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v5, Chapter 11

A Hard to Believe Report
I prepared a fast horse in a hurry and headed to the separate residence.



"Oh my? Henry, what's wrong?"

In the separate residence, two people were surrounded by a large number of Knights and tied up in restraints.

"This is..."

"You are late, everyone."


Next to them, Kim was flaunting her impressive biceps.
A group of muscular soldiers was standing by.

“Oh my, you all came together.”

"Good day to you, everyone."

For some reason, Lady Oriana and Lady Eliana were sipping tea elegantly.

Wait, wait, what is this!

"Dear, please help us."

"Punish this insolent person right away..."

They seemed energetic despite being tied up.
It seems they didn’t understand who the two in front of them are.

"You guys..."

"Capture this woman immediately! No, seize Marie! She dared to disrespect me... Even if it leads to execution, I won't forgive her!”

"That's right! Who does she think she is!"

Again, it's all about Marie.
It seems they completely don't understand their position.

"Oh my? Still lively, I see."

"Maybe it would have been better to keep your mouth shut."

I don't feel sorry for these two.
Whatever hardships they've faced, it's their own doing.

"Criminals don't have such rights. By the way, the criminal is you, Dania."


"Your father's cause of death was not natural, but poisoning by medicine. The physician directly involved is no longer in this world, but a young doctor present at the time seemed to have kept the medical records."


"Furthermore, your father's diary and will have been found. If judged in court, you two will undoubtedly be guilty. It's a life sentence."

While stating this calmly, Marie speaks.

"No, there's also attempted murder."


"We have been recording our conversation clearly."

With a refreshing smile, Marie declared.
I felt uneasy.

"You! Are you trying to betray your brother!"

"I never said I was your sister. Well, we are only half-siblings, so you are practically a stranger to me.”

Marie... Why would she know that!
I made sure this wouldn't leak.

"Dania, do you dislike me because I wasn’t born from a man Shepherd doesn't even know?"

"How can you talk to your mother like that—"

"We are no longer parent and child. You should watch be watching your mouth!"

She never used to talk down to people like this.
What happened before we arrived here?


v5, Chapter 12

I looked down on them with disdainful eyes, showing something that proved me right.

“This has revealed the truth to me.”

"This is our family heirloom... Why do you have it!"

Dania glared at me, because she could never possess this pendant.

It’s because of her.

My Grandfather was murdered.

"You have manipulated everything to take possession of the estate and control my father, leading him to his death. You won’t be forgiven."

"Evidence, you say?"

"There was a key inside this pendant."

The gem embedded in this pendant, which allowed me to know the cause of my Grandfather's death, was the key to a hidden safe.

My Grandfather, aware that Dania was trying to kill him, had also noticed the poison.

"Such a thing is evidence..."

"It might be weak as evidence, but it can be submitted in court. At least handwriting analysis can be done."

"You! Are you trying to betray your brother!"

"We are only half-siblings. You are just somebody born of some unknown wild man.”


I genuinely despise these two.
My wise and virtuous Grandfather suffered for so long.

Yet, he was forced into a difficult choice out of love for the territory.
How much did my Father suffer because of this?

"Marie, that's enough. No need to say more..."

"No, I will stand in court and expose the abuse we endured. The maids we dismissed at that time and the Guild members will testify. The Priest and the Director of the monastery will cooperate as well."

"To speak ill of your mother..."

"My mother is Lady Anesia. My birth mother is dead. She sold her soul to the devil in greed, disregarding her position, and died."

Yes, I didn't have a mother.
For me, my only parent was my Father.

"How do you think my Grandfather felt? I will vindicate his regrets."


"Henry, this is the kind of woman I am. A filthy woman."

Even with only half of her blood, the blood of a woman without a heart flows in my veins.

"This is the most frightening woman in the world. And I have the blood, even if it’s just half, of this ugly woman.”

"You little... gaaaah!"

"It's time for you to stop."

Then, Mother appeared gracefully.

"Truly unpleasant, isn't it? Can the fools stop talking? It's irritating."

Mother glared at Dania with cold eyes.

"Marie, you're misunderstanding."


"Sure, you share half of this woman's blood. But blood doesn't matter."

Henry tightly squeezed my hand.
Why is everyone looking at me with such kind eyes?

I'm trying to cast away my mother and brother.

No, I'm trying to judge them as criminals.


v5, Chapter 13

Heart Full of Scars
I could only embrace the crying Marie.
Before we find out what happened before we arrived, we must ascertain what's going on now.

"How much more do you scum want to hurt Marie?"


I wanted to grab his collar and kill him right now. H
ow deep is Marie's suffering?

Even with a troubled past, I've never been driven to this extent.
What event could hurt her heart so much?

"I'm not at fault... that woman is the one at fault."

"Yeah, you failure of a woman! Just hand over the rights already... quickly! Agh!"

It's hopeless.
Even speaking with them is nauseating.

"Enough already."

I was about to punch him, but Mother grabbed that woman's collar.

"How much of a scum can a human be..."

"It hurts! What are you doing!"

Mother raised her fist and punched that woman.

"How much more do you want to hurt your own daughter! Who do you think is to blame for this situation?"

Mother also had a pained expression.
Seeing Marie, whom she considered her own daughter, treated like this, must have been unbearable for her.

"Dear... help me! This savage woman is going to kill me!"

She sought help from Father-in-law behind her, but that was a foolish thought.

"Why are you just standing there! You are truly useless."

Even at this point, they are idiots.
Insulting Father-in-law now, there’s no forgiveness to be received.

"Why... did you kill Grandfather! Your own father!"

"Hah... hahaha!"

What is so funny?
Everyone was left speechless at Dania's laughter.

"Why would I need that bothersome man in my life? He didn't love me anyway... Why would he prefer a man without blood ties? And to make him the heir, inherit the estate and territory?!”

“How could you…”

“Even though I am his real daughter. How could he leave me nothing at all? Why would he adopt you and give you all of his fortune? And why would you give all of that property to Marie without giving any of it to me?!”

She had always hated Father-in-law and treated him coldly out of jealousy.
And now, her resentment extended to Marie.

"I hated him all along. Your eyes resemble that man! The eyes that didn't love me..."

"For such a reason... just for that."

Marie's hand trembled.
The reason for killing her own father was so trivial that she was at a loss for words.

"I didn't intend to exchange words with a criminal, but..."

"What are you saying? Hurry up and help! You are my husband, aren’t you!"

"That's right, aren’t we family?”

After insulting Father-in-law so much, now they pretend to care about the family.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/95584580 


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