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Only those who understand can understand!
In the midst of this, Alicia-sama stood still and looked at us silently, causing us to inadvertently stop as well.

"Um, I, I intruded partway through, so... I apologize for that.”

"No, please don't worry about it!"

As Alicia-sama apologized again, Mariel-chan and I shook our heads in reassurance.

"So, umm..."

Alicia-sama hesitated and fidgeted.


Mariel-chan and I tilted our heads, waiting for her to continue. Blushing, Alicia-sama gathered her courage and spoke up.

"I-I also had a very meaningful time! So, um... thank you very much!"

"...! Yes! Thank you too."

"T-thank you very much!"

"... Well then, see you tomorrow, goodbye!"

Relieved by our smiling responses, Alicia-sama swiftly turned on her heel and dashed back to the girls' dormitory.

"D, dang it, she’s so cute..."

"Yeah, this is a good tsundere..."

"... I don't really understand your guys’ sense…”

In response to the words Mariel-chan and I muttered, Sei shook his head. It's okay, Sei-kun. It's a quirk that only those who understand can understand...

"Alright, let's go back to the dorm and have some food~ I'm hungry!"

Byakko-sama hurriedly urged us to prepare for the meal.

"Don't touch her so casually."

"If you want to eat, hurry back to the dorm."

Kurogane and Mashiro separated Mariel-chan and me from Byakko-sama and shooed him away.
Despite Byakko-sama's protests, he quickly put Sei on his shoulders and started running towards the entrance of the special dormitory, shouting, "Come on, come on! Let's go back and eat, it's dinner time!"

"Hey, Byakko! Put me down! Hey!"

Seeing Sei frantically grabbing Byakko-sama's head to avoid being shaken off, I couldn't help but laugh.

For tonight's dinner, to quickly prepare, I made a meat-heavy stir-fry with Orc meat and vegetables in garlic soy sauce. Pork is good for fatigue recovery, right? Well, I used Orc meat instead of pork, so I wonder how it really is... But it should work perfectly for magic power recovery!

Since everyone showed good enthusiasm while eating, I considered it a success.
Byakko-sama, in particular, piled plenty of meat on top of his rice bowl...

Byakko-sama, you don't spare any effort when it comes to enjoying delicious food, huh?

As for Mariel-chan, she was putting mayonnaise on the stir-fried vegetables...

Mariel-chan, most of the magic power you used today was supposed to be from the magic stones Ruby charged, right?
Still, if you eat that much, you're definitely going to exceed your calorie intake!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/95302261 


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