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It was tough out there.
Lavita (temporary name) easily purified the impurities of the Evil God and further merged. A Super Vegetable-human trio, I see. Understandable.

While pondering over such trivial matters, I found myself enveloped in darkness.


It was Dirk. With acceleration magic and beast transformation, he seemed to have rushed here faster than anyone else. It's tough, but being pressed against the fluffy fur on his neck is pure bliss.

"Ojousama, are you alright!?"

I was quickly surrounded. Rabisha-chan, Milfi, Shushu-san... friends, magic beasts, spirits.

It seems I worried them. Please, I hope they won't cry. The guilt is overwhelming.

"Rosarin, you had it tough, huh?"


"... Really, it was reaaally tough..."

Alphage-sama was looking pale. What, is he angry?

"I was the first to notice something was wrong with Dirk."

"Rosarin, meat and potato stew."

"I want a tamagoyaki with dashi."

"I'll take a tonkatsu."

"... Understood."

Looking at the tattered Curtis, Adeil, and Hugh, I figured it out. I'm sorry for the trouble, everyone. I'll make it an all-you-can-eat buffet.

"Ru also went berserk."

"It can't be helped. If Dirk cries out in anguish for Rosarin, anyone would get anxious and try to help."


"I'll lecture you later."

"... Understood!"

"It was really tough, Rosarin... Ru’s reaction was inevitable, and it's understandable... "

"Ru-sama was worried as well, after all."

Cidar-kun, holding his head, glanced at Milfi with a stern look. It seems he was the one who stopped my brother. I'm sorry!!

"Milfi went berserk too, right?"

"... E-ehehe."

Cute, but Milfi too? And Cidar-kun was holding her back! I seriously respect you, Cidar-kun!!

"I apologize!"

I performed a perfect 90-degree bow. If by any chance Alphage-sama and Milfi had been touched by the Evil God and were being taken over, I wouldn't have been able to hold back the tears! Thank you, Cidar-kun!!

"Ojousama, you're truly loved, aren't you?"

"That's right. Rabisgha also lost her composure... Ow, that hurts."

"Don't say unnecessary things!!"

"Some Evil got smaller and crossed the barrier... But more than that, calming down the rampaging allies was the harder part."

"Yes, indeed..."

Alphage-sama, Aldin-sama, Jess, and Fizz, the hardworking team, looked exhausted.

"Family, My Angel, and friends, I'm truly, truly sorry!!"

It was already the only option to prostrate myself. Dirk, Rabisha-chan, Milfi, magic beasts, and spirits seemed to have gone on a rampage. I'm really sorry!!

"... Rosarin, where's Chita?"

Sui, seeming to sense something, approached with a dark expression.

"Oh, he merged with Lavi and became Lavita (temporary name)."

"(Temporary name) you say... and you named him without permission!"

"Hmm, that's fine. It's sad that Chita doesn't get called by his name. Let's go with that."

Lavita didn’t seem to mind. Sui has a subtle expression.

"... Sui, I remember the kindness you showed me and the emotions Rosarin gave me. Thank you for worrying. But, Lavi needed me, Chita, for her sake."

"... What do you mean?"

"Lavi received love... romantic love from Rinka. And from Judas, he gained friendship. While Chita received affection from Rosarin. So, by merging, their divine power increased even more. That's why we easily subdued the Evil God. Everyone's magic power was there, but the part gained from merging with Chita was significant."

"... I see. I don't really like you, but if Chita is within you, I can be a little friendly with you."

"......... Is that so? Thank you."

In the midst of such a calm conversation, I stabbed Lavita from behind with a sword.

"............ Huh?"

Lavita paled and slowly fell to the ground.

"Lavi-kun!? Lavita-kun!? Rosarin-chan... why!?"

I smiled at Rinka and slowly pulled the sword out of Lavita.

This sword was once created by the Salvation Saintess. It had been kept by Saintya.

Its name was "Godslayer." A sword created to kill Gods.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99965170 


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