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v5, Chapter 1

Unsympathetic Relatives
We went on a difficult journey after being forced out of our territory.
The carriage was not like those used by the nobility we had before.

Judged not to be a noble based on my appearances, we were turned away at the gates.
I had been riding in an uncomfortable carriage all night and day long, on my way to my sister's house.

"Let us in."

"You cannot barge in without any prior arrangement."

Just because we didn't send a prior notice doesn't justify this treatment, right?
After all, I'm her sister!

"We are family!"

"This is absurd... Madam had already severed ties with the Ranford family. You are the ones who turned her away at the funeral."

"Not only did you officially cut ties with her and did not let her participate in the funeral, you even shamelessly demand funeral expenses from her."

What a rude servant!
Truly fitting for a rural noble's servant, so uncivilized.

"Just call her over! That’s an order."

"Why must I obey your commands?"

"How insolent! Someone, call the guards and throw them out."

We're tired from days of an unfamiliar journey, and they don't even show any compassion.

"Don't mess around! I am..."

"What is the matter?"


It wasn't Anita who came out from the door.
The person was dressed in fine clothes, looking just like a noble lady.

"Oh? It's been a while, Auntie."


"Who the heck are you..."

"Oh my, aren't you the foolish son who ruined my engagement ceremony? What a dirty appearance."

"What did you say!"

She was clearly making a mocking expression.
But I recognize this expression.

It resembled Anita’s...

"No way..."

"You finally noticed?"

"Miss, please step aside. Your body is too important."

Upon closer inspection, her belly was slightly swollen.

Could it be that my niece is pregnant!
I haven't heard anything about her getting married, and I heard her fiancé got injured in a carriage accident.

"What is going on? Were you married?"

"Yes, thanks to your generosity. Uncle Diaz arranged a luxurious wedding for me with Lady Anesia’s assistance."

"Why weren't we invited to the wedding?"

If your niece is having a wedding, you would expect at least a word of invitation, right?
Isn't it terribly rude not to send any invitations?

"Oh my? Who said they didn't want to attend a rural noble's wedding? How selfish can you be after letting my Mother pay off your debts?”

"What are you talking about? They are sisters, so it's only natural, right?"

"Exactly. It’s only normal of her to help me when I am in trouble."

It's unthinkable not to provide financial assistance when I'm in such trouble now.


v5, Chapter 2

Even if there was a conflict in the past, wouldn't sisters help each other?
It's only natural to help your little sister when she's in trouble, right?

"Don't be ridiculous. There's no such thing as one-sided dependence, even if you are related by blood.


"I haven't forgotten that my engagement was cancelled because of you two."

So what?
I just taught you a little about the harshness of the world in the past, right?
I taught you because it was wrong to date and marry a man with a low status and no education.

It was just a side note for the sake of conversation.
Is she still so petty as to bring that up?

"Miss, the security team has arrived."

"Good. These are the people.”

Several security guards appeared and glared at us.
Why is there so many security guards in the countryside?

First of all, Anita's husband shouldn't be wealthy enough to hire so many security guards.


"Our family is no longer just rural nobility. We were entrusted with producing many crops and specialty products. Thanks to Uncle Diaz."


"You must address him as Marquis Monhan now... he's going to become the Minister of Finance soon."

Diaz as the Minister of Finance?

"This is ridiculous..."

"The ones being ridiculous are you all. Lady Marie is already a fashion leader in high society and a wealthy woman."

As those words were spoken, a newspaper was thrown at me.

"What is this..."

"This must be a lie! That failure... how can this be!"

In the newspaper, there was a large photo of Marie.
Not only that, but the article praised Marie.

It mentioned that she established the first department store in the country and successfully collaborated on a joint business with the Duke's wife.

"Now, there isn't anyone in high society who doesn't know her. Later, she will be given the title of Baroness. There's no woman with a title among the nobility. Well, to you, she might still be a lower-ranking noble."

"A title..."

"But compared to you, wandering nobodies with no titles, she's like the sun, and you are the dying pests."

I couldn't understand what she was saying.
Who has a title?

Is it really Marie in the newspaper?
Is that failure of a girl obtaining what I desire and becoming happy?

"No way! It must be a mistake... isn't it?"

"Live in your denial forever. Because the world you live in is already different... Security, please take care of them."


We were restrained and taken away.

"What are you doing! Let go!"

"Shut up! You suspicious person!"

My mind wasn't functioning well.
I couldn’t connect everything together.

Why is it that, while I'm suffering like this, the sister and daughter I used to look down upon are becoming happy?

I absolutely cannot accept this!


v5, Chapter 3

On that day, I had invited guests to the mansion.
I instructed Henry and Mother to keep it secret, as I had invited them to a separate residence.

"Welcome, Aunt. Thank you for coming all this way."

"I am no longer your aunt. I don't have that qualification."

A regretful expression was on Lady Anita Granrule's face.
She was technically a stranger on the family registry even though she was my aunt, but for the sake of this plan, she has become a collaborator.

"The family registry doesn't matter to me."

“Lady Marie.”

"Please, just Marie."

I had met Aunt once before.
Even though I have heard it was before I became aware of things, I vaguely remember it.

"I appreciate you granting my wish this time."

"I should be the one thanking you for the wonderful bridal apparel for my daughter."

I'm glad she liked the wedding dress I designed.
Aunt doesn't need to bow to me; after all, it was the fault of those two that the wedding couldn't take place.

"Regarding that matter..."

"Those two are no longer relevant."

I've heard that Aunt severed ties with Ranford family at the time of her marriage, but according to the family registry, Grandfather had always been concerned.

Even if we set aside the family registry, she should have been given a portion of the inheritance after she shouldered part of the funeral expenses.

The greediness of my biological mother gave me a headache.

"I gladly accept the matter of being your collaborator."

"Thank you very much."

"There is a debt to Lady Anesia that I cannot fully repay."

Mother felt sorry for Aunt's position and provided financial assistance.
She was concerned about the potential parasites coming to her in the future, so she took all possible measures to protect herself.

"Now, our family is living comfortably. My daughter is expecting a child as well."

"That's good to hear."

However, what worries me is the envy of those two.
Since they've been driven out of the territory and are in dire straits, they should be seeking help from her first.

That's why Mother, making the first move, did an excellent job.
She strengthened security around the Granrule estate and kept a trusted guild close, making it difficult for them to resort to force.

However, that alone is not enough.
That's why a few days ago, I attached something to a letter I sent to my Aunt.

It was a device that could record audio and video.
It was not common in the territory, but it was used for security in the Capital.

It would be effective in a legal dispute.
A certain noblewoman, who had suffered from her family's abuse, used this method as a last resort in a legal dispute and actually won.

Sometimes, historical facts can be useful, so I decided to make use of it.

But that alone was not enough.
We need to move on to the next plan.


v5, Chapter 4

A Further Misunderstanding of the Foolish Brother
Having been expelled and seeking refuge with my aunt’s family after being subjected to cruel treatment, we were once again cast out.

"Why do we have to endure such humiliation!"

We cannot allow ourselves to suffer like this.
It's all because of Marie.

Yes, she has forgotten all the favors we've done for her!

"It can't end like this."

"What do you mean..."

There's no way for us to turn things around right now.
Even if we go to the Commercial Guild, they'll turn us away.
The allies I had within the territory have swiftly turned their backs on me.

There’s no one.
The guild that used to cater to us has already become our enemy.

They only obey that man's orders.

"We're going to the Capital. If we do that, even that person will have to reconsider. Even Marie!"

"I see.”

Marie is foolish, and she's probably being manipulated by Henry and his mother, misunderstanding everything.
The letter was likely ghostwritten.

It's worthless tactics as long we don’t fall for it.

Marie going against us is unthinkable.
She does not have the nerve.

"That's right. Let's go to the Capital and talk to Marie directly."

"Yes, that's it. She'll surely apologize. She should have lived as I told her to... as mine."

"Yes, ours..."

She has always been in the supporting role.
However, upon entering the academy, she had some misunderstandings.

I need to correct this trajectory with my own hands.
I should have the rights to the department store as well.

I can earn more profit than Marie through her business.

"Mother, to the Capital."


That's right.
I can make a triumphant comeback in the Capital.

I'll graciously give up that shabby territory.
The noble district in the Capital is where I truly belong.

Afterward, with the remaining money, we decided to take a ship to the Capital, enduring the humiliating treatment during the journey.

It was a patience test until we reached the Capital.

When we tried to follow the address written in the letter, we were informed by a carriage servant.

"Lady Marie is currently residing in a separate residence."

"A separate residence?"

"Very well. Then, guide us to that separate residence."


While we struggled, Marie lived a luxurious life in multiple residences.
It was disheartening, but at the same time, the excitement grew at the thought that one day, those separate residences would be mine.

Once I seize those residences, I'll make her pay for everything she has done!

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94405173 


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