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v5, Chapter 5

Another Collaborator (1)
They are really foolish.
I didn't think their heads would be this empty.

It was about a month ago that I was invited over by Lady Marie through a letter.

"Long time no see. Lady Marie."

"It's been a while. Kim."

As soon as my husband was expelled from the territory, I, too, followed him with nothing but the clothes on my back.
The others had the same thoughts.

We were picked up by Lord Diaz, deciding to serve him for life, but that unreasonable woman kicked us out for no good reason.

It was my husband who wished for a divorce, but that wicked woman orchestrated it.
I can't forgive her for expelling Lady Marie, and I can't allow her to use Lord Diaz until he's in a good position and then turn her back on him.

But stopping people's gossip is difficult.
Rumors of reconciliation within the territory were spreading, but it was just a farce.

Fools who manipulate these rumors are increasing.
Given the Monhan territory situation, my husband was advancing on the path of success.

My husband was originally talented, with the ability to see through the essence of things.
He was not greedy before, but rather modest, and his talent for deceiving others was unsurpassed.

Now, he was promised the position of Count and future Minister of Finance.

In the midst of all this, there are those who want to crush my husband.
Dania, who wants my husband’s position in all of this, is the worst possible combination.

And that cursed hand was now reaching out to Lady Marie.

"I don't want to be manipulated by that person anymore. Is reconciliation with my Father and that person possible?"

"It's not possible."

Such a thing is unforgivable!

"Kim, I think we should thoroughly crush them here."

"Lady Marie..."

The once weak Lady Marie was no more.
Perhaps she had been released from the curse of that foolish mother and son.

"I will become a wicked woman."

"Don't joke."

Considering what that that pair has done, this is just cute, isn't it?

"While orchestrating them to come to the Capital and keeping them away from my Father, I want them to receive retribution. Please investigate simultaneously."


"And please investigate the sudden death of the previous generation. My husband is looking into it, but I want you to investigate through a different route. Also, prepare someone to monitor those two."


"As for the detailed plan, it's here..."

I was shown an easy-to-understand plan, and I smiled.
It was like a script for a play.

"I want to protect my family's future."


I shouldn't let more people get hurt because of that woman.

This Kim Yakul will fullfil her duty with determination, but that mother and son were even more foolish than I thought.


v5, Chapter 6

Another Collaborator (2)
I continued to monitor that foolish mother and son and attempted to make contact.
That woman, who had no memory of my face despite my entering and leaving her mansion for over a decade, didn't notice me even when I disguised myself as a coachman.

They were beyond foolish.
Although they thought I was a fallen noble based on my appearance and behavior and refused to ride in other carriages, they were completely oblivious to the issues in their own actions.

So, I took the opportunity to make a sarcastic remark.

"Lady Marie is very popular in the Capital, you know."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, not only as the head of the department store, but also because she has launched a children's clothing brand. Her own son was a model for it."

"Huh? A child..."

As expected, she didn't know.
It's foolish not to have noticed even the pregnancy of their daughter.

"In the social circles of the Capital, Lady Marie has become a confidante for women who are not blessed with children… speaking of which, do you have any children now?"

"Uh... a son..."

"From what I can see, you seem to be of a fine age, you are not unmarried, are you?"

It could be understood even from behind.
She was grinding her teeth.

"By the way, where is the customer from?"

"The Ranford territory."

"Ah, that territory. There were rumors for a while. Must have been tough, right?"


Dania asked back.
This was not a lie; it was true.

"Yes, it seems the former Lady of the Ranford family and her son tried to drive out and kill her sister and brother-in-law with just the clothes on their backs. Even the husband who married into the family received terrible treatment."


"The more you hear, the more terrible it sounds. Everyone says they are human scum... After that, they injured the Duke's family’s member, got their sister and brother-in-law to pay the compensation and then disappeared. The Duke's family is rumored to be searching for them."

"Why would they...?"

To the pale-faced Dania, Shepherd was also trembling a little.

"Well, that's understandable. Just paying compensation wouldn't satisfy the grudge, so they probably wanted to show them hell. Well, the other party is Royalty, after all."

"Such a thing..."

"But, well, it's someone else's problem, after all."

They were both fools.
As long as the other party was Royalty, it wouldn't end with just paying compensation.

"Well, if the family that caused the problem is not above the rank of a Count, it won't be that important."

I subtly drove the point home.

"Yes, that's right... that's true."


Having emphasized the importance of a position above a Count, it was easy to imagine the simple path these two would take.
They would surely try to make contact at any cost.

Soon, the carriage stopped.

"This is it. We cannot go further from here."

"What? Are you telling us to walk?"

"From here, it's the noble district. As a commoner, I cannot enter with my carriage, but you two will be fine. You can transfer to another carriage from here."

"Hmph... well, fine."

The man was acting all high and mighty.
I had already contacted the coachman who would take them into the noble district after dropping them off here.

The real hell was about to begin from here.


v5, Chapter 7

Henry’s Apprehension
I have a bad feeling about this.

Recently, Marie's behavior has been strange.
She used to entrust child-rearing to servants as least as possible, but lately, she left it all to the wet nurse.

Staying overnight at the separate residence was also concerning, but what bothered me more was that she tended to leave the mansion empty precisely when I'm away for work.

I'm not worried about infidelity.
I thought something might be wrong.

"You're too naive, Master Henry.”


"Being relieved after marriage is foolish."

When I consulted with Lady Oriana, she dismissed it outright.

"I must tell you that my late husband, the day after our wedding, had an affair with another woman at his villa.”


The Duke next to me averted his gaze.
That must be a lie, right?

The former Duke.

"Men are creatures who cheat."


The Duke seemed teary-eyed.

"Men like your father and Lord Diaz are a rare kind of man."

"H... Haah."

I believe my Father was scared of my Mother.
She wouldn't have tolerated infidelity.

Lady Oriana has forgiven a lot.

"I haven't forgiven it, either. But since it's pointless to say anything, I assigned a woman of lower status to him. If he's going to cheat anyway, it's better if the woman is harmless. His mistresses included my little sister and my mentor."

What kind of man goes after his wife's sister or mentor?

"So, being careless just because you are married is dangerous... is what I would like to say, but..."

“Marie is not like that."

“Yeah, she’s different from Dania.”

Already reduced to calling that woman by her name!

"I heard that a Guild I'm familiar with has been visiting the Pollet family recently."

"A Guild... as I thought.”

Marie has been investigating something for a long time.
I've been curious because anonymous letters have been arriving frequently.

"At this timing, you see?"

"That foolish mother and son?”

The letters stopped for a while, but could it be...

"Is Lady Marie trying to handle it on her own?"


"I know. Lady Marie doesn't need to carry everything by herself... but she probably feels indebted to you."

There's no reason for Marie to blame herself.
We've overcome everything together as a couple.

"We've been through everything together until now."

“Lady Marie is very much like Lord Diaz. Trying to solve everything by herself."

"I guess I should just watch over her."

It's a decision Marie made for herself.
If she doesn't want interference, I should probably just watch...

But still, I…!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94808113 


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