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Fusion and hidden things.
Hello everyone. It's Rosarin who jumped into the Evil God. Only lonely Rosarin.

"How did we get lost?"

"It can't be helped. They must have unconsciously felt Lavi calling. He sensed their presence. Those two are special to him, after all... I think you understand that."

"... Understand what?"

No, I wasn't alone! Chita was there! Safe!! Relieved, I asked Chita.

"Maybe those two..."

Chita is cautious of the surroundings.

"We're surrounded."

Well, before that, I was practically inside the belly of the Evil God. I had no choice but to believe that Lavi will wake up, buy time, and wait for Rinka and Judas-sama.

I had taken the magic intoxication medicine beforehand, but I wonder how long it will last.

We continued fighting off zombie-like creatures endlessly. And as time passed without finding a solution. Finally, I was captured by the Evil God.


Chita tried to follow, but he too was surrounded by zombie-like creatures.

As I tried to cut the tentacles grabbing my arm, a voice echoed in my head.

(Because of you, my life is ruined.)

It was the voice of a young girl... a familiar partner whom I know well. Without missing the momentary opening, more tentacles entwined around me.


(Because of you, I might have died. I didn't expect to be burdened with such a difficult thing.)

That too, was the voice of a familiar woman. I sensed Rosalia's fear. This is bad.


As the tentacles coiled around, the voices became more intense. My head hurts, it's so loud!

I... Rin, don’t fear her own death. Rosalia is used to it. But......


Rin is afraid of Rosalia dying.

Rosalia is afraid of Rin dying.

They hit the nerve. This is bad. I'm being invaded.


Chita was calling... while thinking I have to respond...

My consciousness sank into darkness.

"Hey, Rosarin is in danger, so come to help already!!"

Faintly, I felt like I heard such a cry.





I still want to sleep. I don't want to endure this pain.

(Rosarin, if you don't wake up soon... I'll go on a rampage.)


Feeling the seriousness of his voice, I jumped up. I couldn’t see him, but it was probably Dirk. I sense a connection.

(If anything happens to you, regardless if it’s Lavi or anything else... I'll rampage with all my might.)

The quiet voice conveyed a seriousness that hit hard. Also, he seemed really angry!!

"I'm sorry! I-I will figure something out!"

But what should I do? My body was probably taken over. The Evil God turned out to be the God of Love. Well then, let's experiment. Yes, let's do that.

"Dirk, I love you."

(? I love you too.)

"When this is over, let's do some serious baby-making, okay?"




"How many children do you want?"

(... I want at least two.)

I want fluffy children too. As many as possible.

Oh, perhaps thanks to the Dirk effect or maybe love is the weak point, my mind has become more stable.

"Let's do our best, Dirk."

(... Yeah. So, come back soon... let's go back to that house together.)

“”Yes… I want to go home.””


Ah, Rinka was calling me.

"Thank you, Dirk. I'm going."

Feeling Dirk's gentle smile, my consciousness awakened.

"Rosarin-chan! I'm coming to help now!! Move! Move asideee!!"

Rinka-san is amazing. She swung a giant sword in her shrine maiden outfit, knocking down the zombie-like creatures.



"Merging together won't make you disappear. I'll show you."

Chita merged with Lavi and disappeared. A golden glow was bestowed upon Lavi, tinted with Chita's color.

"... Rosarin..."

Ah, indeed. Chita was certainly with you, Lavi. I was foolish. I've been scared for so long. But, it turns out, it wasn't necessary.



It was truly frightening all along.

Rosalia, my precious other half. Even though my arrival changed the future, I wondered if I was ruining Rosalia’s. So, I, Rin, had planned to leave someday, leaving only my power behind.

I was scared.

Rin was excluded from reincarnation because of me, went through a lot of tough times... even seemed close to death, yet always tried to protect me, Rosalia. Even if I'm not around, Rin will be fine. My precious other half.

That's why, someday, I planned to give this body to Rin and disappear.

(Both of you are very similar, and that's why you couldn't fully merge.)

The voice of the Holy Beast-sama resonated in my mind. That's right. I understand it now. We were too important to each other, fearing the loss of one another... and kept it hidden.

We were foolish. From somewhere, we both smiled wryly and reached out our hands.

The touching hands, merging with each other. If it's us... if we're both Rosarin... we can do anything!!


"Super Rosarin, reporting!!"

Magic overflowed, strengthening my body, and I forcefully tore apart the tentacles. The atmosphere was like that. Like a Veget–... no, more like a Vegetable-human thing. I didn’t have blonde hair standing straight, but there was that magical vibe.

"Don't worry about it too muuuuuch!!"

Rinka-san tumbled on the ground.

"Ahahaha. Sorry about that☆"

"You're too carefree!!"


"Rosarin, I've been waiting for this moment."

The Holy Beast-sama and Darkness-sama said. I wonder when they arrived. Well, sorry for the wait.

"I will be in your care, Yue."

That is Darkness-sama’s name. It means "moon" in Chinese. Darkness-sama is gentle like the moon, so I think it fits perfectly.


(Rosarin, I also want you to give me a name.)

"Huh? Well... how about Mondo?"

It comes from "diamond." It somehow feels suitable for Holy Beast-sama.

(Indeed, that is a good name. Now, our beloved child. What do you desire?)

"... I want you to purify the impurities, maybe?"

"Let me handle that. I want to settle things."

Lavi was enveloped in a golden light. The light I always saw, Chita's light. I synchronized with it and shared magical power.

"Thank you, Rosarin."

Oh, perhaps... can the transfer also be done from a weapon blessed by Chita? I asked through Dirk.

As a result, Lavi turned into a Super Vegetable-human. Hair standing up and all. With the names Lavi and Chita combined... Lavita... even more Vegetable-human-like.



"We're getting a lot of magic power from outside. What's going on?"

"I asked everyone for help☆"

"You just realized the importance of fusion a little while ago! Don't do something ridiculous on a whim!!"


Lavita (temporary name) splendidly purified the Evil God itself.

With everyone's magic power, it was a breeze. It's rare to have such an ungrateful egg. Well, the person themselves didn't even bother to call for help or asked to share power.

Thinking about such trivial things, the impurities disappeared easily.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99501281 


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