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Dungeon capture, the Cacti were apparently fighting for an angel’s sake.
Now, at a relatively safe staircase, we held a strategy meeting. Gs will undoubtedly continue to appear in the future. I devised a strategy with the Cacti.

As a result, we were currently on the 13th floor of the basement.


A man laughed loudly.

Endless rows of cacti.

Up to this point, it was the same scene as before.

The horse controlled by the man was a Valkyrie horse with a post-apocalyptic sense. Furthermore, the Valkyrie, no, the carriage itself was enchanted with wind and ice magic. The carriage also had a post-apocalyptic sense and ruthlessly knocked monsters away. I won't say what it's knocking away for the sake of my mental hygiene.

Moreover, the carriage was elongated vertically. The reason will be explained later.


"I am the wind!!"

Unlike the relatively cool Rosy-kun, I started to worry if the enthusiastic Valkyrie might be negatively influenced by Geraldine-san.

Now, the door to the next staircase was visible. Sabo-san opened the door for us.

Without dispelling the magic, we passed through. We also destroyed the door to the 14th floor entrance and ran through it. The reason for the elongation was to run through the staircase as it is. It shook a lot, but we endured it.

Why not use the sky route? If Gs attacks from all directions, I will die. Or rather, I will panic. Moreover, unleashing magic may cause danger to my comrades.

Even Gs won't launch an attack from within the sand.

We swiftly passed through the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th floors.

Just when I thought we would pass through smoothly, something happened on the 19th floor. Antlion-like monsters were excessively present.

If it were a few places, it would be okay, but their number was large. However, either the dungeon master panicked or was eaten by the Gs... Don't look! No, wait! More importantly...


Sabo-san and the other cacti were stuck all over by the Antlion-like monsters!!


"They're getting swept away by the super Antlion-like monsters!! Is it the Desert Hell Ants!?"

I ran. What does it matter if Gs are flying! I must help the cacti who tried to protect us!

My companions also jumped out of the carriage. Frankly, the pseudo-Antlion... its official name is Desert Hell Ant. It's easy to defeat because it's in the center of the sand shaped like a mortar. I kept taking them down one after another... but I won't make it in time to defeat them all! The Cacti were bitten by the Desert Hell Ant and... not really.

"... Huh?"

They got spat out. What's going on??

I later asked my brother, but it seems Desert Hell Ants don't eat cacti. Rather, they seemed to be the extracting fluids from them. However, the Gs are gluttons, so it seems they might eat the cacti. I definitely want to exterminate them.


"Even though cockroaches are scary, for our sake..."

"All of you, pray!"

Sabo-san shouted.

"All of you, believe!"

Sabonova-san shouted.

"For our precious, angelic Rosarin’s sake!"

Sabonnu-san also shouted. Well, I'm human. I haven't been called to heaven yet.

"We, the Legendary Cacti, will gather our strength!!"

Sabonobitch-san shouted. In response to the call of the Legendary King Cacti, the cacti respond.







(We now unite our strength as one!!)


In my mind, the cruel Sabo Angel's Thesis played.

The boy cacti became a legend.

No, no, this is strange!

A lot of strange things!!

Why did it turn out like this!?


A rainbow-colored Sabo☆Ten.

(But, an extra-large portion... I mean, extra-extra-large)

The Sabo☆Ten I saw before was the size of Legendary King Cacti or regular-sized cacti. However, this time, the shape of Sabo☆Ten was almost the same, but it was a thicker and larger. It was as tall as a dragon's back, but since it was thicker than the dragon, it seems to have about three times the mass.

As I was contemplating the absurdity of the situation, a swarm of black demons rushed in, and I paniced.

(Do not worry, Rosarin. We will protect you!!)

The giant Sabo☆Ten... let's name it King Sabo☆Ten. It vaguely reminded me of a famous monster from a certain quest involving combining dragons, but I won't dwell on the details!

While I was thinking foolish thoughts and distracting myself, King Sabo☆Ten shined its eight wings and starts annihilating the Gs.

(Limitless! World Ending Cactus Explosion, Sabonbam!!)

Gs were helplessly being blasted away. Perhaps realizing that it was not good to flock together, the swarm started to disperse.

(Supreme Cactus Tornado, Sabotentornado!!)

King Sabo☆Ten created a tornado to gather the Gs.

(Limitless! World Ending Cactus Explosion, Sabonbam!!)

And when they were gathered in one place, they exploded.

(We will protec Rosarin!!! Sabooon!!)

A hand was placed on my shoulder.

"... You are being loved, aren’t you?"


I could only force out a strained laugh.

Seriously, how did it come to this!?

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/94353873 


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