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v4, Chapter 9

Flawless Preparation
Mother-in-law’s Point of View
I got all the territory for an extraordinary price, but I need money.
And just in case Lady Dania does something, I've taken precautions.

Even though I got her to cut all ties with Lady Dania and had her sign a contract, I asked her to write me a letter.

I want to minimize the damage as much as possible and not create more victims.

She can’t be confronted with the fact that she’s her family, being her only sister is not a good enough reason.
Being a younger sister doesn't justify taking advantage of your older sister.

So, they should no longer be sisters.
I completed all the procedures quickly and took further precautions after a few days.

Compensation for the Duke's family came next.
Even though the sister and her husband have no obligation to pay, they are being forced to.

As a result, their family is collapsing.
So, as a thank you for selling me the territory at an extraordinary price, I decided to buy the derelict land at twice the price.

It's not charity.
I can revitalize the abandoned land.
I have enough money for that, but it's impossible as a petty noble.

I'm not looking down on them, but I need the power of money.

"By the way, I heard your young lady is getting married."

"Eh... yes."

"However, I hear that the wedding funds are tight due to the recent events."

I could tell by her downcast expression that the young lady wouldn't be able to have a proper wedding. This is a major problem without any profit or loss.

"As a mother, I can't allow such a thing. If you're willing, please allow me to assist with the wedding funds."


"However, there are conditions. It's not difficult... I just want you to send some skilled peasants over."

Among the petty nobility, there are farmers with long-standing skills.
It's a mutually beneficial business deal.

"Thank you for your kindness. I'll never forget this favor. With this, I can dress my daughter in a bridal gown."

With tears in her eyes, she bowed her head.
She was truly a mother.

Now, everything is ready.

After taking precautions to ensure no harm would come, my plan became the main focus.
I bought the Ranford territory, and then I invaded the home of those two.

"I've bought all the land around here. I need you to leave right away."


"All of a sudden..."

With no prior notice, I had the guild members I had asked for work surround their mansion.

"The Ranford territory is mine. You'll leave right away, Dania."

Now, I'm going to put on a performance as the Villainess.


v4, Chapter 10

Wicked Woman
Mother-in-law’s Point of View
I chose a guild with the most unsavory characters and barged in.

"Good day, Lady Dania? No, just Dania."


"As of this moment, you are commoners and criminals who have invaded someone else's home."

I condescended and looked down upon her with a mocking gaze, making her furious.

"You upstart!"

"Oh my, that's the highest praise."

I chuckled heartily, holding a fan in one hand.
I had studied how to behave as a Villainess properly.

"It's just the howling of a loser. It doesn't bother me at all. If you still have this much energy after losing everything, you could survive anywhere. How about becoming a prostitute?"

"What did you say?"

"Some men might like mature women. Well, they would have to be really peculiar to like you, though."

"Don't mess around!"

The useless man beside her tried to attack me.


"Step aside."

There's no need to move for a man like this.


"Oh my, did that hurt?"

I took out my favorite whip, concealed in my bosom, and lashed his back.

His clothes tore, and his skin turned red.
The effect was excellent, right?

Moreover, I rubbed chili pepper on the whip.

"Oww! It stings!"


"Oh, crying from this little pain is so undignified. Marie's pain and humiliation over the years have been far worse than this."

That's right.
The pain and humiliation Marie endured for years were far worse than this.

You think I will forgive you?

"Now, stand up. Well, if you want to be crushed under the building like this, that's fine too."

"What are you..."

There was a cracking sound, and the roof sounded like it was being removed.

"My mansion!"

"I've said it multiple times, but this mansion is already deteriorating. It'll blow away in a typhoon without me destroying it... Well, since I've bought it, I can destroy it even more."

"Madam, are you sure?"

"Yes, completely demolish it."

I gave the signal, and the demolition of the mansion began.

"The roof..."

"Next, the pillars... No, smash the furniture first."

Breaking everything in an instant wouldn't reflect reality.
To prolong the psychological blow, we should break things bit by bit, but we should finish it in a few hours.

"My home..."

"That can’t be..."

It took about three hours to complete the demolition.
It could have taken longer, but the mansion was already old and easily fell apart.

Like a sandcastle.
It collapsed in an instant.

"Why... This is awful. It's too much."

"You're a monster. A devil."

Well said.
After insulting my beloved son for so long.

"I'll give those words right back to you."


I stepped on the unconscious idiot son's hand with my heel, smiling.

This is not the end!


v4, Chapter 11

The Beginning of Payback
I endured it for a long time.
The woman who exploited my son, whom I had raised with care, married him in, and used him like a slave.

But I endured it.
I kept silent because Henry said nothing and also took Lord Diaz, who had supported us, into consideration.

"His Majesty the King has already ordered of your disposal."


"It seems you've been putting on a show in the territory, spreading lies about Lord Diaz and demanding a reconciliation."

"A show..."


I threatened and struck the floor with the whip, including a harsh sound.


"If I go too easy on you, you'll get carried away... Who do you think allowed you to live as nobles? You owe it all to Lord Diaz, and you've taken advantage of him."

It's foolish not to understand your position at this point.

"No matter what you say, you will leave. Well, you have no place to live in, anyway."

"That's... What should we do?"

"Oh my? Can't you figure it out for yourselves? You've been proclaiming Lord Diaz as incompetent and yourself as unfortunate. As a commoner with no money, you can’t even be his mistress, can you?"

"Me, a mistress..."

"I've already asked your sister to sever ties with you. The Ranford family's territory has already become mine. Well, legally, Henry and Marie are the owners, but..."

"Don't mock us! Why Marie..."

"Can you keep quiet?"


I don't remember giving permission to speak.

"You haven't gone through the inheritance procedures, and the previous Viscount left a portion of his estate in a will."


"You managed to dispose of it effectively, but I found it."

It's well past its time, but we can manage with a special exception.

"There was something odd about the sudden death of the previous Viscount, too. You have quite a devious mind."

"What are you saying..."

"You can play innocent, but the truth will come to light... I'll give you at least some money to leave peacefully for now."

"That... such a paltry sum!"

You might have the pride of a water flea, but your actions betray you.

How pathetic.


"Wait! Do you think you can get away with this so easily?"

You can't do anything.
And even if you could, you can't defeat me.

"If you have any complaints, come to the Capital. Peasant Dania."


Without looking back, I left the area, and after telling the Guild to forcibly remove the two of them from my territory, I returned to the Capital.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/91436731 


Donald Smith

Well, now that image is burned into my mind. A 45 y/o woman, doing the villainous laugh behind a fan, snapping a spicy whip with the other. The only question left is, does she have the brunette bun with chopsticks in it, or the blonde drill rolls?

Lan Hoang

Oh yeah finally karma finally hitting them. Just the kings revenge and prime ministers revenge on them is missing. This mother and son pair are so stupid