’t stopped her naughty playing and was now cleaning his shaft of Gwen’s juices as he kissed his girlfriend.

Pulling away, Gwen smirked down at him and kissed his nose. ‘What’s she doing?’

‘Sucking my dick,’ he wheezed, clenching his jaw and forcing himself to control his orgasm.

With a giggle, she pecked him on the lips one last time before slipping away.

‘Don’t waste it,’ Gwen admonished, circling her arms around Jane’s waist and pulling her away from his dick. She pouted and Gwen laughed, her face buried in the older woman’s neck. ‘I didn’t call you here tonight so you could get away without fucking Pete again, you naughty little slut.’

Jane moaned and leaned back into Gwen’s embrace as his girlfriend played with the older woman’s huge tits. She squeezed them in the palm of her hand, playing with them like a stress ball.

She shot him a cheeky wink from behind Jane and Pete had never felt more jealous in his entire life, even when he watched another dude fuck his girlfriend.

Jane froze in shock at Gwen’s words, her eyes widening as she stared at Pete’s bound form and bit her lip sexily. It was hard for Pete to look suave and sexy in his position, but he tried his damndest, desperate to finally fuck the woman he’d been crushing on for years.

With one final encouraging nod from Gwen, Jane crawled towards him and Pete felt a thrill of excitement shoot through him. He’d been with other women before - Riri, Cindy, Sue, MJ, Gloria… each one of them had been a pretty incredible experience, but he hadn’t wanted any of them like he’d wanted Jane.

When the older woman took up a similar position to his girlfriend, sitting on his hamstrings and staring down at him as she bit her lip sexily, his desire for her only grew. In his mind, he tried to mesh the image he had of Jane as a world-renowned scientist and respected colleague with the gorgeous, naked, sexual creature perched above him. 

‘Do you want to fuck me, Peter?’

He didn’t know where to look. His gaze flittered between her gorgeous pussy, her prodigious, heavy hanging tits, her beautiful smile and her smouldering eyes. He settled for the latter and nodded with conviction.

‘Yeah?’ she asked, her voice sultry and driving him wild. Jane palmed his shaft and held it against her pussy, grinding her glistening lips against it and she gyrated like Gwen had, her breasts swaying enticingly.

Remembering his hands were no longer bound, Jane laughed as he reached up and palmed them, squeezing and playing with them like Gwen had earlier. Speaking of, his girlfriend's face appeared over Jane’s shoulder like the Cheshire cat, her hands joining his own in playing with her tits as the older woman hummed in approval.

‘I never thanked you for saving me from Loki,’ Jane murmured, her eyes glistening as she furiously rubbed the tears away. ‘Let me remedy that…’

Pete sucked in an excited breath as Jean rose up on her toes, angled his cock until it was pointing directly at her opening, and sank down in one fluid motion. She wasn’t as deep as Gwen, and he found himself pressing much more firmly against her cervix in this position than he would with his girlfriend, but rather than squeal in pain, Jane groaned with animalistic lust, apparently appreciating the deep pressure.

Pete turned and locked wide eyes with his girlfriend, her grin so wide it was almost blinding. With her chin resting on Jane’s shoulder, she mouthed that she loved him before starting to nibble on and kiss the side of their lover’s neck.

‘Yes,’ Jane hissed, her hands hugging Pete’s legs for balance as she bounced on and fucked him. She wasn’t as tight as Gwen, or had as much control of her kegel muscles, but Pete adored every second he was inside his crush. ‘You feel so good Peter, mm, both of you, just like that, play with mommy’s titties.’

Holy fucking shit!’


Jane laughed breathlessly, almost hysterically at the joined, instant reaction to her dirty talk - Gwen’s verbally, and Pete with the orgasm he’d been so desperately trying to hold back.

It was no use though. What she’d said…it was so hot, so wrong… so sexy, he couldn’t hold back the tide even if he tried.

He pulled Jane’s heavily hanging tits to his mouth to muffle his scream, suckling on her nipples as his body convulsed and he unloaded jet after jet of cum into the gorgeous, still laughing, vision of beauty above him.

Mm, fill me up Peter,’ she purred, spurring him on. ‘Such a naughty boy, there’s no milk there silly, but you’re giving mommy all the milk she needs, yesss.’

This can’t be real life, this is like every dirty fantasy I’ve ever had with her come to life…

Over her shock, Gwen was laughing hysterically at the look on his face while also molesting the sexily grinning Jane with her roving hands and greedy lips.

When his orgasm had subsided, Jane hadn’t dismounted. She was still grinding against him, her lips curled in a self-satisfied smirk.

‘I hope that’s not all you’ve got Peter,’ she teased, her eyes twinkling with mirth. She was clearly enjoying the role-play immensely. ‘You wouldn’t want to disappoint mommy would you?’

One of the benefits of medical nanites he had full control over was Pete had access to his body on a level that nobody had ever imagined possible. Knowing he’d be paying for it in the morning, and absolutely not giving a single fuck about that unfortunate fact, he made sure that blood would continue pumping to and keep his cock hard for as long as he needed it to.

He wouldn’t want to disappoint his mommy, after all.

Several hours later, Gwen’s webs finally dissolved and he was released from his bondage. Both women had collapsed either side of him and were panting, their womanhoods leaking rivers of his cum. Both Jane and Gwen had taken turns riding him, the kinky mommy play continuing throughout, much to both his and Gwen’s joy.

‘How is he still -’ she paused, sucking in a great lungful of air, ‘- hard?’

‘He’s cheating,’ Gwen groaned, her forearm covering her eyes as she lay on her back on his other side. ‘Probably doing some bullshit with his nanites.’

Pete grinned smugly as he rose into a kneeling position, stretching out the kinks in his back and hamstrings.

Jane huffed out a tired laugh. ‘Who are you to complain about cheating miss superhero?’ Gwen just gave her the finger and Jane turned her cheeky smile on him. Pete gaze was switching between two of the most beautiful women in the world like a starving man eyeing two equally delectable meals.

His dick was sore, but his libido wasn’t sated.

Choosing the woman that would always be number one in his heart and mind, Pete wrapped Gwen’s powerful legs around his waist and sank back into her soiled and sloppy pussy with relish.

Gwen arched her back and groaned, half in pain and half in ecstasy as Pete, for the first time that night, was the one to do the fucking.

Jane was biting her lip and resting against a mountain of pillows as she watched. His beautiful colleague and Gwen both looked like they’d just finished a marathon, their bodies slick with sweat and flush with their exertions.

If he was in a right state of mind, Pete might have just pulled both of their bodies against him and passed out in a sexually satisfied coma.

He was still horny though, and he’d made Gwen go two months without sex.


‘Don’t get too comfortable,’ Pete warned, his fists planted either side of his girlfriend's head as he piledrove into her, but his eyes locked with Jane’s. ‘You’re next.’

Jane sucked in a shuddering breath, her exhausted eyes widening before she relaxed and readied herself.

‘Don’t keep mommy waiting too long, sweetheart.’

Jane let out a tired laugh as Gwen’s moans spiked and Pete let out an animalistic roar.

He had a lot of time to make up for. 



It seems like you completely forgot about Gwen's video library with her previous lovers. Could you do a chapter of Peter reacting to Gwen's video with Jamal (The guy from chapter 6)?


I've answered this question for you several times before, if I see it again I'm blocking you.