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v5, Chapter 41
Anesia’s Revenge (3)
A week before their exile.
Good news came to me.

The announcement of Lady Oriana and Lord Diaz getting together.
Initially, Lord Diaz seemed troubled, but Lady Oriana kept pushing and pushing, resulting in this.

I thought it was impressive.
The Monhun territory has already expanded, and Lord Diaz's reputation for not sparing assistance to poor countries in charitable activities was unwavering.

After the engagement ceremony of the two, I headed towards my final revenge.

"Here it is."

"Thank you."

I headed to the designated place by carriage, with only Kim as the guard and the Madam.
Ordinary Knights might end up killing her, after all.

Shouts could be heard from the workshop.

"Cut it out already.”

"You've been dragging me down and harassing me since earlier!"

"Who do you think you are talking to me like that!"

Oh, they're at it again.
Not just mentally disturbed, but operating as usual.

It's really refreshing to see how much they mess up.

But looking at their faces, it's clear they were quite distressed.
Do they not notice me, or are they hiding behind the hat?

"Are you really planning to go?"

"Yes... Once you leave the Capital, you won't be able to meet again, right?"

Keeping a distance from Kim, I say...

"You are as usual."

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Hey… aren’t you a noble?"

"And that person..."

Other prisoners seemed to have noticed me.
Well, I've become somewhat famous in the Capital, and anyone reading the newspapers would recognize my attire.

"Even in prison, there are ways to gather information. You really knew nothing? Well, maybe you couldn't read properly? A truly foolish woman. It's a waste for such a woman to even smell the food."

Oh my, the words got a bit rough.

But, in front of this woman, my words always become rough.

"How insolent..."

"Watch your words!"


The Madam grabbed Dania's head and rubbed her face against the ground.

"This person is Lady Anesia Polet! She came for an inspection today!"


"Don't address her so casually!"

She really is a woman with no learning ability.
Well, thanks to her, I can enjoy myself.

Because if she's rude to me, I will return double back to her.
Besides, I didn’t intend to hide my face with a hat and lie about my name.

Now, I plan to push her further by putting on a little act.

"I'm glad to see you well."

Now, Dania, I'll show you the real hell.


v5, Chapter 42
Anesia’s Revenge (4)
With the surveillance eyes and cameras installed, I can't do anything extreme.

But I don't have to.
The trial is already over, and if I can make the prisoner's crimes heavier, it's now or never.

Before going to the northernmost border, I'll make their sins heavier.
Marie is kindhearted, so she would feel guilty, and Henry is the same.

I'm wicked to the core.
I don't care if they call me a villain.

"I'm really relieved to see you well. If you fall ill..."


"You must properly atone for your sins. You won't go to heaven without atoning for them while alive."


They should have realized the hidden meaning behind her words.
I won't allow an easy life. They must suffer and live a miserable life.

But the onlookers had a different view.

"How kind she is."

"As expected of the Great Mother."

Other prisoners were taking my words at face value.
Madam, the supervisor, has brought treats for the prisoners before, so they easily believed her.


"I hope those who want to redo their lives will reflect and try again while still alive. Even paper can be recycled, you know."

"How very noble."

It wasn't hard to imagine what expression she had, even with her face down.

"... Don't mess around."

"I sincerely hope you also reflect on your actions and are reborn."

Shaking her shoulders, I deliver a nerve-racking message.

"I came for a final farewell, since I won't be able to send letters from the northernmost border. I have some wonderful news to share with you."

I show her the envelope.

"Recently, Marquis Manhun has decided to remarry."


"You must have been curious for a long time, right? So, I thought I should inform you."

Madam patted Dania, who hesitated to take the envelope, on the shoulder.

"Come on, take it. It can't be helped, I guess I will… oh my."

"Wait, I know this person."

"Isn't this Lady Oriana!"

"I'm sure it's Lady Oriana!"

It seems there was a prisoner of noble origin among them.
Of course, some recognized Lady Oriana's face.

"Lady Oriana?"

"Yes, I know her too."

Since both were remarrying, they had a small wedding.

A perfect photo was taken.

"Lord Diaz and Lady Oriana have remarried. They look great together."


"Now, you can rest assured. That person can be happy now, too."

She was dumbfounded, and in the end, I whispered something to her.

With this, my revenge is over now.
But not for Dania.


She had gone berserk and attacked me.

"Lady Anesia, please step back!"

Kim protected me immediately, preventing any harm.

"I will kill you! I will take you down with meee!"

In her final frenzy, she repeated that she would kill me many times.
The other supervisors rushed in and held her down, and my final harassment came to an end.

I never saw Dania again after that.


v5, Chapter 43
Horrific Consequences
Two weeks later, additional punishment was added to Dania, who was supposed to be sent to the northernmost border.
The land in the north is the harshest in the country.

Usually, even the most wicked individuals get consideration to some extent, but those with mental illness or drug addicted individuals are confined to the white tower in the northernmost border.

Working for a lifetime, cramped in a tower without windows, even during labor.
There is one window with a glass wall through which they can see the scenery, but escaping is impossible.

Even if they manage to escape the tower.

"The surrounding area is covered with high-voltage wires, so there's no way to escape."

"You intentionally caused trouble, didn't you?"

"Yes, I made her mental state abnormal, induced with drugs. Yeah, I secretly added drugs to her meals.”

It's brutal.
What a cruelty.

I didn't want to look.

"I'll let everything up to this point go. Isn't that kind of me?"

"I won't say anything anymore."

I still can't forgive that woman.
But always looking back won't bring happiness.

Above all, the past can't be undone.

"I still regret it. I can't forgive even a few short years."


"But, now that we've eliminated scum like her for good."

Well, Dania won't be able to show her face in the human world anymore.
The only one left is that man who depended on a woman to live, but he probably doesn't have the same determination as Dania.

"Shepherd is..."

"Of course, he'll take care of livestock and construction work in the mountains of the northern territory throughout the year. It's an endless hell."

Shepherd, who can only parasitize on someone else without a life of his own, is not fit for labor.
He'll probably give up soon, but escaping is impossible.

"Now, everything is settled. I've shattered Dania's pride, but... I need to periodically send newspapers and prepare a decoy."

"A decoy?"

"Even if the mind is subdued, there may be moments when consciousness returns, right?"

To go this far.
I've genuinely become terrified of women as creatures.

Dania as well.
A creature of jealousy and relentless determination.

Thinking that Marie might become like my Mom in the future is terrifying.

"Excuse me."

"Oh? What's wrong, Marie?"

"I was thinking about new sweets... Did I interrupt?"

I noticed it was tea time.

"I think something sweet would be nice."

"As expected of my Marie."

I don't want her to become like my Mom.
I'll make sure to work hard, so she doesn’t become like her.

Mom became strong because Dad was unreliable.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100080233 


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