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Dungeon capture, I finally got rid of the ___.
First of all, I understand that the door is open. It seems like it's being banged on, but I'm pretending not to notice. Now that we know it can be entered, we need to come up with a strategy.

"What was the last boss?"

"The God-class monster, the leader of Yamata-no-Orochi, Donragon."

"Quite a big shot."

Geraldin-san seemed excited.

"Have you fought it before?"

"When I encountered it in my younger days, all I could do was run away..."

Now it seems like we can win. We smiled at each other.

"With resistance to all attributes and even physical defense, we had no choice but to chip away at it. It should be super strong."

"I want to fight."

"There seems to be no shortage of opponents."

"... I might be able to go all out after a long time."

"Nya~! We'll beat it up!"

The Beastmen group was full of enthusiasm. Rinka looked scared. Well, even though it's a God-class monster, this group can handle it.

"So, about the strategy..."

With a roaring sound, the door burst open, and Dirk avoided it by holding me. Rinka was evacuated by Geraldin-san, but he didn't hold back, huh? Rinka looked pale. High-speed movements can cause motion sickness. Mary, Jash, and Jend seem to have avoided it on their own.

Emerging from the dust was a dragon... no, probably the leader of Yamata-no-Orochi, Donragon. Donragon is a dragon with eight heads. The reason I say probably is that one head was stuck in the door and the rest couldn’t be seen.

Probably frustrated that we took a while to enter after opening it once, it seemed to have broken the door and got stuck.

The head was desperately twitching, but it couldn’t get out. What should we do? Yamata-no-Orochi, Donragon looked teary-eyed.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!!"

Oh? It seems like it can speak. Maybe because it's a God-class monster? Probably, the main body on the other side was also in a panic.

"Should we cut it down?"

Hearing Geraldin-san’s calm words, Yamata-no-Orochi, Donragon... it's long, so let's just call it Donragon... flinched... no, it was shivering a lot!

"You, you are the muscle for brains Wolfman!! The SSS-rank Monster Association's Blacklist No. 2!! I don't want to die! I don't want to be killed! After finally becoming a God-class, dying like this is too much!!"

Indeed. I somehow felt sorry for it... no, no, if we're going to do this, we have to completely rob it of its will to fight.

"Umm... Hi, I'm Rosarin, who's also on the SSS-rank Monster Association’s Blacklist."

Donragon opened its mouth and froze.

"Aren't you number one!! The one with the title 'Gluttonous Rosarin’!! I'll be eaten! I'll be skinned alive! Noooo!! Forgive me! Don't kill me! Don't eat meeee!!"

Who the heck came up with the title "Gluttonous Rosarin"? It makes me sound like a big eater. I don’t eat THAT much!

Wait a minute! I'm the number one on the Blacklist? Why? I don't understand.

Well, what's done is done. Let's focus on what needs to be done now.

"So, you have no intention of fighting. Can we consider this as your surrender?"

"!? Ah, I have no intention of fighting! Help me... no, wait! I'll talk to the other heads!"

It seems like the Donragon leader was in a bit of a dispute. Well, the other heads seemed to be fine.

"I generally don't eat monsters with whom I can communicate... but I won't show mercy to those who harm what's important to me, so keep that in mind. Also, if possible, I don't want to fight you."

The immobilized head was a red-scaled dragon. I know it's a rare chance for a preemptive strike, but if possible, I don't want to cut it, as it reminds me of Kou.

"... Aren't you afraid of me?"

"I have dragon friends, so I'm not scared."

Please refrain from commenting that a dragon begging for its life and crying isn't scary, especially when you are not standing in front of the dragon yourself.

"... I see. What kind of dragon are they?"

"I have a half-dragon friend named Kou and a Crystal Dragon friend named Rulan."

"...... The conclusion has been reached. We will not fight."



It seems like the Dungeon Master has started fixing the door as if Donragon was no longer needed. The Donragon leader started to suffer. It seems like its neck was being strangled.

"Dirk! Rinka! Geraldin-san! Valkyrie!"

"Leave it to me!"

"Transformation! Carpenter!"



The Valkyrie protected the neck of the Donragon leader, while Dirk, Rinka the carpenter, and Geraldin-san broke through the wall.


Dirk cut through the wall.

"One-hit kill!! The carpenter is the messenger of creation and destruction! A wall is just a one-hit kill! Chest!!"

Rinka broke the wall with a hammer. There might be some misunderstanding about the carpenter. It's not entirely wrong, though.


Geraldin-san kicked and smashes the wall.

For an instant, the entire wall collapsed, and the head of the Donragon leader safely came out.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/96772402 


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