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Side Story: Everyday Life of Tamer Elsa (5)
The day after receiving the principles of Body Strengthening from Senior Lily, I immediately headed to a secluded place to try it out, with Ulla and Shellche in tow.
Sharing the same secret, we decided to practice together as comrades.
It felt reassuring not to be alone.

Choosing a training location away from prying eyes, we decided to use the place that used to be the former residence of Cole’s pack.
It seemed no one was currently inhabiting it, as confirmed by Cole himself.
There were no monsters around either.
This should provide us ample space for practice.

Body Strengthening requires balancing the use of four attributes, right?
However, balancing all four at once is difficult, so I decided to try them out one by one.

First, I tried Fire Attribute Body Strengthening.
I heard it enhances muscle strength, but to what extent?
While pondering this, Ulla picked up a stone at her feet and crushed it in her hand.
Is this the effect of Fire Attribute Body Strengthening!?

"Ulla! Are you okay!?"

"Not really... When I crushed it, fragments pierced my hand, and it's quite painful..."

"You shouldn't push yourself so suddenly! First, show me your palm!"


When Ulla opened her hand, small stone fragments fell to the ground.
In addition to that, there were also stone fragments stuck in Ulla's hand.
This looked painful...
Shellche patiently removed the stone fragments, but it took quite some time.
It seems impractical to attempt Body Strengthening like this.

"Now that the wound has been cleaned, it should be okay for now. But please refrain from doing foolish things like this."

"Yeah, got it. But it throbs..."

"Um, in a situation like yours, wouldn't it be better to start with the Water Attribute Body Strengthening?"

"Oh, I see! ...Hmm, I'm not very good at handling water, though."

"Ulla, you are not a mage. Please continue practicing that until the wound heals."

"Al~right. It's not going well, though..."

For now, Shellche seemed to consider Ulla's situation as independent training and moved on to her own training.
I wonder what Shellche was practicing?

"Now, let's see what happens if I try to enhance the muscle strength in my legs. I just hope I don't collide with a rock."

"Haha... Be careful."

"Yes. Here I go!"

Shellche exerted force and rushed forward... but collided with a rock in an instant.
Whether she managed to stop before the collision or not, it didn't seem very painful.
Body Strengthening is amazing.

"Ouch... I won't make fun of Ulla for anymore."

"But being able to move that fast is incredible."

"That's true, but my legs hurt, and I won’t be able to move for a while. I will also start with the Water Attribute Body Strengthening."

Wait, she just collided with a rock, why does she need to start with the Water Attribute Body Strengthening?
What does that mean?

"Elsa, why don't you try it too? You'll understand the need for Water Attribute Body Strengthening."

"U-um, okay."

What does she mean?
Anyway, I concentrated magic power on my legs and... like this?


My body shot forward vigorously, and I clumsily tumbled onto the ground.
My rolling body was in pain, but the legs hurt even more!

"... When applying Body Strengthening to the legs, it seems to either cramp or destroy the leg muscles. It's crucial to enhance self-healing with Water Attribute Body Strengthening."

"Y-yeah, that's how it feels..."

I also worked on enhancing my self-healing ability with Water Attribute Body Strengthening.
What I found after a few attempts was that using only Fire and Water Attribute Body Strengthening would invariably render me immobile.
To prevent that, I had to mix in Earth Attribute Body Strengthening.
By using these three simultaneously, I could avoid becoming immobile right after running, but the magic power consumption was intense, leading to shortness of breath.

As for the remaining Wind Attribute, it seems it's used to avoid losing sight of a target when speed increases.
Rapid acceleration narrows the field of vision, making it difficult to see anything except what's directly in front.
However, using Wind Attribute Body Strengthening mitigates this effect, allowing you to track the target with your eyes.
Additionally, practicing Wind Attribute Body Strengthening regularly enables the pursuit of swift-moving monsters that would normally be challenging to follow.
When I had the Cole move at full speed, I could even keep track of movements that would be normally imperceptible for me.
This was truly remarkable.
Senior Lily, maybe I paid too little for that meal; you revealed quite a bit.

After dedicating a full day to practice, as we were about to return to the town, Shellche called out to me.
I wondered what she wanted.

"What's up?"

"Elsa, if you don't mind, would you consider forming a party with us?"

"Huh? A party?"

"Of course, you're free to decline. There may not be much benefit for you, after all."

The benefits of forming a party...
Certainly, in my case, with Cole and others around, there might not be many benefits.
Besides, once in a party, the rewards need to be distributed, and it would require us to earn a lot more.
What should I do?

"I honestly don't think it's a good idea for us who know the principles of this Body Strengthening to be acting apart. Regarding conditions such as rewards, we can discuss them later. How about giving it a try with a trial party?"

"A trial, huh. That sounds good.”

“Yes, we will be in your care.”

We formed a party on a trial basis at that time, but the three of us seemed to get along quite well, smoothly accumulating achievements.
It was also helpful that Shellche was directing us from the back, when it would have been difficult for me to keep an eye on the entire pack by myself.
Additionally, Ulla’s strikes were very effective against monsters with tough skin, so she was also contributing a lot.

I'm glad we put this party together.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94984361 


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