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Rinka-san and Ru-sama
Rinka’s Point of View
Hello, I'm Rinka. Right now, I'm lost for the first time in my life. Unlike Rin Neechan, I'm not directionally challenged!

Today, at the request of Rosarin-chan, I'm looking for Ru-sama. Ru-sama is currently studying to become the next duke and is conducting research on various botanical fields in the fief and the Wolfanea research facility.

"Rinka, I'm sorry, but I need you to deliver this to Niisama urgently."


It was just a simple errand I took on with a light heart, but...

- The Rosenberg Residence

"I apologize. Ru-sama was scheduled to visit the Rattle family in Wolfanea today."

Martha-san said apologetically. So, I headed to the Rattle family… the home of Cidar-sama.

- The Rattle Residence

“Sorry. Ru has already finished the discussion, so he's not here. I remember he mentioned he was going to see Diesel-dono, so maybe he would be at the Shalt family's residence by now?"

I was able to meet Cidar-sama, but it seems we just missed each other again. Well, it can't be helped. He might be on the move again, so I decided to head to the Shalt family, Dirk-sama's grandfather's place. But I have a bad feeling about this.

- The Shalt Residence
"I'm sorry. He just left a while ago. I believe he said he was going to see our fief’s farms."

My bad feeling turned out to be correct. The apologetic butler informed me. Seriously, Ru-sama is all over the place! Anyway, I left the Shalt residence. It reminded me of a certain laid-back prince from a Dragon Quest. Curse that guy (anger).

Thinking I should get ahead, I activated a communication device a little way from the Shalt residence.


"Did you meet Niisama?"

"I didn't see him! He's just running all over the place, and I don't think I can catch up!"

"Oh, hahaha... As I thought?"

"You're such a dummy, Rosarin-chan! Can't you predict his movements!? Can't you get ahead of him!?"

"If Gator was here, we could check his schedule, but... he's on his honeymoon today..."

"So Gator is out of the question."

If I happen to hear them moan and breathe heavily, I won’t be able to take it. I don't want to interrupt their date.

"But doesn't Ru-sama have a communication device?"

"I tried, but Martha answered."


So it’s not like he’s carrying a mobile phone and you just can’t reach him…

"Just make sure you give it to him today!"

"Wait! Don't hang up!! At least give me a hint!"

"He will definitely visit the greenhouse in the fief or in Wolfanea, so why don't you wait at one of those places or leave a message?"

So, I left a message at the Wolfanea research facility and as for the greenhouse...


It was vast.

Furthermore, there was no one there. I couldn't leave a message.

For now, I decided to walk around and look for someone for about 30 minutes. Then, I noticed something unusual.

There was no path.

No, that's not it. The path disappeared. When I looked back, the path I had walked along had vanished. I hurriedly turned forward, and there was no path.

And so, this leads to my initial "lost" situation, but... this is more like a horror story!! I'm surrounded by fields of wheat, unable to move. If I accidentally damage the crops, there's a risk of incurring Ru-sama's wrath... What should I do?

As I stood there, feeling lost, the wheat-like plants began rustling. I had a vague sense of it, but these wheat-like things... they weren't moving, were they!? What should I do?! I'm scared!

"... Rinka?"


That voice, both gentle and blunt...

“... No?”

It was Chita-kun.

Next chapter: https://www.patreon.com/posts/91384365 


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