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Naruhito (30)
As soon as I stepped into the garden, I noticed a figure coming towards me, so I delivered a roundhouse kick with just enough force not to kill. I've gotten used to gauging distances even with one eye. I've become accustomed to it. The sparring with Rikimaru has been helpful. Perhaps I held back too much, as the person was trying to get up, I pressed the electric shock weapon I had in my hand against their neck. Zap, a sound rang out, and they lost consciousness. Sensing the presence of two aiming guns, I quickly moved and delivered more electric shocks. In no time, three down. I was about to take out the ropes when I realized it. It takes time to tie tightly with one hand. I need to catch a lot to win, and I can't waste time on this.

They just need to wake up and not move, right? I thought about breaking their leg bones, but that's also troublesome. So, I left the electric shock weapon and took out the knife. As long as I don't cause major injuries, it's within the rules.

I cleanly cut the Achilles tendons of everyone's both legs. The bleeding didn’t seem too bad. Good.

There was a loud crash near the entrance. Oh no. Even though the rule is not to destroy the mansion, Rikimaru seems to have thrown something.

I put on a red sticker and moved on to the next. I sense many presences. In the narrow mansion, they probably can't shoot guns recklessly, and they were holding their breath.

So much fun!

The enemies, who initially targeted me, watched their allies(?) get caught easily and started to run away. It started becoming more and more like a game of tag.

My senses were sharpening, and I felt myself getting faster.

So much fun!

The last person got into a scuffle with Rikimaru. Faster, faster. My leg hit the enemy first.

"Darn it~!"

Rikimaru shouted, and my kick, which wasn’t too lenient, sent the enemy flying. Uh-oh. Is he severely injured? I rushed to check. Oh, yeah. He's breathing. Probably just a few broken bones. I'll put a red sticker on him.

Suddenly, applause rang out. Princess Akemi?

"Wow, that was amazing. It’s Naruhito’s win."

Hiiro and Hitachimaru returned with a few people wearing greenish-brown military uniforms.

Groans were starting to be heard all over the mansion. Maybe the people who were unconscious have woken up. The people in the greenish-brown military uniforms scattered with ropes in their hands.

"Though I lost here, we still don't know the total number of people caught."

Rikimaru seemed frustrated. Hehe. It was fun.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99426791 


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