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I can’t compete…
After petting Ruby until satisfied, Alicia-sama, who had collapsed, stood up. However, her skirt and socks were stained with dust.

Since the training ground sometimes involves earth magic like stone walls, the ground is exposed, so commoners wear robes with dirt prevention magic, while nobles and wealthy merchants' children often have separate uniforms or practice clothes with full-body enchantments for practical use.

It seemed that Alicia-sama also had a separate set, and what she was currently wearing was a non-enchanted custom uniform with extravagant frilly lace.

"Oh... with it being this dirty, this uniform is no longer usable. I need to dispose of it and prepare a new one..."

Alicia-sama frowned at the dirt that didn't seem to come off even when she tried patting it off.


Mariel-chan and I exclaimed in surprise.
Is she really going to discard that uniform just because of mud stains?
It must be an expensive, fully customized one, right?

"Huh? ... What's the matter?"
"If you clean the uniform, you can still wear it. Why dispose of it?"
"Even if you say that... it's so dirty, and having the maids wash it would be troublesome. It's easier to replace it."

Alicia-sama answered as if it were a matter of course, with a puzzled expression.
Such bourgeois thinking... But isn't it a waste to discard a fully customized uniform like that!

"That much dirt can be cleaned off with a little Clear magic. Please remain still."
"Huh, wait, what are you... Eeh!?"

I cast a Clear magic, envisioning the dirt being cleanly removed, even the soil embedded in the fabric.
The skirt and white socks of the uniform, which had been lightly stained with dust, became completely clean. There we go.

"Wait, Clear magic is a utility spell, right? It can remove simple stains, but for such severe dirt, that’s..."

Alicia-sama, holding the hem of the skirt that had been dirty just a moment ago, stared at it closely.

"While using Clear magic with the image of cleaning only the visible parts cannot completely remove the stains, understanding the cause of the stain and the process of removing it, you will be able to clean it.”

Explaining the image of removing fine soil embedded in the fabric, focusing on details like the fibers and weave, to Alicia-sama might be difficult, but Mariel-chan and I can relate, perhaps from our past lives' experiences with detergent commercials and the like, making it easier to understand how it became so clean.

"Understanding the cause and process, and then image..."

Alicia-sama muttered while staring at the hem of the skirt.

"Yes, understanding the cause and process, and visualizing the result makes it easier to manifest..."

Mariel-chan and I, in our past lives... (omitted)

Well, while the idea of using cheat-like knowledge from our past lives feels a bit questionable, there's no denying that having knowledge and a clear visualization makes a significant difference in the outcome.

"It wasn't just because Cristea-sama has a large amount of magic power that she excels in academics... the power and accuracy come from knowledge. I was not your match from the beginning."

After Alicia-sama let out a sigh, she looked at me with a relieved smile.

"I truly apologize for everything until now. If you are willing to be friends from now on, I would be happy if you could teach me various things."
"Yes, of course! We will gladly help within our understanding. Right, Mariel-san!"
"Eh, um. Yes!!"

Although Mariel-chan looked at me with a puzzled expression, considering she's also a past-life cheat holder, she'll be cooperating too!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94703890 


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