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Preparing to go to Catastie
After deciding to go to Catastie, I had Alizée arrange the route and accommodations for us on-site.
Since I plan to use the Lumite Grand Wing, we can't stay in regular inns; we need ones with dedicated parking for large magic vehicles.
Alizée mentioned that it would take about three days to make those arrangements, so we're getting ready to head to the destination.

We plan to stay in Catastie for a total of 5 nights and 6 days, a week in total.
While most of the first day will be spent traveling, the Lumite Grand Wing's speed is incredible.
It can cover a journey that would take a week by a regular carriage in less than a day.
Well, it doesn't exactly follow the road, but rather takes shortcuts through the grasslands and such.
On the last day, we'll stay in Catastie until evening and then return to the town.
We won't be able to reach Vardmoi on the same day, so we might camp on the way.

With the travel plans in place, the next step is to prepare what to bring.
Alizée suggested preparing bras, shorts, Spider Silk, and Mana Spider Silk as items to sell.
As for personal items, just a change of clothes and some portable food for emergencies should be sufficient, as I always keep these in my backpack.

I've asked the others to prepare for the departure as well, but Tanya and Jenna refused to go.
They want to stay in the town to keep the shop open even in my absence.
I wish they would come on the trip with us without worrying about the shop.

"Lady Lily, we are honored by your feelings, but we are the Marquis's subordinates..."

"We cannot leave the town without the Marquis's permission. Oh, and you cannot go ask for permission on our behalf. During your absence, we are responsible for guarding this shop."

It seems their decision is firm.
While they live with me, they are ultimately under orders from the Marquis and not my personal guards.
It's a bit sad.
However, everyone from the Wildcat Claws is accompanying us, serving both as guards and companions, so I won't feel lonely.
Additionally, Alizée will also be joining this trip.
She will act as a bridge between the Trade Guild there and provide tourist guidance.
Alizée is truly versatile.

With the preparations for the journey complete, including the arrangements for accommodations, we received a message the next day.
Finally, the day arrived to set off towards Catastie.
Alizée will be in charge of driving.
I wanted to try driving, but it seems it's not a good idea for the one being protected to be the driver.
So, I'll sit quietly in a protected position and enjoy the scenery outside.

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