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Sales of White-rankers’ Equipment.
Just three days after delivering the White Rank equipment for men, I received a request for additional orders.
Is it really selling that well?
It's a lower-tier version compared to the women's equipment, you know?
Women's armor also sells pretty well, though.

"It's because the number of adventurers is different. Even though it's for White Rank adventurers, they make up about 40% of the total adventurers.

Melanie, who came to my shop, said that.
White Rank adventurers were that numerous...

"In terms of all adventurers, up to Blue Rank adventurers, they make up around 70%, but White Rank adventurers alone account for 40% of the total. From the remaining 30%, 15% are up to Green Rank and 15% are Blue Rank.”

"Oh, so Blue Rank adventurers are relatively few when you look at the overall picture?"

"They are even fewer than Red Rank adventurers. Red-rankers make up 20% of the total, Copper-rankers are 6%, Silver-rankers 3%, Gold-rankers 1%, and Platinum adventurers are just a handful."

I see. But why are there so many Red Rank adventurers?

"Red Rank is mostly the rank that most adventurers aim to reach. To advance to Copper Rank, you not only need the Adventurers’ Guild but also recommendations from the nobility."

"I see. So you need to have good relations with the nobility to go beyond Copper."

"Beyond Copper, not only skill but political influence is also required. In fact, most Guild Masters in large cities around the world are retired former Gold-rank adventurers. In other cases, they are at least Silver-rank adventurers."

I see... Knowing more about this won't change much, so let's get back to the topic.

The sales of the White Rank equipment were going very well.
It can be purchased by White Rank adventurers and even traveling merchants who are not adventurers.
It serves as a kind of insurance in case of emergencies.
Buying it in large quantities is prohibited, though, so it can't be used as a trading commodity.

In any case, that's the situation with sales at the AdventurerS’ Guild.
On the other hand, as for my shop...

"Hmm, about 20 sets in these past few days."

"Is it because there aren't as many female adventurers?"

"There are quite a few female adventurers as well. However, the time when the number of adventurers increase the most is right around the beginning of spring. At this time of the year, not being at least Green Rank means they're not strong enough, so they should be considering Green Rank equipment. That's why the White Rank equipment for female adventurers doesn't sell well at the moment."

"But male equipment is selling like hotcakes at the Adventurers’ Guild, right?"

"Well, that's because of the difference in awareness and absolute numbers."

I see.
That being the case, I would like to suggest consigning female-specific armor to the Adventurers’ Guild, but I hesitate.
The Adventurers’ Guild also directs female adventurers to my shop when they try to buy male armor, so they should be able to find my place.
Hmm, it's the issue of the low absolute number of female adventurers.

"Our shop also has Black Rank and higher-grade armor, but they can only recommend it at the Adventurers’ Guild to a certain extent."

"If our shop were the only ones selling armor at the Adventurers’ Guild, wouldn't it lead to a lot of friction with others?"

"That's correct. But among the shops that I've heard of, this is the only one that handles female-specific armor, and the prices are quite reasonable. I think we've achieved differentiation. Others will just be in trouble if they can't offer lower prices."

"And that's likely to attract resentment."

Sales of women's clothing are also steadily increasing.
Even though they are new items and somewhat pricier, I've kept the prices as reasonable as possible.
In terms of adventurer equipment, I offer a variety of leather armor, ranging from White Rank to Blue Rank.
If someone asks for a weapon, I recommend the Gleam of Molten Iron.
So there shouldn't be any problems.
In other words, even though it's a newly established shop, the business is doing well.
With the endorsement of the Duke, no one can touch us.
Yeah, it's like being a thorn in the eye of others.

Next: https://www.patreon.com/posts/92568797 


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