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I Bought a Vehicle
In the end, I decided to buy this "Lumite Grand Wing" as urged by everyone.
I'll only borrow 30 million Rubies from the Trade Guild.
According to Alizée, I still have about 20 million Rubies in my savings.
Even after paying next year's taxes, I'll have 10 million Rubies left.
… Well, I don't really want to get into too much debt, you know?
Anyway, we exchanged the sales contract, and officially, that magic vehicle became mine.

"Lady Lily. So, are you going to ride that magic vehicle home?"

"Huh? Um..."

"If you haven't prepared things like a driver's license, I can keep it for you. I'll also put the store emblem on the vehicle as a service."

"Then, please do that."

"Understood. As for details about the driver's license training school, since Lady Alizée is from the Trade Guild, she would be more knowledgeable. Please inquire with her."

"Yes, I understand. Thank you for taking care of the magic vehicle for me.”

I entrusted the matter of the car to Mr. Nasareno and decided to talk to Alizée about the driver's license training school.
It seems the school is right nearby.
However, even for someone quick, it takes about two weeks to complete all the courses at the training school.
For me, who also needs to manage the shop, it would likely take more than a month.

It would be too much of me to ask Mr. Nasareno to wait for the delivery for a whole month.
While pondering what to do, Alizée mentioned that she could continue to driving it for me for the initial period.
She has a license to drive a vehicle as big as Daigo Seventeen, so she’s able to drive my vehicle as well, and since the city driving can be left to automatic driving, it should be easier than driving Daigo Seventeen, she said.
Come to think of it, Daigo Seventeen didn't have automatic driving, did it?

After that, I was advised to let Tanya, the maid, and Jenna, the Knight, get driver's licenses too.
Apparently, it's not desirable for the target of protection to drive carefreely.
Moreover, while Lumite Grand Wing is an off-road model, and the glass is not regular glass but reinforced crystal, it seems it's not good for me to be in the easily targeted driver's seat.
So, even though they were dispatched from the Marquis's family, Alizée suggested it's better for my subordinates to learn driving skills.
Although, Tanya might already have a driver's license, given that she's a maid from the Marquis's household.
I don't quite know.
In reality, when I asked Tanya after returning home, she said she has a small car license.
She used it when going shopping in the city.
However, the required driver's license for Lumite Grand Wing this time is a special large vehicle license.
It seems the training for her will be easier, but she still needs to retake it.
By the way, Jenna didn't have a driver's license.
In other words, she'll start from scratch with me.
Also, everyone from the Wildcat Claws was apparently taking the opportunity to get a driver's license, too.
Although they might not have a chance to use it after finishing their escort for me, having it won't hurt, it seems.

I wonder if getting a driver's license is easy...

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