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Dungeon capture, forgotten item is remembered when it is needed.
Rinka was acting strangely. She was dripping cold sweat.



"For now, talk."

"Whywhywhyat ish it!?”

"Maybe you remembered something troublesome, no point in hiding it, right? Spit it out."

Based on Rin’s experience, there's no doubt. It seems Rinka has also made up her mind, taking a deep breath with a serious expression.

"I... forgot to bring the key for this placeeeee! Sorryyyyy!!"

And at the same time she shouted, she bowed down.







I, Dirk, Mary, Geraldin-san, Jend, and Jash were astonished. When we checked, the door was indeed locked.

We descended 300 floors underground, and now there's no key! What should we do?

"No use crying over spilled milk. Can't we make an opening...?"

I interfered with the wall, but the defense was too strong. I guess I was able to surprise the Dungeon Master earlier. Hmm, and somehow, I feel like they are mad. Yeah, it's normal to get mad. After all, I messed up with them all the way through. They must be really upset.

"It didn't work. And the Dungeon Master seems to be mad."

"What the heck!"

"... Well, they have a right to be angry."

Despairing Rinka and Dirk, who somehow accepted it.

"Well, then, should we destroy it?"

Geraldin-san kicked the wall. With a roaring sound, the wall was destroyed and instantly regenerated. Can we interfere with the one we broke?

"... One more time!"

"Umu! Here I gooo!!"

Geraldin-san destroyed the wall, and I tried to interfere with it, but...

"No good. The Dungeon Master is on a total defense. And he seems even more furious."

Mysterious curse-like patterns floated on the wall. It looks extremely ominous. He seemed very angry. The Dungeon Master is really upset. Furious and angry, this is a tough situation we found ourselves in.

"If it comes to this, it's the Amano-Iwato* Operation!!"

(*This is said to be the cave where the Gods and Goddesses met to discuss their strategy of luring Amaterasu out of hiding.)

"... Who's going to undress?"

It's Ame-no-Uzume*, right? Well, you can undress if you want. However, I must respond to a joke with another joke.

(*Ame-no-Uzume is the Shinto Goddess of dawn, a master of merry-making, humor, and dancing. A highly positive God of Shinto religion, her ingenuity brought Amaterasu, the sun Goddess, back into the world, saving the earth from eternal winter's night.)

"Rinka should do it."

"No way! Rosarin-chan, you with the perfect body should do it!"

"I don't permit Rosarin to undress."

Dirk gave a clear "no." Well, no one is undressing. It's just a joke. I'm not going to do a naked dance.

"No, I thought of provoking the Dungeon Master to open it."

It’s more like a Dungeon Master Furious and Pouty Plan rather than the Amano-Iwato. If it doesn't open, let's make them open it instead.

"... It might work, but I think it's better to carefully listen to Rinka's story first."

Hmm. Certainly, if we make them mad, suddenly a Monster House or a boss might appear. It might be surprisingly close enough to reach.

"Rinka, where is the key? Inside the dungeon?"

"... It's in the treasure vault of the Wolfanea Castle."


It's not inside the dungeon! In the treasure vault... a key, a key... something doesn't feel right.

"In an event, if you clear all the requests from the King, he gives you a reward. The choices are money, the strongest weapon, or nothing. The correct choice is 'nothing.' If you choose 'nothing,' you receive the key for this place and the event key item, a bracelet, from a certain ghost."

"A ghost?"

"A bracelet and a key?"

Dirk and I tilt our heads. Hm, something... seems familiar? Hmm, I can't remember!

"Ojousama, I've been curious since earlier."


"Your pouch is shining."


Indeed, my waist pouch was sparkling! Seriously! The waist pouch, poof, spat out a key.

"... What kind of key is this?"

The key had delicate carvings. It seemed like it was enchanted with some kind of magic.


"What's wrong?"

"That! The key! That's the key to this place!!"


Really? I tried inserting the key into the door, and it clicked open, so I locked it again. The door was being banged on for some reason, but I pretended not to notice.

"It's opening."

"... Oh, I remember now. Isn't that the key you said you got from the ghost in Wolfanea’s treasure vault? You gave the bracelet to Judas-sama, didn’t you?"

"Ahhh!! The expressionless ghost... no, the spirit!!"

There's no such thing as ghosts! It's probably a spirit!

It seems like I unknowingly cleared the event. Anyway, we can proceed, so it's all good!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/96338305 


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